Konstantin arrested, criminal charges filed against Ruja Ignatova
Three days ago OneCoin’s Konstantin Ignatov was arrested at Los Angeles International airport.
Today the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office announced criminal charges have been filed against Konstantin Ignatov and his sister, Ruja Ignatova.
OneCoin founder Ruja Ignatova has been on the run from authorities since mid 2017.
Ignatova’s disappearance came roughly six months after OneCoin collapsed.
In the wake of Ignatova going into hiding, her brother Konstantin stepped up to run what was left of OneCoin.
According to New York prosecutors, Konstantin Ignatov was arrested
on a wire fraud conspiracy charge stemming from his role as the leader of an international pyramid scheme that involved the marketing of a fraudulent cryptocurrency called “OneCoin.”
A separately unsealed indictment against Ruja Ignatova reveals criminal charges related to wire fraud, securities fraud and money laundering offenses.
New York prosecutors allege OneCoin was
a multibillion-dollar ‘cryptocurrency’ company based completely on lies and deceit.
BehindMLM first sounded the alarm over OneCoin back in 2014.
(OneCoin) promised big returns and minimal risk, but, as alleged, this business was a pyramid scheme based on smoke and mirrors more than zeroes and ones.
Investors were victimized while the defendants got rich.
Standby for coverage of Ruja Ignatova’s indictment.
Finally, its been way to long to get to this point. Cant wait for the downfall and the biggest (still active) excusers out there trying to flee ship!
Dont worry, No matter how much you try to delete your past – internet dosent forget, ever.
Cue mainstream media reporting, finally, in ….3 ….2 ….1
Bugger that, somebody get Ken Labine and Igor Krnic on the phone.
“Fake news”, “fastest growing company” etc.
Reuters reported this already as well:
U.S. charges alleged leaders of ‘OneCoin’ pyramid scheme:
Let’s hope they get it right and the headline is “MLM scammed billions of dollars using crypto as it’s newest lure” instead of “A cryptocurrency company called OneCoin scammed people of billions”.
Konstantin and Ruja were just bad IMAs. This has nothing to do with Onecoin.
Exchange is coming soooon. Together for more.
This will be terrible for world economy, the biggest company in the world go down. Stock market will react soon. Shock for investors…
I doubt we will hear from Igor ever again..
Hilariously, the consensus on the OneCoin Dotards forum is that this will turn out the same way as the German investigation.
The ongoing German investigation into serious criminality which followed warnings from the regulator? No, the imaginary German investigation which found OneCoin totally innocent.
The one carried out by the magical fairies that exist in Igor Krnic’s head. Obvs.
I gotta give it to Oz. He IS a machine! How many articles on Onecoin scams and false promises did intake before we reached this one!?!?
Oz was definitely an inspiration on this journey, as we may have occasionally fed him did-bits and leads, but he busted open chests of information which (at least I, personally) can’t even be understood how he access these information troves as quickly as he has!
Yeah. MEGA job Oz and you Timothy !
Thanks for the support!
Yes, Oz has done an awesome job which needs to be commended, particularly considering the continuous slander he was subjected to.
This may be difficult for Oz if he wants to keep his anonymity, but it would be very nice now if other people like Tim and Bjørn Bjercke, whose reputation has been damaged by criminals despite their meritorious work informing the public, could sue for damages.
How was Onecoin able to grow so big? How could they find so many people who refused to see the truth? Is it denial or just stupidity?
When will the press release be published? I know the answer: “Coming soon!”
Already in 2015-2016 era Juha Parhiala explained to his audience that OneCoin is real and a good investment because it is “too big to be a fraud and too big to fall”.
I think it is just that they offered a very well timed cryptocurrency fraud at the time there wasn’t the current surplus of these.
Will the planned scam event take place in Barcelona in May without Konstantin Ignatov or will it be canceled?
Who clicks on the link, learns only:
Konstantin will not be present in Dubai on March 23 and 24. Will Ruja represent him?
Two African events now also cancelled:
Note: These events were planned on May and October 2018 (last year!). Whether they are simply past or they were actually cancelled has nothing to do with current situation.
Apologies. My bad, wasn’t paying enough attention.
OneCoin cheater Naijko Paasman wrote a very long comment on Facebook. He starts like this:
And here is a picture of this extraordinarily active oneCoin crook Naijko Paasman:
The Bulgarian press also reports on Ruja and Konstantin:
So the OneCoin idiots are told to keep calm:
My opinion: The so-called “Sofia management” consists of a single person.
This person’s name is Konstantin Ignatov and he was arrested last week in Los Angeles.
YES exactly what was said, Rajeb Said number 1 in Morocco, video on his facebook page, facebook.com/said.rajeb0
It must remain optimistic, even he has to compare OneCoin fail with Amazon, bill gets its first difficulties to success.
I believe that these dogs of Bulgarian mafia have received the same message to calm their victims. what a horror, these thieves people did everything to keep the money stealing from the innocents.
I wonder when the Moroccan police reacts against this international crime which really several Moroccan families have lost their money !!
Please wait for company response?
Shouldn’t he have said, please wait 25 years for the company response?
“Up to 20 years” – is that possible or realistic? For German conditions that would be an unreasonably high punishment.
Not if he cut heads off and made death threats.
This is being spread on Facebook:
Getting arrested for your role in orchestrating a $4.6 billion dollar Ponzi scheme isn’t a sacrifice. It’s justice.
While I can’t speak for Oz, Tim or Bjorn, I doubt they’ll want to join the long queue of creditors and try to take a slice of the potential redress due to victims.
First rule of civil law is: don’t sue people who don’t have any money. OneCoin scammers have assets, it’s true, but they also have the mother of all existing liabilities. Who wants to jostle with Ponzi victims in a bankruptcy?
To anyone who matters, the reputation of Oz and co has risen immeasurably, thanks to being proved right – yet again.
How idiotic the OneCoin cheaters argue, can be seen in this comment from OneLife B PiChian:
Since when is an indictment a test?
Before this cheater locked me, I could save this screenshot. The answer from Christian Müller is excellently formulated. I could not have written better!
It was difficult to find photos of this OneCoin cheater OneLife B PiChian. He has already deleted many, but on video’s this rogue is easy to spot.
Up to 20 years is what the full charge recommends. Depending on cooperation, how much money is turned over etc etc, he is probably looking at under 10 years probably. Maybe closer to 6 or 7.
The US has the most restrictive punishments for white collar crime compared to most other countries on earth.
Non violent drug crimes have gotten 30-40 years sentences if the person is convicted previously. So no one can really say.
Am assuming not as much as the $ amounts are only based on US losses vs. international losses so if they find $10 or 15 Million in US dollar losses based on the amount of claims (which am assuming is not going to be a lot since people were sending in money under the radar cos it was not legal in the US to be a part of One Coin), dollar losses by claimants are probably going to be negligible compared to international losses.
I miss today’s newsletter! Is there a plausible reason why it will not be sent?
Is that including the maximum sentence for “all” the charges: ‘wire fraud, securities fraud, and other money laundering offenses’?
Madoff pled guilty to 11 counts and was sentenced to 150 years for an 18 billion (invested) Ponzi. He got the max allowed.
In another case, Andy Bowdoin was the leader of Ad Surf Daily which was ‘only’ a 100 million MLM Ponzi. I believe(?) he plea bargained and pled guilty to wire fraud only. He got 6.5 years in the clink for that. He was also in his seventies.
Interesting note for believers: ASD members also claimed a government conspiracy during their initial denial phase, much like the OneCoiners over on OCD.
This stance is very admirable as it altruistically puts the interests of other victims first. Maybe the issue is how innoncent those “victims” can really be.
