TelexFree @ BehindMLM

Sann Rodrigues pleads not guilty to visa fraud

Sann Rodrigues arraignment hearing was held yesterday, with the top TelexFree Ponzi pimp pleading not guilty to visa fraud.

TelexFree Brazil ruled a Ponzi scheme, fined $782,512

There hasn’t been much news out of Brazil this year regarding the TelexFree Ponzi case. Earlier this year the court-ordered expertise from independent auditor Ernst & Young was filed, citing evidence that revealed TelexFree was a Ponzi scheme. TelexFree immediately tried to bury the report, but failed. Judge Thais Borges later remarked the report was “conclusive” enough for [Continue reading…]

Bank settlement sees $2.9 million paid to TelexFree victims

A settlement with Fidelity Cooperative Bank has seen some $2.9 million returned to TelexFree investors. The investors in question are from Massachusetts, with the $2.9 million figure carved out of a $3.5 million dollar settlement.

SEC want Sann Rodrigues back in jail for contempt

Last year when the SEC moved to shut down TelexFree, Sanderley Rodrigues was hit with a temporary restraining order. This was later converted into a preliminary injunction, which saw Rodrigues barred from committing acts of fraud. What Rodrigues thought a ban on acts of fraud meant is unclear, but soon enough Rodrigues was back to [Continue reading…]

Rodrigues sells out to secure $200,000 visa fraud bond

Following the posting of $200,000 bail in Sanderley Rodrigues’ visa fraud case, there was a bit of speculation as to where the funds had originated. For his part in defrauding investors through TelexFree, Rodrigues is currently subject to an asset-freezing injunction. Through filings made in the SEC’s civil case against TelexFree and Rodrigues, we can now [Continue reading…]

Sann Rodrigues personally promoted DFRF Enterprises

Sanderley Rodrigues de Vasconcelos is not having a good year. Rodrigues (who goes by “Sann”), the top net-winner in the TelexFree Ponzi scheme, was arrested back in May on visa fraud charges. He a defendant in the subject of an SEC civil lawsuit against Telexfree, purported to have defrauded investors of $1.8 billion. In Brazil Rodrigues [Continue reading…]

Clarification on Sann Rodrigues Brazilian arrest warrant

Earlier this week Sanderley Rodrigues was released on strict home detention conditions, following clarification that Brazilian authorities were not looking to extradite him. This suggested that perhaps there was an issue with the investigation behind the Brazilian arrest warrant. Clarification from Brazilian authorities however now clarifies the reason a formal extradition request was not submitted.

Rodrigues looks set to be released on bail

Following a bail hearing held on the 10th of July and another on the 13th, the current status of Sanderley Rodrigues is unknown. But based on the latest up to date information available, here’s what we do know…

Communications “breakdown” between Rodrigues and lawyer

Unhappy with how things are progressing in his visa fraud case, Sanderely Rodrigues has fired the law firm representing him. Specifics are as of yet unclear, but the situation appears to have deteriorated to the point where “a complete breakdown of communication” was cited the reason behind the decision.

Rodrigues protests Brazilian warrant arrest (Interpol)

Not too happy with being detained after posting bail in the visa fraud case against him, Sann Rodrigues has requested the court order his release.