Corsair Group Review: Pillaging what’s left of Cloud Horizon
In a nutshell, Corsair Group is what’s left of Cloud Horizon.
Cloud Horizon was a Ponzi scheme launched by Frank Ricketts in early 2019.
Ricketts scamming goes back years. BehindMLM first records of it dates back to 2011 with Unaico and SiteTalk; a combination of pyramid and investment fraud.
When those scams collapsed, Ricketts rebooted the business as The Opportunity Network.
In early 2016 Ricketts sold off The Opportunity Network’s list of investors to OneCoin.
In addition to an undisclosed sum of money, Ricketts was also gifted a OneCoin Black Diamond investment position.
Behind the scenes Ricketts is believed to have been instrumental in setting up OneCoin’s shell company money laundering network.
When OneCoin collapsed in 2017 Ricketts disappeared. He resurfaced in mid 2018 as CEO of the AuLives Ponzi scheme.
AuLives flopped, prompting Ricketts to register the Cloud Horizon website domain on November 30th, 2018.
Cloud Horizon was essentially Ricketts’ own version of OneCoin, complete with ORT and ORTP Ponzi points imported from Orientum, another collapsed Ponzi scheme Ricketts had a behind-the-scenes hand in.
Cloud Horizon initially targeted victims in south-east Asia, many of them victims of OneCoin.
This flopped, prompting Ricketts to shift focus to the UK, again targeting the former OneCoin community there.
By mid 2019 or so Ricketts cashed out and bailed, leaving failed OneCoin scammer Staffan Liback in charge.
Under Liback’s leadership Cloud Horizon continued to flounder. One initiative Liback attempted was Crypto Community World.
Crypto Community World was a new ruse to replace the Thailand plastic recycling = magic money original ruse nobody was buying. It failed to gain any traction.
By late 2019 Liback was begging Ricketts to come out of hiding and resume executive leadership.
Ricketts returned as “Captain” of Cloud Horizon in January 2020.
At some point the ORT and ORTP Ponzi points from Orientum were ditched. They were replaced with FLP, another non-publicly traded Ponzi token.
Ricketts also introduced new recycling ruses, supposed “polypetron plants” in France.
In May 2020 Cloud Horizon as a brand was abandoned. The domain was briefly redirected to Crypto Community World’s website. It was then redirected again to Amplivo’s website.
Amplivo is a shell company Ricketts set up to further push the Thailand recycling plant narrative behind Cloud Horizon.
In June 2020 FLP were downgraded to a gateway to ISF tokens.
ISF tokens were launching in conjunction with Mountain Wolf Bank, a resurrected attempt to attach an internal exchange to Ecovo-Amplivo (what Cloud Horizon had been rebranded as at this point).
Mountain Wolf Bank gave Ricketts a launching pad for future shitcoin launches. The first of which was ECO in September 2020.
ECO’s launch coincided with Corsair Group, a new brand to replace Ecovo-Amplivo branding (the concepts behind which never went anywhere).
Technically speaking Corsair Group was Socium Holdings renamed. Socium Holdings being another shell company Ricketts set up as part of Cloud Horizon.
Sometime in Q3 2020 Staffan Liback cashed out and disappeared. His last known location was Thailand.
He did surface briefly in December 2020 as a promoter of OmegaPro, another Ponzi scheme albeit unrelated to Cloud Horizon.
Corsair Group saw the introduction of SusNova tokens, which were no different to the other Ponzi tokens launched before it.
After setting up Corsair Group Frank Ricketts once again cashed out and disappeared.
Jussi Saloranta, an old associate of Staffan Liback’s and Rickett’s chosen frontman for Sepco Industries, was left in charge as Corsair Group’s CEO.
Today Corsair Group operates from the domain “”. Things have deteriorated to the point traffic to Corsair Group’s website isn’t measured by Alexa.
Jussi Saloranta has promoted himself to Corsair Group’s Chairman of the Board.
Corsair Group markets itself as “an International Consortium of Companies”, which is a fancy term given to the shell company’s Frank Ricketts set up to launder invested funds through.
These include Sepco, Socium Holdings, Ecovo, Amplivo, EltronX and Plastic Waste Solution.
No doubt there are others I’ve missed and those kept secret to set up bank accounts through (one of Frank Rickett’s specialties).
To keep things simple Rickett’s Cloud Horizon shell companies are grouped under Corsair Group.
Naturally Corsair Group provides no indication it’s an MLM company on its website.
In fact Corsair Group explicitly prohibit their affiliates from giving the game away to potential recruits:
The Introducer is NOT allowed to:
1. Give a business presentation or present a Investment Memorandum.
2. Provide a lead with company information or documents other than that what is provided via the website.
Bollocks to that. Read on for a full review of Corsair Group’s MLM opportunity.
Corsair Group’s Products
Corsair Group has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Corsair Group affiliate membership itself.
Corsair Group’s Compensation Plan
Corsair Group affiliates sign up and invest in FLP tokens, which are used to acquire ISF tokens.
FLP tokens are ironically named “Free Loyalty Points”, despite costing €1 EUR to 1 FLP to invest in.
FLP tokens are invested in through Ecovo investment packages, of which there are five tiers:
- Starter – invest €295 EUR and receive 295 FLP
- Bronze – invest €995 EUR and receive 995 FLP
- Silver – invest €1995 EUR and receive 1995 FLP
- Gold – invest €4995 EUR and receive 4995 FLP
- Platinum – invest €9900 EUR and receive 9900 FLP
Note that Corsair Group do not publish the current FLP to ISF token exchange rate.
Corsair Group Affiliate Ranks
There are two tiers of affiliate ranks within Corsair Group’s compensation plan.
The first tier is used to pay residual commissions and consists of five affiliate ranks:
- Independent Associate – sign up as a Corsair Group affiliate and recruit one affiliate
- Junior Associate – recruit two affiliates and generate 1800 GV
- Senior Associate – recruit three affiliates and generate 4500 GV
- Executive Associate – maintain three personally recruited affiliates and generate 9000 GV
- Senior Executive Associate – maintain three personally recruited affiliates and generate 12,000 GV
The second tier is used to pay the Matching Bonus and consists of seven ranks:
- 1 Star – recruit two affiliates and generate 10,000 GV in Ecovo package investment volume
- 2 Star – maintain two personally recruited affiliates (one 1 Star) and generate 50,000 GV in Ecovo package investment volume
- 3 Star – recruit three 2 Star affiliates and generate 250,000 GV in Ecovo package investment volume
- 4 Star – recruit five affiliates (three 3 Stars) and generate 1,000,000 GV in Ecovo package investment volume
- 5 Star – maintain five personally recruited affiliates (three 4 Stars) and generate 2,000,000 GV in Ecovo package investment volume
- 6 Star – recruit ten affiliates (three 5 Stars) and generate 10,000,000 GV in Ecovo package investment volume
- 7 Star – maintain ten personally recruited affiliates (three 6 Stars) and generate 50,000,000 GV in Ecovo package investment volume
GV stands for “Group Volume” and is Ecovo package investment volume generated by personal investment and downline recruitment.
- investment in a Starter package generates 265 GV
- investment in a Bronze package generates 900 GV
- investment in a Silver package generates 1800 GV
- investment in a Gold package generates 4500 GV
- investment in a Platinum package generates 9000 GV
Personal investment GV doesn’t expire and is counted at 100% of generated GV.
Downline investment GV resets every 28 days and is counted at 25% of generated GV.
Note that for the Star ranks, no more than 50% of required GV can come from any one unilevel team leg.
Once qualified for, Corsair Group affiliate ranks are retained indefinitely.
Finally, when a new Corsair Group affiliate signs up they receive a 28 day Fast Start cycle period.
During this period, GV rank requirements are reduced by 50%.
Residual Commissions
Corsair Group pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Corsair Group caps payable unilevel team levels at five.
Residual commissions are paid out as a percentage of Ecovo investment packages as follows:
- Independent Associates earn 12% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
- Junior Associates earn 12% on level 1 and 8% on level 2
- Senior Associates earn 12% on level 1 and 8% on levels 2 and 3
- Executive earn 12% on level 1, 8% on levels 2 and 3 and 5% on level 4
- Senior Executives earn 12% on level 1, 8% on levels 2 and 3 and 5% on levels 4 and 5
Commissions earned on unilevel levels not qualified for are passed up to the first level-qualified upline.
Note that 30% of residual commissions earned are held back for mandatory reinvestment.
Corsair Group also pays a 100% residual commission match in FLP tokens.
Matching Bonus
Corsair Group pays a Matching Bonus on residual commissions earned by downline affiliates.
The Matching Bonus is tracked using the same unilevel team used to pay residual commissions, capped at ten unilevel team levels.
