DesertGreener operates in the cryptocurrency MLM niche. The company provides a corporate address in Austria on its website.

Heading up DesertGreener we have the “inventor” of the company Carl Albrecht Waldstein.

As far as I can tell, Waldstein doesn’t appear to have an MLM history.

Waldstein abandoned his personal FaceBook profile in 2021. Possibly due to language-barriers, I was unable to find any other information on Waldstein.

DesertGreener operates from two known website domains; “” and “” (redirects to .SALE domain).

Both of DesertGreener’s website domains were registered on January 18th, 2024. The owner of both domains is Klimates AG through an Austrian address.

Read on for a full review of the DesertGreener MLM opportunity.

DesertGreener’s Products

DesertGreener has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market DesertGreener affiliate membership itself.

DesertGreener’s Compensation Plan

DesertGreener affiliates invest euros into DGRX tokens:

  • Bronze – invest €250 EUR and receive 2500 DGRX tokens
  • Silver – invest €500 EUR and receive 5000 DGRX tokens
  • Gold – invest €1000 EUR and receive 10,000 DGRX tokens
  • Platin – invest €2500 EUR and receive 25,000 DGRX tokens
  • Hero – invest €5000 EUR and receive 51,250 DGRX tokens
  • HeroPlus – invest €10,000 EUR and receive 105,000 DGRX tokens
  • HeroPro – invest €25,000 EUR and receive 268,750 DGRX tokens
  • HeroVIP – invest €50,000 EUR and receive 550,000 DGRX tokens

Once acquired, DGRX tokens are used to invest in DesertGreener NFT positions. This is done on the promise of passive returns:

The DGRX token is an e-money token that you can use to buy products and services.

DGRX Sales GmbH will offer an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) that you can directly purchase with DGRX tokens.

This NFT entitles the holder to receive further DGRX tokens in the future depending on profits and based on the number of NFTs held.

The MLM side of DesertGreener pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Note that DesertGreener withholds 20% of paid MLM commissions. These funds must be used to invest in DGRX tokens.

Referral Commissions

DesertGreener affiliates earn a 7% commission on euros invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Residual Commissions

DesertGreener tracks residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

DesertGreener pays residual commissions on invested euros.

A 14% coded residual commission is paid out on all EUR investment, based on the following criteria:

  • generate 1000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 1% residual commission rate
  • generate 2500 EUR in downline investment and receive a 2% residual commission rate
  • generate 5000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 3% residual commission rate
  • generate 10,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 4% residual commission rate
  • generate 25,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 5% residual commission rate
  • generate 50,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 6% residual commission rate
  • generate 100,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 7% residual commission rate
  • generate 250,000 EUR in downline investment and receive an 8% residual commission rate
  • generate 500,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 9% residual commission rate
  • generate 1,000,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 10% residual commission rate
  • generate 2,500,000 EUR in downline investment and receive an 11% residual commission rate
  • generate 5,000,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 12% residual commission rate
  • generate 10,000,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 13% residual commission rate
  • generate 25,000,000 EUR in downline investment and receive a 14% residual commission rate

The coded nature of DesertGreener’s residual commissions sees higher qualified affiliates paid the difference on residual commissions earned by their lower qualified downline.

E.g. a newly recruited DesertGreener affiliate invests 100 EUR. The affiliate who recruited them qualified for a 7% residual commission rate, so that is what they are paid.

This leaves 7% still left to be paid out in residual commissions (14% minus the 7% paid out).

The system searches upline for a higher ranked qualified affiliate to pay the remaining 7% out to. This can be a single 7% payment or multiple smaller percentage payments, depending on how qualified the upline affiliates are.

World Pool Bonus

DesertGreener takes 4% of monthly company-wide investment volume and places it into the World Pool Bonus

The World Pool Bonus is made up of two smaller bonus pools; WP1 and WP2.

DesertGreener affiliates qualify for shares in WP1 and WP2 as per the following criteria:


  • generate 3500 EUR in downline investment volume (1400 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and recruit one affiliate investor = one share in WP1
  • generate 7000 EUR in downline investment volume (2800 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and maintain one recruited affiliates investor = two shares in WP1
  • generate 17,500 EUR in downline investment volume (5600 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and recruit two affiliate investors = four shars in WP1
  • generate 35,000 EUR in downline investment volume (11,200 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and maintain two recruited affiliate investors = eight shares in WP1
  • generate 70,000 EUR in downline investment volume (22,400 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and recruit three affiliate investors = sixteen shares in WP1