I consider myself a very peaceful man, but even I would not tolerate silently the type of abuse which Oz, Tim and Bjørn have been subjected to without reacting to make some damage in return, particularly when the slanderers cannot claim ignorance by any stretch due to the very work these people did to educate the uniformed, and which instead has been used against them to cause a kind of stress that pains me to imagine.
Sincerely or not at least Igor apologized, to some degree. I have not seen others doing even that.
I was citing the complaint that I think indicted Konstantin with one charge that carries maximum possibility of 20 years.
Other possibilities include a superseding indictment with additional charges or they are really looking for Ruja and Konstantin just happened to be the closest available.
Its pretty obivious that he was the place holder just to keep things going as long as possible and let it slowly die down. Usually does when the main person and the top leaders disappear but this seems to be one of those unique schemes where it has continued to flourish albeit at a much slower pace.
So would be surprised if he hits double digits in his sentence
I can’t speak for the others but I like to think the damage has already been done in kind if we get to that point.
Scammers only get angry when something hinders their ability to scam. That something could be a review outing them and their scam, continued coverage, comments with even more information etc.
The difference is the damage sticks to scammers and their scams. My nine/ten year track record and that of BehindMLM is there for anyone to investigate.
Yes, sorry. I confused Ruja who is indicted with other charges as well. My post can just apply to her.
Btw, I think she’ll get facial reconstruction surgery like El Chapo to alter her appearance to help elude capture. This could address two of her current problems. LOL
Not really. If you win damages against someone who already owes a ton of damages to other people after stealing their money, then you rank equally with them. Nobody comes first.
It’s highly unlikely to be in Oz’s interest or anyone else’s to sue a OneCoin scammer for defamation and then scrabble with other victims over whatever assets are available. I can go out on a limb because if I’m wrong then there’s no danger of them listening to me instead of their legal advisers.
Only extremely rich people and mugs sue people for defamation as a matter of principle. If you’re not extremely rich then it’s about money, and the first rule is don’t sue people who don’t have any money.
OneCoin press release
On 30 and 31 March 2019, a fraud event in Munich (Germany) is planned with
Gunther Triebel – Mihail Petrovic – Jose Gordo – Mariana Lopez de Waard – Dinos Bakalis
Gunther Triebel (left) is a well-known fraudster in Germany.
He is an active partner and promoter of the German Audi seller Steven Wagner (“Projekt Autohaus”) and the dubious QTBC GROUP, which allegedly also supplies cars that can be paid for with OneCoins.
The Austrian radio and television station orf.at reports on its website orf.at/stories/3114503/
(Translated by Google)
Let’s see if that event in Germany will take place as Germany was one of the countries earlier where Onecoin accounts were blocked, money was recovered and where Ruja was attacked in court.
After the arrest of her brother,this is the perfect occassion to send out a huge message to scammers in the world and arrest these guys with Europol.
If Germany and Europol don’t act here forget about it !
The OneCoin idiots are spreading a new slogan:
This idiotic OneCoin enthusiast is also broadcasting the old press statement today:
Okay, I believe in what Ruja has announced:
Also the Bulgarian TV station nova.bg reported about the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov:
False Ruja (“Dr.Ruja Ignotova“) published a photo of herself and her brother Konstantin on Facebook 18 hours ago.
274 OneCoin idiots have already commented on this:
Pakistani OneCoin cheater Bakht Zaman Khan writes about Konstantin’s arrest:
The Vietnamese Viet Nam Tuyet Dep, probably a self-proclaimed “lawyer”,
commented this way though:
“CEO”? Konstantin Ignatov has never called himself CEO, but as
– Head of Management Sofia or
– Head of Global Management or
– Head office sofia management group or
– Head of Management Group, Global Manager, Head of GLG and Inner Circle and so on…
Hundreds of comments on the arrest are posted on Facebook. Most, I estimate about 90%, declare their solidarity with the mega-fraudster Konstantin Ignatov and believe that he is innocent. The stupid are not dying!
Konstantin Ignatov in the past:
Konstantin Ignatov in the present:
Why do I like the second photo a lot better?
Simple, you don’t like ties.
Mwambusya John Kabalebe, a Ugandan OneCoin scammer, writes on Facebook that the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov is a “normal process”!
Here is a photo of the crazy guy:
45 minutes ago, this photo was released with Konstantin Ignatov, the bankrupt serial cheater Geri Savini and Duncan Arthur. What do you want to achieve with it? Even the dumbest OneCoiner should now know that this photo is not current because Konstantin has been arrested six days ago.
Cryptocurrency is over a decade old now. Ten years ago the iPhone 3 came out.
Can scammers stop pretending cryptocurrency is new tech already?
Bugger. Igor has looked down my favorite daily dose of entertainment. Some of his final words:
Show me the money! Where is the 4 billion dollars? Where is it supposed to be?
If I were a nervous OneCoiner, I would be demanding authenticated third-party proof that their fiat money isn’t gone. You know, for when it’s time to liquidate those ‘coins’.
I think this is a very fair request to ‘corporate’ given the current uncertainties, the indictment of Ruja, and arrest of Konstanin. It would calm investors knowing their money was safe.
Well they’re not exactly going to admit Ignatova and her family have spent/hoarded most of it are they.
That and where do they think the money for Kari Wahlroos et al. bonuses came from?
fixed that for ya.
Thank God.
I haven’t been keeping up all that much with all this scam stuff lately, but that thread reminded me once again how deluded many people are.
Wake me when it’s all officially over.
Good work Oz and congrats on the ability to maintain without going insane.
I’m due for a break, need to recharge the batteries.
Might hold off a bit yet to catch up on some of these reviews.
Does anyone know if the scheduled scam event will take place on March 23 and 24 in Dubai? Konstantin was supposed to announce some fantastic news there.
Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) from Vaduz in Liechtenstein, who was a successful brain amputee, does not mention in detail the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov in any of his idiotic videos. He mentions this only incidentally, as if it were completely unimportant.
In Video No. 450, he proudly announces that the conversion of OFC’s into ONE has begun. And again he speaks of the upcoming IPO and that the OneCoiner would have a right to shares.
Oh, and who calls the website continuum.li today, learns what?
Probably the server is overloaded again, because millions of OneCoin idiots visit the exorbitantly important side continuum.li …
@Melanie from Germany
The Site continuum.li is still working for me…and there are two new Videos since Yesterday from Ma Ma…
In the last days He Shit Out new Videos Like turds. The last is realy funny, He speaks about Chakra and Esoterik, now He lost His mind totaly…
The OneCoin idiots from Italy are currently advertising with Denis Murdock for the OneCoin scam:
Tomorrow a new fraud event will take place in Milano (Italy):
Important announcement!
Konstantin Ignatov is expected in Jamaica from the 26th to the 29th of July 2019!
@Mr yosie locote
Strange. I am also shown this today:
From which country do you call the page?
In the German-speaking press, unfortunately, little is reported about the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov. Interesting is the last sentence in the network magazine “NETWORK-KARRIERE” (network-karriere.com):
Unfortunately only today, but much more detailed, reported a press portal from South Tyrol about the arrest. The newspaper tageszeitung.it has regularly warned against cheating with OneCoin in recent years. That was exemplary!
In Austria, the well-known portal krone.at has reported on Konstantin’s arrest:
@Melanie from Germany
I am from Austria. And i call the Site from here.
The Austrian newspaper “Standard” also bring an article about one coin and the arrest of Konstantin…do you want a Link?
Also do you want a Link from Ma Ma’s latest bullshit Videos?
You must have seen that!
Also important: All reports about Ruja and Konstantin are FAKE NEWS!
Do the American judicial authorities already know that Konstantin Ignatov is the owner?
