Uforia Science launched in late 2018. BehindMLM published its original Uforia Science review on December 12th the same year.

In the comments of our review, a reader reached out just over a week ago to let us know our review needed an update.

I took a glance at Uforia Science’s current offering and confirmed.

Today we revisit Uforia Science for an updated review.

The Company

Unless I’ve missed something, Uforia Science’s website is devoid of any executive information.

The best your going to get out of Uforia Science is their Scientific Board, none of whom appear to be management executives.

I noted the street address in Utah on Uforia Science’s website does not match the Utah PO Box provided in their marketing material. Not sure what’s going on there.

As per our original review Uforia Science was owned by Terry LaCore and managed by Ron Williams (CEO, right).

I was able to verify Williams is still CEO, as Uforia Science still features him prominently in their social media efforts.

A different corporate address again is provided in Uforia Science’s Terms and Conditions.

This Texas address belongs to LaCore Enterprises, confirming Terry LaCore still owns the company.

Why this information isn’t provided on Uforia Science’s website is unclear.

Uforia Science’s Products

Uforia Science’s original product marketing relied heavily on nutritional supplements, formulated supposedly on the basis of DNA.

In a nutshell customers and affiliates bought a DNA test kit. A sample is then sent to Uforia Science Lab, where it is processed for another $99.

While that’s happening Uforia Science customers are expected to start taking a “Pretrition veggie caps” supplement, which is included with the DNA test kit.

Since our original review a “QuiKit Single Pack” has been introduced, which contains only thirty PreTrition veggie caps.

Not really sure why the more expensive option exists if a five-day PreTrition supply is adequate.

Uforia Science claims

genetic data is used to generate your personalized report custom designer nutrition that contains nearly 100 peer-reviewed plant based ingredients along with raw food, super foods, prebiotics, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

That marketing message has since been toned down. Apparently Uforia Science’s nutritional supplements are only now “inspired by your DNA”.

Once Your DNA Report is Ready, Your Unique Formula Can Be Ordered By You Every Month!

Uforia Science’s claim their nutritional supplements contain “only raw foods, herbs, plus vitamins and minerals.”

Pricing of Uforia Science’s DNA kit is still $159.95.

The ongoing cost of nutritional supplements are not disclosed, at least not on Uforia Science’s public-facing website.

Uforia Science’s Compensation Plan

Uforia Science’s compensation plan pays affiliates to sell DNA Kits and monthly autoship supplements to retail customers and recruited affiliates.

Residual commissions are paid out seven levels deep via a unilevel team. A Generation Bonus extends residual commissions beyond seven levels.

Additional performance-based bonuses are also offered.

MLM Commission Qualification

To qualify for MLM commissions, a Uforia Science affiliate must generate 100 PV a month.

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by sales to retail customers and an affiliate’s own orders.

Uforia Science Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within Uforia Science’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Beginner – sign up as a Uforia Science affiliate and stay MLM commission qualified
  • Builder – maintain 100 PV and GV a month
  • Producer – generate and maintain 100 PV and 1000 GV a month
  • Mover – generate and maintain 100 PV and 3000 GV a month
  • Shaker – generate and maintain 100 PV and 7500 GV a month
  • Influencer – generate and maintain 100 PV and 15,000 GV a month
  • Innovator – generate and maintain 100 PV and 40,000 GV a month
  • Generator – generate and maintain 100 PV and 100,000 GV a month
  • Creator – generate and maintain 100 PV and 175,000 GV a month
  • Disruptor – generate and maintain 100 PV and 250,000 GV a month
  • Rainmaker – generate and maintain 100 PV and 350,000 GV a month
  • Free – generate and maintain 100 PV and 500,000 GV a month

GV stands for “Group Volume”. Uforia Science calculates Group Volume as the PV of an affiliate’s downline.

Note that this does not include an affiliate’s own PV (only that of their entire downline).

Finally, required monthly GV is capped at

  • 80% from any one unilevel leg at Producer
  • 70% from any one unilevel leg for Mover and Shaker
  • 60% from any one unilevel leg at Influencer
  • 40% from any one unilevel leg for Innovator and higher

Customer Referral Program

Uforia Science’s Customer Referral Program rewards affiliates for acquiring retail customers.

  • refer and maintain one retail customer on autoship and receive a 25% discount
  • refer and maintain four retail customers on autoship and receive a 100% discount

The discount is applied to a retail customer or affiliate’s own autoship order.

Note that while 100% of the order fee is waived, shipping, handling and tax fees still apply.

First Start Bonus

Uforia Science pays a First Start Bonus on orders placed by new retail customers or recruited affiliates (during their first 30 days).

The First Order Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Uforia Science caps payable unilevel team levels at seven.

