The Traffic Monsoon Receiver has confirmed Imtiaz Aslam has fled to Dubai.

The revelation was made in a motion to serve Aslam by alternative service, filed on July 19th.

The Receiver filed suit against Aslam (right), and other Traffic Monsoon net-winners in 2019.

The Receiver’s motion follows unsuccessful conventional attempts to effect service.

In 2019, the Receiver had reason to believe from numerous third-party sources, including a professional asset report obtained by the Receiver, that Aslam was living in Manchester, England.

Initial attempts to personally serve Aslam with the Summons and Complaint, however, were not successful. It was believed that Aslam was evading service.

Because of the pandemic it became difficult to obtain ongoing information from government agencies or to conduct surveillance on Aslam in early to mid-2020.

In or about early Summer 2020, the Receiver through her counsel engaged a more specialized investigative firm to assess the location of Aslam for the purpose of serving him with the Summons and Complaint and the firm informed her that at least through late October 2020, Aslam had numerous points of presence in Manchester.

Although it was strongly believed that Aslam was located Manchester, service could not be effectuated.

In October 2021 it was reported that Aslam had been located in the Middle East, and in January 2022, the Receiver was informed that Aslam was living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The Receiver has diligently attempted to personally serve the Summons and Complaint in this case on Aslam, but he has been elusive, and service has not been possible.

It is believed Aslam currently resides in a jurisdiction that is not part of the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents.

The Receiver now seeks to serve Aslam via “all physical addresses, email accounts, and WhatsApp accounts that” she has associated with him.

At time of publication the court has yet to make a decision on the Receiver’s motion.

Aslam, who also goes by “Immy”, is a UK citizen and former resident. He is also Traffic Monsoon’s top net-winner.

Forensic accounting, undertaken by the Receivership, revealed Aslam stole over $5 million dollars through the Ponzi scheme.

Aslam only invested $10,825 of his own money into Traffic Monsoon. He managed to steal millions by targeting ethnic and religious communities – both in the UK and abroad.

Traffic Monsoon was a $207 million dollar Ponzi scheme. It was shut down by the SEC in 2016, leading to the court-appointed Receivership.

Traffic Monsoon founder Charles Scoville, who is good friends with Aslam, is currently in prison.

Scoville plead guilty to attempted sexual abuse of a child in 2018. A tax fraud criminal case is also pending.

Dubai is the MLM crime capital of the world. Through a lack of extradition treaties and non-cooperation with foreign authorities, the emirate provides a safe-haven for scammers.

BehindMLM’s guidelines are:

  1. If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
  2. If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.


Update 15th October 2022 – The court granted permission for the Receiver to serve Aslam on October 6th.

All requested alternative service methods were approved except WhatsApp.


Update 13th June 2023 – Following unsuccessful alternative service…

Plaintiff has shown that its numerous attempts to serve Defendant personally, by mail, and by email have been ineffective and that despite these ongoing efforts, Plaintiff has thus far been unsuccessful in serving Defendant.

…on May 17th the court approved service on Aslam via WhatsApp.

The court therefore finds that service via WhatsApp to Defendant is reasonably calculated to provide notice to Defendant of this action.

An electronic summons was issued against Aslam on May 31st.


Update 25th October 2023 – The Traffic Monsoon Receiver has secured a $6.9 million default judgment against Aslam.