GSPartners and Driven Properties have gotten Google to hide their Ponzi partnership in Germany.

I was putting together BehindMLM’s articles for today when this random email appeared:

Looks like Josip Heit has gotten some German court to censor BehindMLM’s news coverage of GSPartners.

Oh no. Anyway…

The two stories in question are Driven Properties losing clients and top US net-winner, Michael Dalcoe, threatening GSPartners affiliates who complain.

Driven Properties is a Dubai based property firm owned by Abdullah Alajaji.

Last year Driven Properties entered into a partnership with GSPartners, as part of GSPartners’ NFT real-estate scam.

Abdullah Alajaji got on stage at a GSPartners event to gush about the partnership, which BehindMLM reported on.

With GSPartners’ NFT real-estate scam going nowhere, Alajaji has since realized getting into bed with a Ponzi scheme is bad for business.

To that end he’s repeatedly begged Google to censor BehindMLM’s coverage. The transparency process behind these bogus requests only further enraged Alajaji.

The Michael Dalcoe story saw us report on his threats to GSPartners affiliate Owen Millett.

We know about these threats because Millett himself disclosed them in a publicly available YouTube video.

No idea if Millett is still in GSPartners. He’s been quiet for almost a half year but his videos are still up.

Unfortunately whereas they’re usually transparent when it comes to scammers, secretive German law prohibits Google from sharing details of whatever court order Heit got.

I can’t say for sure but the order is probably related to Heit’s earlier ex-parte Ukrainian court action.

On nothing more than a sworn affidavit, Heit managed to get BehindMLM’s coverage of GSPartners censored in Ukraine (I’ve been told the censored content is still available).

Heit appears to have taken that court order to Germany, something something European Union and those two article are now censored in Germany too.

BehindMLM wasn’t a party to either the Ukrainian or German proceedings.

Back in January Heit was running around telling GSPartners affiliates he was going to seize BehindMLM’s website domain.

And now I have good message. Very good message. We succeed one more time, in front of the big court which is giving us right.

That the BehindMLM website, we will confiscate in the next days. I have officially which we will upload.

That hasn’t happened.

Instead the GSPartners Ponzi scheme continues to flounder.

  • GSPartners investor recruitment towards the start of the year has dropped off;
  • G999’s public trading value is in the toilet at a third of a cent
  • nobody is buying Lydian World LYS tokens (Heit owns 99.9999% of generated LYS)

And there’s absolutely nothing on the horizon for GSPartners victims to look forward to. Ruhroh!

Total GSPartners victim losses are unknown. The majority of GSPartners victims are believed to be in the US, with the country continuing to provide the majority of traffic to GSPartners’ website (Alexa).

Neither GSPartners or Josip Heit are registered with the SEC.


Update 19th April 2022 – The YouTube channel hosting the cited “Josip Heit will seize BehindMLM’s domain” video has been terminated.

As such I’ve disabled the previously accessible video link. In its place I’ve edited the original article with a transcript.