A new attempt by OneCoin cheater Atif Baba to distract attention from current events such as the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov. The content of the video is ancient, but it was only uploaded to YouTube yesterday:
Really interesting is this video:
Of the 102 comments below this video, many are worth reading!
@Mr yosie locote
I do not understand that. I have just called continuum.li with the IP (Vienna), but without result. Can Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) block me? Is that technically possible?
I have not watched the last idiotic videos yet. I assume you mean these here?
Thanks for pointing out derstandard.at, who has already published two articles about the OneCoin scam.
@Melanie from Germany
Its possible that He blocked you, when you whrite critical comments or dislike His awefull Videos…
Muhammad Adeel explains:
youtube.com/watch?v=gt7iU9HuIGk&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR07bR0mKV-DrtpwA4NZYhqm32dsAbKhCHDoGeejoDguarqVHtyroF0_5bo (Terrible sound quality!)
Already knew? Parts of American justice are corrupt! Mama Luv wrote:
“UnionPay”? That was a bad joke! As early as June 28, 2016, it was announced on m.unionpayintl.com/wap/en/mediaCenter/newsCenter/Statements/2157.shtml:
The OneCoin scammer Dream Big asks in another video:
I have already asked this question because onelifeevents.eu does not mention this new scam event.
These OneCoin/OneLife criminals didn’t understand why the biggest selling Diamonds escaped from the fraud network OneCoin a long time ago and took off with the captured millions.
Nor do they want to understand that the OneCoin world finally perished with the escape of the cheater Mama Ignatova and the arrest of the cheater Konstantin Ignatov! These idiots all did not hear the shots!
Obviously, the mega fraudsters Jose Gordo, Simon Le and Habib Zahid will not be present in Dubai:
@Melanie, Dubai event has been cancelled.
I like his DealShaker listing….
The future OneCoin millionaire Mwambusya John Kabalebe from Uganda is a good businessman.
The used shoes are sold. With the achieved profit, he is now producing HOME MADE ENERGY SAVING STOVE. Best quality (see photo!).
But if you do not live in East Africa, he will not give you anything:
Is it possible to buy charcoal on DealShaker? You need them if you want to operate these stoves. But maybe you can burn worthless OneCoins with this stove?
Fantastic news spread by the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) in his video No. 456 with the title:
1. Facebook launches its own cryptocurrency (Facebook Coin) in the first half of 2019.
2. For this, Facebook needs a central, controlled blockchain.
3. Dr. Ruja has this blockchain and could make it available to Facebook.
4. Legally secured by “the central bank”.
In addition: The publication of the indictment against Konstantin and Ruja is not legally permissible or a fake. It is a conspiracy.
Dr. Ruja will prove within a few days that the allegations of “illegal pyramid scheme”, “OneCoin has no block chain” and “money laundering” are wrong!
Comments are allowed under this video. Strange! Would you like to comment on that?
Can anyone explain why this page is no longer accessible, which is displayed on Google?
Who clicks on the link, learns only that the page does not exist.
If you have not laughed today, you should watch this short video.
Here is a small sample:
On April 19, Konstantin Ignatov has to be released from prison. Why? Because he was announced as a “SPECIAL GUEST” at NEW DealShaker Expo 2019 in Osaka.
“More than 30 million users”? Wow! They multiply faster than white mice or rats… That would be the next perfect lie that could be spread by the brainless Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) in his next idiot video.
I chuckled at this comment even though his intent was to express his concerns:
The flaw here is presuming there are “coins” that can be taken away. The big picture even eludes him. There are no coins, just numbers on a screen run by a scammer ring.
The “action” would be to return, as much possible, the people’s initial investment that can be confiscated.
What does Igor Krnic want to achieve with this comment?
Lulz, ^^ that’s Krnic’s own little OneCoin exit-scam.
The first dealers react to the arrest of Konstantin. On onecars.eu it says currently:
The current dire situation forces every non-idiot person who is or has been involved in OneCoin to evaluaute his/her potential legal exposure. Every top or mid level scammer must think hard what to do in order to minimize and prepare for legal risks.
For many, perhaps inlcuding Igor, doing some kind of dissociation from OneCoin might be too late. But it’s the least the can do, now that the Feds are so clearly out to get them.
With the DoJ statements, eveything OneCoin is now radioactive. I’m surprised if they dare to continue “business as usual” for very long.
^ The next hit against the company and its leaders will come within 2 weeks when Konstantin’s indictment will be ready and they will set a trial date.
Many leaders didn’t know how to react to the Konstantin’s arrest news and the complaint against Konsta and indictment against Ruja, so they just continue like nothing happened. The Titanic is sinking but the orchestra keeps playing, cause they don’t know what else they should do.
The instructions within the network is to wait official information from the company. Too bad they don’t realize the only official information comes now from the DOJ…
The OneCoin idiots from Austria uploaded a video with Konstantin on Facebook 20 hours ago.
Of course, the video is not up to date, but was filmed at the scam event in Rio de Janeiro. Probably the Austrians want to distract with such contributions of the arrest of Konstantin.
Below this video is a video with Duncan Arthur, also from Rio. The guy should not travel that much, but eliminate the errors on the D.e.a.l.S.h.i.t.t.e.r that many OneCoin idiots still complain about.
Is it possible to increase infinite stupidity? Yes! This is proven by Peter Walsh, the admin of a closed Facebook group, when he distributed this BS five hours ago. I just quote the first few lines:
The photo showing him with Ruja is from 2015 or 2016, so it’s out of date.
In https://www.onelifeevents.eu/en/events there are no more “upcoming events”. (Except two cancelled events from last year.)
The OneLifeEvents Facebook feed still advertises Barcelona event that is supposed to take place in May (with Konstantin as a speaker) but the link to the event page itself is a dead-end “404 not found”.
The clean-up phase of the scam has started?
Does Konstantin’s trial count as an upcoming event?
Well he’s definitely in front of a crowd and answering to questions!
Simon Le continues as before. He organizes the next fraud event in Vietnam:
I think the "legal team" has other worries at the moment.
Sabah Zahawy offers 823,613.52 ONE for sale on Facebook. Is someone interested? It’s just an offer from many, nobody has to hurry, because the offers are getting more every day.
The name of the group sounds interesting:
I do not understand the English language. What does that mean?
Incidentally, the private Facebook account of Sabah Zahawy does not contain any advertising for the Bulgarian miracle currency. Everything deleted?
Is the Italian OneCoin mafia headed by the Miatton family traveling to Dubai alone?
Recently, the controversial :gerlachreport has praised the OneCoin scammer Luca Miatton with a separate article.
This crazy dream is currently spread in many Facebook groups. Please read carefully and learn by heart!
Alright, I understood that. When I offer coupons for used toilet paper on DealShaker tomorrow, I am also a merchant. And my daughter also becomes a merchant in offering her old 3.5 inch floppy disks for Windows95. eBay will be shocked when we change the platform for our sales and auctions.
Ruja will probably buy eBay and integrate it into the DealShaker. There should also be possible auctions. A competitor less!
Ah, the persistent delusion of the scam victims. They are indeed in the Matrix, aren’t they?
Amazon merchants don’t need to recruit additional merchants. People are FIGHTING to be on Amazon, no recruitment needed.
I had a nasty Achilles Coronel once but it cleared up thanks to regular stretching and a special boot.
Tax evasion case against an OneCoin associate opened in Romania.
400,000 euros are a lot of money in Romania. I spontaneously remember the name Cristi Calina and his “Fantastic Global Team”, the biggest OneCoin scammer in Romania.
This is the original news item from Romanian Direcţia Generală Antifraudă Fiscală / Directorate General Anti-Fraud:
Google Translate
I also suspect Cristi Calina.
