New DealShaker abandoned. Is this OneCoin’s final collapse?
OneCoin’s New DealShaker platform has been abandoned.
For die hard investors still backing OneCoin, New DealShaker was perhaps the only reason they hadn’t lost their minds over how much money they’ve lost.
New DealShaker was supposedly being put together by Duncan Arthur (right).
Arthur emerged as a prominent figure within OneCoin sometime after founder Ruja Ignatova fled in late 2017.
Within OneCoin Arthur was referred to as the DealShaker Project Manager.
To that end Arthur appeared at OneCoin events dating back to 2018, at which he’d provide affiliates updates on DealShaker development.
Putting aside the fact that legitimate merchants aren’t interested in taking Ponzi points as payment for goods and services, Arthur’s DealShaker updates got OneCoin investors through not being able to withdraw – and the arrest earlier this year of Konstantin Ignatov.
However misguided, New DealShaker development served as an excuse to put off the reality that OneCoin had come to an end.
I received word a few days ago that Arthur had abandoned ship.
The exact nature of Arthur’s departure is unclear, owing to neither he or OneCoin being open about it.
From what I’ve been told Arthur’s development team realized the blockchain side of OneCoin was total nonsense.
Jan-Eric Nyman heads up Arthur’s development team, and there’s apparently a damning OneCoin assessment report authored by him floating around.
As of yet though I haven’t seen it.
Regardless, the realization that OneCoin’s public representations about a blockchain were baloney prompted an offer to “fix” the situation (read: start work on an actual blockchain to integrate into the new DealShaker platform).
This went down like a ton of bricks with whoever is left running OneCoin. Probably because they’d have to publicly acknowledge not having a blockchain.
Personally I can’t see what the big deal over coming clean is. OneCoin not having a blockchain has been public knowledge since early 2017.
The fallout of Nyman’s report saw New DealShaker cancelled. OneCoin and Duncan Arthur and his team have reportedly split ways.
I was hesitant to report on this when I first heard about it, however recent developments appear to confirm this actually happened.
I received word about thirteen hours ago that an announcement regarding the cancellation of New DealShaker was imminent.
Sure enough, in the last few hours OneCoin published the following message on their OneLife website:
Dear all,
Please be informed that due to recent technical issues the New DealShaker should no longer be used.
All merchants should transfer their deals back to the old DealShaker which is currently being upgraded by our IT Team.
The message makes no mention of the fall out with Arthur, and is signed off on simply by “The Team”.
What happens now is unclear. Duncan Arthur appears to have gone into hiding. And there are rumors of top investors, headed up by Jose Gordon of all people, who have descended on Sofia to, and I quote, “grab what they can”.
OneCoin’s original DealShaker platform was a combination of dropship listings for cheap Chinese goods and luxury car and real estate scams.
Had it of been salvageable, surely OneCoin’s “IT Team” would have continued development on it.
Again, DealShaker is meaningless as OneCoin is a Ponzi scheme – but as I stated earlier, New DealShaker was the fiction many investors needed to ignore their losses.
That fiction is now gone. And it seems OneCoin might finally be over.
Criminal proceedings against Konstantin Ignatov continue. Pending Jan-Eric Nyman’s report surfacing, our next update will likely be after Ignatov’s May 28th preliminary hearing.
Just a note, but May 27 is a federal holiday (Memorial Day) so there won’t be any court on that day. Court date should be May 28.
Ah, thanks mate. Must have been a placeholder date in the original filings.
Of course in the actual page there is no news, info or any other message about this little issue.
Because the OneCoin members are used to being left into the dark about what is going on.
Something strange is definately going on, but I still don’t think that Duncan’s departure is a done deal.
A version of a message which Lynn posted on this site earlier is circulating, now with Mr. Arthur’s signature:
Notice that it doesn’t comment on the crux of matter, namely “the corporate” announcement that NewDS will be abandoned. It’s at best an indirect reaction to the announcement, disputing the allegations of technical difficulties in a very deflective/”red herring” manner as it presents some supposed future feature updates to the platform as a counter-argument against the current well documented technical difficulties.
Nevertheless, it clearly signals their intent to continue, that they are not going down without fighting. However, the real motive behind this signal might be that Duncan’s gang uses their capability to be a thorn in “corporate”‘s side as a bargaining chip to negatioate a proper “golden parachute”.
I got a hint, about Jose Gordo saying that Onecoin is currently run by “Mr. Krum”.
That would be most likely Krum Angelov – Head of OneCoin Customer Service. His name appears in this old BMLM message from 2015:
In LinkedIn Krum Angelov from Bulgaria tells he is the Head of Customer Service and Team Lead since 2015 in “Anonymous Organization”…
Here’s my intel going into the weekend:
-the New DealShaker development report is supposed to go public sometime this weekend
-the report reaffirms OneCoin has no blockchain
-Arthur is safe in an undisclosed location
-OneCoin is currently being run by three unnamed Master Distributors
Well, there’s only 3 active OneCoin Master Distributors as far as I know:
– Jose Gordo
– Habib Zahid
– Simon Le
I didn’t push for names. If those are the Master Distributors then that’s who all these newsletters and announcements are coming from.
