Game Ocean Review: GOT token Ponzi scheme

Game Ocean fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Game Ocean’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on January 16th, 2024.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Club4You Review: “Donations” ruse MLM gifting scheme

Club4You fails to provide ownership or executive on its website.

Club4You’s website domain (“”), was first registered in 2018. The private registration was last updated on September 5th, 2023.

Of note is Club4You’s website defaulting to German, Club4You’s website source-code containing German and the company operating in euros.

As of February 2024, SimilarWeb also tracked the majority of Club4You’s website traffic originating from Germany (54%).

Putting all of this together, at the very least whoever is running Club4You appears to natively speak German. They also likely have ties to Germany or a German-speaking country.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

GSB Gold Standard Corporation fraud warnings from UK

The UK’s FCA has issued multiple securities fraud warnings against GSB Gold Standard Corporation associated companies.

On March 21st the FCA issued fraud warnings against G999, Lydian World and Gold Standard Trade (aka GSTrade). [Continue reading…]

Grass Review: Wynd Labs securities fraud?

Grass fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Grass’ website domain (“”), was registered in March 2023. The private registration was last updated on February 29th, 2024.

As per Grass’ website Terms and Conditions;

This agreement (“Agreement”) is between you and Lower Tribeca Corp.(“Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”) and governs your access to and use of the Grass app (“App”) that facilitates bandwidth sharing.

A January 1st SEC Form D filing reveals Lower Tribeca Corp is a shell company purportedly registered in the Bahamas.

Christopher Nguyen (right) is the sole cited Director of Lower Tribeca Corp in the filing.

Nguyen’s name led me to a December 2023 DT News article citing Grass as a product of Wynd Network. Nguyen, as “Chris Nguyen”, is cited as Wynd Network’s CTO.

Wynd Network rebranded as Wynd Labs on March 5th. The company runs a barebones website at “”. No ownership or executive information is provided.

Through my own research I was able to ascertain one of Wynd Network’s co-founders, Andrej Radonjic (right).

Radonjic’s LinkedIn profile places him in Canada. Legal action involving Radonjic and Geckobyte Labs places him specifically in Ontario.

Randonjic appears to be a random crypto bro with no MLM experience.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

TeaMiner Review: Another Juan Reynoso MLM crypto Ponzi

TeaMiner operates in the MLM cryptocurrency niche.

The company represents it’s “main office” is in Wyoming in the US. Another corporate address for the shell company Teaminer S.A. in Panama is provided.

TeaMiner’s “main office” address in Wyoming is attached to the shell company TeaMiner Inc. The address itself belongs to Opus Virtual Offices.

It is unlikely TeaMiner has any ties to Wyoming beyond registering a shell company there.

TeaMiner’s Panama address is random office space for rent. Again it is unlikely TeaMiner has any actual ties to Panama beyond registering a shell company there.

Heading up TeaMiner we have an executive team led by Luis Rodriguez:

Rodriguez (under a different name) pops up on a few Chinese language websites. Juan Reynoso Jr. is a former promoter of the OmegaPro Ponzi scheme.

I wasn’t able to put together an MLM history on TeaMiner’s other two executives.

A major red flag with Tea Miner is the involvement of Juan Carlos Reynoso.

Reynoso (no idea if he’s related to TeaMiner’s Juan Reynoso Jr.), is a notorious MLM Ponzi scammer.


Update 26th March 2024 – Juan Reynoso Jr. is in fact the son of Juan Carlos Reynoso:

/end update


The earliest record BehindMLM has of Juan Reynoso’s Ponzi scamming is iComTech circa 2018.

US authorities arrested iComTech’s founder David Carmona and four accomplices in late 2022. Although he was CEO of iComTech, Reynoso was not among those apprehended.

After iComTech collapsed, Reynoso signed on as an OmegaPro executive circa 2019.

OmegaPro is suspected of being a multibillion dollar MLM crypto Ponzi scheme.

The scam collapsed in late 2022, after which Reynoso signed on a CSO for the Go Global reboot.

Next we heard of Reynoso was March 2023. Reynoso was arrested in Mexico on money laundering and drug trafficking charges.