  • generate 175,000 EUR in downline investment volume (56,000 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and maintain three recruited affiliate investors = one share in WP2
  • generate 350,000 EUR in downline investment volume (112,000 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and recruit four recruited affiliate investors = two shares in WP2
  • generate 700,000 EUR in downline investment volume (224,000 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and maintain four recruited affiliate investors = four shares in WP2
  • generate 1,750,000 EUR in downline investment volume (448,000 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and recruit five affiliate investors = eight shares in WP2
  • generate 3,500,000 EUR in downline investment volume (875,000 EUR from outside your strongest unilevel leg) and maintain five affiliate investors = sixteen shares in WP2

Joining DesertGreener

DesertGreener monthly affiliate membership fees are tied to how much an affiliate earns in commissions:

  • earn up to 14.99 EUR a month in commissions = no fee
  • earn 15 to 149.99 EUR a month in commissions = 2.50 EUR a month fee
  • earn 150 to 499.99 EUR a month in commissions = 5 EUR a month fee
  • earn 500 EUR or more a month in commissions = 7.50 EUR a month fee


It should be obvious that a random Austrian old fart with not much of a digital footprint isn’t running DesertGreener’s MLM crypto scheme.

This brings us to DGRX Sales GmbH, an Austrian shell company Alexander Braun claims to be the CEO of.

DGRX Sales GmbH is a limited liability company in Austria. The company is 100% owned by KLIMATES AG in Switzerland, which controls and steers the fortunes of the company. KLIMATES AG, in turn, is closely linked with HEMPMATE AG in Switzerland.

DesertGreener’s website cites two founders of the “DGRX sales team”; Alex Braun and Thomas Pfeifer.

The ruse behind DesertGreener is solar-powered desalination.

DESERT GREENER technology represents a groundbreaking method for optimally bundling solar energy. Heated water is evaporated and freed from salt, minerals, impurities and other deposits.

What does that have to do with investing in a shit token, buying an NFT, getting more of said shit token and cashing out other subsequently invested funds?

Absolutely nothing.

DesertGreener fails to provide verifiable evidence it is generating revenue to fund DGRX token withdrawals.

On the regulatory front, DesertGreener’s passive returns NFT investment scheme constitutes a securities offering.

As of June 2024, SimilarWeb tracked top sources of traffic to DesertGreener’s website as Germany (38%), Austria (19%), Switzerland (18%), the Netherlands (14%0 and Hungary (11%)

DesertGreener fails to provide evidence it has registered with financial regulators in any of these countries. Thus, at a minimum, DesertGreener and its associated shell companies are committing securities fraud.

Funds invested into DesertGreener appear to be laundered through Malta.

Why is the IBAN of the bank connection so long?

The IBAN is composed differently in different countries and can therefore have different lengths. Our bank is based in Malta. IBANs in Malta consist of 31 characters.

Regulation wise Malta is a dodgy jurisdiction with little to no active regulation of MLM and/or cryptocurrency related securities fraud.

DGRX is an ERC-20 shit token. These can be created in a few minutes at little to no cost.

DesertGreener creates DGRX on demand and flogs it off to affiliate investors. This works as long as new new investment doesn’t exceed withdrawals.

Once it inevitably does, DGRX goes into deficit and eventually collapses.

Ponzi math thus guarantees that when DesertGreener inevitably collapses, the majority of participants will lose money.

However long it takes, this will ultimately manifest itself in DesertGreener affiliates bagholding yet another worthless Ponzi token.

One final thing I’ll leave you with is DesertGreener’s indirect connections to OneCoin.

In researching Carl Albrecht Waldstein I came across notorious OneCoin Ponzi promoter Martin Mayer:

This isn’t the only OneCoin connection. From DesertGreener’s whitepaper we have;

A very renowned and recognized law firm has prepared an expert opinion on the business model under German, Austrian and EU law.

DesertGreen’s “very renowned and recognized law firm” is none other than SBS law.

SBS Law, formerly Schulenberg & Schenk, are best known in the MLM industry for giving OneCoin the all-clear in 2015.

OneCoin would of course grow to become a $4 billion dollar plus Ponzi scheme before collapsing in 2017. OneCoin’s founder, Ruja Ignatova, is currently the world’s most wanted woman.

Regardless of SBS Laws’ DesertGreener legal opinion, securities fraud is very much illegal in Germany, Austria and the wider EU.

Despite Schulenberg & Schenk’s OneCoin legal opinion, Germany would eventually go on to arrest and imprison OneCoin scammers.

To be clear, SBS Law providing DesertGreener doesn’t automatically make it a fraudulent investment scheme. Why that is so is detailed in this review.

What I’m getting at is be wary of any MLM company with a legal opinion that runs contrary to common sense and logical application of the law.