Note the quotes:
– “educational” products
– “mining” devices
But, unfortunately, it seems to be only a tax evasion/fraud case, and not a broader fraud case based upon the fact that OneCoin is a ponzi scam.
I hope it’s only a prelude, and with SDNY leading the way, Eurpe will soon follow bringing the scammers to justice.
That’s very good news! Perhaps other countries are now starting to smash the Bulgarian OneCoin mafia. Al Capone failed at the tax office and Ruja certainly has not paid any taxes anywhere in the world.
Incidentally, the page One Coin Romania can no longer be accessed on Facebook. Cristi Calina’s scam portal fantasticglobalteam.ro is still online. There, the so-called BALKAN EVENT will be announced for April 5-7, 2019:
Thanks for the heads up guys.
The event in Sweden was apparently held last weekend (16th March), but most of the international speakers were missing (Gordo, Lopez de Waard), with only Simon Le and Q. Tran attending.
It seems it was actually two events judging by pictures. One with Swedish attendees (30-40 people), and one with mainly Asian attendees, possibly Vietnamese ex-pats drummed up by Le and Tran?
Peter Hjelte is now the top leader in Sweden.
According to reports, someone called Jan-Erik presented DealShaker claiming to have designed the new DealShaker. Seems to be a new face, no surname given.
In Stockholm were announced:
The hall was well filled – with lots of hot air, but few guests:
Which scammers will appear in Barcelona? Announced are Konstantin Ignatov, Jose Gordo, Simon Le and Habib Zahid. These four crooks are probably luring many OneCoin idiots to Barcelona:
Of course I tried to buy a ticket for this mega-event. Unfortunately, in vain! On barcelona2019.onelifemasterysummit.com it says short and clear:
Now I am sad and will cry for an hour.
Uzi Dorel from Melbourne knows the truth!
Does anyone know the “pamphlet” mentioned here?
As a profile photo, this fanatical devotee of OneCoin Fraud uses a photo of Lady Diana, but she looks completely different:
Although Uzi Dorel spreads hundreds of posts for the OneCoin scam on Facebook, she has been trying unsuccessfully to sell her Bulgarian Coin scrap for many months.
There are only small sums, 2,950 or 650 ONE’s. Here’s an example:
@Melanie from Germany – I believe the 50 page “pamphlet” (translation?) he refers to is: onecoinscam.info – which gives an expounded computer scientific analysis, evidence and PROOF that Onecoin transactions have never been recorded or used within a true blockchain environment, and is instead based on common database capabilities (SQL/ Excel) for functionality, not unlike Starbuck’s “Stars” or Airline “points.” But, definitely NOT blockchain.
One prominent example of the “blockchain” smoke and mirrors can be found in “Block ##22431” found half way down the page HERE: onecoinscam.info/bullshit-and-lies/ which shows that the “maximum amount of 120 billion coins” is exceeded by over 9 billion coins in a single, one minute transaction. LULZ.
To be clear, this was never “fixed” and other blocks continued thereafter, which would never happen in a mining consensus environment. The miners would have disagreed on this number, clearly, and would’ve immediately nullified the block and began rebatching transactions, looking for a viable number which didn’t exceed “the total possible coin cap.” LOL.
There are numerous examples of such Onecoin shenanigans which prove the fraud.
Unfortunately, OneCULTists are not technically save enough to count, let alone understand the implications of this and the many other examples and tests contained in this dissertion.
What happened now? I could not reach the website continuum.li of brainless idiot Martin Mayer “Ma Ma” for days – because of maintenance work.
Currently the site is accessible again – but where did the content about the OneCoin scam and the DealShaker? I can only find “testimonials” without names, so I assume that most of them were written by Martin Mayer himself.
Mayer has disabled the search interface in his web site but the content and even the search functionality are still there.
Look at the results you get this way:
The Facebook group OneCoin CryptoCurrency Turkey published the following text on March 21, 2019 (translated by Google)
Impressive! I’m excited! Obviously, Ruja has bought a “central bank”. Because it never mentions which existing “central bank” is meant.
Important information from the last newsletter:
Exactly! That’s what ~ 3.5 million OneCoin idiots have been waiting for!
Also important!
I stumbled upon a perfect meme about the situation many OneCoin scammers are currently in: youtube.com/watch?v=pP4NZO57toQ
The guy even looks like Konstantin.
@ L.
Please compare the header of continuum.li. This is the current status:
And so the page looked like in the past:
The successfully brain-amputee Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) has removed the two headings “MAMA ON TOUR” and “DS MAP“. Why did he do that? I recognize in it a clear sign…
The OneCoin scammer Wolfgang Malek from Austria explains:
Incredible! Bad bots damage the excellent reputation of OneCoin!
We should memorize this visage:
Is Konstantin being transferred to another prison?
He was arrested in CA and court documents ordered him transferred to New York IIRC.
Supplement to comment #98:
Dreadful! ~ 2,000 idiots have bought tickets to see Konstantin on stage. They will be very disappointed! Will the participants get their money back?
The Bulgarian website “Novini(.)bg” reports that Ruja Ignatova, the KleptoQueen, lavished extravagant gifts upon the subject of a 3 month affair, whom the alleged adultress was sleeping with; including a €20K motorcycle, €.25MM Jeep, as well as a home, totaling around €1 million, altogether.
Source: translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://m.novini.bg/show/kliuki/530349&xid=17259,15700022,15700186,15700191,15700248,15700253&usg=ALkJrhj232ezBB1SZWVjsbjUSZFyiLEseg
(I linked the Google translate of the alleged revelation)
There is a new secretly captured webinar video circulating where Finnish leader Tommi Vuorinen talks about recent happenings (incl. the Stockholm event) for Finnish cult audience. Here is some info from it:
– The Jan-Erik you are referring to is Jan-Eric Nyman. (Possibly this former OPN-sitetalk guy: businessforhome.org/2013/08/mlm-professionals-join-opn-sitetalk/) . Vuorinen too says he is “the man” behind new DealShaker (what about Duncan Arthur?).
– All major events cancelled due to “security concerns”. They had “challanges” with the Stockholm event too due to “problems in USA”, and therefore big stars like Gordo and Lopez de Waard couldn’t arrive, but they got special permission from current de-facto leader of the company, Dubai based Velizara (Velizara “cash counting machine” Ivanova; facebook.com/velizara.ivanova.7) to hold low-key Stockholm event.
There is upcoming event in Vietnam in two weeks, though.
– Vuorinen plays ingorant and doesn’t want to speculate why Konstantin was arrested; says it’s probably about some money transfers and has nothing to do with the company’s core business concept.
Cites Peter Hjelte from Stockholm event claiming OneCoin has been cleared in 185 (!) different investigations around the world.
– Claims that OneCoin is the only FATF (Financial Acion Task Force) compliant virtual currency in the world. Therefore nothing to fear from authorities. Plus Jumio has checked and approved them.
– Vuorinen claims, that the company has paid 250 000 EUR front payment to Jumio! If true (big if), sounds strange and shady – SDNY might be interested in such deal.
– He says the exchange is ready, and the new DealShaker is ready – the have all necessary licences. It’s in the hands of the company when they will launch them, what will happen next.
– For the OFC holders who are waiting for the promised double amount of coins, he says that the company doesn’t dare to “double” coins now because of the “situation in USA”. They try to minimize legal risks.
Semjon, check again, Tommi is talking about Veselina, not Velizara Ivanova. At 35:04 of the video Tommi further confirms Veselina Valkova is currently leading OneCoin company.
Perhaps this rumour they provide could explain what Konsantin meant in the messages quoted in DoJ documents when he wrote: “You know my sister, what happened when somebody messed up what she did.”