- 1 Star (generate €10,000 EUR in downline Ecovo package investment) – receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP match on levels 1 and 2
- 2 Star (generate €50,000 EUR in downline Ecovo package investment) – receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP match on levels 1 to 4
- 3 Star (generate €250,000 EUR in downline Ecovo package investment) – receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP match on levels 1 to 4 and 3% cash and 3% FLP on levels 5 and 6
- 4 Star (generate €1,000,000 EUR in downline Ecovo package investment) – receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP match on levels 1 to 4 and 3% cash and 3% FLP on levels 5 to 7
- 5 Star (generate €2,000,000 EUR in downline Ecovo package investment) – receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP match on levels 1 to 4 and 3% cash and 3% FLP on levels 5 to 8
- 6 Star (generate €10,000,000 EUR in downline Ecovo package investment) – receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP match on levels 1 to 4, 3% cash and 3% FLP on levels 5 to 8 and 2% cash and 2% FLP on level 9
- 7 Star (generate €50,000,000 EUR in downline Ecovo package investment) – receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP match on levels 1 to 4, 3% cash and 3% FLP on levels 5 to 8 and 2% cash and 2% FLP on levels 9 and 10
Rank Achievement Bonus
Corsair Group rewards affiliates for qualifying at the Star ranks as follows:
- qualify as a 1 Star and receive 100 FLP
- qualify as a 2 Star and receive 500 FLP
- qualify as a 3 Star and receive 2000 FLP and a “4-day all-inclusive team building trip (3 nights)”
- qualify as a 4 Star and receive 10,000 FLP and Apple products valued at €5000 EUR
- qualify as a 5 Star and receive 20,000 FLP and a “prestigious watch” valued at €20,000 EUR
- qualify as a 6 Star and receive 100,000 FLP and a “presigious watch or car” valued at €100,000 EUR
- qualify as a 7 Star and receive 500,000 FLP and a “luxury property” valued at €900,000 EUR
Note that from 4 Star, the prize can be exchanged for an 80% value cash equivalent.
Infinity Bonus
The Infinity Bonus pays a commission on unilevel team level legs, excluding the strongest leg (the leg with the most volume).
The Infinity Bonus is paid out as a weekly percentage of unilevel team legs based on rank:
- 1 Stars receive a 2% cash and 2% FLP Infinity Bonus
- 2 Stars receive a 3% cash and 3% FLP Infinity Bonus
- 3 Stars receive a 4% cash and 4% FLP Infinity Bonus
- 4 Stars receive a 5% cash and 5% FLP Infinity Bonus
- 5 Stars and higher receive a 6% cash and 6% FLP Infinity Bonus
Customer Acquisition Bonus
The Customer Acquisition Bonus pays on Ecovo package investment, restricted to three unilevel team levels.
- personally generate five Ecovo package investments for a total of 1000 GV, and receive a 4% CAB on level 1
- personally generate ten Ecovo package investments for a total of 10,000 GV, and receive a 4% CAB on level 1 and 3% on level 2
- personally generate twenty Ecovo package investments for a total of 20,000 GV, and receive a 4% CAB on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 2% on level 3
Joining Corsair Group
Corsair Group affiliate membership is €95 EUR.
While this provides access to Corsair Group’s compensation plan, new affiliates are strongly advised to sign up with an Ecovo investment package:
- Starter – €295 EUR
- Bronze – €995 EUR
- Silver – €1995 EUR
- Gold – €4995 EUR
- Platinum – €9900 EUR
To keep thing simple, I’ve treating all of the companies Frank Ricketts has created tied to Corsair Group as one and the same.
These companies can all be traced back to Cloud Horizon, and are components of the same Ponzi scheme.
That Ponzi scheme has evolved from Cloud Horizon to see affiliates now invest in FLP tokens, which are converted to ISF tokens.
ISF tokens are accumulated with the aim of exchanging them for real money. This is how a return is realized, and it is paid through however Corsair Group have set up their internal exchagne.
Note that Corsair Group do not disclose the current internal ISF token exchange rate on any of their company websites.
In any event, the only verifiable source of revenue entering Corsair Group is new investment, meaning the company pays withdrawal requests using new investment.
All the garbage about recycling plants is smoke and mirrors.
One of the goals of Corsair Group International is to become a major producer of Avanced BioFuel by developing Waste Plastic to Fuel production facility all over the world.
If external revenue of any kind was actually being generated and used to pay ISF token withdrawals, Corsair Group would be registered to offer securities in every jurisdiction it solicits investment in.
Instead you have the same investment fraud Frank Ricketts has been engaged in for over a decade.
Multiple names, same underlying fraudulent investment scheme.
The other side of Corsair Group is affiliate recruitment, which adds an additional pyramid layer to the scheme.
“Customers” are mentioned by Corsair Group promoters in their presentations, however it should be obvious that nobody outside of the income opportunity is dropping thousands of euro on a Ponzi scheme run by serial-scammers.
As an MLM reviewer the Ponzi/pyramid side of Corsair Group is simple. What keeps this scam alive is the intentional complexity Ricketts creates.
This takes form by way of multiple shell companies, and that’s just what we see publicly.
As Ricketts created for OneCoin, you can be sure there’s a boatload of shell company layers behind the schemes being used to launder Corsair Group funds through.
The good news is that’s a headache you as a potential Corsair Group investor don’t have to worry about – at least not in the same way I have to in piecing this all together.
As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.
This will starve Corsair Group of ROI revenue, leaving them unable to pay ISF token withdrawals.
At this point Corsair Group collapses, with math guaranteeing the majority of participants take a loss.
What happens next?
Pretty much what Ricketts and the gang have been doing since they launched Cloud Horizon.
New Ponzi tokens, new shell companies – over and over again until authorities in Europe and south-east Asia take former OneCoin scammers seriously.
Update 7th March 2021 – Without fail, Corsair Group has announced a new Ponzi token.
CSR is an ERC-20 token, which will have taken them two minutes to set up.
ISF tokens will be able to be converted into CSR, and from there it’s the same old Ponzi scheme.
I just have one question smtm? SmtM? SMTM?!
@Pau… Mio amico I’ve seen the whole Jay&Andrea CSR-pitch and after having it let sit for a minute I still can only come up with one word to describe it… FLABBERGASTED!!
Unbelievable the total amount of bullshit and horseshit combined that comes out of Jay’s/Andrea’s mouth!
It is so far from the truth that it is so much more than
Has Covid_19 really done so much damage to the brain capacity of Italian men and women so that what’s being said by Jay and translated by Andrea is actually believed, when because in fact it is all
I thought by myself is all of it made up… is everything fiction? No, surely that can’t be true, so I asked it again and this time out loud “ARE YOU SURE THAT EVERYTHING IS A LIE?
At that moment the king of MultiLevelMarketing himself, the banker of bankers in online business, the one person who has done and seen it all himself President Ponzi Pyramid (aka mr 3P’s) Commander William T. Riker looked me in the eye and answered me and I QUOTE… “”
So there you have it… nothing has changed except for
1) the company name ‘Cloud Horizon became Corsair’ and
2) the name of the token; Susnova (originaly Orientum plus, a OneCoin clone) is now called CSR and
3) the project has again had a wardrope change to make it look new and improved BUT nothing is further from the truth, because THE ORIGINAL SCAM* HAS NOT CHANGED!
*The original scam is that Cloud Horizon or Corsair, as they are calling themself now, tries to steal your money and then continues by trying to also steal the money of your family (and their friends), your loved ones (and their friends) and your friends (and their friends)!
That is why Andrea Cerio keeps telling you (in his next webinar of lies that the FIRST THREE MONTHS are the MOST IMPORTANT, because after that period of time you’ve bled all them dry and the awkward questions begin as the profits/pay outs aren’t happening and everyone who has invested in the “project” also finds out that the CSR’s are, as they were promised, not so easily (if at all possible) changed into real money… That is ofcourse because IT IS ALL A SCAM!
I will go in to the lies one by one in comments to come, because including them in this review will delay placing this review by a week… A week?… yes at least a week, because the pile of rubbish Jay and Andrea pour out over their influencers is huge!
My advice; RELAX DON’T DO IT!
To be continued Greetz!
Well at least they are scamming you in style with their nice suites and attire, perhaps watching a The Wolf on Wall Street too much.
SHIT tokens!
Pau writes in comment #235 of the behindmlm review “Cloud Horizon Review: SiteTalk and Orientum scams combined” and I QUOTE…
This is a response to my comment #234 where I wrote about Corsair’s webinar and I QUOTE…
Then further on in that same webinar (timestamp 37:58 – 38:05) Andrea says and I QUOTE…
This is visually supported by an image on the screen (see this review under section header CONCLUSION)…
How quickly do things change, because only four days after this review came out, Corsair Official Channel posted today, the 6th of March 2021, the following message in their Telegram Groups and I QUOTE…
So why is Corsair again changing the name of their token? Again? Yes again, because when Cloud Horizon started this Ponzi-scheme their pyramid-token was called Orientum, created by former OneCoin scammer Nattchaphan Sornsirenan…
After a few months the token’s name was changed in Orientum Plus and as a couple of months passed by the name was changed again, this time into Susnova…
Oz presents us with the answer as you can read in this review under the section header CONCLUSION and I QUOTE…
Due to the large amount of requests to liquidate Susnova tokens what would blow up their pyramid scheme, Corsair came up with the plan to again change the name of the token, this tine into CSR…
Corsair is also increasing the value of this “new” token and promises of all sorts which they are ofcourse never going to keep…
Like always, nothing new under the sun in Thailand! In plain English all of this means lies and lies and more lies and on top of that more lies!
