Against All Odds operates in the nutritional supplement MLM niche.

The company is currently in prelaunch (recruitment only), as evidence by its website:

While it’s not disclosed on Against All Odds website, BehindMLM can confirm Dan Putnam is behind the company.

Putnam is joined by “co-founders” Travis Martin and JC Martinez.

Putnam (right) owns B-Epic, B-Eco and the recently launched Govvi fuel tabs opportunity (suspected based on exclusivity representation).

Putnam is also a serial Ponzi scammer.

The SEC sued Putnam and Angel Rodriguez, his partner in crime, for securities fraud in 2020.

Through various scams, the SEC alleges Putnam and Rodriguez defrauded consumers out of at least $12 million. The case is still playing out.

Travis Martin was a LurraLife executive. LurraLife was a reboot of O2 Worldwide, a pyramid scheme owned by Putnam that collapsed in 2019.

On July 19th Putnam announced he was “merging” LurraLife with B-Epic.

That apparently didn’t last even a month. For reasons we’ll dive deeper into in the conclusion of this review, Against All Odds is essentially a LurraLife reboot.

JC Martinez is/was B-Epic’s Vice President of Sales.

Putnam is based out of Utah. It is assumed Against All Odds thus also operates from Utah.

Read on for a full review of Against All Odd’s MLM opportunity.

Against All Odds’ Products

Against All Odds’ flagship product is Activ Greens.

Marketed as “the ultimate daily nutrition”,

Activ Greens is a science-based cardio-health green drink that tastes absolutely divine and is loaded with bioavailable nutrients that the body needs for optimum health and performance.

70 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients combined with our proprietary cardio blend in one convenient daily serving.

Against All Odds’ marketing suggests Activ Greens’ primary ingredient is dried grass:

Activ Green retails for $59.95 for a pouch of thirty single-serve sachets.

Against All Odds’ Compensation Plan

Against All Odds pays commissions on retail sales of Activ Greens.

The majority of the compensation plan however focuses on affiliate autoship recruitment.

Against All Odds Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within Against All Odd’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Influencer – sign up as an Against All Odds affiliate and maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order
  • 1 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order and recruit one Influencer
  • 2 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order and recruit two Influencers
  • 3 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order and recruit three Influencers
  • 4 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order, maintain three personally recruited Influencers and generate $10,000 in monthly downline volume
  • 5 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order, maintain three personally recruited Influencers and generate $$25,000 in monthly downline volume
  • 6 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order, maintain three personally recruited Influencers and generate $50,000 in monthly downline volume
  • 7 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order, maintain three personally recruited Influencers and generate $100,000 in monthly downline volume
  • 8 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order, maintain three personally recruited Influencers and generate $250,000 in monthly downline volume
  • 9 Star Influencer – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order, maintain three personally recruited Influencers and generate $500,000 in monthly downline volume
  • Uncommon Amongst the Uncommon (actual rank name) – maintain a $49.95 monthly Activ Greens order, maintain three personally recruited Influencers and generate $1,000,000 in monthly downline volume

Note that for required downline, up to 60% can be counted from any one unilevel team leg.

Retail Commissions

Against All Odds pays commissions on Activ Greens orders by retail customers.

Against All Odds pays an upfront 50% commission on retail order volume.

Residual retail commissions are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Against All Odds caps unilevel team levels at ten.

Residual retail commissions are paid across these ten levels as follows:

  • levels 1 to 5 – $1 per retail Activ Greens order
  • levels 6 to 10 – 50 cents per retail Activ Greens order

Level 1 would be retail orders referred by personally recruited affiliates. Level 2 is retail orders referred by affiliates recruited by level 1 affiliates, and so on and so forth.

Customer Bonus

Activ Greens retail customers are able to refer other retail customers to the company.

When they do, the referring affiliate earns a $10 commission per Activ Greens order.

50 cents on each order is also paid upline across ten unilevel team levels.

Residual Commissions

Against All Odds pays residual commissions via a 3×10 matrix.

A 3×10 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (nine positions).

Levels two to ten of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of Against All Odds affiliates.

Commissions are paid as a percentage of sales and purchase volume generated across the matrix as follows:

  • 2.5% is paid on volume generated across levels 1 to 3 of the matrix
  • 5% is paid on volume generated across levels 4 to 8 of the matrix
  • 7.5% is paid on volume generated on level 9 of the matrix
  • 10% is paid on volume generated on level 10 of the matrix

How many matrix levels an Against All Odds affiliate earns residual commissions on is determined by rank:

  • Influencers earn residual commissions on up to three matrix levels
  • 1 Star Influencers earn residual commissions on up to five matrix levels
  • 2 Star Influencers earn residual commissions on up to seven matrix levels
  • 3 Star Influencers and higher earn residual commissions on all ten available matrix levels

Matching Bonus

4 Star Influencers and higher qualify for a Matching Bonus.

Against All Odds pays the Matching Bonus through unilevel team generations.