Thanks for the correction, WhistleBlowerFin.
It’s indeed Veselina, not Velizara. I misheard. And Tommi indeed says she is the current top leader in the company. He describes her title as “head of the internal monitoring”.
I probably misheard because I recently found out that Velizara’s LinkedIn page (linkedin.com/in/velizara-ivanova-13b401126?trk=pub-pbmap) indicates that she holds General Manager title in OneCoin (Dubai).
Topic OFC conversion. (Semjon mentioned that in his comment.)
The Turk Memet Karaboğa spreads this version on Facebook on this topic. It should be an official statement:
Markus Miller, a German Journalist known to have been the subject of one of various (and unsuccessful) Onecoin Lawsuits, today published another summary of the Onecoin fraud system and scam leader/ founders, likely taking great satisfaction in reiterating his earlier accusations regarding the pseudo-crypto and its ponzi pimps, as now documented by DOJ, FBI and IRS investigations.
Source: ariva.de/news/kolumnen/onecoin-anklage-erhoben-chef-in-den-usa-verhaftet-7486391
Also interesting:
The guard story sounds a bit Gerlach Report’ish. If one of the witnesses turns out to be a guard I’ll go from there.
edit: Gerlach Report are claiming Konstantin attempted suicide in prison. No confirmed sources (lulz).
exactly as they would know how? lol
Also in Austria the fraud continues:
The following places are named: Gnadenwald – Bregenz – Graz – St. Leonhard – Perchtoldsdorf – Linz – Klagenfurt
Stefan Wetzelberger:
René Harb:
Fantastic news from Facebook! The OneCoin scam can be continued!
This TV reportage could be interesting for all readers who understand the German language:
@Melanie from Germany
Is there any official document or Proof?
@Mr yosie locote
Of course not! Nevertheless, this hoax has been spread on Facebook since yesterday. Here from Dariga Tulepova from Russia:
Melanie &
I guess origin of this information is current confusing status of Konstantin Ignatov record at USA Federal Bureau of Prisons:
Not sure what current status means…
For sure, Konstantin Ignatov was “hosted” at federal jail (he is on the record and has Register Number).
I am not sure what means the combination of statuses “Not in BoP Custody” and “Release date unknown”. I can only guess – there would be specific Release Date if Konstantin is actually (really) released. Also… he would be more visible on his own social networks.
So IMHO he is still captured / in detention, probably within a special condition (kind of) and treatment.
Can anybody with with knowledge of BoP information system make it clear?
“NOT IN BOP CUSTODY” means that the inmate isn’t physically located at a Federal Bureau of Prisons facility. In this situation, the inmate’s in transit, and in US Marshals Service’s custody.
Con Air? Con Bus? Con Train (like in my country)?
The arrest of Konstantin is unimportant and is no longer discussed by the OneCoin idiots. What’s really important, Dariga Tulepova said on Facebook five hours ago:
A few numbers on the monitor are more exciting than any crime film on TV. If stupidity was causing pain, the OneCoin idiots would have to scream out loud in pain every day!
Is anyone interested in worthless OneCoins? When the arrest of Konstantin was made public, this offer appeared on Facebook:
Prices are not mentioned. Maybe Ayaan Sheikh is giving away his coin scrap?
Also interesting is the head of the Facebook account ONECOIN EXCHANGE:
I’m ready! Since the 8th of October 2018! How many more years do I have to wait for the Exchange to finally open?
Supplement to comment #47
The planned fraud event in Munich obviously takes place, although OneCoin is banned in Germany. However, it is not public to anyone:
The organizer of this event can be reached via the domain erfolgreichsein.jetzt.
This member statistic was posted on March 17 on an Italian Facebook account:
Only 20 countries, although OneCoin claims to be represented in 194 or more countries.
Strange thing… this situation (not in custody / release date unknown) takes a place for couple of days (about a week). Can the transit take so long?
Nothing on the court docket.
This isn’t going to be resolved in a few weeks. It’s game over but will take years to play out.
If you need reference points take a look at Paul Burks and James Merrill.
The brainless OneCoin idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) has blocked one of his idiotic videos (# 461). Here is the old preview:
And this is how the preview looks today:
What lies and fairy tales were included in the video no. 461, unfortunately I do not know. It makes me sick headache when I have to listen to this clown from Vaduz in Liechtenstein more than ten minutes.
@Melanie from Germany
I haved watched the Video 461, cant remember what bullshit He spread…
But in the newest Video He claims that He will be on a scam Event near Vienna, this would be near my Home, but its better for me Not to visit, because i don’t want to get in jail for stupid people like Them…
@Mr yosie locote
A group of idiots in Austria. The OneCoin scammer René Harb proudly writes:
Of course, the German serial scammer Gunther Triebel has to comment on that as well.
Of course, the idiot Renè Harb is also a fan of the idiot Martin Mayer. So the idiots are among themselves.
Since the phoenix-harb.at website is without content and no data is recognizable on Facebook, here is the domain registration:
Konstantin Ignatov’s transfer is ready. He is located now at New York Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center.
The OneCoin criminal Konstantin Ignatov is now sitting in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in the middle of Manhattan.
In the infamous “South 10” wing, the isolation is so extreme that the detainees complain of atrophied eyesight.
It remains to be hoped that more OneCoin rip-offs will be there shortly.
Good news with NYC Metropolitan Correctional Center.
I’d like to see the faces of all these idiots claiming “Our captain is not arrested, see… his status is now Not in BoP Custody! Hurray!”
Quote from the last newsletter:
I’m excited! Does the new company presentation contain pictures of Konstantin in jail? Does Constantine play diligently with the Wonder Wheel? So he can successfully combat emerging boredom…
Where could I verify the information “sitting in 10-South” ?
Looks very comfortable. I would like to live there too. Is there an empty cell left?
A wooden bed without mattress, a bowl for the thin soup and a plastic knife complete the American comfort for offenders?
The whole facility seems to be “fine and comfortable”.
“Guantanamo of New York”
Now it is really funny! This idiotic press release was released today:
Please get a large amount of paper handkerchiefs before reading – and make an appointment with the next psychiatrist!
@Melanie and others
It’s good to remove the facebook_id which is attached to a link when you click the link in facebook. Just remove it from the link starting from “?fbclid=”..
Okay, thanks for the hint.
Konstantin is a man. That means he can not be meant. So which witch is hunted? Could it be that the witch Ruja Ignatova is called?
This “lady” has a striking resemblance to a witch…
What a bizarre press release.
I guess this is the closest they can come up with in terms of denying the explosive content of the DoJ documents: airing vague innuendo about witch hunt, fake news, human rights violations, failures in due legal process – and then issuing a legal disclaimer that the aforementioned text wasn’t about anything particular, just a very general unprompted opinion about media ethics. They must truly fear SDNY when they feel obliged to qualify even a stupid unfocused tirade.
It’s shows how weak, how total cowards they are. They don’t have the nerves or balls to make even a clear general denial about the claims made against the company and its representatives in public.
It seems that they don’t have will to fight. And I don’t blame them given what they are up against.
In addition to an old photo with Denis Murdock, Konstantin Ignatov and Simon Le, a list of upcoming fraud events was published yesterday. Fanatic OneCoiner want to give the impression that Konstantin Ignatov is free?
Even the OneCoin scammer Igor Shusharin from Russia firmly believes in the final victory?
Not correct! Igor Shusharin has to believe in the final victory in order to continue collecting money for his scam project OneVillage – World’s First Crypto Village. The so-called “project” exists only on paper or on photo montages with Photoshop:
And who supports this Russian OneCoin cheater? Of course Konstantin Ignatov personally!
