MarketPeak Review: PEAK token Ponzi scheme curator
MarketPeak operates in the MLM cryptocurrency niche. The company represents it is incorporated in Dubai, specifically;
PEAK TECH – FZCO, DSO-THUB, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai – UAE
MarketPeak is headed up by CEO and co-founder Sergej Heck.
Most of the information available on Heck (right) is in German. That said I was able to verify information a reader sent in, tying Heck to a number of MLM Ponzi schemes.
Prior to founding MarketPeak Heck promoted Questra Global (this SteemIt article claims he convinced others to invest 9 million) and Cryp Trade Capital.
Heck also appears to have been involved in the BeOnPush Ponzi scheme in 2017.
There is of course no mention of any of these companies in Heck’s MarketPeak corporate bio. Instead Heck’s serial scamming is reduced to him supposedly being
famous for his enormous success in establishing a global sales team in only a matter of months.
Read on for a full review of MarketPeak’s MLM opportunity.
MarketPeak’s Products
MarketPeak has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market MarketPeak affiliate membership itself.
MarketPeak’s Compensation Plan
MarketPeak affiliates invest in PEAK tokens.
- Affiliate – invest $250 and receive 5000 PEAK tokens
- Marketer – invest $1000 and receive 20,000 PEAK tokens
- All-In – invest $2000 and receive 40,000 PEAK tokens plus a 10% bonus
- Enterprise – invest $7500 and receive 150,000 PEAK tokens plus a 15% bonus
Commissions are paid out when they recruit others who do the same.
MarketPeak Affiliate Ranks
There are ten affiliate ranks within MarketPeak’s compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Newbie – generate $5000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Rookie – personally recruit two Newbie ranked affiliates and generate $15,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Intermediate -personally recruit two Rookie ranked affiliates and generate $100,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Advanced – personally recruit two Intermediate ranked affiliates and generate $300,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Professional – personally recruit two Advanced affiliates and generate $1,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Leader – personally recruit two Professional ranked affiliates and generate $3,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Top Leader – personally recruit two Leader ranked affiliates and generate $10,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Mentor – personally recruit two Top Leader ranked affiliates and generate $20,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Star – personally recruit two Mentor ranked affiliates and generate $40,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Super Star – personally recruit two Star ranked affiliates and generate $80,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
Alternatively, from the Intermediate rank, MarketPeak offers more recruitment focused qualification criteria:
- Intermediate – personally recruit four Newbie ranked affiliates and generate $50,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Advanced – personally recruit four Rookie ranked affiliates and generate $150,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Professional – personally recruit four Intermediate ranked affiliates and generate $500,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Leader – personally recruit four Advanced ranked affiliates and generate $1,500,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Top Leader – personally recruit four Professional ranked affiliates and generate $5,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Mentor – personally recruit four Leader ranked affiliates and generate $10,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Star – personally recruit four Top Leader ranked affiliates and generate $20,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
- Super Star – personally recruit four Mentor ranked affiliates and generate $40,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
Note that required recruited affiliate ranks can also be higher than the stated minimums.
E.g. A recruited Super Star affiliate qualifies for any lesser required recruited affiliate rank.
Referral Commissions
MarketPeak pays referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
MarketPeak caps payable unilevel team levels at eight.
Referral commissions are paid out as a percentage of funds invested across these eight levels as follows:
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
- level 2 – 4%
- level 3 – 2%
- levels 4 to 6 – 1%
- levels 7 and 8 – 0.5%
Residual Commissions
MarketPeak pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):
The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).
Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.
At the end of each day MarketPeak tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.
Affiliates are paid 4 to 8% of funds invested on the weaker binary team side.
- Affiliate tier affiliates receive a 4% residual commission rate
- Marketer and higher tier affiliates receive an 8% residual commission rate
Once paid out on, investment volume is flushed from both sides of the binary team. Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side is carried over.
Note that daily residual commission earnings are capped based on rank:
- Newbies and Rookies can earn up to $560 a day
- Intermediates can earn up to $1040 a day
- Advanceds can earn up to $1520 a day
- Professionals can earn up to $2000 a day
- Experts can earn up to $2560 a day
- Leaders can earn up to $3040 a day
- Mentors can earn up to $3520 a day
- Stars can earn up to $4000 a day
- Super Stars can earn up to $5040 a day
Matching Bonus
MarketPeak pays a Matching Bonus on residual commissions earned by downline affiliates.
