Eagle Line Cycler provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The Eagle Line Cycler website domain (“eagleteam.club”) was registered on the 22nd of February, 2017. Bertrand Aballo is listed as the owner, with an address in Borgou, Benin also provided.

Bertrand Aballo seems to go by “Bertrando Gate” on Facebook and is one of the admins of the private Eagle Line Cycler official Facebook group.

Recent MLM opportunities promoted by Aballo on his Facebook page include Bitcoin Earning School (cash gifting), The Ads Team Academy (pyramid scheme) and SportArb (Ponzi).

In late December, 2016 Aballo was promoting Eagle Team. Eagle Team was a 2×2 matrix cycler and appears to be the precursor to Eagle Line Cycler.

As at the time of publication the Eagle Team website was non-responsive, suggesting the scam was short-lived.

Read on for a full review of the Eagle Line Cycler MLM opportunity.

Eagle Line Cycler Products

Eagle Line Cycler has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Eagle Line Cycler affiliate membership itself.

The Eagle Line Cycler Compensation Plan

Eagle Line Cycler affiliates gift 0.0025 BTC to each other via a 2×1 matrix cycler.

A 2×1 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:

An Eagle Line Cycler affiliate gifts 0.0025 BTC to an existing Eagle Line Cycler affiliate. This payment provides them with a matrix position, which is used to track two 0.0025 BTC gifting payments.

These gifting payments can come from newly recruited or existing Eagle Line Cycler affiliates re-entering the cycler.

Each of the two matrix positions generates a 0.0025 BTC gifting payment for a total of 0.005 BTC per cycle.

Once cycled, an Eagle Line Cycler affiliate must gift another 0.0025 BTC to re-enter the cycler.

Additionally, a 50% recruitment commission is paid out on each personally recruited affiliate.

Signing up as an Eagle Line Cycler affiliate costs 0.005 BTC, so this comes to 0.0025 BTC per affiliate recruited.

Joining Eagle Line Cycler

Eagle Line Cycler affiliate membership is 0.005 BTC.

An additional 0.0025 BTC gifting payment is required to participate in the attached Eagle Line Cycler income opportunity.


With the first Eagle Cycler having flopped, Eagle Line Cycler appears to be a second attempt to launch the scam. This time with a smaller matrix.

Regardless, the underlying mechanics of the business model remain the same, that is new affiliates sign up and gift funds to existing Eagle Line Cycler affiliates.

Upon receiving two gifting payments, existing affiliates must re-gift if they wish to continue to receive gifting payments from new and existing affiliates.

As with all gifting schemes, the whole scam falls apart once affiliate recruitment dies down. This will see gifting payments between new and existing affiliates cease, with existing affiliate gifting payments stopping shortly thereafter.

This is what happened with the original Eagle Team and will of course happen again with Eagle Line Cycler.

Matrix-based gifting schemes primarily benefit the admins who run them, which in this case is Bertrand Aballo. Through one or more preloaded positions, Aballo will receive the majority of funds gifted into Eagle Line Cycler.

When the scheme inevitably collapses, the use of bitcoin means fund recovery will be next to impossible.