The Eagle Bit Trade website names Edson Júnior as President of the company. No additional information is provided.

Further research reveals affiliates naming Edson Junior Amaral (right) as Eagle Bit Trade’s CEO.

Other than ascertaining Amaral is from São Paulo, Brazil, I was unable to put together an MLM history.

The Eagle Bit Trade website domain (“”) was privately registered on January 2nd, 2018.

Eagle Bit Trade Products

Eagle Bit Trade has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Eagle Bit Trade affiliate membership itself.

The Eagle Bit Trade Compensation Plan

Eagle Bit Trade affiliates invest $97 to $6997 on the promise of an 8.5% weekly ROI.

  • Basic – invest $97 and receive $32.98 a month
  • Light – invest $247 and receive $21 a week
  • Advance – invest $497 and receive $42.25 a week
  • Pro – invest $997 and receive $84.75 a week
  • Elite – invest $1997 and receive $169.75 a week
  • Master – invest $4497 and receive $382.25 a week
  • Premium – invest $6997 and receive $594.75 a week

The Eagle Bit Trade compensation plan suggests the above amounts are received until a total 700% ROI is paid out.

A 10% referral commission is paid on funds invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Eagle Bit Trade Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within the Eagle Bit Trade compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Bronze – generate $3500 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side
  • Silver – generate $7000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side
  • Gold – generate $17,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side
  • Sapphire – generate $27,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side
  • Emerald – generate $27,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side
  • Ruby – generate $77,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side and personally recruit at least 2 Sapphire ranked affiliates
  • Diamond – generate $377,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side and personally recruit at least 2 Emerald or 3 Sapphire ranked affiliates
  • Double Diamond – generate $1,077,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side and personally recruit at least 2 Ruby ranked affiliates
  • Black Diamond – generate $5,077,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side and personally recruit at least 3 Diamond or higher ranked affiliates
  • Eagle Royal – generate $7,000,000 of accumulated investment in your weaker binary side and personally recruit at least 1 Black Diamond or 3 Double Diamond affiliates

Residual Referral Commissions (unilevel)

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Eagle Bit Trade cap payable unilevel team levels at ten.

How many levels an affiliate earns on is determined by how much they’ve invested:

  • Basic – 3% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • Light – 3% on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Advance – 3% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on level 4
  • Pro – 3% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on levels 4 to 6
  • Elite – 3% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on levels 4 to 8
  • Master – 3% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on levels 4 to 9
  • Premium – 3% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on levels 4 to 10

Note that residual unilevel referral commissions are paid both on initial investment and ongoing monthly fees.

Residual Commissions (binary)

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Each Eagle Bit Trade investment package corresponds with a set number of generated points:

  • Basic – 30 points
  • Light – 80 points
  • Advance – 165 points
  • Pro – 340 points
  • Elite – 600 points
  • Master – 1200 points
  • Premium – 2000 points

At the end of each day Eagle Bit Trade tally up new points generated on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid a percentage of points generated on the weaker binary side, based on how much they’ve invested:

  • Basic – 5% binary commission rate capped at $100 daily
  • Light – 10% binary commission rate capped at $500 daily
  • Advance – 10% binary commission rate capped at $1000 daily
  • Pro – 30% binary commission rate capped at $2500 daily
  • Elite – 40% binary commission rate capped at $5000 daily
  • Master – 50% binary commission rate capped at $10,000 daily
  • Premium – 50% binary commission rate capped at $15,000 daily

Points commissions are paid out on are flushed, this includes a 1:1 point match on the stronger binary side.

Matching Bonus

The Matching Bonus is paid on residual binary commissions earned by unilevel team affiliates.

  • Emerald affiliates earn 5% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • Ruby affiliates earn 10% on level 1
  • Diamond affiliates earn 10% on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Double Diamond affiliates earn 10% on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Black Diamond affiliates earn 10% on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 to 4
  • Eagle Royal affiliates earn 10% on levels 1 and 2 and 5% on levels 2 to 5

World Pool

The World Pool is made up of seven smaller pools, each a percentage of Eagle Bit Trade’s company wide investment.

  • Sapphire affiliates earn a share in a 0.1% World Pool
  • Emerald affiliates earn a share in a 0.2% World Pool
  • Ruby affiliates earn a share in a 0.25% World Pool
  • Diamond affiliates earn a share in a 0.5% World Pool
  • Double Diamond affiliates earn a share in a 0.75% World Pool
  • Black Diamond and Eagle Royal affiliates earn a share in separate 1% World Pools

Rank Achievement Bonus

Eagle Bit Trade reward affiliates from the Silver rank with the following Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • Silver – a Mont Blanc Pen
  • Gold – a “watch”
  • Onyx – an iPhone
  • Sapphire – a MacBook
  • Emerald – a “cruise”
  • Ruby – a Rolex watch and another Mont Blanc pen
  • Diamond – a BMW 3 Series or Mercedes-Benz C-Class car
  • Double Diamond – A BMW 5 Series or Mercedes E-Class car
  • Black Diamond – a BMW 7 Series or Porsche Panamera car
  • Eagle Royal – a Ferrari and “world trip”

Joining Eagle Bit Trade

Eagle Bit Trade affiliate membership is tied to investment in one of seven offered packages:

  • Basic – $97 and then $17 a month
  • Light – $247 and then $27 a month
  • Advance – $497 and then $37 a month
  • Pro – $997 and then $47 a month
  • Elite – $1997 and then $57 a month
  • Master – $4497 and then $67 a month
  • Premium – $6997 and then $77 a month


Eagle Bit Trade claim to generate external ROI revenue through forex trading, binary options and a cryptocurrency trading bot.

The mission of EAGLE BIT TRADE, through professional traders and digital marketing experts, is to make their cryptocoins multiply daily, more and more, in a way that all participants win.

We have one of the best software (robot) on the market with artificial intelligence, which allows us to generate high profits for individuals without having the necessary knowledge to work in the market.

No evidence of Eagle Bit Trade engaging in any external ROI revenue is provided. CEO Edson Junior Amaral also doesn’t appear to have any history in finance or cryptocurrency trading.

Furthermore, Eagle Bit Trade’s claims fail the Ponzi logic test.

If Edson Amaral was able to legitimately generate an 8.5% weekly ROI, why would he be sharing it with randoms over the internet?

As it stands new affiliate investment is the sole verifiable source of revenue entering Eagle Bit Trade.

Using newly invested funds to pay existing investors a weekly ROI makes Eagle Bit Trade a Ponzi scheme. Recruitment and referral commissions add an additional pyramid layer to the scheme.

As with all Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment slows down so too will new investment.

This will starve Eagle Bit Trade of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of investors lose money.


Update 20th January 2024 – Eagle Bit Trade has rebooted.