As far as I can tell Commodum currently doesn’t have a website.

The company was running from “” at some stage, but that domain has since been abandoned.

Instead Commodum is run through a private Facebook group.

Commodum’s Facebook group, created in April 2020, has four admins; Keld Mathiesen, Svend Rasmussen, Aboubacar Sylla and Jamshed Khan.

Svend Rasmussen (right)was owner of the collapsed Quaestor Solutions Ponzi scheme.

The other three Commodum group admins were Quaestor Solutions promoters.

Quaestor Solutions’ collapse began February 2019, when  Rasmussen announced he would be withholding returns unless  new investors were recruited.

In March 2019 Rasmussen attempted to attach Quaestor Coin to boxing. These plans were abandoned by December the same year.

In 2020 Rasmussen executed a private exchange exit-scam. Cryptosook was launched, and with it Rasmussen created a new Ponzi coin; CryptoSook Dollar.

CryptoSook was abandoned in mid to late 2020, leaving QST token investors holding a worthless Ponzi token.

Commodum was announced in June 2020.

Svend Rasmussen operates his various schemes from Abenra, Denmark.

Read on for a full review of Commodum’s MLM opportunity.

Commodum’s Products

Commodum has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Commodum affiliate membership itself.

Commodum affiliate membership provides access to AlphaBot, a crypto trading bot of unknown origin.

Commodum’s Compensation Plan

Commodum affiliates pay membership subscription fees.

  • AlphaBot Junior ($500 to $1000 trading investment) – $65 per month, $150 for 3 months or $280 for 6 months
  • AlphaBot Senior ($2000 to $4000 trading investment) – $130 per month, $300 for 3 months or $550 for 6 months
  • AlphaBot Premium ($5000 to $20,000 investment) – $260 per month, $520 for 3 months or $990 for 6 months

Commissions are paid when Commodum affiliates recruit new affiliate investors.

Note that Commodum slugs affiliates with an initial $10 commission withdrawal fee.

Second withdrawals are charged at $20 and then $30 per withdrawal thereafter.

Commodum appears to pay some commissions in SMA coins.

SMA coin appears to be a new shitcoin Svend Rasmussen created when Commodum launched.

MLM Commission Qualification

To qualify for MLM commissions Commodum affiliates must

  1. generate 50 PV a month and
  2. recruit two affiliates who each generate 50 PV a month.

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is generated by recruiting new affiliates who pay membership fees.

  • AlphaBot Junior 1 month subscription generates 50 PV
  • AlphaBot Junior 3 month subscription generates 100 BV
  • AlphaBot Junior 6 month subscription generates 200 BV
  • AlphaBot Senior 1 month subscription generates 100 BV
  • AlphaBot Senior 3 month subscription generates 200 BV
  • AlphaBot Senior 6 month subscription generates 400 BV
  • AlphaBot Premium 1 month subscription generates 200 BV
  • AlphaBot Premium 3 month subscription generates 400 BV
  • AlphaBot Premium 6 month subscription generates 700 BV

PV is also generated if recruited affiliates purchase Q-Hemp and SMA advertising services.

Specific details on these products and services are not provided.

Recruitment Commissions

Commodum affiliates are paid a commission when they recruit new affiliate investors.

  • $15 is paid on an AlphaBot Junior monthly subscription
  • $50 is paid on an AlphaBot Junior 3 month subscription
  • $80 is paid on an AlphaBot Junior 6 month subscription
  • $30 is paid on an AlphaBot Senior monthly subscription
  • $100 is paid on an AlphaBot Senior 3 month subscription
  • $150 is paid on an AlphaBot Senior 6 month subscription
  • $60 is paid on an AlphaBot Premium monthly subscription
  • $120 is paid on an AlphaBot Premium 3 month subscription
  • $290 is paid on an AlphaBot Premium 6 month subscription

Residual Commissions

Commodum pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Commodum tracks PV generated on both sides of the binary team.

