BluPrint Worldwide operates in the AI trading bot MLM niche.

The company is based out of Texas and run by CEO Bwana Thurman.

Thurman (right) appears to have started off his MLM career as an Isagenix distributor, after which came Travelution and Vasayo.

Vasayo declined throughout 2022, leading to it shutting down in February 2023.

Alongside his MLM career, Thurman also ran Momentum Training Company.

Videos on Momentum Training Company’s official YouTube channel date back seven years. The majority of videos have less than 100 views each.

During Vasayo’s decline in 2022, Thurman fell down the MLM crypto Ponzi rabbithole.

COTP was a daily returns MLM crypto Ponzi that launched in late 2021.

COTP collapsed in May 2022, resulting in widespread consumer losses.

Bonanza Global was a Boris CEO Ponzi scheme launched in mid 2022.

Bonanza Global collapsed in February 2023, resulting in widespread consumer losses.

After either losing money in MLM crypto Ponzi schemes or causing others to through promotion, Thurman has now launched BluPrint Worldwide.

Read on for a full review of BluPrint Worldwide’s MLM opportunity.

BluPrint Worldwide’s Products

BluPrint Worldwide sells access to an AI auto trading robot.

Access costs $79 or $149 a month:

  • $79 a month access is bundled with “BluPrint Financial Academy”
  • $149 a month is bundled with “BluPrint Trade Academy”

BluPrint Worldwide’s Compensation Plan

BluPrint Worldwide retail customers and affiliates pay for access to an AI trading bot that generates automated returns.

Commissions are paid on fees paid by BluPrint Worldwide retail customers and affiliates to access the bot.

BluPrint Worldwide Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within BluPrint Worldwide’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Financial Leader – refer and retain at least three bot access customers and generate $200 a month in personal bot access volume
  2. Financial Team Leader – maintain three or more bot access customers and $200 a month in personal bot access volume, and $500 a month in downline bot access volume
  3. Financial Manager – maintain three or more bot access customers and $200 a month in personal bot access volume, and $1000 a month in downline bot access volume
  4. Financial Supervisor – refer and retain at least five bot access customers, and generate $400 a month in personal bot access volume and $2500 a month in downline bot access volume
  5. Financial Coordinator – maintain five or more bot access customers, and generate $400 a month in personal bot access volume and $5000 a month in downline bot access volume
  6. Financial Director – refer and retain at least seven bot access customers, and generate $600 a month in personal bot access volume and $10,000 a month in downline bot access volume
  7. Financial Regional Coordinator – refer and retain at least seven bot access customers, and generate $600 a month in personal bot access volume and $20,000 a month in downline bot access volume
  8. Financial Regional Director – refer and retain at least ten bot access customers, and generate $800 a month in personal bot access volume and $50,000 a month in downline bot access volume
  9. Vice President – maintain ten or more bot access customers, and generate $800 a month in personal bot access volume and $100,000 a month in downline bot access volume
  10. Senior Vice President – refer and retain at least fifteen bot access customers, and generate $1200 a month in personal bot access volume and $250,000 a month in downline bot access volume
  11. International Marketing Director – maintain fifteen or more bot access customers, and generate $1200 a month in personal bot access volume and $500,000 a month in downline bot access volume
  12. Presidential Marketing Director – maintain fifteen or more bot access customers, and generate $1200 a month in personal bot access volume and $1,000,000 a month in downline bot access volume

Bot access customers can be personally referred retail customers or recruited affiliates who are paying for bot access.

Personal bot access volume refers to bot fees generated by an affiliate themselves (personal referral/recruitment).

Downline bot access volume is the sum total of an affiliates’ generated personal bot access fee volume and that of their downline.

Referral Commissions

BluPrint Worldwide pays referral commissions on bot access fees paid by retail customers and recruited affiliates down two levels of recruitment:

  • level 1 (personally referred customers/recruited affiliates) – 25%
  • level 2 – 5%

Residual Commissions

After the first month, bot access fees paid by referral customers and recruited affiliates are paid via a unilevel compensation structure:

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

BluPrint Worldwide caps payable unilevel team levels at eight.

Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of bot access fees paid across these eight levels based on rank:

  • Financial Leaders earn 5% on level 1 (personally referred customers/recruited affiliates)
  • Financial Team Leaders earn 7% on level 1
  • Financial Managers earn 7% on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Financial Supervisors earn 10% on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Financial Coordinators earn 10% on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Financial Directors earn 10% on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 to 4
  • Financial Regional Coordinators earn 10% on level 1, 7% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4 and 3% on level 5
  • Financial Regional Directors earn 10% on level 1, 7% on levels 2 to 4 and 5% on level 5
  • Vice Presidents earn 10% on level 1, 7% on levels 2 to 5 and 5% on level 6
  • Senior Vice Presidents earn 10% on level 1, 7% on levels 2 to 6, 3% on level 7 and 1% on level 8
  • International Marketing Directors earn 10% on level 1, 7% on levels 2 to 6, 5% on level 7 and 3% on level 8
  • Presidential Marketing Directors earn 10% on level 1, 7% on levels 2 to 7 and 5% on level 8

Fast Start Bonus

The Fast Start Bonus is paid once on referral of a new retail customer or recruited affiliate who signs up for AI bot access.