It’s interesting that although Jose Gordo publicly announced that he won’t be promoting OneCoin/OneLife anymore, it looks like he is quite active still in OneCoin in the background..
From what I’ve heard he and the other two will be running an emergency OneCoin leader summoning in Sofia this weekend.
What’s going on for sure?
Is there anything “for sure” related to the shady and opaque mess of OneCoin?
Because a lot is been promised to the public but nothing has never been put into action what does this mean to people invested their money and time to understand how the system is going to work and now we are in such confusion.
We pray that the concerned people do the needful. “GOD BLESS YOU”.
Many OneCoin idiots are confused.
Here’s an example:
OneCoin/OneLife corporate announcement via unofficial channels as usual confirming Duncan being fired:
This will be the first and only communication that will come this way. We can all understand the confusion, anger and frustration among the people that have had the inside view to the last weeks communications going on.
Not sure what agenda you have VV but we suspect that its either; trying to protect yourself and your integrity or it’s trying to get certain people to cut a deal with someone.
Either way, the facts will here be laid out, as it is, not dressed in some fancy words from a “vanished” founder and creator of this magnitude of a mess.
In Jan/Feb 2018 the “ONE” systems IT administrator, “Momchi” left the ship. He took with him, not only most of the so called “keys” but also the knowledge how these systems were put together.
And a few months later, another IT administrator “Stan” stormed in, that took over what more could have looked like a crashed jumbo jet.
We were contracted with our staff of 7 highly trained IT people from Russia and India, to build a new platform to facilitate the use of the “ONE” in June 2018. T
he contract was never signed by anyone in the “ONE” family. In fact, the company BNC Consulting, that was put up as counter party, is not even around anymore, it’s been liquidated.
That company simply closed down and bills are not getting paid.
One of the main terms for this development to be successful is that the “ONE” would provide api’s (application protocol interface – ie systems and servers talking to each other by automatic code and callbacks using HTTP) that can connect the systems to each other. That is, to be able to do what every other block chain technology company with ease provides.
Open Source api’s to use to connect to their services and be able to build applications around it. Services like transferring assets from buyer to seller as payment for a product or a service.
After several initial calls in June and July 2018, with staff in Sofia, it was again promised on the calls that api’s would be provided or helped with.
Another month goes by and nothing happens. Duncan is well aware of the situation and we all start raising our voices. “Where is the api’s to the ONE system”?
First week of August 2018 your IT administrator sends the “source code” of DS and the “ONE” system that your services are based on. With one simple message attached! Here is the code, try to figure it out!
Seriously, that is like giving the workers at a car factory, the spare parts of a fighter jet plane and except them to put it together. And also forget to tell them, it’s a fighter jet they are going to build.
There is not a single Fintech company on the planet that works like this.
In all our joint efforts to try to get in contact with Sofia’s IT administrator it is revealed to us that no one in Sofia or in “ONE” IT has really any complete and full understanding how to do this.
We had to use K every other week to try to get some assistance in understanding this big pile of mess-up. The saying goes, that if “it’s smelling like rotten fish it is because it’s a rotten fish” and nothing else. This did not smell good.
Still no api’s or access to anything that can be used to try to connect a service that seems more like it’s a fiction of someone else’s fantasy. Now its end of October 2018.
Since Sofia are unable to provide api’s we finally get a database dump of some 250K users with their wallet balances of cash and “ONE” in the middle of November 2018.
We can therefore roll out the new platform, but the systems are still not connected. Furthermore, the cash balance on these accounts in the new platform are well over 40.5 million EUR and imported to the new service. Money that Sofia never paid a penny on, to us, or anyone else for that matter.
We now have 1 person fulltime dedicated trying to figure out how the service can be connected. No light in sight and its December 2018. We are trying to build an intermediate service to get it working.
After a long and heated call with your IT administrators we are told that the ONE system is broken. Its broken since this “Momchi” left the scene. We ask for documentation. There is no documentation, “Momchi” took that or deleted it.
We ask ourselves yet again – how can this Fintech company that have raked in billions in revenue, not have better security, repository storage of codes and more importantly, not have any hard copies or secure cloud storage of these systems in more places than one!?!
Who in god’s name set this up and are responsible for its organization and structure? Why are someone like “Momchi” solely given access and responsibility to the core of the core? It’s like giving the Coca Cola ingrediencies to the guy in customer service and hope for the best when he walks out of the door never to look back.
We are all starting to get a bad gut feeling since there is simply no progress to get this sorted.
We are now, in January 2019, reading the documentation written up from Sofia corporate about the “ICO white paper” in October 2018, explaining the ONE CC and its system. Is this for real!
