In December 2023 the last iteration of Daisy Global collapsed.

Eight months later, owner Jeremy Roma is still gaslighting victims of the at least thrice collapsed Ponzi scheme.

Instead of just being honest about Daisy Global being a collapsed Ponzi scheme, Roma trots out all manner of nonsense to explain away victim losses.

In a July 18th corporate webinar, Roma (right) addressed Daisy Global’s non-existent “exit withdrawals”.

[1:26] We’ve expanded our legal team and our team is engaging directly with all of the parties involved in this situation, to work on solutions. To get solutions as quickly as possible.

[1:46] We’ve continued to verify that funds are there. They’re having audits done with the liquidity provider, [the] brokerage, and so please have peace of mind there.

This is a temporary situation that we’re in and we’re working to get to solutions as quickly as possible.

[7:34] We have a plan with institutional investors with Blockchain Sports. We’ve got some very, very important meetings lined up next week, actually.

Very big, very important meetings of potential institutional partnerships that would be able to um, uh, that would be purchasing some of the equity that we hold in that project.

[9:45] We’re all in this same boat together. Y’know this was an unexpected surprise situation for us, just like it was for you.

Roma was joined on the webinar by accomplices Eduard Khemchan and Ilya Marin.

Khemchan, who in addition to Daisy Global stole millions through Trader’s Domain, reassured Daisy Global victims there was a “Plan B”.

[2:40] If we find out this is gonna take longer we will put Plan B right away. So we are already working on it.

[3:00] Nobody expected and nobody predicted to be in this situation.

Ilya Manin once referred to himself as an “MLM journalist”. He’s also a former promoter of the notorious OneCoin Ponzi scheme.

Other than telling Daisy Global victims not to expect updates on a daily basis, and that everybody “was making calls”, Manin didn’t have much to add.

Despite claiming to be “in the same boat” as their victims, this is clearly not the case. Although how much they stole is unconfirmed, Roma, Khemchan and Manin very much stole money through Daisy Global – and that money was sourced from their victims.

After Daisy Global’s December 2023 collapse, it wasn’t long before Roma announced he’d moved onto Blockchain Sports.

The carrot-dangling with Daisy Global investors is likely tied to Blockchain Sports flopping. Victims of a Ponzi scheme are unlikely to dump more money into follow up scams. This is especially true when they’re being told their money “is there”.

As of July 2024, traffic to Blockchain Sports’ website is so low SimilarWeb doesn’t track it.

Rather than recycle Daisy Global for a fourth time, Roma launched his Blockchain Sports NFT grift behind “Limitless” branding.

SimilarWeb tracked just ~11,600 monthly visits to Limitless’ website as of July 2024. Despite a planned relaunch next month, Limitless and Blockchain Sports are clearly both DOA.