GSPartners victim claim process to begin February 21st
A new notice posted on GSB’s GSPro and Lydian World websites went live on January 21st.
As per the notice, the GSB victim claims process will begin on February 21st.
The claims process, through which GSPartners victims will be able to claim funds lost to any GSB investment scheme, will run until May 22nd. This is a hard deadline.
It should be noted that while this information is from GSB, AlixPartners, the third-party tasked with running the GSB victim claims process, has not confirmed the dates.
At time of publication there are thirty-five jurisdictions participating in the GSB settlement:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Washington DC
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Maine
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Washington State
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Alberta (Canada)
- British Columbia (Canada)
GSB claims that victims outside of these jurisdictions can apply for refunds directly to the company. To the best of my knowledge there has been no public confirmation of GSB victim refunds outside of the settlement process.
Of note is GSB noting their GSPro+ and DAO1 fraudulent investment scheme in the notice:
U.S. and Canadian customers cannot retain their certificates and earn interest or other rewards.
If anyone tells you otherwise, do not believe them.
U.S. and Canadian customers also cannot roll over into a new product. Products offered by GSPro+ and DAO1 will not be available to residents of the United States and Canada.
Again, if anyone tells you otherwise, do not believe them.
This platform will only be available outside of the United States and Canada.
GSPro+ and DAO1 are a continuation of the GSPartners fraudulent investment scheme.
Despite receiving global regulatory fraud warnings pertaining to GSPartners (Australia, South Africa, the Bahamas and New Zealand), GSB seems intent on continuing to defraud consumers outside of North America.
GSB has also published a statement which is at odds with official communications from NA regulators:
Upon completion of the settlement, the GSB entities and Mr. Heit will consent – without admitting or denying any violations of law or that any product offered by the GSB entities is a security – to cease-and-desist from offering or selling unregistered securities in the settling jurisdictions.
The settlement terms do not require the GSB entities or Mr. Heit to make any admissions of fact or law.
TSSB has previously confirmed once the refunds component of the settlement is complete;
Assuming the respondents successfully return deposits to clients as required by the term sheet, GSB Group and Mr. Heit will consent to the entry of an enforcement order that concludes they illegally offered and/or sold securities that were not registered pursuant to state law.
Pending any further updates we’ll keep you posted.
Update 23rd January 2025 – The Arizona Corporation Commission and British Columbia Securities Commission have both confirmed the February 21st claims date.
From the AZCC;
Eligible customers may be able to recoup the value of their deposits with GS Partners, less the value of any withdrawals through a claims process administered by a third-party administrator, AlixPartners, LLP.
Once funds are successfully returned to eligible customers, Mr. Heit and the Respondent entities will enter a consent order that concludes they offered and/or sold securities that were not registered under state law.
Beginning February 21, 2025, a secure portal will be available for making claim submissions.
As at the time of this update the GSB Settlement website has not been updated.
Update 25th January 2025 – Josip Heit has published the same “21 January 2025” notice on his personal website:
The Alberta Securities Commission and Alabama Securities Commission have also confirmed the February 21st and May 22nd claim dates.
Joe Rotunda, Enforcement Director at the Texas State Securities Board, has directed GSB and GSPartners investors to “check your emails”:
As at the time of this update, the GSB Settlement website has not been updated.
Update 29th January 2025 – The Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance has also confirmed the February 21st and May 22nd claim dates.
The GSB Settlement website has finally been updated to reflect the February 21st claim date.
Update 21st February 2025 – The GSB GSPartners victim claim portal is live.
If GSPro+ and DAO1 weren’t fraudulent investment schemes, all GSB would have to do is register with the SEC and make appropriate filings.
Yet here we are.
I’m just guessing here, but I think JH has some peeps in the back office that will make it difficult for victims to get the correct details to submit there claims and will end up being denied due to incorrect info. But again this is just a guess.
but but but OZ, I thought this big win against the big bad mean regulators (must be the deep state/ Fauci/ Soros / Gates) meant that they were doing everything right from the beginning and it opened the pathway to them continuing with GSPro+ and DAO1?
In line with the term sheet – have any readers/victims started to receive emails? @johnny5 have you received anything? And is there anything communicated in the groups from uplines?
A South African promoter – Schalk Van Der Merwe – has stated in a voice note to his downlines that the delay was due to one of the states not signing off.
According to him, GSP then had to go to each state separately and have them “sign off the audits, and sign off the settlements on an individual basis”.
The spin on DAO1 is that because it’s not open for US and Canada, then no regulator can send a C&D to stop it. According to him – it is “impossible” for the americans to stop it.
Old certificates with GSP will be ported to DAO1 via a GSPro+ “plugin”. He promised that no one has lost money and everyone will get back “what was promised” on the certs (so their ROI).
DAO1 to apparently open up their referral program to anyone who wants (so I assume they think it’s going to be like the early days of GSP before regulators caught on). Fancy words like “decentralised” thrown around like it means something.