There are so many contractionary facts in these papers that simply do not match when put together. It simply does not work like this in any real, open and transparent virtual crypto currency block chain, regardless of what technology it’s based on.
Our concerns now are not only starting to become facts, they are more and more confirmed by the lack of ability to co-operate to get this connected.
In February 2019, suddenly, K is arrested in the USA, Duncan as well interrogated by the FBI. The shit storm is about to go down we think. When K is being away it seems, the communication ceases to exist, making the co-op from Sofia’s side to just die out.
Then the final straw was on the 7th of May 2019, when we discover that the repository code storage of the “ONE” system is updated with brand new “commits”, where new services suddenly appear.
Services like Wallet Manager, Transaction Manager, API’s to “a” coin backend and blockchain?!? All of these did not exist 2nd of May when the commits where done. All of this have literally been created in the last months by your IT administrators.
Is this another effort to try to save yourself… And because of this, we now suddenly see communication to connect to the blockchain? That did not exist before!
We cannot be a part of an alleged criminal activity or an alleged conspiracy to commit any type of crime or even be implied to have been a part of such.
The facts are clear:
• There is no real block chain. Just a simple block chain script that is running as a php code on a mysql server.
Maybe there was a real block chain, maybe not. But it’s not something anyone publicly have seen in their own computers.
• There is no mining and have never been, again just a script that is running on the server and also confirmed by R and S in their email exchange made public.
If you know what mining actually means you would also confirm this by just looking at the setup of the one system. Mining is for either creating blocks or confirming transactions in any real blockchain. If a block chain works on consensus of the members, there is no need at all for any mining power or mining servers.
• There is no ledger, just a database table with numbers going back and forth.
• There is no explorer where anyone can view transactions, since it simply does not exist.
• There is no wallet service with encrypted private or public keys using cryptography.
• There is no KYC implemented in the blockchain since there is no blockchain and the KYC data is stored in unsecure servers. And to quote R email to S.
“We are not mining actually – but telling people shit”.
And another quote from S email to R.
“Can any member find out that we actually are not investing in machines to mine but it is merely a piece of software doing this for us?”
And here is another text right out of the ICO whitepaper, published October 2018.
These facts are completely wrong. Transaction speed is not determined by anything else then how the block chain was setup originally and the willingness to pay transaction fees to get a transaction confirmed by miners in a new block.
Bitcoin can process around 7 transactions per second and Etherum can process around 20 transactions per second in its current state, regardless of how many ‘wallets’ are being used.
If the wallet was the ‘node’ that keep the ledger, then all Bitcoin wallets would need around 210 GB storage just to function. Who on earth wrote this?
And finally, this:
While this may sound confusing, there is no such thing as mined ONEs or any other crypto currency.
A miner who spends computational energy to mine the next block in a bitcoin blockchain, as an example, is rewarded with new bitcoins. But the way this happens is that there is simply a transaction record that says “12.5 bitcoins are transferred to miner’s bitcoin wallet”, and such a transaction is considered a valid transaction by the blockchain.
It is important to understand that these “12.5 bitcoins” that were transferred to the miner’s bitcoin wallet address do not come from anywhere i.e. it’s not like there is a “treasury” of “digital coins” from which the miner is rewarded.
The 12.5 bitcoins never existed before and will never exist. The only thing that exists is a (valid) transactional record that 12.5 bitcoins are transferred to the miner’s wallet i.e. Bitcoins simply exists as a transactional record, and not as a real digital coin, let alone as a “reserve currency” like its perpetrating in the ICO whitepaper published in October 2018.
If you or anyone else cannot read or even interpret the few messages here we can’t do much about it. The message for us is crystal clear, and the members has a right to know.
Since you obviously are not going to let anyone know, we lastly urge you VV to put yourself on a flight to New York and meet up with the defense team of K and show them the source code, ledger, explorer with all transactions including the working block chain with dynamics as described in the ICO whitepapers. K was never part of this, and he clearly did not know the truth behind this setup.
Our goal is not to take anything from anyone but merely making sure that the 1.5 million, (yes it’s not 3.5 million users but 3.5 million accounts where multiple users have several accounts – to get the facts correct) unique users can get some value back, that will work – legally, secure, fully transparent and with absolutely no affiliation to anything that is in the past.
No one in the network teams speak for all members – we do care about the ones that invested their household saving in a dream.
To realize that, you and everyone else need to realize this – it will happen despite what absurd threats some individuals burst out into the open. That is just sad. Threats’ to employees, members, networkers of all ranks.
No one is allowed to throw stone inside their own glass house. And just to be crystal clear, it’s not another ‘package’ to buy or ‘investment’ to make. It’s just going to become very clear when all is out for the public to see.
We did not create this mess – we simply are putting up a helping hand to guide whoever is there to be guided.
Denial is one of the strongest human emotions.
