Traffic Monsoon @ BehindMLM

Traffic Monsoon victims given another 60 days to file claim info

Victims of the Traffic Monsoon Ponzi scheme have been given another 60 days to file claim details. As of the original claim bar date, October 31st, 2024, 660 US and 9205 foreign Traffic Monsoon victims had filed allowed claims with sufficient information. These claims top $45 million. Another 9685 victims have eligible filed claims but [Continue reading…]

Traffic Monsoon clawback lawsuit case closed

Following dismissal of claims against the remaining top Traffic Monsoon net-winner, clawback litigation filed by the Receiver has been closed.

Traffic Monsoon victim claim distribution plan approved

A July 23rd court order has approved a proposed plan of distribution filed by the Traffic Monsoon Receiver. Unfortunately there is still no timeline for distribution payments to Traffic Monsoon victims with allowed claims.

Piotr Chajkowski settles Traffic Monsoon fraud for $1.02 million

Polish Traffic Monsoon scammer Piotr Chajkowski has settled clawback proceedings against him. In an April 10th filing, the Traffic Monsoon Receiver confirmed “the amount of $1,027,236.58, has been fully satisfied by payment of the full Settlement Amount”.

Traffic Monsoon victims to receive ~77.8% of claimed amounts

Following an order to file a Status Report regarding victim distribution by February 16th, the Traffic Monsoon Receiver has done so. Today we’re covering two filings, a February 13th Motion for Approval of Proposed Plan of Distribution, and the February 16th filed Status Report.

Vincent Boutin settles Traffic Monsoon fraud for undisclosed sum

Vincent Boutin has settled his Traffic Monsoon clawback case with the Receivership.

Traffic Monsoon’s Imtiaz Aslam cops $6.9 mill judgment

Imtiaz Aslam (aka Immy Aslam), has copped a $6.9 million default judgment. Aslam, a UK national, was second in Traffic Monsoon under incarcerated founder Charles Scoville.

Charles Scoville’s wire and tax fraud indictment dismissed

Charles Scoville’s Traffic Monsoon indictment has been dismissed. On August 22nd the DOJ moved to dismiss the indictment. The court granted the motion on August 23rd.

Italian Traffic Monsoon investors settle claims with Receiver

A group of Italian Traffic Monsoon investors fell for the old “pay your upline instead of the company” MLM Ponzi ruse. The upline was Fabiano Santos, aka Maurizio Longo, who directed his victims to invest upwards of $1 million through his shell company Advertising Corp. Doubling down on his fraud, Santos filed investor claims with [Continue reading…]

Traffic Monsoon Receiver confirms Imtiaz Aslam fled to Dubai

The Traffic Monsoon Receiver has confirmed Imtiaz Aslam has fled to Dubai. The revelation was made in a motion to serve Aslam by alternative service, filed on July 19th.