Having exhausted its fictional trading Ponzi across at least three collapsed reboots, Daisy’s new Ponzi ruse is “Blockchain Sports” NFTs.

Despite the name, Daisy’s Blockchain Sports investment opportunity has nothing to do with sports.

NFT investment positions are tied to football players, with the individual value of the NFT arbitrarily tied to tracked player performance throughout a season.

Who the players Daisy will attach to its NFT positions is unclear.

Of course nobody in Daisy cares about any of that. They’re only there to invest new money and hope to claw back previous losses from new suckers.

Daisy’s new Blockchain Sports NFT grift Ponzi was revealed at their recent “Limitless” Dubai marketing event. The new scheme is set up at “iamlimitlness.io”, privately registered a few weeks ago on February 4th, 2024.

The “Blockchain Sports” part of the grift is set up on “bcsports.io”, first registered in May 2023. The private blockchain sports domain registration was last updated on October 30th, 2023.

As seen via the WayBack Machine, the original Blockchain Sports incarnation was a shitcoin scam built around SPORTS and FTBLL tokens.

That of course all flopped and went nowhere…

…so now we have Blockchain Sports rebooted as Daisy’s latest Ponzi ruse.

One name to note here is blockchain sports’ CEO Dmitriy Saksonov.

As per his LinkedIn profile, Saksonov is based out of Brazil. He’s a small-time crypto bro with a few crypto mining grifts to his name.

Daisy’s Blockchain Sports reboot is built around ATLA, a new shitcoin to replace the failed SPORTS and FTBLL token scams.

Daisy’s Blockchain Sports NFT grift Ponzi sees investors invest in “founders positions”. These start at 100 USDT, but this only provides access to recruitment commissions.

Access to Daisy’s Blockchain Sports Ponzi costs a lot more:

  • Pack 1 costs 500 USDT and provides one “node” investment position, NFT royalties and access to a 2% Rewards Plan
  • Pack 2 costs 2000 USDT and provides four “node” investment positions, NFT royalties and access to a 3% Rewards Plan
  • Pack 3 costs 8000 USDT and provides sixteen “node” investment positions, NFT royalties and access to the MLM comp plan (recruitment commissions)
  • Pack 4 costs 25,000 USDT and provides fifty “node” investment positions and NFT royalties (also presumably includes MLM recruitment commissions)
  • Pack 5 costs 50,000 USDT and provides one hundred “node” investment positions and NFT royalties (also presumably includes MLM recruitment commissions)
  • Pack 6 costs 100,000 USDT and provides access to two hundred “node” investment positions and NFT royalties (also presumably includes MLM recruitment commissions)

Node investment position returns are paid in ATLA, which can also be staked to generate higher returns (this of course also puts off withdrawals).

The MLM side of Daisy’s Blockchain Sports Ponzi is simple: It’s a ten-level deep unilevel team funded by new investment.

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 4%, available to all Daisy affiliates
  • level 2 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 1000 USDT
  • level 3 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 5000 USDT
  • level 4 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 25,000 USDT
  • level 5 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 100,000 USDT
  • level 6 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 250,000 USDT
  • level 7 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 500,000 USDT
  • level 8 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 1,000,000 USDT
  • level 9 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 2,000,000 USDT
  • level 10 – 2% to 4% (not disclosed), convince others to invest 5,000,000 USDT

Also note that levels 2 to 10 are restricted behind undisclosed downline investment quotas.

While EndoTech’s trading ruse has been dropped, trading is still part of Daisy’s latest Ponzi scheme.

Blockchain Sports is, out of the blue, trading 25% of company-wide investment. When 400% in total is generated, affiliate’s who’ve generated 1000 USDT in personally recruited downline investment receive a 100% ROI on their initial investment.

This is probably just a matrix cycler just shuffling around new investment to pay earlier investors.

There some bonus pools I haven’t covered here because Daisy hasn’t released official documentation to the public yet.

In any event the rest of Daisy’s Blockchain Sports compensation plan is more of the same, shuffle new investment around to pay off top recruiters and/or earlier investors.

On the corporate level, Daisy is still headed up by US national Jeremy Roma.

Although he’s a US national, Roma spends most of his time hiding out in Dubai.

Neither Daisy, Jeremy Roma, Dmitriy Saksonov or anyone else associated are registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction.

Thus far the only regulator to take action has been the British Columbia Securities Commission (see Nov 2023 securities fraud warning).

Not expecting any further significant updates (barring Daisy’s fourth collapse), but we’ll keep you posted.


Update 25th July 2024 – A reader wrote in to inquire about VoltVIP, operating from the domain “voltvip.io” (privately registered 1st March, 2024).

We share up to 50% of revenues generated from partnerships with Limitless and Blockchain Sports Ecosystem.

VoltVIP is selling a $600 Executive Pack and $1200 Presidential Pack;

Executive Pack ($600) – Includes 20% of the Blockchain Sports share shared with VOLT VIP and 10% of all net worth.

Presidential Pack ($1200) – Includes 50% of the Blockchain Sports share shared with VOLT VIP and 30% of all net worth.

Sounds like a Daisy/Limitless promoter is trying to scam people by getting them to send them money in exchange for a reduced cut than if they just signed up with Limitless/Daisy directly.

And of course money sent to VoltVIP is being laundered through Dubai’s Mashreq Bank:

Not really worth a separate VoltVIP write up but making a note in case anyone else comes across it.


Update 8th September 2024 – Blockchain Sports’ latest grift is “Drift Packs”:

Gullible saps invest up to 115,000 USDT on the promise of a passive ROI, paid through shares in a “Drift Pool”.

Drift Packs and the Drift Pool are purportedly attached to some AI racing baloney:

Presumably this means Blockchain Sports’ original football + ALTA token Ponzi ruse has collapsed.

As with the original ruse, Blockchain Sports fails to provide evidence it has registered its new securities offering with financial regulators.

In addition to verifiable securities fraud, this leaves consumers unable to verify any marketing claims attached to Blockchain Sports’ new AI racing ruse.

As of August 2024, SimilarWeb tracked just ~12,700 monthly visits to Blockchain Sports’ website.

The majority of Blockchain Sports website traffic, believed to be desperate Daisy Ponzi victims, is from the US (44%) and Belarus (26%).