MyAdStory Review: $1 and $50 a pop Ponzi investment

myadstory-logoThere is no information on the MyAdStory website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The MyAdStory website domain (“”) was registered on October 13th 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

A closed Facebook group for MyAdStory lists ten admins;  Becem Cherif, Matt Webster, Nords Swaby, Muhammad Tariq, Luis Castillo, Sahar Jalouni, Gaétane Charron, Laetitia Lechuga, Imen Tounsi and Mahmoud Cherif.

mahmoud-cherif-owner-myadstory-luis-castillo-facebookOn March 26th Luis Castillo named Mahmoud Cherif as owner of MyAdStory (right).

Cherif is based out of Canada, which matches up with MyAdStory’s Twitter profile location.

I wasn’t able to establish whether or not he’s an investor, but a fair bit of MyAdvertisingPays marketing material appeared on Cherif’s Facebook profile in early 2015.

MLM opportunities Cherif has been involved in as an affiliate include OwnMatrix (MLM underbelly scheme feeder), GetEasy (multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme), Global Mobile Network (Cherif describes it as the “best investment I did in my life”) and Visalus (weight loss).

Cherif’s descent into the MLM underbelly appears to have begun around mid 2014. MyAdStory appears to be Cherif’s first MLM company as an admin.

Read on for a full review of the MyAdStory MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

YourFastPay Review: $250 to $8190 chain-recruitment

yourfastpay-logoYourFastPay claim to be “present in Europe, South America, USA, Asia and Russia”.

Chou-Meng Ly is identified as YourFastPay’s CEO on its website. He appears to be working with Mehrshad Pezeshk.

Ly and Pezeshk work together at Studio Lol, a digital production studio. On the Studio Lol website, Ly and Pezeshk are cited as co-founders of the company.

chour-meng-ly-mehrshad-pezeshk-admin-yourfastpayOn a YourFastPay affiliate marketing blog, Pezeshk is identified as an “Engineer Director” of the company.

The YourFastPay website domain (“”) was registered on the 3rd of August 2014.

Listed as owner of the YourFastPay website domain is “Mehrshad Pezeshk”. An address in Tehran, Iran is also provided.

The address provided in the YourFastPay domain registration differs from the address provided on the YourFastPay website.

The address provided on the YourFastPay website is in London, UK and belongs to Stanley Davis.

Stanley Davis offer UK company registration services for £30 GBP and claim to be ‘one of the country’s best known names in company registration and formations for over 40 years.’

As such YourFastPay appears to exist in the UK in name only.

According to Mehrshad Pezeshk’s LinkedIn profile, he is the CEO & Founder at DPM Software Engineering.

On his Twitter profile, Pezeshk lists his location as Paris, France. Chou-Meng Ly is also based out of France, which is likely where YourFastPay is being operated from.

YourFastPay appears to be both Ly and Pezeshk’s first MLM venture.

Read on for a full review of the YourFastPay MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Paul Burks criminal trial postponed to July 2016

zeekrewardsWith Dawn Wright-Olivares and who else looking set to testify against Paul Burks, we were looking forward to his scheduled May 2016 trial.

Burks, mastermind of the $850 million dollar Ponzi scheme Zeek Rewards, is facing multiple 20 and 5 year prison terms and potentially millions of dollars in fines.

Wright-Olivares was second in command for most of Zeek’s lifespan.

Whereas review of discovery is usually the reason for delays in MLM Ponzi cases, this one is a little different with scheduled discovery completed.

Rather it’s a Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference that’s behind the delay. [Continue reading…]

Trust attorney charged in Genesis Acquisitions Ponzi case

genesis-acquisitions-international-logoTypically when we see regulators go after attorneys in Ponzi busts, it’s usually a civil fine and the usual “we don’t admit or deny anything” rubbish.

Not so in the Genesis Acquisitions Ponzi bust, with the United States’ Attorney’s Office filing criminal charges against attorney Steven Scudder.

Scudder was charged by bill information, according to documents filed in Dayton’s U.S. District Court. No court dates have been announced for a possible plea deal.

[Continue reading…]

H9 Water Review: Next generation water?

h9-water-productsH9 Water was founded in 2013 and are based out of Texas in the US.

Management wise details are sketchy. The H9 Water website advises that “Earth Products Inc.” are ‘the company behind H9‘.