A 5% Matching Bonus is paid using the same unilevel team structure as referral commissions, capped down five levels of recruitment.
To qualify for the Matching Bonus, a MarketPeak affiliate must have bought in at the Marketer or higher tiers.
Rank Rewards
Rank Rewards is an additional bonus percentage, paid out weekly on a MarketPeak affiliate’s entire downline generated investment volume.
- Newbies earn 4%
- Rookies earn 6%
- Intermediates earn 8%
- Advanceds earn 10%
- Professionals earn 12%
- Leaders earn 14%
- Top Leaders earn 16%
- Mentors earn 18%
- Stars earn 19%
- Super Stars earn 20%
Note that the Rank Rewards are a differential bonus, meaning 20% is paid out on all downline turnover volume.
Higher ranked affiliates collect the percentage difference paid to downline affiliates that are at a lower rank.
E.g. a Top Leader earns their 16% Rank Rewards bonus, leaving 4% remaining to be paid out.
The system searches upline for either a Mentor, Star or Super Star to pay the remaining balance out to.
If a Mentor is paid out first, the system pays them 2% (the difference between 16% and 18%), and continues to search upline for higher ranked affiliates to pay the remaining 2% out to.
If a Star is found first, they receive 3% leaving a final 1% to be paid to the first upline Super Star.
If a Super Star is found first, they collect the full remaining 4% balance.
Note that any time a Super Star is found they are paid the remaining balance in full.
Rank Achievement Bonus
MarketPeak rewards affiliates for qualifying at any of its ten ranks:
- qualify as a Newbie and receive $100
- qualify as a Rookie and receive $300
- qualify as an Intermediate and receive $2000
- qualify as an Advanced and receive $6000
- qualify as a Professional and receive $20,000
- qualify as a Leader and receive $60,000
- qualify as a Top Leader and receive $200,000
- qualify as a Mentor and receive $350,000
- qualify as a Star and receive $600,000
- qualify as a Super Star and receive $1,000,000
Note that the Rank Achievement Bonus is paid out in bitcoin.
Global Bonus
MarketPeak takes 5% of company-wide investment volume and places it into the Global Bonus.
The Global Bonus is split into three pools, paid to qualified All-In or Enterprise investment tier affiliates.
- qualify for a share in the 3% Global Bonus 1 pool by recruiting a Super Star ranked affiliate
- qualify for a share in the 1% Global Bonus 2 pool by recruiting two Super Star ranked affiliates (additional 500,000 PEAK tokens rewarded)
- qualify for a share in the 1% Global Bonus 3 pool by recruiting three Super Star ranked affiliates (additional 1,000,000 PEAK tokens rewarded)
Joining MarketPeak
MarketPeak affiliate membership starts at $250.
- Affiliate – $250
- Marketer – $1000
- All-In – $2000
- Enterprise – $7500
A “Free” affiliate tier also exists for marketing purposes, however Free tier affiliates don’t qualify for MLM commissions.
Like many Ponzi scammers, MarketPeak marks Sergej Heck’s jumping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon.
PEAK is an ethereum based ERC-20 token. They take about an hour to set up and deploy.
PEAK tokens are worthless outside of MarketPeak, serving only as a vehicle to commit securities fraud through.
The fraud within MarketPeak’s business model can be divided into two components.
First there’s the pyramid aspect of the business model. All commissions within MarketPeak’s business model are paid on recruited affiliate investment.
This is a closed-loop system with no retail to speak of.
The second fraud is that of a Ponzi scheme. Through an internal exchange, MarketPeak affiliates are able to cash out PEAK tokens.
PEAK tokens are generated on demand by MarketPeak as required, at little to no cost.
Despite MarketPeak launching last year, PEAK tokens appear to have only been listed on public exchanges as of March 2020.
The first public exchange to list PEAK was Coinsbit, following an initial announcement last September:
From this we can surmise MarketPeak is planning to deploy the public exchange exit-scam model.