Here are some of the screenshots of the repository code that was changed from not having any commits to suddenly having a BC/api’s etc.
Green shows the number of files changed. So, the facts are, all of these systems were its red and 0 did not exist before 2nd of May 2019. They have simply been created this in the last few weeks or months.
BlockChain/Onecoinsend.php (2 lines of code from a highly secure blockchain?!) Api/exchange.php (an internal exchange on new URL and it redirects to (Ozedit: link removed, 404).
Onelife/backend/local/repository/customer/balance/onecoin.php (the ‘coin’ is not store on members wallets that connects to “a” blockchain, it’s simply a table in the mysql db using php to send it back and forth)
Backend_new/account/onecoin/sendonecoins.html.twig (again another function that is trying to send ‘coins’ from an account that is now new)
So much for Ruja’s claim that before OneCoin/OneLife enters a country to do business they make sure they are compliant with all the regulations of that country BS she spouted.
One thing is for sure, the faithful will sure eat this up and think it is wonderful news and finally things are back on track, yada, yada, yada.
And another anonymous missive supposedly from Corporate from a totally transparent company with nothing to hide, cough, cough.
Ok, that was pretty much nuclear bomb message.
But not very surprising.
Can we see the screenshots, I don’t see links to those?
FWIW I only removed one link from that comment. It was a long ass CloudFlare link that 404’ed when I clicked on it.
There weren’t any other links in the comment.
Momchi took the keys. They haven’t had access to their own system since February 2018. OMG.
But this explains it all!! The disappearing coinsafe coins not getting fixed, support asking for username and password,… everything!
Nonsense finally makes sense!
Can Jan-Eric Nyman provide also the pictures mentioned please. Email to Oz or somebody post image links here.
I am completely confused. Again a new name. Who is Arthur M Duncan?
Could it be that the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) is the author of this post? It was Martin Mayer who subtitled this video on YouTube:
Why all the interest in onecoin? As you know konstantin is in detention,as you say his sister is on the run, major players have left according to you, so why all the interest?
The truth will soon be made clear. (Ozedit: derail attempts removed)
Now which dealshaker can we use? because there people who were stopped from using the old platform especially those that have sold something there what do we do?
And what does the company has to say to the public?
Is this a recent photo of Veselina Valkova?
Two things that don’t make any sense in that letter to VV:
1) Konstantin is a victim in all this.
2) Duncan was apparently surprised that OneCoin did not have a valid blockchain.
For the “1” I’ll say “yeah, sure”.
And the “2”: are we really supposed to believe that Duncan never did his due diligence, nor did he as much as Google for “OneCoin”?
With any technical knowledge he should’ve been aware that there is no valid technology behind this and that the operation had been a Ponzi/Pyramid hybrid since day one.
“It was true. All of it.” – Han Solo
The message to VV (must be: Veselina Valkova) is very interesting and higly damaging due to its credible allegations about non-existent tech and expertise in Onecoin.
But what I think is not so credible is that it paints Duncan’s gang as team of innocent professionals just trying to do their jobs; who until the very end when they discover new commits of another IT team working behind their backs, just suddenly put pieces together and wake up from the denialist dream, deciding that they cannot be part of this fishy and possibly criminal activity. It’s all vey self-serving and very hard to believe.
Duncan even participated at least two DealShaker events (Vietnam and Japan) after Konstantin’s arrest and DoJ allegations (and his own FBI interrogation). And Jan-Eric Nyman is a notorious MLM fraudster who knows exactly how these criminal schemes work.
They had all access to the relevant information – including what the critics have said – during the years and they decided to play along this long… Like I said, almost impossible to believe that they are innocent.
The message even tries to exonorate Konstantin, who most certainly was aware of the deceitful nature of “the project” when he famously stated: “network would not work with intelligent people”.
I suspect this all for the show — an attempt to mitiagate the coming legal troubles and tying to shift blame elsewhere.
For example, this Duncan’s surprising defense of Konstantin might be for not contradicting what he said to FBI, as he probably was defensive about their project when they were caught by US authorities.
i cannt understand when ever a top leader left onecoin he or she is telling there is no blockchain.
I am confuse when they are telling the truth after or before when theye were selling to us the onecoin.
Yes, regarding Konstantin, I don’t believe anybody can be THAT ignorant and stupid in the top company position, especially when constantly questioned about it. Konstantin must have known there’s not a blockchain in use, Ruja must have told him.
It’s unimaginable that Ruja wouldn’t tell her brother, and also unimaginable that Konstantin wouldn’t find out anyway.
Hard to believe Ignatov was not aware of what’s going on… (and that there’s no blockchain at all):
The ongoing chaos has caused a delay in the weekly exhange update:
Lectures all day with Ruja from her Sofia’s office… Oh Lord, they are not even trying anymore!