Article updated to note AZCC and BCSC have both confirmed the Feb 21st claims date.
I live in Iowa And there is a bunch of us who cannot get any information I have contacted the Alix PARTNERS LLP and received no response. What about al the other states not in this listing of states how do we get this rectified as the upline sure isn’t helping.
I also got into Karatbars which was sold off and of course I cant get anyone to respond from the new company I want my Gold.
First off there is no gold in Karatbars waiting for you to collect and never was. You got scammed in a Ponzi scheme.
If you want to check the status of Iowa with respect to the GSPartners settlement your best bet is contacting the Iowa Insurance Division:
Article updated to note Josip Heit has posted the Jan 21st Statement on his personal website. ASC (Alabama and Alberta) have also confirmed the settlement claim dates.
Joe Rotunda from the TSSB has directed GSB and GSPartners victims to check their email accounts.
Seems like they are onto the next thing already – “apertum”. Apparently it’s a “smart contract platform”. Apertum(dot)io
Apertum is part of DAO1.
So Alberta and BC have signed up but people in Ontario are left out in the cold to get GS Partners scraps – if there are any left? It figures.
Since the premier of Ontario just called for an election in February, Ontarians should call their MPP’s / Ontario Finance Minister and tell them they are not voting for them unless the Ontario Securities Commission signs the agreement. That will put some fire under those lazy Ontario regulators.
They are supposed to be looking after our best interests but do nothing when we can actually get money back from this scammer.
How do I get my state NC on the as one of the settlement jurisdiction states. Or what can I do to get NC on board?
Securities in North Carolina are regulated by the Securities Division of the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State.
Contact details are at the bottom of their website:
People on both my downlines are realizing now that there is little to no hope of the money promised to be paid.
The “leaders” of both groups continue to encourage people to not get a refund and let things play out, as they still believe their lawyers and the new SEC chair will iron out things to make things pop again in the US/Canada.
When questioned on how this will happen, the “leaders” again have zero answers or reasons. Even the most positive people on these groups im involved with are becoming less and less positive.
@Johnny5 – have you or anyone you know received the email from gsp/the state regulators regarding the refunds?
Interested to hear if there is any additional information in them?
Yes. I’ve actually seen it. Nothing new in them.
Proof of name and address
copies of documents submitted to GSP
Email, phone, Wallet ID
GSP account ID
Claim Amount
Proof of deposits, withdrawls and other transactions
all required to get a refund.
from what i’ve been told and even seen, what GSP as reported and what their customers have reported have been drastcially different, and I personally think it’ll be very difficult to get all the info needed, but we’ll see how strict the refund process is.
@Johnny5 -yes.. the fearless leaders of my group are mysteriously quiet. Those of us who questioned some of the GS Partners claims were quickly discredited while they continued to promote the genius of Heit.
They profited greatly from commissions of their downlines and held book reviews of how great leaders are successful. Yet they had never run a successful business in their life but all of a sudden became leadership gurus as they profited from GS MLM commissions.
Now that it looks like GS Partners has lied all along they are silent. They have moved on to another MLM scheme and don’t even answers questions that are posted in their What’s App group.
They are Pied Pipers of Hamelin leading their followers to destruction.
i cant even and have not been able to get into my accounts at GSPartners to grt the information to file a complete a request for refund an do not know who to send it to as i have tried to contsct lawyers of course no response.
anyone out there having same issues or have zny suggestions as i am in Iowa and ia is not a state on the approved states. but there is a lot if us out here.
Someone I know deposits well into the 5 figures and took less than 2500 out. So its assumed he would be rewarded a high refund.
The paperwork they have on him, he was told, would have him getting less than a 2500 dollar refund.
So the numbers are not adding up. GSP likely isnt turning in the correct information. Likely because they dont have the money needed to pay everyone back… and this is causing a delay in the process. If GSP had the money needed to pay everyone back and wash their hands of this mess, it would have already been done.
We just got an email with specific instructions on how to get our money back. They don’t use exact proper English and I don’t think it’s typos.
They respond saying I need to sign the form when there is no place for a signature and ask me to text them my wallet address when there is no number to text.
I’m as angry as I was before they contacted me because they are obviously not interested in making this a smooth or easy process.
I do know that if I get my money back it’ll be in digital currency which I was told I was invested in Real Estate not crypto.
They haven’t been sued in Louisiana yet but if I don’t get my money soon, I will do everything I can to change that.
I never could get into my account either, when I finally did, it looked like Greek and made no sense.
Person from Iowa, maybe you should be ready with all the info. you can get, file a police report, and contact your local or state District Attorney.
fraudsters being dishonest? who would have guessed.
I had a sneaky suspicion that Heit is trying to use this to “clear his name” and at the same time frustrate the refunding process by claiming “the paperwork doesn’t exist” for larger claimants.