At that time Konstantin could still grin widely – with three fraudsters from the OneVillage project:
Is Konstantin still grinning so widely today?
MLM arrests are never about the allegations. It’s always how much of a penalty is going to be doled out.
For criminal cases that’s prison time and disgorgement and/or fines.
OneCoin’s fraudulent business model is not a secret. There is no escaping the money laundering/wire fraud indictments. Huffing and puffing about witch hunts is only going to appease dumbasses who don’t know any better (i.e. the majority of OneCoin investors who’re left.)
What’s relevant now is what penalty is coming Konstantin’s way, and whether that will lead to the arrest of Ruja Ignatova.
I now get a 503 error in every attempt to access the site. Anyone else getting this same error?
503 error is the US block, they must have turned it on again. Big multi-bajillion blockchain company is too lazy to implement a user-friendly 503 response page.
If you try to access the press-release outside of the US you now get 404.
Looks like OneCoin decided it was too embarrassing to leave up. Don’t blame them.
edit: Nope, there it is – onelife.eu/en/news/witch-hunt-/-in-the-21-century
edit2: WordPress is parsing the double slash as a single dashes. So if you copy the URL you’ll get 404.
In edit above I’d put a slash between the two dashes, copy + paste then remove the slash (between hunt and in) and it’ll work.
For me today is the following message:
The last troupe in Sofia is acting quite chaotic.
The complete press release, divided into two screenshots. Better readable than the original!
This short video could be from the brainless idiot Martin Mayer, but this time the idiot is called Naveed Akhtar. Even the title shows how idiotic many OneCoin scammers argue:
Especially funny is this statement in the video:
The idiotic “press release” from yesterday as a video:
Please hurry, the demand is gigantic!
Do the American judicial authorities know that Konstantin is the CEO?
I don’t think the producer of this video and OC believer’s are going to like my comment. I can’t imagine why. LOL!
I am sure they do, but just in case they do now.
With the likes of Ken Labine you’ve got to wonder what the relationship is with their downline right about now.
Is he spinning some rabid conspiracy theory or is he hiding? Either way, not very comfortable.
Labine et al. abandoned their OneCoin downline after recruitment collapsed in 2017.
DagCoin is a totes legit Ponzi scheme because its CEO hasn’t been arrested yet.
Petar Kralev, OneCoin scammer calling himself Doctor DealShaker Kralev, returns. Now he no longer sells cars, but real estate. This very attractive (!) 3 bed house costs only 24,000 euros or 21,086 GBP. Obviously you can not pay for this cottage with OneCoin. Why?
This 4 bed village house costs only 16,000 euros.
Supplementary question: How many new cars does Kralev Cars Ltd. have delivered that were paid with OneCoin?
On DealShaker Petar Kralev offers a bungalow house of his own, but even that can only be partially paid with OneCoin:
It is amazing what you can call BUNGALOW in Bulgaria.
Romania’s OneCoin scammer Cristi Calina claims that 1,000 tickets have been sold for his BALKAN EVENT.
There are two – (- -) before in-the
The – – are converted to to long –,
instead of two – – (without the blank)
Remove the # from this link
On dealsok.online someone offers a dubious “service”.
The domain was registered a month ago.
I guess one cheat is chasing another here.
Since the cheater Ruja disappeared from the ground and since the full tattoo is arrested, here one cheat hunts the other.
The whole scam is getting bolder and bolder.
The German OneCoin scammer Sebastian Burger regularly publishes on Facebook what one can allegedly buy with the OneCoin. Here’s an example with an “irritating” purchase price:
Obviously again a fake offer, because I have clicked on the link. With this result:
Or are Germans like me in Canada not allowed to buy properties?
Sebastian Burger can not shape the OneCoin asshole logo perfectly! I am deeply disappointed! 
Also in Cambodia daily fake news is reported:
The planned scam event in Osaka on April 20 and 21 will obviously take place. On the website expoinosaka.com 12 people are still announced as speakers:
Will they all actually travel to Osaka? On the website onelifeevents.eu/en/events/osaka-new-dealshaker-expo-2019 some of the named names are missing:
Konstantin Ignatov – Michael Yeo – Denis Murdock – Dao Hau Hai – Thanh Duong – Shawn Lim – Boonchai Chan
Noteworthy is the absence of Thanh Duong. This fanatical OneCoin monkey has lured thousands into the OneCoin scam, sitting on his PC for 24 hours to spread his trash on Facebook and anywhere on the Internet. And why does not Denis Murdock travel to Osaka? Did he realize that he is riding a dead horse with OneCoin?
How strong Thanh Duong identifies with the OneCoin fraud can be recognized by his username on Facebook: Thanh OC
I have always believed that people who have studied are intelligent. Was that a mistake?
Who is behind the fraud with MISS ONELIFE? I can not prove it, but all the research leads me to Romania – and there directly to the OneCoin scammer Cristi Calina! A coupon costs 400,000 euros and allegedly four coupons have already been sold:
Officially, this is the provider and seller of the coupons:
It is possible to buy even cheaper coupons. For the same scam.
Question: Who is Ernest Hadrian? Could it be that he operates on DealShaker with a false name? Well, the name is obviously not completely wrong, but incomplete. I quote from a Facebook post from 2013:
If someone does not operate on their full name, it will have a reason. Has the name Ernest Hadrian Böhm become known in connection with other scams? There is a Facebook account under this name that has not been updated since 2011:
Read more on svd.se/onecoin-ledaren-gripen–60-000-svenskar-satsade
Makkáné Németh Krisztina tells on Facebook what she dreamed last night:
Which exchange platform? Where can I find this ominous structure? When will it open? From whom? Many questions to which no OneCoin cheater gives a precise and credible answer. Not even this “lady” who runs the fraudulent OneCoin / OneLife fan club.
The OneCoin fraudsters from Austria complete this obvious hoax as follows:
Already knew? Konstantin Ignatov is a political prisoner! He did not commit any crimes. Obviously, Donald Trump wanted to prevent Konstantin from buying the United States soon.
There is also a self-proclaimed “CryptoQueen” in Manila. This fake queen wrote on March 22 on Facebook:
Obviously, all upcoming events have been canceled because the list is now deleted.
@ Naveed Akhtar
Small correction: OneLife will never penetrate the American market. At present, US prosecutors are penetrating Konstantin Ignatov.
With what result? 20 years imprisonment?
At that time, Konstantin was still a free man. It was not a good idea to put his fraudulent feet on American soil. But the American judiciary will now accomplish what the German justice has failed to do. And that’s just as well!
Seen? Igor Krnic demands a password today if you want to read in his lie forum!
What does he want to achieve with it?
He also completely deleted the part of his forum written in Serbian language. The link to the fraud portal giftcodefactory.com by serial fraudster Pascal René Andre from Austria, he has long ago removed.
Regardless of this, since the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov, I have noticed that content is being removed from many sites, including Facebook. Obviously, the OneCoin scammers are now starting to erase telltale traces or make them unreadable.
One of the biggest scammers within the OneCoin organization – Jose Gordo – eliminates footprints on the Internet! Google indicates this:
If you click on the link, you will be disappointed:
We all know that Jose Gordo is a nasty cheater. But he is a stupid and simple deceiver, because the deletion of his lies and fairy tales does not help him! The Internet does not forget anything – see the following screenshot:
Ruja’s fraud portal goldvault.co has not been available for years, is allegedly in maintenance. Goldvault.co was registered on June 26, 2014.
Are infamous and deceitful fraudsters like Ruja Ignatova and Konstantin Ignatov brave people? The cheater Peter Walsh answers this question with a clear YES! He ends his comment with this statement:
Igor’s forum works again. According to him it was a glitch while combining Balkan and Main forums.