If I may speculate about the message a little more, how it possibly fits into the bigger picture…
It seems that after Konstantin’s arrest “the corporate” ceased all meaningful communications about the SDNY/DoJ case with all non-Bulgarian/Dubai entities. Jose Gordo complained about this in his farewell message (altough it seems he is still working behind the scenes).
I suppose this is because Veselina et al. ultimately don’t know what Konstantin & Duncan (& possibly Simon Le who most likely is the OneCoin Affiliate-1 in Konstantin Ignatov vs. USA document, and was probably interrogated by the FBI too since he was in USA with them) talked to the Feds, and what their final legal strategy will be — therefore it’s a dog-eat-dog situation where everyone is trying to save their own asses.
The letter by Duncan’s team undercuts any efforts to argue that OneCoin, post-Ruja period, is a legitimate business and tech, and it calls out Veselina’s bluff to build a real blockchain based system a posteriori (it’s the same strategy that they, with Konstantin, tried earlier with the ERC20 token which was total failure) in a desparate attempt to shield from “no blockchain” allegations (with dubious legal signifigance).
Duncan’s team might paint Konstantin in favourable light because they might be on the same team (perhaps with the same story to the Feds), trying to claim that they ultimately didn’t know the truth that Veselina with “the corporate” was hiding from them.
The letter may even be a further indacation that Konstantin is co-operating with the Feds. If not, it further damages his defence’s possible claims that OneCoin is legitimate. If he was, after all, willing to fight, the letter puts him in worse situation.
Now, someone even made an effort to pay Businessforhome to publish a anti-OneCoin piece on the letter:
Blockchain smockchain. He’s part of a Bulgarian crime family that started an MLM company which, in and of itself, is an infamous scam system; and he was living the highlife off the intake of recruited money. What’s not to know?!
OneCoin was a gang of MLMers, committing the act of MLMing, and nothing more. The product, or lack thereof, merely serves as bait for the same money con game that keeps getting repeated year after year.
Just a reminder:
Konstantin Ignatov has said himself in 2018 in Colombia that there were only three people besides him in Sofia who knew about OneCoin having a blockchain. These people were: Ruja, Veska Ignatov and the head of OneCoin’s legal department (referring most likely to Irina Dilkinska).
@Ari and others
Whether OneCoin has a blockchain or not will be close to irrelevant in the court.
For paying the returns of existing investors the company had no other income than the money invested by the new investors. Ergo, Ponzi scheme.
For paying the recruitment bonuses to old members the company had no other income than the membership fees of new members. Ergo, pyramid scheme.
The existence of the blockchain does not matter because – and I quote myself:
You must be new here. We follow MLM Ponzi schemes until the bitter end.
If you want hit and run content that stops once the checks stop cashing BusinessForHome has you covered.
We published “the truth” back in 2014 in our original OneCoin review.
All that’s left to be “made clear” are the legal ramifications for running a $4 billion Ponzi scheme.
I just wanted to point out that Konstantin himself made it very clear that he was well aware about OneCoin not having a blockchain.
There wasn’t a blockchain because Ruja (and the co-founder) had designed One to run without one.
With his statement in Colombia Konstantin underlines that he was on the same page with her sister, mama and the head of the illegal department of OneCoin.
And like you said, whether or not OneCoin has a blockchain is irrelevant considering the fact that it is a ponzi-pyramid scam.
The company could as well sell education packages and offer free turds of bullshit to go along with the packages, claiming that each turd will have an (ever-)increasing value to a buyer.
Javier Saavedra uploaded a video on YouTube related to this topic on
More than 2,200 calls in two days speak a clear language.
God will punish them, no wicked will bear good fruit.
The boring rest of today’s newsletter:
Supplement to comment #25
Why is Veselina Valkova hiding behind the face of a man? Is this man also a OneCoin cheater? Or is Veselina so ugly that she does not want to show herself in public?
The fact is, this man’s photo is used on hundreds of other websites. Often by scammers. I searched a long time and now think I have found the original. The photo obviously shows Chris Palmer from Washington. And he does not use the slogan “One World One Coin” but “One World One Ocean”!
The photo of Chris Palmer on is a bit older. Here is a recent photo of him:
@ Veselina Valkova
The fake of a false identity is punishable in Germany. Probably in other countries. This includes the use of photos from the Internet. I do not think Chris Palmer agrees to be linked to the OneCoin scam.
Duncan Arthur is a bad guy who wanted to ruin 3.5 million people.
If it weren’t for the existence of countless gullible people who have been and will be deprived of their money by the Onecoin fraudsters, one could laugh oneself to death about such nonsense!
One crook cheats the other crook!
Hello, Melanie. Anything to hear/read about the MLM series cheater Udo Carsten Deppisch, who changed to TCG The Crypto Group after his rip-off at OneCoin/OneLife?
@eagle eye
Do you know For this portal makes the notorious serial cheater Udo Carsten Deppisch currently advertising on Facebook at this link:
Udo Carsten Deppisch can also be seen in this video from Poland when he actively promoted and supported the OneCoin scam:
Where and how he still cheats, I can not say, since I have not observed Deppisch for a long time. Sorry!
