GSPartners and twenty other Josip Heit associated companies have received a securities fraud warning from the Bahamas.

As per the Securities Commission of the Bahamas’ August 7th Public Notice;

It has come to the attention of the Commission that an entity called GSB GOLD STANDARD BANK LTD.

(GS PARTNERS) doing business as (d/b/a), SWISS VALOREM BANK LTD. and by other designations (listed below), may be conducting activities that are either registrable/licensable or illegal under one or more of the Acts.

GSPartners associated companies cited by the SCB include;

  1. GSPartners (
  2. G999 (
  3. Gold Standard Partners (
  4. GSPartners and GSP
  5. GS Partners Global
  6. GS Smart Finance
  7. GS Trade Exchange (
  8. GSB Gold Standard Bank LTD (
  9. GSB Gold Standard Banking Corporation PLC
  10. GSB Gold Standard Pay
  11. GSB Gold Standard Pay LTD (
  12. GSB Gold Standard Trade (
  13. GSDEFI (
  14. GS Digital Partners LLC (GSPRO) (
  15. GSP (
  16. GSPartners (
  17. GSTrade (
  18. Lydian World (
  19. Swiss Valorem Bank LTD (
  20. WealthBuilders Worldwide

The Commission is informed that GS Partners representatives have advertised and have promoted their activities and investment programs in or from within The Bahamas, and have conducted recruitment exercises in this jurisdiction by means of in-person seminars and social media.

The Commission hereby advises the public that none of these entities or their agents/representatives are registered with/licensed by the Commission.

Additionally, none of the listed entities have applied to be registered/licensed by the Commission.

Therefore, any registrable/licensable or illegal activity conducted, in or from within The Bahamas, by these entities and their agents/representatives is in violation of one or more of the Acts.

With the exception of WealthBuilders Worldwide, all of the GSPartners associated entities cited by BSC are run by Josip Heit (right).

WealthBuilders Worldwide, aka WealthBuilders Global, was a top promoter group within GSPartners, run by Michael Lynn “El” Dalcoe and Nathaniel Hines.

GSPartners was a fraudulent investment scheme whose last Ponzi ruse saw it solicit investment through “metacertificates”.

Following multiple regulatory warnings from Canadian provinces in early 2023, GSPartners attempted to rebrand as Swiss Valorem Bank in May 2023.

Swiss Valorem Bank was dropped within a few months and never mentioned again.

Towards the end of 2023 GSPartners continued to receive regulatory fraud warnings, notably over a dozen from the US alone.

GSPartners went on to collapse in December 2023. A GSPro reboot was immediately announced but abandoned shortly after.

Billionico and Auratus emerged in March 2024 as additional reboot attempts. Billionico was a weird “elite club” pyramid scheme, Auratus was a continuation of GSPartners’ securities fraud through “TAS Vault”.

The Texas State Securities Board was quick to issue a Billionico and Auratus fraud warning in April 2024. As such promotion of Billionico and Auratus was mostly localized to South Africa and Australia.

Billionico and Auratus recruitment in South Africa collapsed following the arrest of a prominent GSPartners promoter in June 2024.

Later that same month Auratus’ TAS Vault investment scheme collapsed. A few days ago BehindMLM documented an Auratus reboot investment scheme.

Essentially a rebranding of GSPartners’ “metacerticates”, Auratus’ latest fraudulent investment scheme is run through “Zai Cards” and “gold points”.

Since GSPartners collapsed, Josip Heit has mostly stuck to hiding out in Dubai. Occasionally Heit travels to countries without a US extradition treaty, or those he holds a passport with.

Australian promoters of Auratus were summoned to Croatia for a secret meeting with Heit earlier this month.

At time of publication total GSPartners investor losses remain unknown. Multiple US federal investigations into GSPartners, associated companies and Heit are ongoing.