Rippln @ BehindMLM

Rippln Compensation Plan v2.0 Review

Back in April Rippln went public with a compensation plan that paid affiliates to recruit new free and paid affiliates. In order to qualify for these commissions, affiliates had to upgrade to either a “Domestic” or “Global” affiliate. At the time it was explained that Domestic affiliates would be able to earn on those recruited [Continue reading…]

Rippln charges $9.50 for “rewards system” details

Whilst the Rippln hype-train rolls on at full steam ahead (the company just announced it had clocked up 500,000 signed affiliates this last weekend), the dilemma of none of the company’s affiliates knowing what it is exactly that they’ve signed up for. Apart from a Rippln branded mobile app that the company claims is ‘set [Continue reading…]

Rippln call hoax on corporate staff quitting

Yesterday we went live with a story on two Rippln corporate employees quitting, allegedly due to what they referred to as “scam activity” inside the company. I recieved a series of emails, two of which appeared to have originated from addresses. They were from a Dave Adams and Amanda Cosgron and outlined why they [Continue reading…]

Rippln, securities fraud, Terry Lacore & the SEC

Much of the confusion and uncertainty surrounding Rippln can be attributed to the manner in which the creators have marketed the scheme. A silly affiliate NDA, lack of information on the corporate structure and ownership of Rippln, a compensation plan and business model that appears to have not been finalised,  nothing concrete on the app [Continue reading…]

Rippln dismiss critics as “negative opportunists”

In what is fast becoming what appears to be a business platform released without an actual finalised business model, Rippln released a FAQ yesterday that it hopes will address many of the current concerns surrounding the company. Much of the FAQ (labelled “version 4.0”) is about the technical side of the business from an affiliate [Continue reading…]

Rippln Review: Mobile app + recruitment

The Rippln website contains no information about who owns or runs the business and only provides visitors with the following message: Stay tuned for more updates about the release. The Rippln website domain (“”) was registered on the 23rd of September 2012, however the domain registration information is set to private. On the Rippln Facebook [Continue reading…]