CoopC, aka CUIR (cooperative universal income replacement), fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

CoopC’s website domain (“”), was first registered in August 2013. The private registration was last updated on December 19th, 2022.

Further research reveals David Rosen promoting CoopC on social media:

Rosen, a Canadian resident, first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar in 2015, as founder of the PIE 24/7 pyramid scheme.

In early 2018 Rosen launched Cooperative Crowdfunding, a matrix-based gifting scheme. This was followed by 50/50 Crowdfunding in late 2018.

In late 2019 Rosen rebooted 50/50 Crowdfunding as CoopCrowd.

After the first iteration of CoopCrowd collapsed, Rosen launched Coop5050 in late 2020.

Coop5050 began to collapse in late 2021, prompting Rosen to announce a CoopCrowd reboot.

CoopCrowd 2022 launched in early 2022 and collapsed mid-year.

In early 2023, Rosen launched CoopBusiness, a 3×10 matrix based pyramid scheme.

CoopBusiness lasted a few months, prompting Rosen to launch Coop20 in August.

Coop20 collapsed after a few months and was rebooted as CoopInc for 2024.

Today CoopInc’s website is no longer accessible, confirming it collapsed sometime in 2024.

Towards the end of 2024, Rosen began promoting CoopC for 2025.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

CoopC’s Products

CoopC has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market CoopC affiliate membership itself.

CoopC’s Compensation Plan

CoopC affiliates pay $15 to sign up and then ongoing 28-day “subscription” fees.

Commissions are paid on recruited affiliates who also pay fees.

Referral Commissions

CoopC pays a 25% commission on the $15 fee paid by personally recruited affiliates.

Another 25% is paid to “qualified active affiliates”, however this status isn’t defined.

Residual Commissions

CoopC pays residual commissions through a 3×6 matrix and two 3×10 matrices.

  • C12 (3×6 matrix) – positions cost $12 every 28 days
  • C28 (3×10 matrix) – positions cost $28 every 28 days
  • C280 (3×10 matrix) – positions cost $280 every 28 days

A 3×6 matrix places CoopC affiliate at the top of a matrix with three positions directly under them.

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Levels three to six of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

A 3×10 matrix expands the matrix to ten levels, following the same “each new level has three times as many positions” structure.

Residual commissions are paid as a positions in a matrix are filled.

Regardless of whether its a 3×6 or 3×10, positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates who buy-in on each tier.

Residual commissions across each of CoopC’s three matrix tiers are as follows:

C12 ($12 every 28 days)

  • level 1 (3 positions) – $1.5 per position filled
  • level 2 (9 positions) – $1 per position filled
  • level 3 (27 positions) – 50 cents per position filled
  • level 4 (81 positions) – 50 cents per position filled
  • level 5 (243 positions) – 50 cents per position filled
  • level 6 (729 positions) – $1 per per position filled

C28 ($28 every 28 days)

  • level 1 (3 positions) – $2.50 per position filled
  • level 2 (9 positions) – $1.25 per position filled
  • level 3 (27 positions) – $1.25 per position filled
  • level 4 (81 positions) – $1.25 per position filled
  • level 5 (243 positions) – 63 cents per position filled
  • level 6 (729 positions) – $1.25 per per position filled
  • level 7 (2187 positions) – 63 cents per position filled
  • level 8 (6561 positions) – 63 cents per position filled
  • level 9 (19,683 positions) – $1.25 per position filled
  • level 10 (59,049 positions) – $1.87 per position filled

C280 ($280 every 28 days)

  • level 1 (3 positions) – $25 per position filled
  • level 2 (9 positions) – $12.50 per position filled
  • level 3 (27 positions) – $12.50 per position filled
  • level 4 (81 positions) – $12.50 per position filled
  • level 5 (243 positions) – $6.25 cents per position filled
  • level 6 (729 positions) – $12.50 per per position filled
  • level 7 (2187 positions) – $6.25 cents per position filled
  • level 8 (6561 positions) – $6.25 cents per position filled
  • level 9 (19,683 positions) – $12.50 per position filled
  • level 10 (59,049 positions) – $18.75 per position filled

Joining CoopC

CoopC affiliate membership is $15 and then $12, $28, $280 or a combination of the three every 28 days.

CoopC Conclusion

Another year, another David Rosen scam.

CoopC is a continuation of David Rosen defrauding consumers through a long-running series of pyramid schemes.

New affiliates sign up and pay money, and that money is paid to whoever recruited them and other affiliates who joined before them.

They in turn receive money from either directly or indirectly subsequently recruited affiliates.

Rosen markets CoopC’s fraudulent business model on the premise consumers can make $1,560,223 every 28 days.

While technically true, this is unrealistic to the point it is unlikely that even one CoopC affiliate will get anywhere near this.

Rosen’s CoopC marketing claims would most certainly violate the FTC Act for deceptive income claims. Ditto whatever the Canadian equivalent of that is too.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once recruitment inevitably dries up so too do commissions.

Under CoopC’s 28-day subscription model, this will eventually see those at the bottom of the pyramid stop paying.

When that happens those above them stop getting paid, eventually resulting in them also ceasing payments.

Once enough CoopC affiliates stop paying fees, an irreversible collapse is triggered.

Math guarantees that when a pyramid scheme inevitably collapses, the majority of participants lose money.

Look no further than any of Rosen’s past pyramid schemes for evidence of this in action.