To me it looks like Jose Gordo has been removing Onecoin related FB posts from his page especially from this year. Also OneLife IMA Official YouTube channel which was related to him and has over 7k subs has removed all videos.
I wonder if Jose Gordo is also jumping off the Titanic.
Even the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) from Vaduz in Liechtenstein removes traces. He has already declared one of his idiotic videos (# 467) as “private”:
Igor Krnic cleaned his youtube channel. All videos hidden or removed. NOLINK://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDCClEe546UwKWtT3pISEMQ
You do not have to cry or become depressed because Igor Krnic has deleted his videos. I have downloaded and saved some of YouTube. Maybe one day a prosecutor will be interested. Here is the preliminary list:
The fraud portal cryptocurrencyglobally.com by Dusan Torbica is no longer online, but it still exists in the web archive!
In this video, Igor Krnic is referred to as BalcanTroll:
Jose Gordo took over the cheating portal onedream.team from the Steinkeller brothers. This leads to the fraud portal onelifeima.com by Jose Gordo.
In the past, I could read everything there, but today that is no longer possible. By the way, not even after registration:
Also the portal onelifemagazineima.com is completely without content:
Keyword Titanic: There are rumors that Jose Gordo is looking at DealShaker for several lifebuoys. I would sell mine to him if he pays much in real currency like Euros!
What’s next with the OneCoin scam? Exciting details reveal the NEWSletter of today:
I hope that all open questions are answered! If you want to know more, feel free to contact the defunct SUPPORT.
Do you happen to have a link to the newsletter (Assuming it’s still delivered to via mailchimp link)?
The backoffice hasn’t been updated with a newsletter since 13th of March.
In that last link from @Melanie
OneForex and OneAcademy >> “The promotion is valid until April 26th, 2019.”
Evil people (hater) could think they use that date to distract/cover the hearing of Konsti.
Supplement to comment #204
Jose Gordo was announced as a spokesman for the fraud event in Munich, which took place last weekend. As a closed event! As usual, the OneCoin scammers have released numerous photos of this event. I can not recognize Jose Gordo in any of these photos. Even Mariana Lopez de Waard is not recognizable.
In this photo in front the OneCoin scammers Dinos Bakalis from Greece (left) and Gunther Triebel from Germany (right).
This is the next event planned for this weekend. Since there seems to be an investigation going on in Romania, maybe someone can allert the local officials.
Please note my comment #183.
The OneCoin scammer Peter Walsh is currently spreading the lie again with the coming exchange:
The OneCoin scammer Peter Walsh is also active in the fraud with Quaestor:
We should remember this visage. The photo comes from his private Facebook account:
If you check this “Past Issues” link each Monday, you can keep track of new publications: NOLINK://us9.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=cf9659fd672fe664d487e7e1b&id=0ea86d46e7
Hats off to you Melanie for keeping track of the OneCoin nitty gritty. You’re really on top of things!
@Melanie #212 had missed your #183 and #191
Just cross our fingers they drop in to that event and arrest some people, would be a great moment to do it.
Duncan Arthur explains what may not be offered on DealShaker in the future. Interesting is this:
The terms and conditions for the New DealShaker were changed as well:
The ban on properties and vehicles in China is not new. The reason Duncan Artur gave for it last year was “it just burned us too much” because they were all scams and apparently had to compensated for by the comapany. (youtu.be/-zDnpB0yfj4?t=2285)
The 15 000 EUR limit is new and interesting one. I wonder what’s the reason behind it?
When will the next ONELIFE MAGAZINE IMA be released? The old issues are still offered for 20 euros. But the interest is very low – only 10 followers:
My opinion: There will not be a new magazine because the initiator – Jose Gordo – is pursuing other plans. The unsold copies he can use as toilet paper. Or offer on DealShaker. Or auction on eBay.
That’s definitely true. Every single car and residence sold in China has been a scam where cash advance was requested from the buyer.
(No surprise because nobody would exchange their house for coins that can be bought for a fraction of the price when accompanied by an “education package”.)
To keep the inflation in control. Do you think this Fujitsu was really worth 19 500 euros?
There have been also products worth less than 100€ sold for 20 000 EUR or more (100% in coins). This electrical device was priced 162 500 euros (100% in coins). 14 coupons sold.
What does regularly cost more than 15,000 euros? Land, Real Estate, Gold Bars, etc. The dubious gold trader from Hong Kong is already unreachable today:
Pictured were bars with 1,000 grams, but delivered bars with 500 grams. Probably handmade in China.
With the Dealshaker the main “thing” (I cannot even call it a fault as it is not something you could fix) is and always has been that the coins are in the end worthless (more of which later in this comment).
There is no way anyone would sell cars, gold, properties or anything else that has a considerable real-world value if they get worthless coins in exchange.
(Those 10 years old remanants-of-a-collection jeans were probably pre-compensated in euros to the seller by Konstantin. This way all of the work was worth it for the seller.)
So back to the 15 000 EUR limit:
Let’s for a moment take the hypothetical situation that I would sell empty bottles in DealShaker: I end up getting OneCoins that I cannot exchange to euros, I cannot sell forward and that could only be used to buy stuff from Dealshaker…
…assuming some other idiot is as stupid as I am.
But what price should I set for an empty bottle? Local supermarket refunds 0.10 euros per bottle so I shouldn’t sell them for a price less than that. (With the official price that is ~0.03 ONE for ten bottles).
On the other hand, I could cash the bottles in supermarket and buy “educational package”, which would give me MORE coins than selling the bottles in DealShaker.
Unless I set the price to ~10 ONE / ten bottles, when I would get the same amount of OneCoins as I would get from an educational package. But then again: With that price the OneCoin is worth 0.10 EUR / ONE, not 29.85 EUR / ONE as DealShaker says it is.
Now the 15 000 EUR limit for 100% OneCoin deals equals to a deal that is selling a product for 502.51 ONE. (Since deals are calculated with the “official” face value of 29.85 EUR / ONE.)
Since the coins could be obtained more efficiently from educational packages until the price of coin is down to 0.10 EUR / ONE, there is no sense for a merchant to sell anything that could be cashed for more than 50 euros in real life.
Or then the merchant will have to request also euros as the payment. Which they now will have to do.
We all know that many products are offered on DealShaker at unrealistic prices. Correctly, I would call that usury. Other products were sold, but never delivered. An example of many: Kralev Cars Ltd. from Bulgaria.
Other distributors expressly point out that the purchased products will not be delivered until a public exchange is possible. And who compares prices, very quickly finds that you can buy the same products offered on DealShaker elsewhere on the Internet much cheaper.
To put it this way: Ruja merely invented the DealShaker to suggest that anyone with their miracle currency, OneCoin, can actually buy products or services.
The DealShaker attracts many scammers. It reminds me of eBay 10 or 20 years ago, when there were also many scammers active. Also, if I buy something on eBay or Amazon, etc., it will be delivered to my home. On DealShaker it says far too often: “self-organized shipping“. This is unattractive for every buyer.
Another problem is taxes, especially VAT. Most car dealers point out in their conditions that the VAT is not included in the price. In Germany I have to pay 19% additional VAT, in addition to the purchase price.
Of course, all merchants who demand a so-called “processing fee” in their terms are also dubious. Of course in Euro, not in ONE! This fee will not be refunded if the deal does not close:
My conclusion: Only the OneCoin idiots need to buy on DealShaker because they can not use their worthless OneCoins otherwise. Also, nobody reads this sentence on DealShaker, which was printed very small and is therefore often overlooked:
Dear Oz,
Thank you for your praise. You make me embarrassed and I’m quite red in the face.
I am very proud and grateful to write in your excellent blog. Hopefully, all readers will be able to read and understand my comments without any problem, because the English language is a major obstacle for me.