The First Start Bonus is paid as a percentage of generated sales volume across these seven levels as follows:

  • Beginner ranked affiliates do not earn the First Start Bonus
  • Builders earn 20% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates), 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3
  • Producers earn 20% on level 1 and 10% on levels 2 and 3
  • Movers earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3 and 5% on level 4
  • Shakers earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3 and 5% on levels 4 and 5
  • Influencers earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 5% on levels 4 to 6 and 1% on level 7
  • Innovators earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 5% on levels 4 to 6 and 2% on level 7
  • Generators earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 6% on level 4, 5% on levels 5 and 6 and 3% on level 7
  • Creators earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 6% on level 4, 5% on levels 5 and 6 and 4% on level 7
  • Disruptors earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 7% on level 4, 5% on levels 5 and 6 and 4% on level 7
  • Rainmakers earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 7% on level 4, 6% on level 5, 5% on level 6 and 4% on level 7
  • Frees earn 20% on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 7% on level 4, 6% on level 5, 5% on levels 6 and 7

Residual Commissions

Residual commissions are paid on orders placed by retail customers and recruited unilevel team affiliates after their first thirty days.

Residual commissions are paid via the same unilevel team used to pay the First Start Bonus (see above).

  • Beginners do not earn residual commissions
  • Builders earn 15% on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Producers earn 15% on level 1 and 7% on levels 2 and 3
  • Movers earn 15% on level 1 and 8% on levels 2 to 4
  • Shakers earn 15% on level 1 and 9% on levels 2 to 5
  • Influencers earn 15% on level 1, 9% on levels 2 to 5, 5% on level 6 and 2% on level 7
  • Innovators earn 15% on level 1, 9% on levels 2 to 5, 5% on level 6 and 2% on level 7
  • Generators and Creators earn 15% on level 1, 9% on levels 2 to 5, 5% on level 6 and 4% on level 7
  • Disruptors and Rainmakers earn 15% on level 1, 9% on levels 2 to 5 and 5% on levels 6 and 7

Generation Bonus

The Generation Bonus begins on the eighth unilevel team level.

Uforia Science defines a generation within the unilevel team when an Influencer or higher ranked affiliate is found in a unilevel team leg.

This affiliate caps off the first generation for that unilevel team leg (beginning at the eighth or deeper level).

The first generation of a unilevel team leg runs deeper into the leg until another Influencer or higher ranked affiliate is found.

That affiliate then caps off the second generation for that leg, with the third beginning immediately after.

If no such affiliate exists, the first generation runs the full depth of the leg. This is also true of the last generation of any unilevel team leg.

Using this generational structure, Uforia Science pays out the Generation Bonus as follows:

  • Influencers earn 1% on up to one generation
  • Innovators earn 2% on the first generation and 1% on the second
  • Generators earn 2% on the first and second generations and 1% on the the third
  • Creators earn 2% on the first three generations and 1% on the fourth
  • Disruptors earn 2% on the first four generations and 1% on the fifth
  • Rainmakers earn 2% on the first five generations and 1% on the sixth
  • Frees earn 2% on the first six generations and 1% on the seventh

Check Match Bonus

The Check Match Bonus is paid out on the First Start Bonus and residual commissions, paid to personally recruited affiliates (level 1).

The Check Match Bonus pays out a 10% match starting at the Influencer rank.

Fast Start Bonus

The First Start Bonus is a timed bonus that rewards new Uforia Science affiliates for generating direct and downline sales volume.

  • generate 900 GV across your first three unilevel team levels within your first 14 days = first supplement order free
  • generate 2500 GV across your first three unilevel team levels within your first 30 days = $500 bonus
  • generate 5000 GV across your first three unilevel team levels within another 30 days = $1500 bonus
  • qualify for the above two bonuses (30 days + 30 days) and qualify to earn both bonuses again within another 60 days (new GV required)

Service Bonus

The Service Bonus appears to be an additional 10% paid out on personal retail customer and recruited affiliate volume.

Note that retail customers who contribute to the Customer Referral Program (see above) are excluded from the Service Bonus.

Car Bonus

Uforia Science rewards affiliates with a monthly Car Bonus starting at the Innovator rank.

  • Innovators receive a $400 Car Bonus
  • Generators receive a $500 Car Bonus
  • Creators receive a $600 Car Bonus
  • Disruptors receive a $700 Car Bonus
  • Rainmakers receive an $800 Car Bonus
  • Frees receive a $900 Car Bonus

Global Pool

Uforia Science takes 1% of company-wide sales volume and places it into a Global Pool.

The Global Pool is distributed equally among Free ranked affiliates every quarter.

Joining Uforia Science

Uforia Science affiliate membership is $39.95 annually.

Affiliates receive increased First Start Bonus of 30% when they sign up with a DNA kit multi-pack.

DNA kit multi-pack costs are not disclosed on Uforia Sciences website or in their compensation plan.

From our original review a Ustart 10-pack kit cost $1279.60.


I wasn’t too skeptical of “DNA nutrition” in my original Uforia Science review, mostly because it hadn’t launched yet.

The nutrition that is. For some reason Uforia Science launched as an MLM company before its flagship product was ready for manufacture.

