7Up TV provides no information about who owns or runs the company on their website.

7UP TV’s website domain (“7uptv.com”) was privately registered on November 11th, 2019.

Further research reveals NuMedia marketing 7UP TV as a distributor upgrade:

NuMedia is owned by Ferras Jim Pshehalouk, who goes by Jim Ferras.

In mid 2015 Dish Network sued Ferras and his company TVizion for copyright infringement.

Pshehalouk (right) failed to defend the lawsuit, resulting in a $5.9 million dollar judgment against him.

Rather than stop committing copyright infringement, Pshehalouk doubled down and rebranded TVizion as NuMedia.

Through NuMedia Pshehalouk has continued to provide access to pirated content. Not really sure where 7UP TV fits into this but it’s being pitched as a newly launched separate company.

Read on for a full review of 7UP TV’s MLM opportunity.

7UP TV’s Products

Like NuMedia and TVizion before it, 7UP TV sells access to pirated content.

7UP TV’s website details a $29.77 monthly fee, which provides access to

10,500+ channels, over 5,000+ VOD (Video On Demand), TV series and thousands of international channels.

7UP TV makes no representation it has broadcast rights for any of the content it sells access to.

It’s important to note that 7UP TV’s service is not sold to retail customers. Everyone who signs up for the service is classified as an affiliate.

7UP TV’s Compensation Plan

7UP TV’s compensation focuses on recruitment of new affiliates.

Recruitment Bonuses

If a 7UP TV affiliate meets specified recruitment criteria within their first thirty days, the following bonuses are awarded:

  • recruit seven affiliates within your first thirty days and receive $100
  • recruit fourteen affiliates within your first thirty days and receive $200
  • recruit twenty-one affiliates within your first thirty days and receive $300

Residual Commissions

7UP TV pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

7UP TV caps payable unilevel team levels at seven.

A $2 residual commission per monthly subscription payment made across these seven levels as follows:

  • recruit one affiliate – $2 on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • recruit two affiliates – $2 on levels 1 and 2
  • recruit three affiliates – $2 on levels 1 to 3
  • recruit four affiliates – $2 on levels 1 to 4
  • recruit five affiliates – $2 on levels 1 to 5
  • recruit six affiliates – $2 on levels 1 to 6
  • recruit seven affiliates – $2 on levels 1 to 7

It is assumed that in order to count towards level qualification, recruited affiliates must be paying their $29.77 monthly fee.

Joining 7UP TV

7UP TV affiliate membership is tied to a $29.77 monthly subscription.


“7UP” is a registered trademark of Dr Pepper/Seven Up, INC.

But hey, what’s a little trademark infringement when you already run multiple businesses dedicated to copyright infringement.

Unless there’s a problem with NuMedia’s offering, I have no idea why Pshehalouk is launching what appears to be a clone company.

Outside of that, 7UP TV is a pyramid scheme.

Subscribing to our great media service for $29.77 a month qualifies you to earn big upfront bonuses and huge downline residual income down to 7 levels.

As above, everyone in 7UP TV is an affiliate. This means there are no retail sales.

An MLM company without retail sales is a pyramid scheme.

Typically pirated content MLM companies are marketed on the basis people are fed up with their cable company.

It’s fine to feel that way towards your service provider, but it’s not justification for stealing content.

Worse still, building a business around stealing content.

These sorts of MLM opportunities are always one lawsuit away from being shut down, as evidenced by Dish v. TVizion.

Pshehalouk didn’t defend the lawsuit because there’s nothing to defend. Similarly if a service provider or regulator goes after him again, expect the same outcome.

And of course the usual pyramid scheme caveats apply.

Owing to math, the majority of participants in a pyramid scheme are inevitably guaranteed to lose money.

Rotten product. Rotten compensation plan. Rotten company.