Residual commissions are paid out using a 1:2 ratio. That is 100 PV on one side of the binary team matched with 200 PV on the other side.

Which binary team side has 100 PV and which has 200 PV doesn’t matter.

Every time 100 PV on one side of the binary is matched with 200 PV on the other side, a $30 residual commission is paid out.

Run Bonus

The Run Bonus is a three-tier recruitment bonus, paid from the third personally recruited affiliate.

  • $50 + 30 SMA Coins are paid when a third personally recruited affiliate recruits two MLM commission qualified affiliates of their own
  • $50 + 30 SMA Coins are paid when these two affiliates recruit two MLM commission qualified affiliates of their own each
  • $50 + 30 SMA coins are paid when these four affiliates recruit two MLM commission qualified affiliates of their own each

Commodum’s compensation plan states that the Run Bonus continues in this matter “to infinity”.

Note that the bonus is paid out per affiliate recruited.

E.g. Your third personally recruited affiliate recruits two MLM commission qualified affiliates to trigger the Run Bonus.

You receive $50 + 30 SMA coins per affiliate, meaning you receive $100 and 60 SMA coins at that Run Bonus level.

You’d then receive $200 + 120 SMA Coins when those two affiliates recruited two MLM commission qualified affiliates of their own.

The fourth personally recruited affiliate triggers a $100 and 60 SMA Coin bonus when they recruit their first two MLM commission qualified affiliates.

The fifth personally recruited affiliate triggers a $150 and 100 SMA Coin bonus when they recruit their first two MLM commission qualified affiliates.

Like the first Run Bonus tier, these amounts double “to infinity” as each recruited affiliate recruits two new MLM commission qualified affiliates of their own.

Matching Bonus

Commodum pays a Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

The Matching Bonus is paid as a percentage of commissions earned across five unilevel team levels, subject to the following qualification criteria:

  • recruit four MLM commission qualified affiliates and receive a 10% Matching Bonus on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • recruit six MLM commission qualified affiliates and receive a 10% Matching Bonus on level 2
  • recruit eight MLM commission qualified affiliates and receive a 10% Matching Bonus on level 3
  • recruit ten MLM commission qualified affiliates and receive a 10% Matching Bonus on level 4
  • recruit twelve MLM commission qualified affiliates and receive a 10% Matching Bonus on level 5

Joining Commodum

Commodum affiliate membership is $39.90 plus $200 annually.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a Commodum affiliate to make $500 to $20,000 in BTC available to the AlphaBot.


It is essentially a reboot of Quaestor Solution’s failed trading bot ruse with a new Ponzi shitcoin.

Quaestor Bot has been renamed AlphaBot, and you have Svend Rasmussen running literally the same Ponzi model.

In addition to Ponzi and pyramid fraud, the “master node” investment rubbish has also been recycled and rebranded as “Clickit”.

Other slight changes from Queaestor World include adding nutritional supplements and See Me Advertise (SMA) vouchers, which are both tools to get affiliates to spend money each month.

More money for Svend means more to pay investment returns with, until the whole thing falls apart again.

This time around AlphaBot is being pitched as a “yOu CoNtRoL yOuR mOnEy!” Ponzi.

While it is true funds remain in investor accounts, they are still pooled under control of a centrally run bot – making Commodum an unregistered securities offering.

The exit-scam for the “money stays in your account!” model sees the bot execute rigged trades in favor of its owner (Rasmussen).

This drains affiliate investor accounts, after which the admin goes dark.

Last month iQuandex provided an example of how the rigged trades exit-scam plays out.

As per communication between Commodum affiliate investors, this might have already happened:

Since then Commodum and CryptoSook’s websites have been abandoned, and activity in the private Facebook group has slowed to a crawl.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, as affiliate recruitment dries up so too does new investment.

This starves Commodum of funds to pay returns with, eventually resulting in a collapse.

The math behind MLM Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.

One need look no further to Quaestor Solutions for evidence of this in action.