@Melanie from Germany
Thank you. I’m sure it’ll help me.
@eagle eye
Obviously, Udo Carsten Deppisch is still active for the OneCoin scam. Here he is called in November 2018 as a sponsor in Russia, in connection with the DealShaker:
Since Staffan Liback is also named as a sponsor, is this cheater now also active in the East?
I think that this website has become obsolete now:
The domain was registered on October 26, 2018 by a “private person”. The scammers from Russia have also prevented this website from being stored in the Internet archive:
This is common with scammers. Honest people and business people do not have to hide their activities on the internet!
The OneCoin scammers keep working as if nothing had happened. On June 8th and 9th another fraud event will take place in Korat (Thailand):
Pictured are 10 scammers, but no names are mentioned.
The OneCoin scammers are also active in Iraq and Kurdistan.
DR: ADIL NOORI – Blue Diamond & GLG & Iraqi Franchisee Holder
KHABAT AZIZ – Diamond & GLG & Iraqi Franchisee Holder
The fees for the old DealShaker you have to pay with euros, because the OneCoin has no value! The price list was created today.
In today’s newsletter Duncan Arthur is not mentioned. Of course, trying to portray the bad news as good news:
The rest of the newsletter is also boring:
The OneCoin fraudster Martin Wilhelmer from Kötschach in Austria still writes on his fraud portal
Many OneCoin scammers like Martin Wilhelmer from Austria have made their own websites and videos for New DealShaker. A lot of work for nothing!
Also this video can be deleted on YouTube now:
Supplement to comment #51
Ruja and Konstantin have collected billions! Why is not DealShaker free? Does Ruja need millions again for a new castle and an even larger luxury yacht? Or does Konstantin need new money to pay his lawyers?
New rules and conditions for the old DealShaker!
Sequel follows!
Sequel follows!
Here it is confirmed that many scammers use the DealShaker portal.
@ Melanie
This is a complete mess. They basically are admitting that it is up to the buyer and merchant to come to some sort of arrangement regards payment of the Euro bit:
1. no PSP will touch them with a barge pole;
2. There is no ‘cash’ in anyone’s OL ‘cash account’ – it can’t be cashed out by all accounts of OL members who wait months and months;
3. If they can’t even force a payment through a third party, there can be no ledger system, ie no blockchain. Stupid idiots.
Also, why should the guys in Sofia care if franchises are given out for places that don’t allow crypto?!
Even the thickest have to now realize that OneCoin was never a coin and is about as “crypto” as the cup of coffee in front of me.
These people coming for “DealShaker Training” later this month, don’t they realize that Konstantin will probably be convicted on the 19th and do a deal, and them all being together in one place almost immediately is going to make it very easy for the authorities?
Is anyone interested in real, counterfeit gold bars?
Not cheap, but the seller accepts the worthless ONE as a means of payment:
Are all gold bars from Taiwan so ugly? Somehow crooked and with strange imprints. Outside gold – and inside lead, copper, aluminum or what?
The seller of these strange gold bars from Taiwan was definitely very hard-working and successful, because he allegedly sold 1,200 pieces in just 2 days at a price of 52,000 euros each. That’s a turnover of more than 31,000,000 euros per day!
How was this – alleged – success possible? The fact is that the biggest OneCoin fraudster from Vietnam, Simon Le, has actively promoted this action. There are numerous photos of this. How much commission did Simon Le collect for it? 10% or more?
Nobody knows when these 1,200 gold bars, which are supposed to have been sold, are delivered. Even Simon Le not. I only read this note:
Do I have to fly from Germany to Taiwan to pick up my gold bar? Who pays for the flight? And the hotel?
I recall what the Duncan Arthur administrator wrote in NewDealShaker:
Strange. Who among the OneCoin scammers in Sofia has approved the sale of 1,200 gold bars? Or is not control over what is offered on DealShaker?
The less controlled, the more scammers will use this platform in the future.
The brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) confirms in a video from May 4, 2019 that the sale of the 1,200 gold bars was made by Simon Le or initiated by Simon Le from Vietnam.
Also the OneCoin scammer Ilgiz Davletov from Russia advertises in a video with Ruja.
The woman to the left of Ruja with the black hair is a particularly active cheater! Dilbar Mirsaitova from Kazakhstan:
Does anyone understand the Russian language?
The OneCoin scammer Klaus Luediger from Borken in Germany has founded a group:
Why is the New DealShaker still online? Many OneCoin idiots are still active there.
Is Duncan Arthur trying to lure OneCoin idiots into his own business?
What’s next with the New DealShaker by Duncan Arthur?
On May 7, 2019, Duncan Arthur founded the following company:
In the commercial register, he describes himself as a lawyer:
And so Duncan Arthur advertises for his new company:
Some interesting quotes from an open letter recently published by Duncan Arthur:
– Still is (or pretends to be) loyal to Konstantin Ignatov.