So I’m staying tuned in to find out what information is being posted tomorrow… I will then share this fresh from the press horseshit with you all in my next comment…
Got your email Johan, hoping to get to it later today.
So did I miss the CSR token rebrand or this happened after the review was published?
I thought I covered everything. The Frank Ricketts rabbit hole of bullshit never ends 🙁
@Oz… Let’s say that it slipped through the cracks of Frank Ricketts rat hole of bullshit!
The introduction of the CSR token took place during their Global (ONLINE!) Event on the 14th of February 2021 and I’ve made a “‘glowing review’ on February 16th and I QUOTE…
FYI @Pau… I will give you my view on our ‘amico’ Andrea Cerio in a separate comment so he will get all the attention that he so craves and also deserves LOL!
The CEO of Corsair Group Jusse Saloranta says ( / timestamp 29:20 – 31:17) and I QUOTE….
Yesterday on February 14th 2021 Jusse Saloranta says (timestamp 32:01 – 32:10) and I QUOTE…
I wrote in comment #143 on October 13th, 2020 and I QUOTE…
Indeed why is that, the use of again a widely used recognized term? Jusse or is it Jay (it’s all so confusing lol) gives the answer… (timestamp 33:08-33:13) and I QUOTE…
There is literally no difference between one ERC-20 Ponzi token and another.
In that same online global call from Corsair as I mentioned in comment #5, the con-artist choosen by Corsair to replace Staffan Liback, Andrea Cerio, also has some words of wisdom for the audience of gullables… I like to refer to an earlier comment of mine placed in the Cloud Horizon review and I QUOTE…
Hello everyone, sorry for my absence these weeks. First of all, thank you very much @Oz for the enormous work you did in putting all the pieces together.
In the last two videos of the Italian youtube channel of Amplivo Andrea is shooting a lot of nonsense and unfortunately I can’t dedicate the time I would like to it (in understand precisely what he’s saying and than translate it).
I would like to point out for the moment a part of the last videoconference in which our super guest Jay returned:
Timestamp 44:00 more or less 🙂
Enjoy it!
Is this Andrea the same one from OL?
What do you mean with “OL”?
@ Pau
OneCoin, OneLife, the biggest MLM scam ever.
I don’t know if he was directly involved in OC/OL scam but the Amplivo / Corsair mechanism is exactly the same with some fancy addictions.
Hi guys, the latest updated version of the project is online. Here are some interesting slides:
Next slide, timestamp 16:15:
They then found a new commercial gimmick. Andrea says that with the € 995 package the company eliminates about 3000 kg of plastic waste, that is, what each of us pollutes in a lifetime.
Whoever buys the package thus becomes a plastc free individual!!! (timestamp 18:06).
Here the link to the full video:
Great stuff once again from all involved. A follow up on this scam was for sure needed. Last time I posted something was many moons ago on the previous piece Oz did.
One question though from my side. Isn’t one of the points of it being a scam that they never go public with trading their coins?
However, from what I understand they are now going public.
What is meant with this going public? That they will set up some shitty exchange for themselves where you as an influenceer and outsiders (people not directly invested in Cloud horizon) can trade their shitcoin?
Or will they really go public on one of the official exchanges?
Reason I wonder this is because I also see the same happening with what was/is GTI-Net. They also have a shitcoin of their own but they keep saying it is publicly traded.
However when you look at the platform which is called Bitblinx, it is as far as I understand still is owned by the same people who own GTI.
So do you guys see the same story happening here when they will go ”public”? Which will mean, not going public on an official exchange but set up an exchange of your own and call it going public…
Because I for one can’t see them ever going to an exchange such as Kraken or even better Coinbase because that would mean them having to disclose what their project is about in order for them to be allowed on such platforms.
Anyway, very curious as to what this going public will mean… And how they will weazel out of the next shitshow.
Hi @Scammasters, if I’m not mistaken the Susnova (the token they just abandoned) was published on Ethereum blockchain (ERC20).
I have a copy of the white paper badly translated into Italian in which it’s written (among many things) that the contract address is:
I still don’t understand where they plan to make the new CSR token public but it seems to me that Andrea has said something about it in the last videos. As soon as I can find it I’ll let you know.
I anticipate that I’m completely ignorant about cryptocurrencies, I apologize in advance in case I’ll say something nonsense 🙂
Ponzi points schemes often list their coins on dodgy exchanges as part of an exit-scam.
Coins get dumped on some dodgy exchanges, owners and top affiliates cash out when the value pumps on promises of “eVeRyOnE wIlL wAnT tHiS cOiN!” etc., and affiliates are left bagholding.
When affiliates complain the admins, if they’re still around, tell them they have a valuable asset they just need to find buyers for. Cue disappearing act as coin publicly trades towards $0.
Same shit, new toilet!
I close my eyes for a few weeks and after opening them again nothing changed as it seems!
I noticed scammasters has joined the new and improved party so welcome back…
I’m also not the one who can give the answers related to tokens, cryptocurrency and how to trade them…
If I remember correct then PassingBy is the expert on this subject so maybe if Oz asks him nicely he can give a crash course on how Corsair is bullshitting everyone involved!
I will try to get into everything I missed during the elections in my country when I had time to look in to it… For now I will leave you with the Corsair sales pitch as it is shared on their Telegram account SO I QUOTE…
Greetz everybody! Johan
Hi everyone, I would like to share with you one of the latest communications sent to the ‘private investors’ of the Bangkok project:
They practically don’t need you anymore but if you want to put more money in it you have until April 30th!!! Ahahahah!
@Stevie… In comment #9 you ask and I QUOTE… “Is this Andrea the same one from OL?”
If you check out this video on Staffan Liback’s YouTube channel Andrea Cerio is being introduced by Peter Shaw…
Both Staffan Liback (founder of the concept) and Peter Shaw (6 star influencer) were Top Level Inner Circle Leaders at OneCoin, so do the math as people say!
@ Johan
Thanks… Yup. It’s the same person. These people are like pubes floating around in a urinal. They never seem to be flushed away.
I am totally stealing that line.
If you read the following THREE QUOTES regarding Corsair/Cloud Horizon/ Amplivo, a patern with some smelly shit issues emerges I’ll tell you and I QUOTE…
So one might assume that Corsair Group who’s claiming that they are actually (without proof mind you) helping cleaning up the planet, would have cleaned up their own outhouse(s) first (appearances and all) but think again people for they have not!
Can you too smell the bullshit and horseshit they are selling? PEW! PEW! Zum Kotzen!
My advice for these cryptocurrency pubes would be…
The thing that most horrifies me, beyond all this shit, is the fact that Andrea in his training, almost every time and in different ways, continues to discourage his influencers from asking questions and suggests them, in a more or less explicit way, to get away from anyone who questions what they are doing, especially family and friends.
Andrea is obsessed with this fact. He knows that there is full of people around who are able to understand their fake business and, from the top of his leader/guru position, every time he finds a way to suggest how envious and bad these people are. He calls them “Dream Thieves”.
It takes a great “faccia da culo” (ass face), as we say in Italy (just to stay on topic) to be so dishonest in front of people…
Corsair regenerated EltronX and calls it CSR Live
CSR Live is a modern, decentralised Digital Currency Exchange focusing on availability, security, efficiency, and ease of use while leaving the member in full control…
When you check the website and go to more information and then scroll all the way down to the interesting part “conversion”, the site cuts you off…
The only way to get information about the conversion possibilities is if you contact them by filling out and submitting a contact form… HUSH hush! MUM’s the word!
Need I say more?!
Greetz John
ProTip: You’re not in full control if your Ponzi scheme makes you jump through hoops to withdraw.
Andrea in his latest zoom said that for the moment the new CSR Live Exchange is going through a beta phase, in the sense that it can still only be used by about 50 people in the world (various top influencers) who are working on improving and adjusting the system. Later and little by little it will be opened to other people.
As mentioned above, I don’t know anything about cryptocurrencies and I would like to ask a question: does having your own decentralized exchange mean you can also earn on the transactions that take place in it?
Not only that, you defacto own any cryptocurrency stored in exchange accounts.
Hi guys, yesterday Jay came back to visit us in Italy and showed us the news. You can skip right to minute 6.
I’d like to hear from you on this new marketing move…
I got bored at around [12:00]. All I saw was some guy pitching Ponzi coin bagholders on the usual promises of riches.
Like he said, it’s been two years and the only money anyone has made is on recruiting new bagholders.
Corsair Group could be any other Ponzi coin business at this point, it’ll be a slow-drip collapse till the end.
I hear a lot of noise from you guys about mlm companies and individuals. How about backing all your words up with some sources? (Ozedit: derails removed, see below)
This review is based on Corsair Group’s compensation plan and business model. That’s as close to “the source” as you can get.
Sorry for your loss.
Before this turns into a no you’re wrong, no you’re wrong… nooo you’re wrong and there is no more conversation to be had. So how about I return the favor?
I am honestly interested if you could show results for Cloudhorizon? I myself have had the misfortune to be scammed twice in my life. None of those was Cloudhorizon but I have family who is involved with it.
The first one I walked in with my eyes wide open. Looking back I should have known but I was just not registering it at the time.