In any event after I’d published the review, a comment from one of our readers stuck with me;

Regardless of how many people are flogging it, it’s still weapons-grade bolonium.

Here’s an easy illustration as to why. My identical twin lives in Alaska, and spends his entire day inside in the dark while eating Big Macs. I live in the Canaries and spend my days cycling in the sun and eating a Mediterranean diet.

Yet Uforia and co will say that we should be eating the same supplements because our DNA is identical. Sure. What an absolute crock of crap.

I’m not a scientist by any stretch, but the above makes sense. When was the last time your DNA was a deciding factor in managing your nutrition?

For starters, according to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (first reputable link that came up),

the genetic difference between individual humans today is minuscule – about 0.1%, on average.

Look, even if we buy into customized supplements based on DNA, how much of a difference is “about 0.1%” of a difference going to make?

The lab … processes your DNA, and your genetic data is used to generate your personalized report custom designer nutrition that contains nearly 100 peer-reviewed plant based ingredients along with raw food, super foods, prebiotics, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

Is my Uforia Science “personalized” supplement really all that different to the next person’s?

I mean technically the formula might be slightly altered but how meaningful is that alteration?

Sounds like a question for the FTC.

Moving onto Uforia Science’s compensation plan, the first thing I was glad to see gone was the mandatory 100 PV autoship.

It’s now your standard own volume or retail volume requirement. Well, sort of.

If a Uforia Science affiliate dares to qualify via retail sales (instead of their own autoship), the company punishes them financially.

If you didn’t place a personal order for the calendar month, up to 100 QV/CV from one of your personal customers can be used to “rescue” your PQV requirement once the month has ended and will be paid to your upline as if this volume has been purchased by you.

Uh, using retail volume to satisfy a monthly volume requirement isn’t a “rescue”. Rescue from what? Having to purchase products yourself as an affiliate?

What this this nonsense? All this does is quid pro quo an affiliate self-qualifying for commissions each month – which is just as bad as the original “hey you have to buy” qualification.

As anti-retail as penalizing people for relying on retail sales is, things get worse with Uforia Science’s DNA Kit multipacks.

I don’t know if they still cost $1279.60 for a pack of ten but considering a single DNA Kit is the same price, the pricing is probably the same or similar.

First off why financially incentivize multipack purchases with an increased commission rate?

When you sign up with a multi-pack, your 1st level First-Start bonus will be upgraded to 30% for a full calendar month on every member you enroll with the same or lesser multi-pack during that period.

Also what’s this double-dipping stuff?

When you buy a multi-pack you get credited the full QV/ CV.

When you sell the kits individually to new customers or new Ütritionists, they will be credited 100QV/0CV, which means, commissions are not paid again on the same kits, but the 100QV will allow your customers to be considered “active” and will help you “double dipping” on the QV toward your qualification requirements.

So I buy a multipack and generate PV. Then when I resell the packs to recruited affiliates or retail customers the same PV is generated again for them? What?

I get that the double-dipping means I’m paid on my own purchase and then residual volume – but still, why is this a thing?

DNA Kit multipacks just encourage inventory loading. Nobody needs ten DNA Kits on hand. Keep the three pack but get rid of the rest, it’s not a good look.

It’s also not a good look that multipack pricing is not provided on UForia Science website. Ditto the ongoing supplement autoship cost.

How are you going to market a monthly supplement autoship to consumers and not even provide them with a ballpark monthly cost? Am I only going to find out what Uforia Science wants to charge me after I’ve spent $258.95 on a DNA Kit + testing?

Talk about anti-consumer practices…

The Service Bonus and Customer Referral Program are supposed to encourage retail sales, but both can be ignored as they’re not really the core of the compensation plan. That said it’s better than nothing, so I’ll give Uforia Science that.

Irrespective of everything else, discounting an affiliate’s autoship based on retail volume is great. So is paying another 10% on top everything else on downline residual retail volume.

Is it enough to encourage retail over recruitment though? Probably not.

As a retail customer, I’d be extremely wary if a Uforia Science affiliate can’t provide me with even an estimate of ongoing monthly costs. That the company itself doesn’t provide this on its website is inexcusable.

$258.95 isn’t chump-change to flop down without knowing what you’re getting into month after month.

As a prospective affiliate, the good news is the Customer Referral Program makes it easy to ascertain how the business opportunity is being worked.

All you need to ask your potential upline is whether they qualify for the 25% or 100% discount on their own autoship.

If they qualify for the 25% discount, that’s a start. At the very least it demonstrates Uforia Science is retail viable (assuming the retail customer isn’t a convenient family member etc.)

If they qualify for a 100% discount, great! That’s four retail customers and great to see.

If they don’t qualify for the Customer Referral Program, yet they’re out there trying to recruit new affiliates – run.

Outside of the business opportunity I’m still not sold on DNA nutrition, so even as a potential retail customer approach with caution.


Update 2nd March 2020 – On February 29th Uforia Science and MaVie announced a merger.