Like referral commissions, the Fast Start Bonus is paid down two levels of recruitment:

  • level 1 (personally referred customers/recruited affiliates) – 20%
  • level 2 – 10%

Rank Achievement Bonus

BluPrint Worldwide rewards affiliates for qualifying at Financial Coordinator and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Financial Coordinator and receive $250
  • qualify at Financial Director and receive $500
  • qualify at Financial Regional Director and receive $1000 and a “vacation”
  • qualify at Vice President and receive a “ring”
  • qualify at Senior Vice President and receive a Rolex watch
  • qualify at International Marketing Director and receive a “sedan”
  • qualify at Presidential Marketing Director and receive a “sports car”

Bonus Pool

BluPrint Worldwide sets aside 1% of bot access fees company-wide and pays it out via a Bonus Pool.

Note that Bonus Pool qualification criteria is not disclosed.

Ambassador Investment Scheme

BluPrint Worldwide sells access to an Ambassador investment scheme for $995.

This bundles:

  • one month of $149 tier membership access
  • unlimited access to BluPrint Worldwide’s AI trading bot investment scheme (I believe this is retained even if the $149 a month fee isn’t kept up) and
  • access to a secret BluPrint Worldwide “managed fund” (some of the $995 is invested into the fund)

Joining BluPrint Worldwide

BluPrint Worldwide affiliate membership is $44 and then $12 a month. For access to the trading bot, you’re looking at an additional $79 or $149 a month.

BluPrint Worldwide also sells an Ambassador Pack for $995. This additionally provides “unlimited” bot access, as well as access and initial investment into to a secret “managed fund”.

BluPrint Worldwide

BluPrint Worldwide is an attempt to circumvent US securities and commodities law by pretending access to an automated returns AI trading bot isn’t being sold.

To that end you have the nonsense that the bot is “gifted” with either BluPrint Worldwide’s $79 or $149 a month membership.

This ruse quickly falls apart in BluPrint Worldwide’s own marketing. In a “first presentation” uploaded to BluPrint Worldwide’s official YouTube channel last month, Bwana Thurman states;

[21:48] The gold in BluPrint is our managed fund. Some of you are ready for that now, some of you we have to get you there.

Honestly, what I thought about starting totally with, because I got sick of people in the financial industry doing it wrong, I got sick of it. I didn’t understand why.

I started to start this company with an auto trading robot.

Although it’s not disclosed anywhere on BluPrint Worldwide’s website, I believe their “managed fund” is a company account using their trading bot.

Speaking of the bot, here’s how BluPrint Worldwide pitches it on its website;

Introducing Excelerator Robot, a revolutionary AI-driven marvel in automated trading. Excelerator Bot is designed specifically for trading the XAUSUD pair in the forex market.

Excelerator Bot ensures 100% automated trading, allowing you to make profits even while you sleep.

Excelerator Bot’s advanced algorithms, backed by over 10 years of historical data, consistently deliver profitability year after year.

No information about who owns or created BluPrint Worldwide’s bot is provided. Neither is the purported “10 years of historical data”.

These disclosure failures in and of themselves constitute violations of the FTC Act, Securities and Exchange Act and Commodities Act.

Beyond disclosure failures, BluPrint Worldwide’s MLM offering constitutes both securities and commodities fraud.

As disclosed by BluPrint Worldwide, its bot trades in the forex market. In being US based and offering a passive investment opportunity tied to automated forex trading to US residents, BluPrint Worldwide needs to be registered with the CFTC.

Neither BluPrint Worldwide or Bwana Thurman are registered, meaning BluPrint Worldwide’s AI trading bot offering constitutes commodities fraud.

To establish securities fraud, we need to establish whether an investment contract is present. Under US law this is done by applying the Howey Test.

An investment contract exists if there is an “investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others.”

With respect to BluPrint Worldwide, the “common enterprise” is the company itself (BluPrint Worldwide owns and provides access to the bot).

“Reasonably expectation of profits” is satisfied by how BluPrint Worldwide markets its bot;

Experience excellence like never before with Excelerator Bot, the unparalleled trading companion that consistently delivers remarkable results.

And “the efforts of others” is satisfied by way of representation that the bot generates “automated” returns for BluPrint Worldwide investors.

The existence of an investment contract within BluPrint Worldwide’s MLM opportunity constitutes a securities offering.

This requires BluPrint Worldwide to register with the SEC. A search of the SEC’s public Edgar database reveals neither BluPrint Worldwide or Bwana Thurman are registered with the SEC.

This means BluPrint Worldwide’s AI trading bot offering constitutes securities fraud.

Pyramid scheme concerns are also a potential issue if the majority of AI bot access customers are also Bluprint Worldwide affiliates.

Putting all of this together, a former Isagenix distributor who fell down the MLM crypto Ponzi rabbithole has figured out the only people who make money in MLM auto trading bot schemes are the admins and early promoters.

And so we have BluPrint Worldwide, the culmination of Bwana Thurman’s losses elsewhere (or that of his victims).

Undermining every automated trading bot MLM scheme is the fact that if the bot actually worked, the owner would quietly just run it for themselves.

Especially a bot with a purported ten year history. That’s long enough to make a fortune – if the bot worked and actually did have a history.

BehindMLM refers to trading bot opportunities like BluPrint Worldwide as “lulz can’t touch our money!” schemes. This is due to the common misconception that the owner of the bot can’t steal money from user trading accounts.

Typically “lulz can’t touch our money!” schemes exit-scam through blowing the bot up or rigged trades.

However and whenever they inevitably exit-scam, the majority of investors in “lulz can’t touch our money!” schemes lose money.


Update 9th January 2024 – Shortly after this review as published the cited “first presentation” video was marked private.

This article originally contained a link to the video. Due to BluPrint Worldwide marking the video private, the link has now been disabled.