Zeek Rewards @ BehindMLM

Zeek Receiver sues Kevin Grimes for “legal malpractice”

Yesterday saw the Zeek Rewards Receivership file a request for permission to “file separate actions against” two of Zeek’s attorneys. Explaining the request, the Receiver wrote After careful analysis of RVG’s written and electronic records, extensive document review and numerous interviews with relevant witnesses, the Receiver has concluded that two attorneys hired by RVG (and [Continue reading…]

Plastic Cash International demand $14.9M in Ponzi funds

Plastic Cash International LLC, who refer to themselves as one ‘of the prepaid industry’s most prominent players‘, was the credit-card processor for Zeek Rewards. Plastic Cash International processed credit card payments from affiliates for (Zeek Rewards). The processed payments were deposited into an account to be held for the benefit of (Zeek Rewards). Zeek Rewards, [Continue reading…]

First Zeek Rewards payments to go out September 30th

On the 28th of May, the Zeek Rewards Receivership filed a Motion to “authorize first interim distribution” of payments to Zeek Rewards victims. The Motion is specifically limited to payments being made under what the Receivership refers to as “Class 3” claims, which the Receivership defines as the Claims of Affiliate Investors and subrogees of [Continue reading…]

Update on Zeek Rewards net-winner clawbacks

Last we checked in with the ongoing battle between Zeek Rewards’ top Ponzi pimps and the court-appointed Receiver, they were arguing about the particulars of discovery. Looking to bog down the Receivership in both time and costs (so they can no doubt bitch about it later), Zeek Ponzi royalty were collectively asking for ‘what amounts [Continue reading…]

Zeek’s top Ponzi pimps “delaying” victim payouts

Someone I don’t ever see myself envying on a professional level is the Zeek Rewards Receiver. Charged with wading through the haphazard mess of records and accounting that Paul Burks and his crew kept, Kenneth Bell is now working on recovering Ponzi funds from some of the MLM underbelly’s worst serial offenders. And true to their [Continue reading…]

Clawbacks filed against Zeek insiders & winners

One of the frequent questions we get regarding Ponzi schemes here at BehindMLM is the question of liability for a scheme’s top promoters. Typically these promoters are the “face” of the affiliate-field and the ones who “got in early” and collect the largest returns. As part of the Zeek Rewards Receivership’s effort to recover funds [Continue reading…]

Craddock confirms regulators shut him down

After over a year of rallying against the US government, throwing any number of conspiracy theories out there, promising the return of Zeek Rewards and everything inbetween, it appeared the SEC and Zeek Rewards Receivership finally caught up with Robert Craddock. Craddock, a Zeek Rewards Ponzi net-winner who was quite obviously furious at the prospect [Continue reading…]

56.7% of Zeek Rewards ROI payouts recovered

In the Zeek Rewards Receiver’s third quarter report for 2013, a “settlement conference” was proposed for January 27th, 2014. This date was later granted, however as of yet there’s been no word on how it went down. Filed on the 30th of January 2014, the Receiver’s fourth quarter report for 2013 makes no mention of [Continue reading…]

DOJ issue end of year warning to Ponzi scammers

Due to ongoing coverage of some the biggest Ponzi schemes that operate within the MLM industry, here at BehindMLM one of the more common questions we get is “why aren’t the authorities doing anything?” Some affiliate investors in such schemes even go so far as to use a lack of regulatory intervention as “proof” of [Continue reading…]

Dawn Wright-Olivares pleads guilty to fraud

When I approached Dawn and her team to come on board with iWowWe, I did so because they are the absolute best in the industry and broke every record in MLM history. I was honored to meet her and am THRILLED that they came on board with iWowWe. Cases like these are how innovative business [Continue reading…]