With the second one I already had the feeling something wasn’t quite right but I got in anyway which had more to do with maintaining family relations than anything else.
My point is that on both of those occasions I have still to be fully compensated on my investment. From the first one I never got back anything more than 25% of my initial down payment and on the second one it was closer to 75%.
What I do see though is a pattern. A pattern that is also visible for Cloudhorizon especially if you have been scammed before.
However, that is too much to cover now and even better it has all been documented in full within this article as well as the comment section.
My question to you is a simple one.
Can you show results or any slight form of evidence which indicates that you have been payed money by Cloudhorizon?
With a side-note that this money can’t come from other investors that got in the game after you. If that’s the case then you’ll prove us all wrong but from what I know so far this is not happening or am I wrong?
Legitimacy via association isn’t a thing.
Someone associated with a hotel buying into Corsair Group doesn’t make it any less of a Ponzi scheme.
(that said lol @ six bins being any sort of meaningful partnership)
@Andreas Well mr Cerio my summarised answer to you is as follows… IT’S ALL A BIG FAT LIE!
@Pau.. What can I say my friend, or better yet, where do I begin, because man o man what a load of bull- and horseshit combined with a stink* of Corsair!
I started many times writing a comment trying to give you answers to your questions, but somehow the comments got lost in translation… SORRY!
One comment was about the sale of company shares and what I had written down in my notes was…
Comment #153 is my summary of the online Amplivo Global Corporate Event held on the eigth of November 2020…
During this online event Jusse Saloranta says and I QUOTE… “Top leaders and influencers can soon become shareholders of Corsair Group making them feeling being part of doing good while also sharing in the profit.
THESE SHARES ARE NOT FOR SALE but are being given to those people who are an active part of building and supporting the company.”
So the selling of these worthless Corsair Group shares as mentioned in comment #18 are not those formentioned but probably the evenly worthless recently made up shares of the Bangkok project!
And talking about projects what about the Slovenia project? Funny thing is that the last update we recieved about the Slovenia project was also the last time we heard from the Dutch top scammer, who coincidentally lives in Slovenia!
The re-introduction of the Metamask wallet was the last time we heard anything on his YouTube channel.
The only thing I can find of the Holland department of Corsair are their Telegram group and a facebook account called “ikbenplasticneutraal” which is fairly being kept up to date, but nothing ro get excited over!
In your comment #18 is also mentioned and I QUOTE…
In my perception this means nothing more than fictive numbers TO KEEP UP APPEARANCES! If they had real profits then they would have made available an accountants report showing said profits!
Then there is the decentralized exchange; A decentralized exchange facilitates trading between individuals, but doesn’t take control of their coins.
With off-chain order books, all of this happens elsewhere, with only the final transaction settled on the blockchain. Since orders aren’t stored on-chain, this method can run into some of the security issues of centralized exchanges but isn’t as slow or costly as on-chain order books.
More smoke and mirrors to jse Oz’s phrase because as you said Pau no influencers are actually able to cash in their fake Corsair stock!
We are in the beta fase Andre called it, or not Pau?! Well there you go another bullshit excuse to keep the masses in line…
FYI Andrea has taken down some of hia YouTube uploads which makes it more difficult to back up with video the bullshit he tells!
*Stink of Corsair is a toxic blend consisting out of pyramid scheme waste such as Cloud Horizon, Sepco Industries, Ecovo, Amplivo and Plastic Waste Solution!
Anyway untill next time…
Jeez, I had my honeymoon in that hotel.
I really hope the “General Manager” (that’s a middle-ranking job title if ever there was one) doesn’t get fired because he got duped into standing next to a scammer for thirty seconds while he waffled about plastic waste recycling.
I doubt the hotel manager is a Corsair wannabe scammer, in the absence of further evidence. Perfectly possible that Corsair just said “hay guys, we’ll dispose of some of your garbage for cheap if you let us shoot a video to promote your environmental credentials”.
@Pau In your comment #33 you ask is it Fake? The answer is simple (as an answer to a retorical question always is!)
So YES it’s FAKE because the only REAL things regarding CORSAIR are their PYRAMID SCHEME(S) and their SCAMMERS!
First and foremost you shouldn’t forget that all of these so called partnerships with (private hahahah) schools and (four/five hahaha star) hotels are worth next to nothing to the rest of the world, because they are mostly located in or surrounding Bangkok Thailand of places…
They are merely well orchestrated smoke and mirrors attributes! It’s like Oz says in comment #34 and I QUOTE..
The same thing also goes for “a contract” with a selection of schools for hermaphrodites which states that Corsair is part of the schools educational program.
In reality this means that a few times each year a nobody from Corsair hands out flyers about plastic waste in the cafetaria during lunch hour and calls it an environmental workshop…
It serves only one purpose and ONE PURPOSE ONLY and that is trying to DISQUISE their crumbling PYRAMID SCHEME!
Greetz and have a great weekend! Johan
In comment #30 Andreas asks you (and others) and I QUOTE
Your correct answer mentioned in comment #31 is and I QUOTE
The reason I’m commenting on this is because Andreas(neaky) (aka Andrea Cerio?) very recently removed the webinar on which your review is based, as also a few other bullshit fueled webinars!
All very sneaky if I may add, but they don’t call themselves a Company of Stealing Rats #CSR for nothing!
Don’t worry @Johan, it has happened to me many times too!
Good question! The last time I heard about it they said that the plants were traveling on the ship and that they would be ready by June! The intention was precisely to go and visit them in Slovenia…we will see soon!
In Italy they are pushing a lot on this “plastic neutral” bullshit. They found a brilliant way to sell you something without giving you anything in return. They established that with 10 € you can dispose of a year of the plastic you have consumed in your life, and so…with a few hundred or thousands of euros you can feel comfortable with the thought of having neutralized the environmental impact caused by the plastic consumption of your whole life. Wow.
Anyway, to be continued…greets 🙂
I found that Corsair has a separate website reserved for the businnes plan investments. Strange, the website is only in Italian (is it perhaps an opportunity reserved only for us?):
The participation for the Bangkok project is closed, while that for Slovenia is open and is in the first phase, i.e. investment with an annual yield of 50/60%.
Minimum investment € 10,000 (as mentioned in previous comments).
They say:
Who is this local company? Where is it? Who knows…
Moreover, the “terms and conditions” section of the site refers to the POLYWEALTH page, which seems to do the same thing as Corsair, to transform plastic into fuel.
Polywealth is a trademark registered by JC MANAGMENT (a company based in Sofia, Bulgaria) which claims to be a Global Leader in Quantum Marketing (what is it?).
JC Management is from José Campana, an Italian guy who says he lives in Dubai and works in the crypto world.
He says he is a consultant to large companies and an independent partner of Cloud Horizon.
Perhaps all of this adds nothing to what we already knew but I still wanted to let you know.
Cheers to everybody!
@Pau… In comment #41 you ask a more or less retorical question and I QUOTE…
“Strange, the website is only in Italian (is it perhaps an opportunity reserved only for us?)”
My answer is that I think it is, I think this particular scam is strictly for the Italian do-gooders, because Italy is the place where the creator of the mother of all financial scams the PONZI PYRAMID SCAM saw the light of day and somehow the Italian people are very open to the idea of making money the easy way!
I also think that a lot of the early investors of the original Cloud Horizon scam are Italian… A
mong others Staffan Liback and that oriental Italian faggot that follows him around everywhere he goes knew alot of Italian investors from their scamming days at OneCoin and it is only logical that they persuaded some (or more) of them to come over to the other side Cloud Horizon…
These Italians probably want to see that Corsair is doing all that is possible to guarantee them their ROI…
Also I recall a comment #I_forgot that you @Pau wrote that Italians we’re offered to buy shares on different levels with different ROI rates…
Anyway I believe that the Italian network is strong, at least stronger than anywhere else because out of, Germany, Holland, Belgium, England, Ireland to name a few comes nothing worth mentioning at all…
Talking about Holland; doesn’t anybody beside find it strange that the head office in Amsterdam has a national computer operated telephone number instead of a local Amsterdam number…
The link on their Italian website to corsairnow shows a vsry well updated website NOT! hahahah and taking a look on their projects pages shows that only the Bangkok and the Slovenian projects are mentioned…
So what happened to Corsair’s Belgium Plastic To Waste facility…
what happened to Corsair’s Ireland’s Plastic To Waste facility, because months agothe Irish Plastic To Wastb facility was almost up and running… advice is…
Hi guys! Some news from the Slovenia project: due to the blockade of the Suez Canal last March, the containers with the two plants for Slovenia are still parked at the port of Bangkok. But don’t worry, the
Solvenia project is only postponed, while the new Slovakia project and the Bangkok 2 project have already started!
I can try to give more details if anyone is interested.
I will also show you the investment plan for Bangkok2: it is a ‘timed’ investment. Minimum stake 20,000 €. 100% guaranteed investment.
Net income of 8% per year for the first two years. After two years, you take back all the amount of your investment and continue to have an annual return of 5% as long as Corsair exists.
Sounds far too good to be true. Or not? (Retorical question)
I wonder: why report problems with the Suez Canal obstruction four months after it happened? (I’m sure Andrea Cerio said that the containers were on their way to Europe a few video-zoom ago, while he now says they never left Bangkok).
