Mavie Global’s original Ponzi scheme, built around Ultron and ULX tokens, has collapsed.

As per a communication sent out to Mavie Global investors, new Ultron Ponzi scheme investment will cease from June 30th.

It’s expected ROI payments attached to Ultron staking investment, if they haven’t already, will cease shortly after.

NFTs attached to Ultron investment positions will be dumped on Mavie Global affiliates from August 29th. This is being phrased as an opportunity for affiliates to sell the NFTs.

Left unsaid is the entire NFT market collapsed over year ago. Notwithstanding there being even less of a market for worthless Ponzi NFTs.

Mavie Global’s Ultron Ponzi scheme launched in 2022. Consumers were pitched on investments of up to 300,000 USDT, on the promise of passive returns paid for five years.

Mavie Global has barely scraped through to half of the promised ROI period.

The reason for the Ultron/ULX token Ponzi collapse is a steady decline in investor recruitment.

As tracked by SimilarWeb, Mavie Global website traffic has declined over the past year. Between April and May 2024 alone Mavie Global website traffic plummeted 35%.

Outside of Russia (35% of traffic), Korea (7% of traffic) and the UK (7% of traffic), there isn’t much going on.

In an attempt to entice new investors, Mavie Global has rushed out several Ponzi reboots over the past year:

Reflected in the frequency of Mavie Global’s reboots increasing is the lack of new investors. Without new investors, the next logical step is to shutter Mavie Global’s original Ultron Ponzi.

Without new investors, Mavie Global’s reboot Ponzis above will eventually follow.

Instead of being honest about this, on a June 25th Mavie Global company call, owner and CEO Michal Prazenica blamed Ultron’s collapse on fictional upcoming regulation.

We are giving power to the community by all of these great things and also we are protecting the community by staying compliant with every regulation that is coming.

The regulations means the rules for the market. The set of rules, what is possible to do and what is not possible to do.

This is coming right now.

There are no “regulations coming” with respect to Mavie Global’s past, present and continued securities fraud. Securities laws are established in every country with a regulated financial market and have been for decades.

Neither Mavie Global or any of its spinoffs are registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction.

This is reflected in recent Mavie Global fraud warnings from Canada and New Zealand. Mavie Global is also harboring at least one fugitive wanted by US authorities.

Prazenica, originally from Europe, fled to Dubai to set Mavie Global and Ultron up.

Due to the proliferation of scams and failure to enforce securities fraud regulation, BehindMLM ranks Dubai as the MLM crime capital of the world.

BehindMLM’s guidelines for Dubai are:

  1. If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
  2. If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.


Update 27th June 2024 – Russia has issued a Mavie Global pyramid fraud warning.