As I write this only a few thousand dollars of PEAK tokens a day are traded on public exchanges. Presumably the bulk of PEAK tokens are still traded internally within MarketPeak itself.
No details of this are provided on MarketPeak’s website.
In any event when they shut the internal exchange down, PEAK tokens will be dumped on public exchanges as per the public exchange exit-scam model.
The current PEAK token public value is 9.5 cents, which will fall even further when the inevitable panic dumping begins.
Within MarketPeak itself you also have curated Ponzi investment schemes – the first of which is BitPhoenix.
Supposedly BitPhoenix has its own shitcoin token. Those are flogged to MarketPeak investors on the promise of monthly returns, purportedly derived via automated cryptocurrency trading.
In addition to BitPhoenix, there’s also MasterPool token – through which MarketPeak advertises 11% returns paid in bitcoin.
So not only is MarketPeak a Ponzi scheme, it has Ponzi schemes developed within it. Scams within scams, what a mess.
With PEAK token used to link them, I imagine more curated Ponzi schemes will launch within MarketPeak over time. And so the gravy train will continue until MarketPeak investors wise up.
Be it cryptocurrency or the more traditional Ponzi schemes Sergej Heck has experience with, the math behind them is the same.
Once new investment dries up so do return withdrawals – inevitably leaving the majority of MarketPeak investors with a loss.
Update 25th May 2023 – MarketPeak has collapsed.
Following an investigation by Japanese police that began in October 2022, in late April 2023 MarketPeak was rebooted as Bitopex.
You can add Leniex and BizNet to his glorious career, he is bragging about in his book:
He is a big Scamer, good News to find him here!
You are so misinformed dude. We get a lot of value for one time payments. We can build a big income and a lot of knowledge on the platform.
Go get a job if you think every network marketing business is a scam.
Whether you feel you gained value by investing in MarketPeak doesn’t change the fact the company is committing securities fraud and running Ponzi schemes.
Ditto what you can and can’t do with “the platform”.
I don’t. Based on its business model though, MarketPeak is most definitely a scam.
Review updated to note Japanese MarketPeak arrests and Bitopex reboot.
Shoutout to Martin @ #3 above. Sorry for your loss.
Oz wrote:
The fraud portal is still online. The following persons are named and shown.
– Sergej Heck, CEO
– Raphael Scalise, COO
– Jonas Mehmood, CCO
– Benjamin Bendig, CTO
– Ines von der Wellen, Head of Support
– Christopher Funk, Consultant
– Dr. Sarfaraz Sayed, Consultant
– Thomas Krüger, Consultant
The number of visitors to is falling continuously. In May 2023 there were still 52.2K, in March 2024 only 6.7K. and
The notorious fraudster Sergej Heck wanted to reach 500,000 members by the end of 2023. That obviously didn’t work out.![😀](
For comparison: The new fraud portal also had only 5.5K visitors in March 2024 after 18.9K in May 2023. and
By the way, the Instagram account no longer exists.
In a video from December 11, 2021, Marko Vidovic and Markus Rossier massively promoted the MarketPeak scam.
This video is no longer listed on the channel of Marko Vidovic (VIDOVIC MENTORING). Why?
The reason is quickly explained. Markus Rossier is a serial fraudster living in Dubai. He was also an active member of the scam (as CSO) run by Jan Lübberding (CEO) from Germany and Patrick Hummer (CMO) from Austria.
Markus Rossier in the video mentioned above:
Marko Vidovic in the video mentioned above:
The serial fraudster Markus Rossier allegedly has 13,500 followers on Instagram. This figure is completely unrealistic.
On a second Instagram account, serial fraudster Markus Rossier only has 115 followers. This figure is realistic.
More details in this article:
Serial fraudster Sergej Heck is now promoting Peakdefi on Instagram.
The domain was registered on March 5, 2020 and updated on March 6, 2022.
The website had 102.1K visitors in March 2023 and only 42K visitors in March 2024. and
The roadmap on is visually designed in exactly the same way as on Sergej Heck is immediately recognizable as the author.
The imprint again names a “company” (PEAK LABS DMCC) in Dubai.
PeakDefi looks like a separate website to push PEAK onto rubes.
Of course there’s a staking Ponzi attached but I’m not seeing anything MLM?