Roman Ziemian has been added to BehindMLM’s DMCA Wall of Shame.

Ziemian, a wanted fugitive and co-founder of the collapsed FutureNet Ponzi scheme, appears to be trying to hide reporting on his criminal activity.

Ziemian, or someone acting on Zieman’s behalf, filed two bogus DMCA takedown notices against BehindMLM. The first notice was received on June 18th, 2024. The second notice was received on July 14th, 2024.

The methodology behind the two bogus notices was the same; copy and paste content stolen from BehindMLM into a newly created Tumblr blog, and try to pass it off as original content.

Upon receiving Zieman’s DMCA notices, BehindMLM contacted Tumblr. Tumblr promptly took down the stolen content and disabled the account used to host it.

This left Zieman’s bogus DMCA notices dead in the water and that was that.

The article Zieman targeted was BehindMLM’s coverage of Zieman’s arrest in Italy, published on November 1st, 2022.

The backstory behind Zieman’s arrest pertains to his co-founding of FutureNet, a collapsed MLM crypto Ponzi scheme.

As of August 2024 Ziemian is believed to have returned to Dubai. Ziemian and Morgenstern relocated to Dubai during FutureNet’s many collapses.

Ziemian returning to his native Poland isn’t an option, owing to a long-running criminal investigation by Polish authorities.

Stephan Morgenstern’s wife Anna was criminally charged with money laundering by Albanian authorities in April 2024. Anna is believed to be hiding out in Dubai.

Albanian authorities approved Morgenstern’s extradition to South Korea in March 2024. There have been no further updates since.

The South Korean FutureNet Ponzi case alleges Ziemian and Morgenstern stole over 160 billion South Korean won through the Ponzi scheme (~$117 million USD).

US courts have upheld that DMCA notices issued without consideration of fair use are sent in bad faith.

Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, this constitutes perjury and leaves the filer open to being sued for damages.

The specific intent behind Zieman’s bogus DMCA notices was to suppress BehindMLM’s ongoing reporting of Zieman’s criminal conduct.

A Google search for “Roman Ziemian” reveals a bunch of SEO engineered marketing fluff, again with the aim of suppressing reporting of Ziemian’s criminal conduct and arrest.

As a result of Zieman’s bogus DMCA notices and in line with BehindMLM’s DMCA Policy, today we’re adding Zieman to our DMCA Wall of Shame.


Update 21st August 2024 – Romain Ziemian has been arrested again in Montenegro.