Footage of EvoRich owner Andrey Khovratov’s arrest has surfaced.

The undated footage, released by Russian authorities, appears to depict Khovratov’s arrest last month.

Khovratov had attempted to flee Russia with one or more accomplices at the scene.

Khovratov was briefly questioned in the airport carpark he was arrested in:

Authorities then later interrogated him in what appears to be a local police station:

Auto-translate isn’t working to well on the video so I’m not 100% sure on what Khovratov is stating. He doesn’t sounds too cheery though.

In the wake of Khovratov’s arrest, Vklader revealed EvoRich reached out to them in late January:

EvoRich objected to Vklader placing EvoRich on an internal fraud blacklist. EvoRich argued it wasn’t a Ponzi scheme because the Central Bank of Russia hadn’t issued a fraud warning against it.

EvoRich also appears to represent it registered with the SEC in the US. As Vklader points out, this “is just a lie”.

The CBR has become increasingly active in issuing MLM related fraud warnings from about mid 2021. Nonetheless EvoRich were correct in pointing out a warning hadn’t been issued against the scheme.

If Russian authorities were investigating and building a case, perhaps issuing a public warning might have tipped Khovratov off.

In the wake of Khovratov’s arrest and EvoRich essentially collapsing, investors are being funneled into Bob Ultee’s Bobcoin scheme.

Ultee himself is/was an EvoRich Ponzi scheme investor.

BehindMLM documented this development on May 6th, and it didn’t take long for Ultee to get in touch.

Despite the evidence available showing EvoRich investors being pitched on Bobcoin as a way to keep the scam going, and EvoRich downlines and invested token balances being kept intact through Ultee’s “STO-CAP” platform, Ultee denies he’s in charge.

I am not contiuing [sic] anything, we had a customer asked to devide [sic] his tokens over his members and so we do.

People can not convert WCRU for Bobcoins, to decide the number (percentage) of Bobcoin people receive from Andrej Khoravratov wallet (which he paid for) the number of WCRU they have decide that. So bigger  investors there get more coins, which is logical.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Ultee doesn’t address this evidence. Instead he continues to push blatantly false denials and so I stepped back from the conversation.

We would be happy to go to any court with you and put all facts on the table.

Lets go to court together, please provide your details so we can start a case against you. In your website there is nothing.

Nothing, except the exhibits above, plenty of videos on the internet linking Bobcoin to EvoRich and well, common sense.

While he appears happy to profit from continuation of the EvoRich Ponzi scheme through Bobcoin, Ultee for whatever reason isn’t keen on owning up to it.


Update 17th May 2022 – Bob Ultee has totalled his orange Lamborghini Gallardo.

Despite the car being a write off, Ultee claims it was

just an ordinary crash … the impact was so soft that the airbags didn’t even deploy. It was just a kiss.

Eyewitnesses claim Ultee was speeding. He denies this.

Beyond that the crash does potentially illustrate how lucrative investing in EvoRich and launching BobCoin has been for Ultee.

As reported by Quote, Ultee recently

announced that thanks in part to the crypto adventure, he can compete with Quote 500 members such as Michel Perridon (accounting for a net worth of €350 million).

Reporting of Ultee’s crash confirms he mostly lives in Dubai, the MLM scam capital of the world.


Update 23rd January 2024 – Andrey Khovratov has been sentenced to five years in prison.