Why inform investors that the Slovenia project is now postponed, that is when the project should already have started?
Sunday the 27th of June 2021, during a Global Update Call, Jussi Saloranta CEO of Corsair Group made 6 MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS and surprise surprise… same old same old
Before I get to shining a light on those 6 major announcements I have to give the stage back to Jussi Saloranta, so he can sugar coat his lies in these 6 announcements, so I QUOTE…
NOW IS THIS TRUE??? (spoiler alert; NO it’s a lie!
LET’S PROOF THIS LIE by watching the following video called “CORSAIR group arriva in Europa (Slovenia)” dated 24.1.2021
This video has a written narrative and I QUOTE…
² Januari 24th of 2021
³ Appearantly NOT to Slovenia!
@Pau… In comment #45 you ask the following question and I QUOTE…
The answer is as simple as ordering a cocktail
Jusse Saloranta lied about the Slovanian project so he needed an excuse for “delaying the Slovanian project”⁴ and at the same time he had to divert the attention away from Slovenia!
Because clear as the driven snow Corsair never intented to ship anything to Slovenia, because Corsair doesn’t have a Slovenian partner; that is also the reason why the name of the imaginaire Slovenian partner was never made public!
Corsair waited with making this announcement untill now because they wanted to buy (steal is more accurate) time in order to make believe that they did everything humanly possible to move forward with the Slovenian project, but physical “challanges” beyond their reach and financial impossibilities have forced them to put the project on hold!
A similar stunt is now being put in motion in Slovakia
⁴ According to Jussi Saloranta, due to the Suez Canal obstruction, the two machines meant for Slovenia are still in Thailand and the shipping costs went up from 100,000 euro’s to 375,000 euro’s!
I’m not a financial expert but I have a gut feeling that something fishy is going on
This is a Forwarded message from Amplivo Official Cannel to their Amplivo-Ecovo Team NL/BE Telegram group so I QUOTE…
Do I need to put away my fishing gear or…
New Ponzi shitcoin, new wallet I guess.
@Oz… Maybe you’re right and it is that simple; new shit-coin, new wallet but this is now the third (if not fourth, I’m losing count) wallet since Corsair changed the shit-coin name into CSR!
But what I really find troublesome is what’s written under terms and conditions and I QUOTE…
1) I’m no financial expert so if I read it it sounds like that Corsair can say that the company limit has been reached and therefore no individual withdrawels can be made!
2) I sounds like that Corsair can refuse or take back every and all withdrawels!
In other words as I see it, Corsair makes it more or less impossible for the investors to cash in their investment(s)… Or am I wrong???
What??? Is it legal?
This is true. Now, just to update you on the situation, they recently mentioned their Slovak partner: PPS Group
Andrea says this new partner will be able to study and rebuild their existing plants and then start producing their own plants starting next year.
Andrea also says there is already a Corsair plant in Europe, specifically in Austria. It was supposed to be a “surprise” for Slovenian investors, who knowing they were investing in two plants arriving from Thailand would have found themselves with a third plant already present in Europe.
Since the first two plants remained in Bangkok, the Austrian plant has become the first and only European facility for the time being, which will soon be moved to Slovakia.
A live world event is scheduled for next September in Vienna. Three days of event: the first for private investors, the second for networkers and the last one to go to Slovakia (200km from Vienna) to visit the plant that will be operational at that time.
As always, let’s see…
Cheers to everybody!
Ponzi schemes are always able to limit withdrawals. The inevitable collapse is little more than withdrawals being permanently restricted.
People remember that I wrote that these sons of whores SCAMMERS like to play the “NAME GAME” …Well just in case it got faded into the background (it happens), a reminder (part of my comment #5) and I QUOTE…
I think, scratch that, I know it’s because Corsair Group wants to decieve anyone and everyone they have dealings with, which brazenly also include their own clueless personel…
In the case at hand mentioned by @Pau in his comment #51 and I QUOTE…
…thus a similar name fuck is now again happening when “PPS Group” is thrown into Corsair’s fraudulent pyramid mix of CSR*… Google it and it becomes immediately clear what I mean!
Oh before I forget I want to point out this search result;
See what I mean… That’s what I call creative mind fucking!
Also taken from Pau’s comment #51 Andrea said and I QUOTE…
**existing plants?? What existing plants?? The ones in Thailand?? LOL!! And this (NON-existing) plant that is soon to be transported to Slovakia just happened to turn up hahahahah
This more or less proves that Andrea’s statement is (like so many of Andrea’s statements are!) of course a BOLD and BLATANT LIE!
But master scammer Andrea is not done so he continues and I QUOTE…
Meiner meinung nach Corsair should have transported this (NON-existing) plant months ago to Slovenia, during the so called Suez-situation…
…to comfort the investors by showing that no stone is left unturned to ensure a good outcome… Uhmmmm how did Corsair’s CEO Jussi Saloranta put it and I QUOTE…–Mq1A
But none of that and so Slovenia had to make room for the next scamming chapter of Corsair and I QUOTE…
The question that instantly comes to mind is; Does management of know that a Corsair truck with a (NON-existing) plant is on it’s way to their facility??
I ask this because there is not one shred of evidence anywhere to be found on internet that PPS Slovakia and Corsair Thailand are in business together!! Or that PPS Slovakia even knows who the cryptocurrency scammers from Thailand are, for that matter… Call me a stickler but I find that at least a bit suspicious…
…which furthers a good looking at, that is if I am an interested party!!
Ok my friends that’s all she wrote (for now of course hahahah) GREETZ!! Johan
Oops! In the YouTube channel “Formazione Amplivo” ALL the videos of Andrea Cerio have disappeared!
If you have an hour to kill it is really worth it to read again the comments* from Oz’s Cloud Horizon review starting with comment #138 dated Sep 16th, 2020 (you got to start somewhere, right) and I QUOTE…
FYI what I find so funny and uber bold is that Ricketts told his GULLIBLE clients the outcome of their investments even before they flushed their money down Frank’s fancy toilet…
CLOUD (on the) HORIZON means according to the Cambridge online dictionary and I QUOTE…
* @Pau… We really have, meiner meinung nach, a fun and interesting correspondence going on between us (& Oz and others PassingBy) discussing the bull- and horseSHIT of this cryptocurrency-scam-company… So a trip down memory lane can’t hurt, am I right?!
I ask this question because @Pau writes in comment #54 and I QUOTE…
In my book that means that with the dissapearance of his webinars and what not on Corsairs YouTube channel “Formazione Amplivo” Andrea has, and I could be wrong of course (but I wouldn’t bet against me) also dissapeared…
So @Oz yet another top scammer affiliated with either Frank Ricketts and/or OneCoin/CloudHorizon has done a runner, so to say lol!
FYI… Funny thing as I checked for Andrea on YouTube I remembered that last year Staffan Liback posted an introduction of this Italian cryptocurrency scam artist on his YouTube channel (see comment #19) so I looked it up and what do you know, Staffan’s YouTube channel is now again stocked with video’s of Conligus, OneCoin and Cloud Horizon… Is this coincidentally, or have the Finnish criminals Jussi and Staffan kissed and made up IS STAFFAN COMING HOME???
Pau writes in comment #200 of the Cloud Horizon Ponzi scheme review and I QUOTE…
In the video they say that Socium (now Corsair) will begin sending monthly dividends to investors together with a memorandum of the oil produced, the oil sold, the costs etc. starting end of September 2020…
They will be informed monthly on how things are going.
(I know that the person who invested €15.000 is receiving this information).
Thus a lot of people lost (a lot) money, and I’m certain that not everybody is going to take such a substantianal loss of money sitting down…
There’s bound to be a few unsavory people between all the honest investors in a “clean, healthy plastic neutral environment” and these people have a reputation when it comes to collecting money they ara owed…
In the formentioned Cloud Horizon review I wrote in comment #207 and I QUOTE…
Pau wrote in comment #208 in the formentioned Cloud Horizon review and I QUOTE…
Well let me enlighten you:
1) The top Dutch cryptocurrency scammer John Jagediël Breukels also fled the country and is now living in Slovenia…
He approached clients from the rolodex of his two former companies (as he explains in one of his webinars) and used the good faith of those (now former) contacts to trick them into investing in the Cloud Horizon Ponzi scheme…
2) Jussi Saloranta also fled his mother land Finland and lives in Thailand, because he is wanted for multiple embezzlement scheme’s with his former partner in crime…
3) Staffan Liback who coincidentally also lives in Thailand…
So if I was asked to give an educated guess I’d say that Andrea Cerio (aka went into hiding and will stay there until the storm blows over.
Greetz! Johan
Hi @Johan, Andrea did not run away and in his latest video he wanted us to let us know that he reads us and to give us some personal thoughts.
FYI Andrea explained that all his videos have been blacked out because he realized that things change very quickly and that the information in the videos from a month ago may not already be correct.
On this we can certainly agree.
Cheers to everyone, even to Andrea!
Hi @Pau… You write in comment #57 and I QUOTE…
Do these Italian influencers also still believe that the earth is flat??? LOL!!
