The FBI is seeking information from USI-Tech Ponzi victims.

A questionnaire published on the FBI’s website “is seeking to identify potential victims of USI-Tech”.

If you believe you were potentially victimized by USI-Tech or have information relevant to this investigation, please fill out this questionnaire.

If you know of someone else who has possibly been victimized by USI-Tech, please encourage them to complete the form themselves.

USI-Tech was an MLM Ponzi scheme launched in 2016. The original model used forex trading as a ruse. That lasted about a year, prompting a cryptocurrency reboot in July 2017.

US authorities arrested USI-Tech co-founder Horst Jicha in late 2023. Another USI-Tech co-founder, Ralf Gold, turned up dead in Brazil a few months ago.

USI-Tech’s third co-founder, Joao Severino, remains at large.