– Claims that Konstantin himself selected the “OVID” name.
– Still pretends that he wasn’t aware that OneCoin never had a real Blockchain (instead it only shows a cryptocurrency simulator in the back-office).
– Claims Sofia owes him at least over $200 000.
– Duncan’s gang is located in London propoperty owned by Ruja, paying her $30 000 per month.( It takes some balls to operate in that property for it’s likely in criminal asset forfeiture danger. )
– Mr. Arthur claims to been physically threatened by OneLife thugs.
– He is offering OneLifers the equivalent of their OneCoin balance in his breand new Bycoi currency.
It’s like battle between Trotsky and Stalin over who is the true heir to the Lenin’s bolshevik revolution. Duncan has already almost got an ice pick into his eye.
That is not correct. Obviously, Duncan Arthur lies or he is already drunk again.
The fraudsters from the headquarters in Sofia claim the following:
That is not correct. The fraudsters in Sofia claim the opposite:
Regarding Duncan Arthur—–see post 68
Dantir Diliela has been registered as a limited Company in Ireland since November 2018 (8 months) so presumably Duncan was developing a fall back position with OC/OL in case it all went pear shaped and collapsed.
Dantir also owns 100% of SHOPZKY which describes itself as a global cashback site cos if you “buy better it gives you a better life”
He refers to a sister website which has 250k members and although unnamed it may well be the old dealshaker accounts associated with OnecOin which Corporate indicated were accessed by Duncan Arthur’s Team ..
No wonder he indicates that he has been threatened (although denied by OC Corporate) and he was the subject of a very irate Corporate Leaders meeting in Sofia which was made public though Behindmlm a few weeks ago.
Affiliates of OC were obliged to provide their full details in setting up their accounts so maybe that is the source of the 250K members.
Best to keep away from Shopzky,Ovid,ByCoi and all the other names that are being created.
Maybe the federal Agents should interview him again as no doubt the access to this account information will be very useful for them
I am wondering who is currently running OneCoin, Ruja disappeared and Konstantin (no update on Insta, etc.) is in jail.
How long will the Bulgarian DealShaker still exist? Weeks? Months? I’m reading fulminant numbers from another provider!
Another revolution? Did Ruja sleep and not have her “revolution” patented?
Not really. The part about balls, I mean. Asset forfeiture takes a while and even after that the bailiffs have to take possession. And there’s nothing illegal about renting from a criminal.
Thirsty Duncan will have plenty of time to empty the liquor cabinet and stagger to the airport if there’s any hint of the property being seized.
It’s also unlikely that the UK police would raid a property just because it’s owned by Ruja.
A bad OneCoin cheater from Hanoi in Vietnam is Mai Loan (“Blue Diamond”). Her full name is Mai Loan Nguyễn, here on the left next to Konstantin Ignatov:
Mai Loan writes on Facebook:
Funny question in between: Who owns the New DealShaker? Obviously, it is fiercely argued. The scammers from Sofia claim this:
Now it’s getting interesting! Duncan Arthur has hired a DealShaker merchant:
Duncan Arthur answers these and other questions in this video:
Another “Financial Revolution”? How many are there? Has Ruja not patented her own “Financial Revolution”?
From minute 36, the video could be interesting:
Put your hand in the air if you also enjoyed the tale of Konstantin “Konsti Keks” Ignatov going down!
Now it happened: is no longer available.
Supplement to comment #77
Paul Nordby, GLG member and franchise holder for Norway and Denmark, commented on the behavior of OneDealer Norway: is no longer available. The forwarding to Duncan Arthur’s own portals ( or does not work anymore:
Shameful is the fact that Duncan Arthur’s portal is not secure (no https!):
It must have been a temporary problem, Melanie. The redirect works for me.
The way I see it is that Arthur has technical control of the domain, which he probably registered himself; and onecoin is running by inertia, in no condition to attempt legal action against anybody even if it were entitled to.
Moreover, judging from how sloppy the company has always been, it might not even have explicit written agreements about such minor issues, not to speak about trademarks.
Then if onecoin never paid Arthur, as he alleges, it certainly cannot claim his work.
@ L.
I can not reach since Wednesday. Blogger Viktor Tomylin also writes:
Melanie: the redirect from to works for me from France and Iceland (using the opennic DNS in both cases), and via Tor.
@ L.
Thanks for the tip! I tried an IP from Strasbourg [], but then Google Chrome warns me:
The same result with the IP from Reykjavik.
PS: Forwarding to works with another browser (Microsoft Edge)
Firefox returns:
“The connection was reset
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
Chrome is showing:
This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.
Anything associated with DS and me has to to die.
New-DS, which is now old-DS, while old DS is new-DS, old DS is going to be newer DS? No thank you
Duncan Arthur is still trying to lure OneCoin idiots into his own business:
I have a question about an email I received on July 13, 2019. The sender is “Dealshaker”:
In the eMail header it says concretely:
You will also see:
That confuses me.
