Polish Traffic Monsoon scammer Piotr Chajkowski has settled clawback proceedings against him.

In an April 10th filing, the Traffic Monsoon Receiver confirmed “the amount of $1,027,236.58, has been fully satisfied by payment of the full Settlement Amount”.

Chajkowski was one of eleven Traffic Monsoon net-winners sued back in 2019.

As alleged by the Receiver, Chajkowski invested $45,751 into Traffic Monsoon and stole $874,820.

Chajkowski failed to respond to the Receiver’s lawsuit. In June 2021, the Receiver secured an Entry of Default against Chajkowski.

This was followed up by a November 2021 default judgment for $1,027,236.

Throughout 2022 the Receiver worked to enforce Chajkowski’s US default judgment in Poland. This culminated in Chajkowski reaching a settlement with the Receiver in January 2024.

As per the Receiver’s April 10th filing, Chajkowski’s default judgment amount has been paid back in full. This concludes Traffic Monsoon Receivership proceedings against Chajkowski.