CoopCrowd identifies David T Rosen as its founder.

Our founder David T Rosen created the world’s first global crowdfunding system, 5 Star Exchange in March 2001, and we have been successfully delivering great crowdfunding systems without interruption around the globe for two decades.

Rosen, a Canadian resident, refers to cash gifting as crowdfunding.

Rosen first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar in 2015, as founder of the PIE 24/7 pyramid scheme.

In early 2018 Rosen launched Cooperative Crowdfunding, a matrix-based gifting scheme. This was followed by 50/50 Crowdfunding in late 2018.

In late 2019 Rosen rebooted 50/50 Crowdfunding as CoopCrowd.

After the first iteration of CoopCrowd collapsed, Rosen launched Coop5050 in late 2020.

Coop5050 began to collapse in late 2021, prompting Rosen to announce a CoopCrowd reboot.

To keep things simple we’ll refer to the CoopCrowd reboot as “CoopCrowd 2022”.

Read on for a full review of CoopCrowd 2022’s MLM opportunity.

CoopCrowd 2022’s Products

CoopCrowd 2022 has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market CoopCrowd 2022 affiliate membership itself.

CoopCrowd 2022’s Compensation Plan

CoopCrowd 2022 affiliates buy into a two-tier matrix-based pyramid scheme for $84.

CoopCrowd 2022 uses a 3×10 matrix to pay pyramid recruitment commissions.

A 3×10 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each.

Levels three to ten of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of new affiliates.

As positions in the matrix are filled, recruitment commissions are paid as follows:

  • level 1 (3 positions) – $8.66 per position filled
  • level 2 (9 positions) – $4.22 per position filled
  • level 3 (27 positions) – $3.22 per position filled
  • level 4 (81 positions) – $2.07 per position filled
  • level 5 (243 positions) – $1.02 per position filled
  • level 6 (729 positions) – $2.45 per position filled
  • level 7 (2187 positions) – $1.91 per position filled
  • level 8 (6561 positions) – $1.63 per position filled
  • level 9 (19,683 positions) – $2.17 per position filled
  • level 10 (59,049 positions) – 72.3 cents per position filled

Note these aren’t exact figures due to CoopCrowd 2022 rounding figures in their compensation documentation.

CoopCrowd 2022’s second pyramid tier multiplies the individual position buy in by a factor of ten ($250).

This in turn multiplies recruitment commissions across the $250 3×10 matrix by ten.

Every 28 days buy-in payments ($25, $250 or $275) must be made.

This is either taken out of paid commissions or an affiliate has to keep up with fees.

What this translates to with respect to compensation, is 28 day recurring recruitment commissions.

Joining CoopCrowd 2022

CoopCrowd 2022 affiliate membership is $89 and then $25 or $275 every 28 days.

CoopCrowd 2022 Conclusion

CoopCrowd 2022 is a bit of a departure from David Rosen’s usual gifting fraud.

CoopCrowd 2022 functions as a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme dressed up in crypto bro marketing jargon.

CoopCrowd has create the world’s first peer to peer Decentralized Crowdfunding System by combining the latest Web3 technologies and crowdfunding 2.0.

You can ignore all that. CoopCrowd is just a matrix-based pyramid scheme. It could just as easily function with a traditional non-blockchain script.

CoopCrowd 2022’s onboarding process is a departure from Rosen’s typical scams.

Affiliates buy-in for $89. $75 of that is three $25 positions. The other $14 goes into Rosen’s pocket.

CoopCrowd 2022 affiliates are supposed to use the three positions they’ve just bought to recruit new affiliates.

They themselves were recruited in this manner, with their own position was covered by their upline.

This is how CoopCrowd 2022 is pitched. Whether someone can get recruited and just keep their own $75 three positions for themselves is unclear.

Anyway from there is just recruitment. Your three recruits are supposed to use their three buy-ins to recruit three, they recruit three and a few levels later we’ve covered the population of Earth.

As opposed to matrices inevitably stalling and Rosen launching a new scam every 12 months or so, the migration to cryptocurrency opens the door up for “coop token”.

CoopCrowd 2022 marketing doesn’t specify what cryptocurrency Rosen intends to use.

Whichever coin it is, when recruitment dries up there’ll be a switch to coop token, allowing Rosen to “pay” commissions out of thin air.

That works until affiliates realize they can’t cash coop token out, by which point the financial damage is done and Rosen jumps onto the next bandwagon.

The other possibility is CoopCrowd 2022 launches with coop token out of the gate.

This sees the inflow of money through recruitment. Withdrawal requests will need to be put in, and will be paid till Rosen decides to pull the plug.

Whichever route Rosen chooses, math is math. The majority of participants is pyramid schemes are guaranteed to lose money.


Update 11th July 2023 – CoopCrowd 2022 has collapsed. David Rosen’s 2023 pyramid scheme launch is CoopBusiness.