Did Andrea take down the video’s on his own or did he ask for permission, because he is the only one that did this and furthermore like I said in comment #56 about the uncrowned king of mlm scam’s Staffan Liback and I QUOTE…
So this is basicly just more misdirection from a professional lyer, don’t you agree?!
Greetz! Johan
It could be. The point is that even if it were true (and it isn’t) that the videos were removed just because the information changes too quickly, it would be more than enough reason to raise some doubts about what they are doing…
CORSAIR’s one year anniversary; The “ILLUSION OF TRUTH” effect!
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels, the latchet of whose shoes Jussi’s not worthy to loose, but nonetheless is Saloranta applying his concept “repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not”.
If only more people understood this effect, because then it would avoid them from falling for Corsair’s Ponzi-schemes;
“¹Pyramids, build out of recycled plastic and filled with clean air, on a virtual tour using homemade advanced bio fuel!: What a load of crap! Please people think PLEASE!!
In honor of their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Corsair uploaded this full of borderline lies promo video on to YouTube
I copied word for word
the written nonsense that is being “sold” to Corsair’s own personel and the general public so I QUOTE…
“Equipped with only vision, drive, hard work and commitment to clean our planet* from the pollution which is killing it, corsair Group began its journey in August 2020…
Looking back over the milestones reached during Corsair’s first year…
CORSAIR BANGCOCK ONE…and Acquisition of Corsair’s first industrial facility**… A property with 6,400 square meters in size, surrounded by millions of kilos of plastic waste with 2 operational plastic waste to oil production units… With commitment and hard work, the facility has been refurbished and developed towards international standards…
3RD UNIT… The 3rd plastic waste to oil production unit is installed… Corsair increases both, it’s capacity to remove plastic waste from the environment and its production of advanced bio-oil by 50%… CORSAIR TAKES THE LEAD…
A 100% increase in Corsair’s ability to recycle plastic waste and to produce advanced bio-oil was achieved by the acquisition of a competitors business…. Corsair expanded its operations with 2 advanced semi-continuous production units and thus become the industry leader in Thailand…
AMPLVO & ECOVO… With the acquisition*** of Amplivo & Ecovo, Corsair was able to bring together the core missions**** of the companies… Restructured, aligned and stronger than ever, Amplivo started a new chapter as a part of the Corsair Group…
CORSAIR EUROPE*****… Corsair establishes its European Head Office in The Netherlands and begins preparations for the European launch…
CSR IS LAUNCHED… The CSR token******¹, a revolutionary blockchain based representation of contributions made to the cleaning up of the planet… Focusing on solving the global plastic waste, water pollution and air pollution crisis, along with reversing climate change and reducing poverty, CSR token is representation of physical results******²
CSR.LIVE… The live and public trading of the CSR token begins…
CSR LIVE EXCHANGE… CSR Live is a modern, decentralized Digital Currency Exchange focussing on availability, security, efficiency, and ease of use while leaving the member in full control…
CSR Live is a decentralized Digital Currency Trading Platform, focused on corparate social responsibility and for the trading of the CSR token*******
Corsair launches a way******** for you to become plastic neutral by reducing or completely removing your plastic waste footprint…
Corsair forms a partnership to launch operations in Slovakia, it’s first********** country in Europe…
EUROPEAN PRODUCTION… Corsair Europe acquires it’s first plastic waste to oil production unit, now in Europe, to be used for Slovakian operations…
MANUFACTURING… Corsair forms a collaboration********** for the development and manufacturing of it’s own chemical recycling units for use in Europe and Asia…
CORSAIR IN MEDIA… Corsair recieves nationwide media attention in Thailand and is featured in more than 45 Thai media outlets, including the largest newspapers and tv channels***********
CORSAIR BANGCOCK TWO… After a succesfull launch****** of it’s first facility in Thailand, Corsair begins the development of its second facility in Bangkok, with a production area of 12,000 square meters…
PARTNERSHIPS… Corsair forms partnerships************ and collaborations with some of the largest and most influential companies in Thailand…
CORSAIR GROUP… has within its first operational year become a stable and recognized company with a strong foundation…
Employing 100 people worldwide, with a professional and dedicated management team, Corsair continues its exponential growth************* with even greater vision and stronger commitment for a cleaner planet, Corsair is ready to enter its second year”
* line their own pockets! Meaning they don’t care about a cleaner planet, Corsair is just trying to put money, and lot’s of it mind you, (never ending GREED!) in the pockets of it’s top scammers!
** The acquisition of those two machines actually took place around march 2020 when the scam was still called Socium Development (if I’m not mistaken, which I’m not) because on the 9th of Juli 2020 Jussi Saloranta said (see comment #133 Cloud Horizon review) and I QUOTE…
So Jussi Saloranta is doing what he does best namely LYING HIS FAGOT ASS OFF! but that is nothing new under the sun, or is it?!
*** Acquisition in this case means that the mother company Cloud Horizon, with Frank Ricketts still in charge, changed the name of the company from Socium Development to Corsair Group… So acquisition my ass!
**** The “CORE MISSION” of AMPLIVO & ECOVO is STEALING ALL YOUR MONEY! Let that be perfectly clear!
***** Corsair Europe what a joke LOL! It’s head office is a postbox or a storage closet at best and the telephone number is a national (so not even Amsterdam based) computer operated answering machine of some kind…
And as far as their EUROPEAN LAUNCH is concerned that is all BULL- and HORSESHIT SHIT! (see *********)
******¹ OZ’s comment #6 and I QUOTE…
******² Representation of which results, because they haven’t accomplished anything; Where is this so called biofuel/bio-oil?? SOLD you say… Then SHOW ME…
******* Are there any CSR tokens being sold or traded I wonder… Oz gave that answer already on the 14th in comment #52 and I QUOTE..
…and I would like to add to this that Corsair, in the words of the founder of the – original – concept Staffan Liback, can shout out to the online niche community in which they operate that their OWN exchange is now live BUT don’t forget that before the “company” was called Corsair Group it already had two exchanges (Cloud Horizon with EltronX and Socium Development with Mountain Wolf) and both went nowhere but down a Ukrainian drain!
******** Yet again another way (it started with travel packages / Cloud Horizon followed by “plastic waste information packages” lol / Amplivo Ecovo) dated of selling packages because without the sale of those Corsair would be non-existing!
********What is the NAME of the COMPANY Corsair formed a PARTNERSHIP with ??????????????
********** First it were the countries Slovenia, Belgium and Ireland (we’re all three cancelled or what??) and now it’s Slovakia, so they say and want you to believe…
**********; The term collaborate dates from 1871, and is a back-formation from collaborator (1802), from the French collaborateur as used during the Napoleonic Wars against smugglers trading with England and assisting in the escape of monarchists, and is itself derived from the Latin collaboratus, past participle of collaborare “work with”, from com- “with” + labore “to work”.
The meaning of “traitorous cooperation with the enemy” dates from 1940, originally in reference to the Vichy Government of France which cooperated with the Germans, 1940–44.
*********** WHOOPDYFUCKINGDOO Thailand (no offence @Oz)
************ Partnerships are in Corsair’s opinion brochures in the cafetaria’s of a few schools, leaflets in the reception area of a couple of hotels as well as some waste containers with the Corsair logo at a few schools, hotels, car dealerships and what not…
************* Corsair’s exponential growth; I refer to comment #162 of the Cloud Horizon review and I QUOTE…
The CEO of Corsair mr. Jay/Jussi Saloranta
says during the online global call from Amplivo/Ecovo/Cloud Horizon/Corsair Group on the 8th of November 2020 and I QUOTE …
FYI… I’m still quoting the CEO of Corsair Group, mr Jussi Saloranta…
FYI… those readers who are at this moment not experiencing stomach cramps from laughter; you will most certainly do so after during/after reading the next quotation LOL!
“That is the BIG picture” Jay/Jussi Saloranta says…
like all other CONS and SCHEME’S they are involved in or with: Cloud Horizon, Sepco Industries, Socium Development, Amplivo, Ecovo & Corsair Group, as well as all of their SHIT- TOKENS like Orientum, Orientum Plus & ISF-SusNova…
What’s in it for me I asked at the start… Well I hope the Corsair’s Group Q3-report so I can COMPARE the numbers from a REAL COMPANY (FYI QUANTAFUEL) with a PYRAMID-SCHEME-COMPANY (FYI CORSAIR GROUP)!”
I found out that this shit piece of promo video is also the start/introduction of their “1 Year Anniversary Global Zoom Event (1.8.21)”
Spoiler alert; Andrea Cerio has again bomba news
and believe it or not the train that was only going to pass by once in your life, exactly the train from last year, is passing by again NESSUNA MERDA!
To be continued…
CHEERS!! Johan
@Pau regarding comment #59… Mio amigo the point/question is WHY are ONLY Andrea’s video’s removed???? Could it be because Jay/Jusse and Andrea said/promised things to only the Italian influencers that are not fit to see the daylight any longer?!
In other words lies to big for their own good!! We’ll probably never know…
@Johan, first of all, you did a great job in your comment #60. I am very sorry that I don’t often have the time to investigate as thoroughly as you do. Keep it up, there is so much need!
I would like to share with you this video from a couple of weeks ago in which we find some news (spoiler: CSR Live also becomes a centralized exchange) and in which the great CEO is back to chat with us.