The specified IP [] belongs to
Could Duncan Arthur still use the e-mail account of in July 2019?
Here is the text of the entire eMail:
Duncan Malcolm Arthur announces amazing news:
So fast? Why does OneCoin need several years to launch an Exchange?
And there seems to be a somekind of “network marketing” aspect to Duncan’s Bycoi/Ovid project after all:
Details seem scant for now, but they claim that “We are network marketing business, not a MLM”…
Duncan Malcolm Arthur announces amazing news:
So fast? Why does OneCoin need several years to launch an Exchange?
@ Sseguya: Yes, so fast. Not easy but doable.
What is an “exchange”? A mechanism for swapping a coin or fiat for another coin or fiat or a combination thereof. A maker is matched with a taker, the market decides the prices based on the activity.
OneCoin’s problem is that it already has a “value” and there are tens of billions of the things holders will be wanting to sell. That’s even before the whole BC issue. Or that you have to be a member of OneLife to hold OC.
Yet, OC holders, lots of them, still believe that an exchange is just around the corner and when this magic event happens, the price will go up.
From FAQs
How many legitimate reasons are there for a (new) crypto to only be tradable on its own (even newer) exchange?
Lovin’ the KYC fee of 30€. Does that go towards paying for Forbes articles? Or Lambos?
Thanx so much MR ARTHUR for your cooperation, but to my own understanding, we have got two kinds of exchange; one is for the BLOGGERS (MONEY MAKERS) another one is for USABILITY (VALUE ADDED ON ONECOIN AS A PRODUCT) and that is “DEALSHAKER”.
first of all, in a trading world, money is a product on it’s own, read “ONE ACADEMY”. previously we had batter trade, today one side of a product has seriously changed from physical product to fiat and again to crypto, we no longer need to listen the word “FIAT” in today’s world of trading.
what to do? if i have a pen, i want to sell it to you, you also have a product (crypto currency), i have a product too (pen). i just need to exchange my product with your’s. Why do you need to go back to the money makers the so called bloggers/ intermediaries to deduct your money at the same time taking you back to fiat? t
hat system is good, but for those who have not yet mastered the concept of crypto currencies especially those with day to day business transactions, boarder less, peer to peer extra.
so, for the case of ONECOIN, DEALSHAKER is the GAME CHANGER. TO ME.
Yooooo, talk about making it up as you go along.
Crypto exchanges have nothing to do with DealShaker or bloggers.
The only exchange anyone still in OneCoin is interested in, is one they can dump their worthless Ponzi points onto non-existent buyers through.
The smart ones know OneCoin points are worthless and want out. Then you have the kool-aid drinkers like Sseguya.
Honestly, the detachment from reality is beyond embarrassing at this point.
@ Sseguya: The future of OneLife, OneCoin and DealShaker are going to be decided in a NY courtroom. That future isn’t looking bright.
@ tmfp: That Lambo seems a long way off. Right now, with my costs, I could maybe just afford the London congestion fee
200 countries? So can you explain where the extra 5 countries in the world come from seeing as there are only 195 recognised?
This is just another scheme to part people with their money and be deceptive.
Sambalar. Petty much?
Is that the best you can do?
No Duncan that’s ‘not the best i can do’ as you put it, it was a legitimate question.
I quote from a letter from dubious lawyers Schulenberg & Schenk from Hamburg in Germany to Duncan Arthur:
Does anyone know this company Oneworld Network FZE?
Ari Widell wrote a very interesting article in his blog about a strange threat by German lawyers:
PS: I can not upload a screenshot of the letter, obviously copy protected.
Not much can be found about that another OneCoin related shell company Oneworld Network FZE, which appears on this Schulenberg 6 Schenk letter to Duncan Arthur.
If you go to and type 3473, you can see:
Also reported here:
Thank you so much!
The law firm Schulenberg & Schenk from Hamburg earns the most money with unjustified warnings (German: “Abmahnung”)! Here is a photo of the “lawyers”:
Hi all, the letter from Schulenberg & Schenk appears to have generated a lot of interest.
They have my address and that of our lawyers and I would welcome an action in England
Shulenbutt & Schwank
Is that Duncan Arthur? He looks like Benny Hill.
Who locked my photo in comment # 81? Paul Nordby?
Here is another photo of this OneCoin scammer:
PS: This is not an isolated case. Every day I discover screenshots that I have uploaded that have been blocked by OneCoin scammers. I will report on it and upload new screenshots.
Paul Nordby is also called Pal Nordby or Pal Norby:
He is DealShaker Country Manager in Denmark and Norway:
His website is
Fraud event in Norway with Pal Nordby:
@ danindenver
It’s taken two years to read your comment! Thank you! That is one of the funniest things anyone has ever said about me and I really enjoyed it.