Last June USI-Tech held a recruitment event in the US territory of Guam.

The event was held at the Guam Pacific Star Hotel, with footage suggesting a few hundred locals attended:

Not in attendance was Tommy Morrison, which is strange considering how high up the Guam USI-Tech chain he appears to be.

According to his website Tommy Morrison is heavily involved in Guam’s political scene.

Tommy is no stranger to public service, having served in leadership positions with the Executive Branch of the Government of Guam.

Prior to becoming a senator, Tommy was the Director of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans, Executive Director of the Guam Contractors License Board, and Director and Deputy Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation.

Most important of all, Morrison is also currently a sitting Senator in the Legislature of Guam.

For those unfamiliar with the political make-up of Guam (I know I wasn’t, see update #4 below this article), the Legislature of Guam

The Legislature of Guam is the law-making body for the United States territory of Guam.

The unicamerallegislative branch consists of fifteen senators, each serving for a two-year term.

When he’s not not helping write laws, Morrison fills his spare time by co-administrating a private USI-Tech investor group.

No, you haven’t read that incorrectly. A Guam Senator appears to be a USI-Tech investor.

The private USI-Tech Guam Facebook group’s description read as follows:

  2. In USI-Tech, do not post other link.
  3. As you join please add me to your friend list

A screenshot of the since deleted Facebook group shows Tommy Morrison listed as one of five admins for the group:

The Pacific News Center broke the story a few hours ago and shared the screenshot above (red overlay is mine).

Since then the USI-Tech Guam Facebook group has disappeared. Prior to its deleted, the group boasted over 300 members.

As I write this there’s no mention of USI-Tech on Tommy Morrison’s Facebook group. Nor is he a member of the public USI-Tech Guam group.

Visitors to Morrison’s Facebook profile however might be surprised to see USI-Tech co-founder Ralf Gold pop up on Morrison’s friend list.

Perusal of Tommy Morrison’s Facebook friends list reveals he’s also friends with Mark Ghobril and Mike Kiefer, both key USI-Tech insiders.

Morrison does not share what Facebook groups he in with the general public, so whether he’s a member of other USI-Tech groups is unclear.

What we do know is Morrison is significant enough in Guam’s USI-Tech affiliate membership base to warrant an admin position in a closed investor group.

How much Tommy Morrison has invested into USI-Tech and/or how much he has convinced his constituents to invest is unknown.

Yesterday Pacific News Center reported that Guam locals had ‘cashed out entire retirement savings; others have obtained bank loans or second mortgages‘ to participate in USI-Tech.

In an interview “concerned citizen” Cyrus Luhr stated;

I heard about a lot of people on Guam who invested a substantial amount of money in USI–Tech…I’ve heard the [investment] numbers are exceeding $50K, $75K, $100K.

For those unfamiliar with the scheme, USI-Tech began as a forex-based pyramid scheme.

Last July the scheme rebooted itself as a “bitcoin package” Ponzi scheme.

Following an internal investigation, last month the Texas Securities Board issued USI-Tech with an emergency securities fraud cease and desist.

USI-Tech responded by ceasing operations in the US and suspending affiliate withdrawals.

Securities in Guam are regulated by the Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation.

Whether the department are investigating USI-Tech and Senator Tommy Morrison’s apparent involvement is not currently known.

Same as Texas, USI-Tech is not registered to offer securities in Guam (or indeed anywhere in the US).

Why then a local Senator decided it was a good idea to invest in a company illegally offering securities to US residents, is a question we’d love to hear the answer to.


Update January 9th, 2018 – Tommy Morrison’s USI-Tech affiliate account appears to be “tmorrison”:


Update #2 January 9th, 2018 – Tommy Morrison might be involved in several Ponzi schemes.

The YouTube account “kbgoldwealth” bears the name “Tommy Morrison” and features the Senator’s profile picture.

YouTube has recorded 338 views on Morrison’s channel, despite it having no uploads:

This suggests Morrison has either deleted uploaded videos or marked them private.

Over the past two weeks, Morrison has “liked” four USI-Tech videos through his YouTube account:

If you click the “home” button on Morrison’s channel, you can see on the right a graphical link to BitClub Network.

Clicking on the link takes you through to a BitClub Network referral link belonging to the account “bitcoininvestments”:

BitClub Network is a cryptocurrency mining Ponzi scheme. Like USI-Tech, BitClub Network fled the US in an attempt to avoid investigation by US authorities.

Tommy Morrison’s YouTube account was created in late 2010.

The official channel description reads as follows:

The world’s first and only Private Global Currency Exchange System where: Fiat paper currency (cash) can be exchanged for gold and silver bullion.

I believe this ties into the name of the channel (“kbgoldwealth”), which itself might be a reference to the KB Gold Ponzi scheme.


Update #3 January 9th, 2017 – Tommy Morrison may own multiple USI-Tech affiliate investor accounts.

The website Amira Press caches YouTube uploads by category.

Google cache records backdated to December 10th, 2017, show Tommy Morrison uploaded a video titled “USI-Tech Bitcoin Auto-Trading” to his YouTube account (click to enlarge):

The link in the video description points to a second USI-Tech affiliate account in the name of “Smartinvestor2018”:

Having appeared as an affiliate referral link on his YouTube channel, it is assumed Tommy Morrison owns the account.


Update #4 January 9th, 2017 – This article originally ran with the headline “US Senator implicated in USI-Tech Ponzi scheme”.

Turns out Guam Senators belong to the Legislature of Guam, not the US (thanks Malthusian).

I’ve edited the article header and content to better reflect Tommy Morrison’s role in government. Apologies for any confusion.