How much truth in these few words!
Cheers my friend!
@Pau… Grazie mille per il tuo complimento, è molto apprezzato!*
Pau you write and I QUOTE…
I already know this ofcourse, but maybe you missed it (ammiccamento) so read/see the end of comment 60 and I QUOTE…
Spoiler alert; Andrea Cerio has again bomba news and believe it or not, remember the train that was only going to pass by once in your life, yes the train Andrea mentioned last year, well it’s passing by again NESSUNA MERDA!”
My next review will be all about il bugiardo professionista Andrea Cerio!!
I think National Lampoon describes Andrea’s dealings best and I QUOTE…
* @Pau… does your compliment also include my music (and such) additions, or are they caduto nel vuoto??! lol!
CHEERS! to you as well my friend!
I’m honest, I really appreciate your music and additions. The fact is that when the review is long, the links are many and here it’s 2 am, sometimes I lose something, which however I promptly go to recover as soon as I can!
Forgive me! 🙂
@Pau… In comment #62 you write and I QUOTE…
How much truth in these few words!”
So that got me thinking and I asked myself; Is there any truth to it? Only one way to find that out and that is by putting it to the test! And I did! So keep reading because a summary of my “putting it to the test” comes next…
Through the grapevine I heard
that all Corsair Group’s top leaders (the big earners aka the inner circle upper management team) were having a little get to together in Bangcock’s sleaziest dive bar imaginable…
The first one to answer was “cokehead” Andrea Cerio
and as you know he is always good for a laugh or two… This time was no different, because his initial answer was…
…but seriously he continued the answer to your question is…
I would like to say that I was surprised, but that would be a lie! So, while talking to myself about what I just heard, I saw Jean-Luc Beille sitting alone, in the back of the bar, and he was what looked like amusing himself…
What the hell I thought, walked over to him, while thanking God for Corona, so without having to shake his hand I sat down at the opposite far end of the table and asked if it’s true…
He started laughing, and I mean really laughing, maybe as a relief (hahahah I just realized what I said, as a relief LOL!) because he thought that maybe I caught him in the act…
(a MUST SEE!!) and then he answered…
Even though I didn’t shake his hand I had the urge to wash mine, so I headed towards the restroom just in time to see Vittorio Pusceddu entering a gabinetto together with another gentleman…
So after washing my hands I waited outside for Vittorio to come out (hahahah I just realized what I said, coming out LOL!) and I asked Vittorio if it is true and surprise surprise his answer was…
Honedtly I thought people who look like that died with the t.v.series The Sopranos, but obviously I was wrong, because here I was standing face to face with a man who looks the spitting image of Vito Spatafore from the Tony Soprano crew…
Me thinking that is not even so far off, because Tony Soprano and his crew were consultants in the waste management business not unlike Vittorio Pusceddu who’s also swindling people out of their hard earned money by using “the removal of plastic garbage” as a business front…
Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted Peter Shaw, and don’t let that “cute and innocent” face fool you because he’s a SIX star influencer…
SIX stars means that he ripped so many people off (either directly or through his downline), that he almost earned himself a villa on the beach of Koh Chang Island, as a bonus…
After a few minutes of small talk I asked Peter if it is true and believe it or not he answered…
And just as I was leaving Wayne Dobson, the company’s tech nerd, was approaching the table where Peter was sitting…
So I said hello followed by “can I ask you a quick question Wayne?” His answer…
left me gobsmacked!
The only left I haven’t asked the question to yet is Jussi Goebbels… I looked around and saw him ordering a drink at the bar, so I went over to him and asked Joseph is it true… Ofcourse I already knew the answer…
because I just recieved the same answer five out of five times from everybody belonging to his inner circle…
So YES IT’S TRUE!! when you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth! Only one problem though, there comes a moment that somebody knocks on your door and says…
Ahahahah!! What a great trip!
@Pau… I just finished reading La rabbia e l’orgoglio* by Oriana Fallaci and maybe, just maybe Oriana offers with this book* an explanation* why the Italian people keep believing the bullshit that Andrea, Vittorio and other top-level-scammers with the help of all their evil stooges are telling them and thus they keep buying into the empty promises of first OneCoin followed by AULives Cloud Horizon, Sepco Industries, Socium Development and now Corsair Group!
@Pau… As I promised a few comments ago ( by a Dutch former morning radio dj who also sings in a band with his name, the Edwin Evers Band) my ANDREA CERIO SPECIAL and yes he has BOMBA news!
Andrea Cerio, Amplivo’s cokehead has picked up a stutter but nevertheless I was still able to write down his bullshit story and thus I QUOTE…
*GOMORRAH; Di gran lunga la migliore serie mafiosa italiana mai realizzata! A MUST WATCH!
*** These are the top eleven MULTI BILLIONAIRE COMPANIES (multi billionaire means that more than one billionaire works for the company) in the world at this moment: 1) Hyatt_10 / 2) Cargill_10 / 3) Roche_9 / 4) Dr. Oetker_8 / 5) SC Johnson & Son_7 / 6) Walmart_7 / 7) SACI Falabella_5 / 8) Infosys_5 / 9) Hennes & Mauritz_5 / 10) Estée Lauder_5 / 11) Facebook_5 / 12) CORSAIR GROUP ???? or am I being too modest and is cokehead Andrea aiming even higher LOL!!
***** see/listen to Andrea Cerio’s presentation from 14 February 2021, only 6 months ago!
From comment #7 I QUOTE…
Andrea Cerio starts of by introducing himself and how he got involved (timestamp 22:01)…
And uh (timestamp 23:27)*
* Andrea Cerio clearly has the same hobby as Staffan Liback
because this moment Andrea is getting excited, maybe anxious even for what he is about to say… He therefore cannot hide any longer that typical behaviour you see with people after they have stuffed coke up their nose(s)…
So Andrea continues saying (timestamp 23:39) and I QUOTE…
******Andrea used to be a top scammer for the biggest pyramid company ever and is now telling you that Corsair is or will become bigger than Ruja Ignatova’s Ponzi scheme OneCoin…
It is truly amazing what coke does with people; bigger, better BEST! and then some… Unbelievable but very funny nevertheless!
******* There is also a third possibility; jump in front of a moving train, because you’ve just realized that you’re completely broke and you lied to your whole your family and all of your friends and stole their money in the proces!
On the 27th of July Corsair’s CEO Jussi Saloranta did a stand up comedy set called “Jussi’s persoonlijke inspirerende verhaal”*
[start of Jussi’s quote…]
[…end of Jussi’s quote]
Last 14 July was said:
September has arrived…and what about the great global event in Vienna? Was this also postponed due to the Suez Canal obstruction?
@Oz… Thanks for being compliant!
@Pau… You ask the following question and I QUOTE…
Corsair’s puppet master Jussi Saloranta says the following during “Corsair & Amplivo- 1 Year Anniversary Global Zoom Event” timestamp 56:18 – 1:00:22 and I QUOTE…
¹ The ONLY obstacle was the Suez Canal!
² Do these so called “GOOD FRIENDS” have a (company) name?
³…STILL not issued official transportation license and this is what Jussi Saloranta said during his Major Announcements from Corsair and Amplivo 27.6.2021 with timestamp 08:50 – 09:58 and I QUOTE…
@Pau… In comment #51 you write and I QUOTE…
So my friend listen there is an English idioma that you might not have heard so when Jussi said “NEXT SEPTEMBER” he actually means to say September 2022 (or else he would have said coming or this September)…
Andrea reported the same thing in one of his early summer video conferences, one of those that have disappeared in recent times.
Is erasing the memory of influencers really as easy as taking a video off YouTube?
@Pau… You might be right, or maybe you’re only half right, but right you are!!
Either way I know for a fact what the Italian ventosa di zucchero a velo said during Corsair’s “global” ONLINE event” held on the 14th of February this year and I QUOTE…
So whatever which way you look at; it being a mix-up with his Slovenia remark in February, or one of his early summer video conferences, one of those that have disappeared in recent times… That’s why I said in comment #61 and I QUOTE…
So I was wrong, because we now do know why Andrea Cerio removed his video’s; the old lies contradict the lies that are being told now and probably also the lies in the near future…
I say “near future” because just “future” would be awarding Jussi Salorante and his ring of cyber criminals way to much credit!
@Pau… You finish your comment with the question and I QUOTE…
My answer tot that is maybe, or maybe it also needed a little extra persuasion…
Ahahaha!! What did I just listen to??
In Corsair (or perhaps Andrea directly) they just had the brilliant idea of start selling packages to companies, so that they can advertise themselves as plastic neutral.
But…there’s a little problem: no one wants to present an invoice from the Cayman Islands to their accountant!!! [Come on! Seriously?]
To remedy this problem it’s necessary to set up a company in Europe with a European current account and that is able to issue a European invoice.
Guess what? The aforementioned company has already been established but, needless to say, we are not allowed to know where…
All wonderful, as always!
Jussi Salorante is sad, because he bit off more than he could chew…and what did he do, well he went looking for Frank Ricketts and as the whiney little bitch that he is, he cried, he weeped, he even sniffled!
IT was a total and utter EMBARRASSMENT!