Told by who? GSB?
AlixPartners isn’t accepting claims let alone processing them yet. I’m calling bullshit.
You’re being recovery scammed. Cease all communications and report to your state securities regulator.
@ OZ
Person was contacted by their State Security Commission. Asked if those numbers were right, as that was the report that had from GSP’s end.
The numbers werent even close. Their claim was they were having difficulities getting all the correct information.
If it’s outside the official settlement process I’m still calling BS unless verifiable documentation is provided.
State regulators aren’t handling claims or verifying them. AlixPartners is.
They have asked me twice now to text it and my upline said “No, they just want the text in the address properly capitalized.” so he obviously doesn’t know his butt from a whole in the ground.
We have known him for about 15 years and his wife for over 50 years. Actually they are FAMILY members of my husband’s. We trusted them completely, BIG mistake.
My State Security Commission has reached at least 3 different times via email. They actually sent me the press release before GSPRO did.
Call BS if you choose. Not here to argue, just to share information. But I can say with total confidence that the state sercuity commission did reach out to said person, asked if this is what he deposited, and withdrew. And the numbers werent close. He was then told they were having difficulities getting all the correct information.
This was roughly a month ago.
I don’t doubt state regulators are reaching out to victims to keep them informed on settlement proceedings.
I’m just stating that unless proof is provided, don’t expect me to take anything happening outside of the agreed upon settlement with respect to individual claims and verification of claims at face value.
GSB scammers in the US have been attempting to undermine the settlement process since day one.
I feel the same. And based on what is required to get anything back and how hard GSP has made it to get hands on said information. I’m not sure the refund process is going to work out very well either.
Seems like a complete loss for most.
DAO1 is launching in Australia Feb 1 and folks are going hysterical for it. I have friends who have bought in big. Should I be worried for them?
I don’t know if worried is the right word. Probably concerned? But only if they give a crap, which being attached to anything GSB they probably won’t (it’s an increasingly insular community of fraudsters since the US crackdown).
Their PR spin release here, nothing new I think:
Hmm, the article is now readable in Germany without VPN. The other gspartners post too.
On BMLM? I didn’t change anything or request any changes on my end.
Yes, I can confirm that. I can also read all articles that were blocked in the past without a VPN.
I google Josip (almost) daily to check what new articles are posted within in a 24 hour time frame. I am of the opinion that these press releases are to flood Google with more favourable hits when you search for him. It’s probably part pride and partly to try and hide any negative press from DAO1.
If you do a search for him today, and limit it to 24 hours, you will see what I mean… Yesterday was mostly press releases from regulators and the NZ warnings.
Guessing they might have inadvertently resumed access while fiddling with something else. I’ll check in with papa Google to confirm.
@Chook That video isn’t publicly accessible, link removed.
Papa Google says it’s a bug on their end. Will be fixed soon.
For reference I’m not requesting the geo block be lifted till an indictment drops.
@What About Ontario? (#12)
Ontario announced it has has joined the GSB settlement:
GSPartners victims from Ontario will be able to file claims from Feb 21st.
Nova Scotia has joined the GSB GSPartners settlement:
Here’s the thing about these refund requests though. According to the letter posted to GSP and also the alternate site that they moved to (Swiss Value info), any request requires a landslide of details that should a client have not recorded previously, are not available to them.
Specifically, statements, PROOF of deposits and all transactions, wallet addresses and the KYC materials that were submitted. GSP has ALL of this information already, so this is just a loophole to come back and say “oh, you filed this wrong, provided information that doesn’t match our records”, etc.
Why should folks need to jump through hoops for a regulatory enforced settlement?
One should just need to provide proper ID and confirm that they are requesting a refund, and the balance of what was deposited minus any withdrawals should be transferred to the original wallet address. Super simple.
Or… allow folks access to their accounts so that they can confirm the information that is required. Shady as hell.
I think you’re confusing two things.
The “regulatory enforced settlement” is being handled by AlixPartners (“”). You submit what you have and they will process your claim as best they can based on information provided to them by GSB (whether this works in practice has yet to play out).
Any refund offer outside of the official settlement process, good luck with that.
I wonder how JH is feeling so close to all the payouts on their way.
California has joined the settlement –
Hawaii has joined the settlement too –
California was onboard from the beginning IIRC, they’ve just only now publicly announced it. Hawaii is new.
“This is an enormous victory for Californians,” said DFPI Commissioner KC Mohseni. “This settlement ensures that Californians who deposited funds into GSPartners will be made whole, and it holds GSPartners and Heit accountable for violating California law.”
Something is wrong here. I thought that they never violated any laws? I suspect Josip is going to have to fire up the legal machine again 😛
Can’t settle alleged violations of US securities law without having first… well, y’know.
How long until the Novatech FX victim claims process? A guy can hope…
Why isn’t Florida included in this lawsuit?
That’s a question for Florida’s Office of Financial Regulation –