iX Global launched last year and is headed up by co-founders Anita Davis (COO), Helen Boyle (CCO) and Joe Martinez (CEO).

On iX Global’s website Martinez is presented as the sole founder of the company. Davis and Boyle appear in the customer testimonials section, which is disingenuous seeing as it’s their company.

Prior to co-founding iX Global, Joe Martinez (right) was promoting Kuvera Global.

Kuvera Global is/was part of Investview, who have been openly committing securities fraud in the US for years.

After multiple collapses the scheme finally fell apart early last year. Kuvera has since rebooted itself as iGenius.

iX Global’s website domain (“ixglobal.us”) was registered in January 2020, one month prior to the official collapse.

Helen Boyle also appears to have been a Kuvera Global affiliate.

Other than her abandoned motivational videos YouTube channel, I wasn’t able to find anything MLM related on Anita Davis.

That said, Kuvera Global seems to be the common link between the three.


Update 23rd February 2021 – It appears prior to IX Global Anita Davis was involved in “IGOnline” (Dec 2017 – Dec 2019).

As per an IGOnline investor, IGOnline marketed an “forex automation service”.

The Facebook group IGOnline was renamed IX Global UK in March 2020:

As far as I can tell, IGOnline appears to be the precursor of IX Global. /end update


Both Boyle and Davis are based out of the UK. Joe Martinez is from the US.

iX Global doesn’t provide a corporate address on its website. iX Global’s website terms and conditions however state:

all aspects of the Website and Company Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Utah.

Read on for a full review of iX Global’s MLM opportunity.

iX Global’s Products

iX Global market an app-based personal development platform.

iX has created a platform that will help you innovate and transform your life.

Our platform utilizes some of today’s latest trends and then we weave those trends together with good old-fashioned principle centered development (in every or any area you are looking to develop).

Access to iX Global’s platform is

  • $124.99 a month for Basic
  • $145 a month for Pro
  • $174.99 a month for Premium (affiliate membership option)

Quarterly billing cycles are also available.

Addons available include:

  • a hosted account for $19.99 a month
  • a hosted account plus iX Alerts for $39.99 a month
  • Alerts Pro for $19.99 a month

No information about iX Global’s add-ons is provided.

I should point out that the above data is based off of iX Global’s current website.

A marketing video uploaded to iX Global’s official YouTube channel on February 9th suggests all three membership tiers provide affiliate membership:

iX Global’s Compensation Plan

iX Global do not provide a copy of their compensation plan on their website.

The following analysis has been put together from iX Global’s “iX Global Ambassador Program” video.

This video was uploaded to iX Global’s official YouTube channel on February 9th.

iX Global Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within iX Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Active – sign up as an iX Global affiliate and recruit and maintain two personally recruited affiliates
  • Student – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 1000 GV a month
  • Apprentice – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 2000 GV a month
  • Coach – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 5000 GV a month
  • Executive Coach – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 10,000 GV a month
  • Influencer – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 25,000 GV a month
  • Regional Influencer – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 50,000 GV a month
  • Global Influencer – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 100,000 GV a month
  • Master Influencer – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 250,000 GV a month
  • Presidential Influencer – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 500,000 GV a month
  • Elite Influencer – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate 1,000,000 GV a month

Personally recruited affiliates must have an active subscription and be placed on on each side of the binary team.

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is typically calculated as total downline sales volume.

Recruitment Commissions

iX Global affiliates are paid an undisclosed percentage of fees paid by personally recruited iX Global affiliates.

The example provided in iX Global’s marketing video details a $15 commission paid on recruitment of a Pro tier affiliate.

This equates to 10.3% of fees paid.

Recruitment commissions are paid monthly, as long as recruited affiliates continue to pay fees.

Residual Commission

iX Global pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week iX Global tallies up new membership volume on both sides of the binary team.

Residual commissions are paid as 10% to 20% of volume generated on the weaker binary team side.