But Corsair’s CEO wasn’t done embarrassing himself, not even close! He started whimpering and mumbling daddy, DADDY PLEASE! Please daddy PLEASE DADDY can you help me?? PLEEEAAZZE!! I’m HURT!
Now if it we’re me, then I personally would’ve let sleeping dogs lie! Especially grumpy old and retired Dogs! But not Jussi Salorante, no Sir, because it’s better to use the devil you know!
So why did the new CEO need the old CEO… Well do you remember OneCoin and the role Frank Ricketts played in it… According to Oz and I QUOTE…
Pau… You wrote in the previous comment and I QUOTE…
So back to Oz and I QUOTE…
And that’s why Jussi went to Frank, because he needs thus wants the best for his/their next level SCAM!
Pau… You wrote in comment #74 and I QUOTE…
Well let me ask you “do you remember what was first on your mind when you joined the Cloud Horizon debunkers? No? Ok doesn’t matter because I do lol!
It was about you trying to make sense of all the name changes Cloud Horizon went through, and which scam artists still had their hand in the pyramid cookie jar, so to say
On the 27th of Januari this year you write in comment #189 of the Cloud Horizon review and I QUOTE…
So do they actually need to set up another dummy corporation? The answer is no, because such a company already exist, or does it?! I’m thinking that Jussi Salorante, because he is, of the twelve that started, the last man standing cannot keep track of all of the lies any longer, so he himself doesn’t know anymore what is real and what is not.
Come on Jussi be honest for once and admit that you can’t cry any longer cause you are missing your daddy’s dick!
It’s MADNESS I’m telling you!
I have got to admit that I am as IMPRESSED as I am APPALLED by the words in the following 47 seconds that come out of the mouth of CRYPTO-SCAM RINGLEADER Jussi Goebbels…
…or is it Joseph Salorante?! / timestamp 17:44 – 18:31 and I QUOTE…
SOUNDS FAMILIAR PEOPLE??! Good thing that we know…
Because this is the world on it’s head!…
They continue to say that thanks to the Blockchain they can demonstrate in a transparent way that every tot € paid corresponds to tot kg of recycled plastic.
How does it work? How can they really prove it? I guess it’s not enough for them to write that they did…
This is not irony. I really ask if someone can explain to me how it works…
How does one debunk Corsair’s blockchain claims?
@PassingBy… maybe?
I agree with you Pau, as I am not an expert in the crypto currency world either, that I would also like a cryptocurrency crash course…
Which reminds me that I just downloaded a series¹ that claims to do just that, but I haven’t got around to watching it yet…
¹ Inside the Cryptokingdom
Has somebody dug up the following yet? I came across this interesting visual from the leaked Paradise Papers data (2017) showing all (former) shareholders of Global Digital Services Plc (Malta based & listed on Cyprus Stock Exchange), formerly run by Frank Ricketts and owner of SiteTalk. Among the shareholders are/were of course Frank Ricketts, Arve Evensen (Exergonix, Global Power Pte, PowerOn) and a lot of other Evensen’s. ->
Some more proof that Frank Ricketts and other shareholders(?) have handed some positions over to Jussi Saloranta:
As of 31 January 2021 Jussi Veikko Saloranta is director of Global Digital Services Plc, together with Karet Nilsa-nga. As we know Jussi is ceo of Corsair Group / Cloud Horizon / Amplivo / Ecovo and Karet is cfo.
Another shareholder of Global Digital Services is Singlewin Commercial Limited (Cyprus based, incorporated 2011). It is run by… Jussi Veikko Saloranta (director) ->
Does anybody know who was director of Singlewin before Jussi?
I think verifying Frank Ricketts was behind Cloud Horizon is academic at this point.
We knew he was because he did the marketing. Given Ricketts is a money launderer, it follows he was doing dodgy deals behind the scenes. Even after he’d publicly disappeared.
Yes, agree. I’m more interested in getting a picture of the other shareholders, old and new. And especially in unraveling the current web of shell companies Jussi Veikko Saloranta has spun with others.
Learning how Ricketts has done that in the past, helps me to analyze the current one of his successor.
By the way, did you know Jussi has been an MMA / cage fight promotor for years? In fact, he has brought the sport to Thailand when it was still banned there.
And he has run a Finnish-Thai telemarketing company, Madison-Mayflower, which has received many complaints from unpaid Finnish employees.
He doesn’t mention these two working experiences in his regular bio… 🙂 It mentions ‘real estate, hospitality, finance, transport industry and green energy’ (= the large Ikaros Group palm oil investment fraud with Staffan Libäck).
I wonder how Corsair followers would process this. Although I don’t underestimate the sturdiness of brainwashed perception.
@Dymista… The Finish article has been mentioned a couple times (the last time was comment #207 but it doesn’t seem to be an issue for the former Cloud Horizon influencers!
Just as all the negative press about Ricketts’, Libacks’, Andrea Cerio’s and all the other upper management’s involvement in OneCoin, hasn’t brought the influencers back to reality!
That is why I am of the opinion that Corsair’s influencers are knowingly and willingly ripping of their friends (network) and family #shameless–g-8sM
@Dymista… you end your comment #82 as following and I QUOTE…
Good for you, because you really shouldn’t underestimate the gigantic gullibility of Corsair’s influencers and their marks! I would like to refer you to a scene in the following YouTube video, which is an interview with Jussi Salorante on Juli 27 2021, called “Jussi’s personal inspiring story”¹ (timestamp 47:29 – 52:16) and I QUOTE…
¹ The whole interview is worth watching, but I wanted to highlight this particular part, because of it’s insane claims! #corsairservicestations
² Jussi is actually telling everybody how he is going TO STEAL THEIR MONEY! #charitablefoundation
Well folks that all for now… CHEERS!
Just a small update to my comment #74: the new European company (that will be able to sell packages to companies) is called “CSR Services Europe” and was established in Estonia.
The official version says that Estonia was chosen because it’s the most advanced country in the world regarding blockchain technology and already has laws governing it.
Cheers to everybody!
Thx @Johan and @Pau,
Here you can find the legal business info from CSR Services Europe:
Apparantly, its newly installed board member Marek Lekštedt has taken a forex trading course in 2018 and has a professional background in… debt collection. How ironic.
Isn’t it IRONIC
The newly installed board member Marek Lekštedt (what does that even mean “board member?)
went from collecting debts
to working for a company which has debat collectors lined up, not locally but GLOBALLY in every aspect thinkable!
And that link with Forex is no surprise because Rene, the person that replaced John Jagediel Breukels (Finex) as the leider (ahem) for the Dutch-Belgium Division dabbles also as a Forex tra uhmmm bandit! This is probably how this person got involved…
Because laughing is healthy I’m ending with a link to one of the funniest Jews ever GILBERT GOTTFRIED with the filthiest joke ever! FYI NOT FOR KIDS!
CHEERS everyone!
Hi everyone! Bomba news from Italy: the Italian Authority for the Supervision of Financial Markets (CONSOB) has blocked the website, confirming Corsair’s abusive financial activity!
Thx for sharing this, Pau! Does anybody know how these decisions / warnings to the public are exactly shared between financial authorities in the EU?
Banks tend to pay attention. I know some EU regulators publish warning issued by other EU regulators so there is some internal communication that goes on. not blocked.
According to CONSOB it is.
There’s ways around anything on the internet, fact remains Corsair Group is a banned Ponzi scheme in Italy.
In Italy, first precautionary measures and investigations by financial police.
Hi there, I was approached in Holland by Dutch people of this Corsair club.
Almost invested my money in CSR plastic credits. What do you guys know about these credits?
The people approaching me were very persistant and they are a big fan of this Jessi Saloranta. But what I read here, it is a big scam?
You invest in plastic credits, something something (Ponzi) you get more plastic credits, you cash out other people’s money with plastic credits?
If the people in Holland can’t provide evidence of Corsair Group registering with financial regulators and audited financial reports, it’s a Ponzi scheme.
All Ponzi schemes are scams. This might also be of interest:
Italy cracks down on Corsair Group Ponzi, goes after promoters
Hi there Oz… and yes I am still very much alive and kicking!
It might be an idea to mention the links below in the section ‘related posts’ between the article and the reactions, like you did with the link to the Cloud Horizon review; ‘SiteTalk and Orientum scams combined’, the Ponzi scam that transcended into the Corsair Ponzi scam!
FYI OZ… It is because you mentioned one of those links in your last comment, or else I wouldn’t have known about those reviews otherwise!
FYI Suzielu… Ik zal binnenkort reageren op jouw bericht, maar ik wil eerst no even hun Telegram kanaal doorspitten… Last time I checked the Holland division of Corsair started with training sessions for vendors, so I want to check first what’s what!
Ik kan je wel verzekeren Suzielu dat ‘csr’ credits niks waard zijn en dat het de zoveelste versie van de ‘orientum’ credit is, die nooit enige waarde heeft vertegenwoordigd in wat voor hoedanigheid of onder welke naam dan ook!
Enne bijzonder goed van je dat je er niet ingetrapt bent, hoewel als je Corsair review na leest dan miet je eigenlijk wel een hele grote , domoor zijn als je er wel in trapt!
Listen to the big fat liar himself…
Good to see you again, Johan.
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