Keith Hall and Steven Morse are listed as co-founders, however Keith Hall’s Facebook profile states he’s an “independent H9 partner”:


Steven Morse’s LinkedIn profile cites his as the CEO of Earth Products Inc., no mention of H9 Water.

Earth Products Inc. meanwhile doesn’t seem to do anything outside of H9 Water, so I’m not sure why it exists.

I wasn’t able to put together an MLM history on either Hall or Morse, suggesting H9 Water is their first MLM venture.

Read on for a full review of the H9 Water MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Elite Marketing Alliance Review: Not quite Joy To Live

elite-marketing-alliance-logoElite Marketing Alliance launched in 2010 and operate in the health and wellness MLM niche.

On the management side of things, the Elite Marketing Alliance website identifies Robert (Bob) Yukes is identified as President of the company.

Bob Yukes is a multi-level marketing veteran having worked eight years as a CFO in the industry prior to joining EMA.

As CFO at his previous endeavor, he was instrumental in raising $1 million dollars of additional financing to aid their expansion into international markets.

Elite Marketing Alliance is cited as a parent company on the Joy To Live website. For those unfamiliar with the opportunity, Joy To Live heavily focuses on affiliate recruitment at the expense of retail.

robert-bob-yukes-president-elite-marketing-allianceJoy To Live also launched in 2010 and is headed up by Founder and CEO, Gerald Ricks. Ricks is also presumed to own Elite Marketing Alliance.

Late last year Ricks launched Magic 10 Marketing, a recruitment scheme marketing bottles of silver.

Back in 2013 Bob Yukes (right) was serving as President of Joy To Live, however today he is credited as CFO.

Despite claims Yukes “worked for 8 years in the industry”, I was unable to find any information on his MLM career prior to EMA and Joy To Live.

Read on for a full review of the Elite Marketing Alliance MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Andorra International Review: Pay to play supplements

andorra-international-logoAndorra International launched in late 2015 and operate in the nutritional supplement MLM niche. The company is based out of California in the US.

A page on the Andorra International website is titled “Message From the Chairman”, however it fails to identify who Andorra International’s Chairman is.

Rather the page is used to provide a generic marketing spiel for the company.

james-hu-ceo-andorra-internationalDespite the odd anonymous Chairman’s message, Andorra International do identify James Hu as their CEO.

It is unclear whether or not Hu (right) also serves as Chairman. And if not, whether the anonymous Chairman is higher up than Hu in Andorra International’s executive hierarchy.

As per Hu’s Andorra International executive bio;

Prior to Andorra, Mr. Hu was Senior Director of Legal Affairs for Focus Diagnostics (sold to Quest Diagnostics), Associate General Counsel and Business Development for Martek Biosciences Corp (sold to DSM), and Vice President of Corporate Development and General Counsel for OriGene Technologies.

From the sounds of it, Andorra International is Hu’s first MLM venture as an executive. There is a James Hu in Organo Gold however I don’t believe they are the same person.

Read on for a full review of the Andorra International MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Social Cash Robot Review: $49 Ponzi investment shares

social-cash-robotThere is no information on the Social Cash Robot indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Social Cash Robot website domain (“”) was registered on February 26th 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

E-Dinar Review: EDR unit Ponzi points cryptocurrency

e-dinar-logoThere is no information on the E-Dinar website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The E-Dinar website domain (“”) was registered on the 7th of October 2015, with “Insider Mine” of “LP Edinar-group” as the owner. An address in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is also provided.

“Mass media” articles provided on the E-Dinar website are little more than spam the owner(s) of E-Dinar have uploaded to various press-release websites.

The marketing videos on the website were made on the cheap, using the services of Fivver seller “Ivannicholo”.

Alexa currently estimate that 26.4% of all traffic to the E-Dinar website originates out of the US. Russia and Ukraine aren’t far behind, providing 19.4% and 16.6% respectively.

There’s a distinct lack of information available on Insider Mine and LP Edinar-group. My thinking is that these are likely just shell companies set up in Malaysia.

Between Russia and the US, I’m leaning towards the admins of E-Dinar being based in Europe.

This is based on the abundance of E-Dinar marketing material in Russian, as well as use of the Slovakian file locker to host the E-Dinar website (albeit the link was broken at the time of publication).

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Criminal charge filed against Zeek payment processor

zeekrewardsIn yet another blow to merchants who facilitate the operation of MLM Ponzi schemes, a criminal charge has been filed against the owner of one of Zeek Rewards’ payment processors. [Continue reading…]