Anna Morgenstern, wife of FutureNet co-founder Stephan Morgenstern, has been criminally charged by South Korean authorities.

Separately Albanian authorities have charged Anna with laundering funds tied to a criminal offense.

VoxNews reports the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Tirana has applied for preventive seizure of several real-estate properties tied to Anna. The properties are worth over 500,000 euros.

Stephan Morgenstern was arrested in Albania in September 2023. Stephan is reported to have been apprehended at Tirana International Airport, waiting for Anna to arrive on a flight from Dubai.

Albanian authorities approved extradition of Stephan Morgenstern to South Korea back in March.

If convicted Stephan, 61, is facing a life sentence in South Korea. Anna Morgenstern is believed to still be hiding out in Dubai.

According to VoxNews;

“Interpol” and prosecutors from five different countries worked to seize and freeze the assets of [the Morgensterns] in Dubai.

So far authorities have managed to seize $123 million tied to FutureNet. Unfortunately this still only represents “les than a third” of stolen FutureNet investor funds.

Stephan’s partner in crime, FutureNet co-founder Roman Ziemian, was arrested in Italy in November 2022.

Unfortunately after interrogating Ziemian Italian authorities released him. This saw Zieman promptly flee Italy and head back to Dubai.

As per a second April 30th FutureNet article from VoxNews;

In a cooperative effort, Interpol and prosecuting authorities from five countries recently asked UAE officials to freeze his vast assets in Dubai, while also intensifying the search for his accomplice, Roman Ziemian.

Dubai’s authorities are notorious for non-cooperation with foreign law enforcement.