OneCoin @ BehindMLM

OneCoin scammer indicted on $400 million money laundering charge

After seemingly little no progress on the regulatory front for some time, a key OneCoin insider has been indicted on a money laundering charge in the US.

Kraken exchange refuses to list OneCoin’s OFC “Ponzi coin”

When OneCoin announced its OFC ICO last week, twelve public exchanges were initially featured on the ICO website. OneCoin claimed it was “contacting” the featured exchanged regarding public listing of their OFC ERC20 token. Without explanation, OneCoin slashed the featured exchange number to just six within a few days. Now, of the remaining six exchanges [Continue reading…]

OneCoin reveals OFC cookie-cutter ERC20 smart contract token

Y’know all those OneCoin points y’all been investing in since 2014 on that non-existent blockchain? Yeah… forget about them. Over the next year OneCoin wants you to invest even more money in a to be launched OFC ERC20 token.

OneCoin will not go public on October 8th, delayed indefinitely into 2019

At a recent OneCoin event held in Argentina, Konstanin Ignatov has confirmed OneCoin will not be going public on October 8th.

OneCoin received money laundering tip off from government official

Insight into how OneCoin seemingly manage to keep one step ahead of authorities has surfaced, courtesy of a District Court judgment in Germany. The case involved a government tax official facing allegations he tipped off a friend about a money laundering investigation.

179,000 EUR linked to OneCoin tax fraud seized in Finland

A District Court in the Ostrobothnia region of Finland has approved the seizure of €179,000 EUR. The order was made against a Finnish OneCoin affiliate, who is a suspect in a criminal case related to tax fraud.

OneCoin investor’s airline money laundering scheme thwarted

Following its launch in late 2014, Pehr Karlsson emerged as one of OneCoin’s early top investors. Operating out of Sweden and placed directly below Juha Parhiala, Karlsson is believed to have stolen over 7 million EUR from OneCoin victims. Like most of OneCoin’s top earners, Karlsson bailed from OneCoin after it collapsed early last year. [Continue reading…]

OneCoin’s blockchain lies exposed by GDPR

As annoying as the GDPR might be, lo and behold some good has come of it. Before we get into that though, let’s revisit early 2017.

Chinese authorities differentiate OneCoin points from legitimate crypto

We’ve been covering the Chinese investigation into OneCoin since April, 2016. Owing to Ruja Ignatova’s roots with BigCoin, a similar Ponzi points scheme that primarily targeted Asia, China initially emerged as a primary source of OneCoin investment. Along with all but a few third-world countries, investor recruitment in China died early last year after OneCoin [Continue reading…]

Singapore govt refers to OneCoin & BitConnect as Ponzi pyramids

In a May 25th press-release addressing digital tokens, the Singapore government has singled out OneCoin and BitConnect as Ponzi pyramid schemes.