Against All Odds defines a generation when a 4 Star Influencer or higher is found in a unilevel team leg.

This first 4 Star Influencer or higher caps off the first generation of that leg, with the second beginning immediately after.

If a second 4 Star Influencer or higher is found deeper in the leg, they cap off the second generation and a third begins after them.

If no such ranked affiliate exists, the last generation of that leg extends down the full depth of the leg.

Using this generational structure, Against All Odds affiliates can earn the Matching Bonus on up to ten generations per unilevel team leg:

  • 4 Star Influencers earn a 5% Matching Bonus on up to two generations per leg
  • 5 Star Influencers earn a 5% Matching Bonus on up to five generations per leg
  • 6 Star Influencers earn a 5% Matching Bonus on up to six generations per leg
  • 7 Star Influencers earn a 5% Matching Bonus on up to seven generations per leg
  • 8 Star Influencers earn a 5% Matching Bonus on up to eight generations per leg
  • 9 Star Influencers earn a 5% Matching Bonus on up to nine generations per leg
  • Uncommon Amongst the Uncommons earn a 5% Matching Bonus on up to ten generations per leg

$100 Guarantee

If an Against All Odds affiliate on autoship recruits three affiliates on autoship, who in turn each recruit three affiliates on autoship, they earn a guaranteed minimum $100 a month.

Joining Against All Odds

Against All Odds affiliate membership is tied to a monthly $49.95 Activ Greens order.

This order must be maintained in order to qualify for MLM commissions.

Against All Odds Conclusion

Against All Odds is marketing a grass-based multivitamin.

Is that worth $49.95 a month to you? I can’t answer that.

What I can tell you is Activ Greens looks a hell of a lot similar to LurraLife’s Thrive “green drink mix”.

Compare Activ Green’s marketing pitch:

Activ Greens is a science-based cardio-health green drink that tastes absolutely divine and is loaded with bioavailable nutrients that the body needs for optimum health and performance.

With that of LurraLife’s Thrive:

Thrive from LurraLife is a science-based cardio-health green drink mix that tastes great and is packed with nutrition.

There might be some slight changes to the formula, who knows. Toss in Travis Martin though and it’s pretty clear Against All Odds is LurraLife rebooted.

Moving onto the MLM opportunity, Against All Odds has a decent crack at retail.

Your customers earn free product for every 3 orders placed by people they referred to AAO.

They earn 1 credit for each referred purchase. And for every 3 credits, they can get free product (they just pay S&H). Credits expire after 1 year.

50% paid on the cost of retail orders is generous, but does draw into question what Activ Greens costs to manufacture.

Keep in mind on top of that 50% and manufacturing costs you have the rest of Against All Odds’ compensation plan. Seems there might be an unusually large overhead in play.

As far as MLM goes, Against All Odds sets it self up to operate as a product-based pyramid scheme.

This begins and ends with affiliates being required to maintain an Activ Greens order to qualify for commissions. Against All Odds is essentially a $49.95 a month pyramid scheme.

You sign up with your autoship order and then recruit others who do the same. And this completely undermines Against All Odds’ retail efforts.

This is the same problem we saw with Govvi, another Dan Putnam MLM company launched only recently too.

Another regulatory problem Activ Greens has is unsubstantiated medical claims.

On an official Against All Odds corporate marketing call held last month, Dan Putnam represented Activ Greens can be used to treat “every disease”.

I’m going to state a lot of facts this evening. And one of those facts is 100% of diseases can be traced back to mineral deficiencies. 100%.

Also, in order for disease to survive, the environment in your body, the environment that all your cells live in, has to be acidic. Disease cannot survive in an alkaline environment.

And so I want you to imagine every single sip, I’ll take one right now, of this product, you’re literally flooding your body with all all these minerals from the soil. And also with the chlorophyll and the oxygen to help alkalize the body.

Again, just absolutely incredible what you’re able to do with every single sip. And knowing that every disease can be traced back to mineral deficiency. And disease cannot survive in an alkaline environment.

So again, every single sip with this greens blend, it’s just flooding your body with oxygen, flooding your body with minerals.

Activ Greens isn’t registered with the FDA to treat or cure any disease.

Finally, differing Against All Odds from LurraLife is potential securities fraud.

To quote Dan Putnam again;

It’s important that every single person realizes how big of a deal it is to order in August and be part of the very first order.

Because … of things that we have. The NFTs and the value that this NFT can end up and allow you to participate in profit sharing and all kinds of things with the company.

The first NFT will be released in August, meaning the only people that will ever have that, ever, are the people that ordered in August.

This could reduce funds paid into Against All Odds during August to an investment.

BehindMLM maintains pending the outcome of Putnam’s $12 million SEC fraud lawsuit, getting involved in any of his companies is extremely risky.

Notwithstanding math guarantees the majority of participants in pyramid schemes lose money.

A reboot of a reboot of a reboot. Some people never learn.