In June 2023, Reynoso was released due to “irregularities with evidence collected” against him.

Today there is no mention of Reynos on Go Global’s website. Any mention of him on Go Global’s social media has been scrubbed.

Promotion of TeaMiner began in November 2023. It’s high likely Reynoso, either directly or by proxy, is actually running TeaMiner.

Both OmegaPro and Go Global was/is based out of Dubai. Reynoso is assumed to be hiding in Dubai and/or Central America.

Read on for a full review of TeaMiner’s MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

FVP Trade, Onewiex & CosCoin fraud warnings from Belgium

Belgium’s Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) has issued three MLM related fraudulent trading platform warnings.

In a warning published on March 14th, the FSMA “strongly advises against responding to any offers of financial services made by” CosCoin, Onewiex and FVP Trade. [Continue reading…]

Nelo Life Review: FinMore promoters launch pyramid scheme

Despite actively marketing for signups, Nelo Life fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

At time of publication, Nelo Life’s website displays a “global pre-launch” countdown timer:

41 days from today puts Nelo Life’s launch on or around April 29th, 2024.

When readers first began contacted me about Nelo Life a few days ago, former TranzactCard and FinMore promoter Scott Kufus was cited as owner of the company.

I suppose this made sense at the time, seeing as Kufus is pretty much the face of Nelo Life promotion.

A reader got in touch yesterday to advise that Nelo Life was in fact owned by Nick Sorensen, Eric Allen and Larry Lane. Supposedly, their initials is what makes up the company name NELo Life.

I’m not sure if there’s a fourth “O” initial owner or whether the “O” is just to round off NEL.

In any event, while this fits I haven’t seen any concrete evidence of Nelo Life company ownership.

Nelo Life’s first major red flag is company owners hiding from consumers.


Update 20th March 2024 – While I was putting this review together this was posted to Nelo Life’s official Twitter account:

/end update


In the absence of anyone else emerging as the owner(s) of Nelo Life, it’s worth noting Nick Sorensen is a former TranzactCard/FinMore promoter (click to enlarge):

Eric Allen is a former TranzactCard/FinMore promoter:

And Larry Lane is a former TranzactCard/FineMore promoter:

TranzactCard was an effective reboot of Richard Smith’s collapsed R Network scheme.

After TranzactCard predictably collapsed last month, FinMore was unveiled as a hastily put together reboot.

FinMore, while still around, predictably collapsed even faster than TranzactCard did. As per a YouTube video put out by Troy Dooly yesterday;

[1:55] They started to flounder very early on. They weren’t able to deliver.

They hyped up the opportunity … it got really weird to be quite honest.

[3:32] Why did they fire the compliance team that actually knew what was going on? Why did they get rid of the second compliance team?

Why did they get rid of some of their executives that actually knew the network marketing business?

So it was… it was just chaos.

[4:31] It was just on and on to where it brings us now to the present, where executives have left.

And then this weekend I was given the privilege of being on some private Zooms, and I was sent private videos of people saying, “We’re done. We’re leaving.”

Considering FinMore only launched about a month and a half ago, one would have to assume Nelo Life’s pre-launch is equally as hasty.

Nelo Life’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on March 5th – about a month after FinMore was revealed.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Q Sciences purchased by Awakend founder Rodney James

A dispute over unpaid commissions has revealed Aawakend founder Rodney James has purchased Q Sciences.

BehindMLM noted Awakend’s Zenith supplement being sold through QSciences last month.

A week after this update, James purchasing Q Sciences was framed as a “strategic partnership“.

Why James’ purchase of Q Sciences was just openly disclosed is unclear. [Continue reading…]

Clynton Marks fails to remove MTI liquidators

After accusing them of “serious misconduct”, MTI kingpin Clynton Marks applied to have court-appointed liquidators removed.

As reported by MoneyWeb on March 18th, Western Cape High Court rejected Marks claims [Continue reading…]

SEC sanctioned for “bad faith” in Debt Box fraud case

A court has found the SEC getting some dates wrong in its Debt Box case constitutes bad faith.

Financial sanctions have been imposed and the SEC’s request to dismiss the case for refiling has been denied. [Continue reading…]