Specific residual commission percentage rates are determined by rank:

  • Actives earn a 10% residual commission rate capped at $300 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Students earn a 10% residual commission rate capped at $500 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Apprentices earn a 10% residual commission rate capped at $2000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Coaches earn a 10% residual commission rate capped at $5000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Executive Coaches earn a 10% residual commission rate capped at $10,000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Influencers earn a 15% residual commission rate capped at $25,000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Regional Influencers earn a 15% residual commission rate capped at $50,000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Global Influencers earn a 15% residual commission rate capped at $100,000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Master Influencers earn a 15% residual commission rate capped at $250,000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Presidential Influencers earn a 20% residual commission rate capped at $500,000 over a rolling 4 week period
  • Elite Influencers earn a 20% residual commission rate capped at $1,000,000 over a rolling 4 week period

VIP Bonus

The VIP Bonus is a four-week bonus tied to downline membership fee volume.

There are six VIP Bonus tiers:

  • VIP 100 – generate 360 GV and 360 PEV a month and receive $100
  • VIP 500 – generate 1170 GV and 1080 PV a month and receive $450
  • VIP 1000 – generate 3600 GV and 3600 PEV a month and receive $900
  • VIP 2000 – generate 10,800 GV and 10,800 PEV a month and receive $2000
  • VIP 4000 – generate 22,500 GV and 22,500 PEV a month and receive $4000
  • VIP 8000 – generate 45,000 GV and 45,000 PEV a month and receive $8000

PEV stands for “Personal Enrollment Volume”. PEV is typically sales volume generated by personal recruitment.

I’m not sure if that’s the case with the VIP Bonus.

Finally there’s also an unexplained “MAU” column:

think this might pertain to the maximum volume permitted from any one unilevel team leg but can’t say for sure.

Apologies for the deficiencies but without actual iX Global compensation documentation this is all that’s out there.

Joining iX Global

As per a February 9th marketing video, the purchase of any of iX Global’s platform memberships will provide affiliate membership.

  • $124.99 a month for Basic
  • $145 a month for Pro
  • $174.99 a month for Premium

The primary difference between the membership options appears to be how much you can dump in iX Global’s passive trading opportunity.


iX Global markets itself as an education platform.

Every year we release a free 60 to 90 minute Masterclass where an iX coach guides you through a powerful transformational principle. Classes are free to attend. Watch to connect with great mentors and learn about upcoming events.

What you won’t find discussed anywhere on iX Global’s public facing website, is its passive investment scheme.

Note that the video above is “unlisted”. iX Global tightly control promotion of their passive investment opportunity.

In this sense iX Global is nothing more than a clone of Kuvera Global’s various fraudulent investment schemes.

It’s the usual nonsense, AI trading bots, make money while you sleep etc. etc.

Alone there’s nothing illegal about automated trading. When you provide a passive investment opportunity through an MLM company however, it constitutes a securities offering.

iX Global is not registered to offer securities in the US, UK or anywhere else in the world.

Securities fraud is illegal, hence the secrecy around iX Global’s hidden investment opportunity.

There is an emphasis on iX Global providing a “self managed account service”, however reliance on an undisclosed third-party bot means nothing is in fact self managed.

Be it through your account or theirs, you’re still pooling funds under the control of iX Global (“a common enterprise), on the expectation of an advertised passive 5% to 30% monthly return.

No matter what you add to that or how you phrase it, that’s an investment contract as per the Howey Test.

The rest of iX Global’s compensation plan is pyramid recruitment. Pay a fee each month and get paid to recruit others who do the same.

As with Kuvera Global, fraudulent investment schemes don’t last. They’re either shut down by authorities or collapse when recruitment inevitably dries up.

And as with all “but they can’t touch our money!” investment scams, there’s also the possibility of a rigged trades exit-scam.

However it plays out iX Global won’t end any differently to Kuvera Global, only this time Joe Martinez and friends won’t be left holding the bag.

You will.


Update 26th June 2024 – iX Global has collapsed.