Nimbus Platform’s Andrea Zenon arrested in Spain
Nimbus Platform’s Andrea Zenon has been arrested by Spain’s Civil Guard.
Zenon’s December 1st arrest follows an investigation into Nimbus Platform by the Central Operation Unit, which determined around 112 million euros in consumer losses.
Specific charges against Zanon cited in a paywalled El Pais report include aggravated fraud, participating in organized crime, falsifying documents and money laundering.
Zanon will be presented before the Spanish National Court on Monday.
Nimbus Platform launched in 2020. The original Ponzi scheme was built around NMBT points.
When that collapsed Zenon rebooted the Ponzi in 2022. Nimbus Platform’s first reboot was the same fraudulent business model with new tokens.
A few months into the second reboot, Nimbus Platform began to stall. This prompted the introduction of a 100% annual ROI.
Nimbus Platform eventually collapsed in December 2022. A Synta token reboot was announced but doesn’t appear to have gone anywhere.
While he fronted Nimbus Platform early on, Zanon quickly disappeared. A revolving door of puppet CEOs followed; Fernando Martinho, Alex Lemberg and finally Particio Pozzi.
Publicly Zanon doesn’t want to be associated with Nimbus Platform.
In addition to not referencing his involvement anywhere online, Zanon also sued El Pais for reporting on Nimbus Platform in 2021.
Zanon demanded 30 million euros in compensation, citing a right to honor and privacy. The case was recently dismissed on October 10th.
In paid PR spam, published on various platforms, Zanon represents himself as CEO of WeEmpower Capital.
More recently, Zanon co-founded Confidente in January 2022.
Confidente is your personal trusted advisor that helps you improve your decision making every day.
It does so by providing performance, decision making, risk management and marketability advise that maximizes entrepreneurs and executive performance and impacts.
Confidente’s website still markets “early access” to the scheme, despite it launching almost two years ago.
Pending further updates on Zanon’s Nimbus Platform criminal case in Spain, we’ll keep you posted.
Update 12th December 2023 – As per a December 11th report from Infobae, Zanon has been been given the option of supervised release on a €60,000 EUR bond.
Prosecutors had asked for Zanon to be held in detention but the request was denied. As of December 12th, Zanon remains in custody.
Infobae additionally reports Zanon has “burst into tears” at least twice during proceedings.
Article updated to note Zanon is out on bail.
a note dated December 12. Andrea Zanon is still in prison, she will be released with precautionary measures, when she pays the bail of €60,000.
Oh he hasn’t been released yet? Thanks I’ll update the update :D.
Alert The Nimbus Platform Scam changed name to Syncord
Nimbus tries to hide and launder the theft of thousands of Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT by rebranding the Syncord Scam
It indicates that they are going to migrate to the BASE Network and launch the DAO with the Project (Aragon DAO)
Exchanges on alert due to the stay of Nimbus Platform Syncord: XT, Lbank, OKX
All those responsible are hidden from the community: Andrea Zanon, David Mazaheri, Patricio Pozzi, Wassem Manlouk, Jorge Sebastiao, Alex Lemberg, Fernando Martinho, Pedro Reyes, Alexandra Serebrennikova, Javier García Madruga and support Luis Diaz
The Criminal Complaint advances in the National Court of Spain
Rebranding Nimbus Platform to Syncord Scam:
Ugh, at least be honest about why.
Because Tether is pumping BTC, we want a piece of the fraud and Nimbus Platform is dead.
Also SmartLab isn’t “based out of Malta”. They’ve just registered a shell company there, if that.
SimilarWeb was tracking less than 1000 monthly visits to SmartLab’s website as of August 2024. It picked up to ~2900 monthly visits last month (a few US suckers getting recruited).
Guessing you’re one of the new US recruits getting pulled into an already dead Ponzi. Sorry for your loss.
Does anyone have any information pertaining to Alex Lemberg’s involvement in Nimbus?
Sure, scroll up and read the article.