The Onecoin idiots use the slogan:
“Together for more.”
In the future the slogan will be:
“Together for more years in prison.”
Our slogan should therefore be:
“Together for more truth!”
This garbage is currently being distributed on Facebook. I found it on the account of OneCoin scammer Giorgio Troiano from Italy. (Translated by Google.)
Even the OneCoin scammer Giorgio Troiano still believes in the “visions” of Ruja and publishes pictures of her like this one:
The New York Times writes about the current home of Konstantin Ignatov:
If I am properly informed, terrorists are being detained in Guantánamo Bay. Does that also apply to financial terrorists?
Looks much more comfortable, lots of fresh air and sunshine – what more could you want?
Easter is coming soon – and Dariga Tulepova from Russia is dreaming of a new price for the OneCoin. At least 50 euros – maximum 100 euros?
Right next to the golden Easter eggs, Dariga Tulepova also spreads the garbage of Martin Mayer in Russian.
Supplement to comment #226
The garbage of Martin Mayer is also distributed on this website in English:
However, the operator of the website mahalvan.com does not mention the name of the brainless idiot Martin Mayer from Vaduz in Liechtenstein as the author!
Here is a recent webinar by OneCoin scammer Mark Nishiyama:
Features some very wild claims, that I don’t think the current head Veselina Valkova likes, especially now when FBI is watching their every move.
For example: You can get 30 EUR worth of purchasing power for just 4 cents by bying a package (16:30). Nishiyama bought a house with 180 EUR – “that’s insanely cheap, ok” (19:40).
OneCoin members have the best purchasing power in the world per capita – many times more than citizens of the world’s richest country Qatar (20:00).
He clearly implies that OneCoin is a easy way to get rich, playing only minor lip service to the education ruse.
On new DealShaker in the recent Vietnam expo, he says:
How impressive! As I’ve said before, OneCoin embodies the slavic approach to management: “Nothing works but everything can be arranged”.
However, Mr. Nishiyama’s DealShaker coin account was showing incorrect minus saldo, but Mr. Duncan Arthur said that it was just a glitch, it will be soon fixed (3:45). OneCoin blockchain is apparentely so powerful that it can suck some of your coins into the void.
OneCoin really is the Soviet Union of MLM cryptoscams. Like Soviet Union, it’s tragic how long such a massive and inept scam could sustain itself.
Published on March 10, 2019 on Facebook:
The woman who spreads this crap is called Emerita “Emy” Kaufmann, born in the Philippines, but now lives and cheats in Germany.
The OneCoin millionaire Maqsood Elahi from Pakistan wrote yesterday:
Is someone interested? Then you should contact this bearded man:
Such and similar “offers” I find on Facebook every day. Very often the sellers come from Pakistan.
Konstantin Ignatov is also completely innocent in prison!
The sensation is perfect! 3.5 million OneCoin idiots cheer and celebrate the announced event:
The inventor of this fantastic message is Noor Ali Shah from Dubai:
Question to Noor Ali Shah: When is the year called concrete? This information is inaccurate and incomplete!
Please delete comment #234. My deletion obviously did not work. Sorry!
No it worked :D. Sometimes when people edit comments they get dumped in my admin trash.
It also sometimes happens when someone edits the comment (both or just the old comment will go to trash).
I don’t know the intention of the commenter so I take them out of trash when I see them (or delete if there’s another similar comment made).
If I take the comment out of trash before the edit is made, then two comments will appear till I see and nuke one.
The next desperate attempt to sell large quantities of OneCoins on Facebook. Also this seller – Ayaan Sheikh – lives in Pakistan:
The provider in the picture. I will not call him a seller because he will not be able to sell anything.
Nobody really knows today what will happen on April 17th. But, a OneCoin cheater from Pakistan knows it well and announces it on YouTube!
The visage of the Pakistanis with the strange name “Earning box” we should also remember well:
When will Mr. Earning box tell us where Ruja is currently hiding?
Even the OneCoin scammer Satendra Saini spreads the rumor with the opening of the OneCoin Exchange on April 7:
How does Konstantin start the exchange from the prison in New York? With his smartphone? Or by thought transmission?
The next video, now from India:
Why is not this sensation discussed by Igor Krnic? Did not Konstantin inform him in time? The supporters of Igor Krnic would probably promote him to CryptoKing. With OneCoin crown!
This happens when someone lures 50 people into the OneCoin scam. And if the same person today believes the cheater Satendra Saini that a new era of OneCoin fraud will start tomorrow:
On March 29, 2019, Mr. Make Money Online uploaded this video:
The video shows, among others, Konstantin Ignatov while allegedly signing a contract of sale. Not mentioned is the fact that Konstantin was already in detention for three weeks on March 29th.
What can OneCoin scammers earn? In this video titled…
…it was shown:
The following screenshot shows supposedly earned commissions from real OneCoin accounts:
What does that mean in reality? I dare the following prognosis: If you live economically and do not buy a new Rolls Royce or Maybach every month, you will never have to work in your life! That’s probably why OneCoin cheater Martin Ficza uploaded the last video for the OneCoin scam in July 2016. He lives now on the interest of his fortune?
Speaker in this video is the OneCoin scammer Gerald Schwab from Austria.
Even the fraud portal kryptowaehrung-nummer-eins.com is no longer online:
In the web archive I found the old imprint:
Since the Internet does not forget anything, here is a photo of the OneCoin scammer Martin J. Ficza:
Today, Martin J. Ficza wears his hair much longer and looks very unkempt. Is this the current look of OneCoin millionaires?
Who deletes his traces to the cheating with OneCoin, should really delete everything and forget nothing like this here:
Also Gerald Schwab from Austria has deleted almost everything to the OneCoin fraud on his Facebook account. But this illustration is still available:
Since the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov many comments on Facebook, even in Facebook groups, are no longer readable by anyone. This also applies to posts that have just been written. This window will be displayed regularly:
That was absolutely unusual in the past!
Booker T Washingtons from Zanzibar asks on Facebook:
@Booker T Washingtons
This is not a good idea and you will make a bad deal! The self-appointed “Cryptoqueen” Ruja Ignatova has been claiming for many years:
Here is the proof:
Unfortunately, nobody can predict exactly when Ruja successfully killed the BitCoin. It may take another 10 or 20 or 30 years …
Two comments from YouTube. Can anyone confirm that OneCoin members are no longer able to log in? Or is this an isolated case?
Chef Edz wrote:
Derek McCallum replied:
Quote from a video of “Inspiring Nation“:
The title sounds familiar to me:
The next OneCoin millionaire who wants to sell his Bulgarian Coin scrap:
I do not understand why Asri Ismail wants to sell now. Did not he read that the OneCoin Exchange is being opened today?
Even in Sweden there are idiots who still believe that OneCoin is not a scam. One of them is called Oskar Arnorsson and writes this nonsense on YouTube:
Who is Jack Fresco? Do you have to know that? Was he a Nobel Prize winner? Or did he write a book nobody reads?
And that’s the therapist Oskar Arnorsson from Sweden, who wrote this crap:
I think Arnarsson means Jacque Fresco.
Looking at Arnarssons profile, he is from Iceland living in Sweden. His Facebook wall mainly contains alt-right “truths” and rants about parts of society that are out to get him, health care, courts of law, micro waves from mobile phones and so on.
The 7th of April is over. Where can I find the OneCoin Exchange?
OneCoin cheater Asad Kibreya (Blue Diamond, GLG IC member, DS Franchise Uganda, Congo, DR Congo, Sri Lanka) consoled all disappointed OneCoin idiots in a very long statement. Nobody has to worry, everything is in perfect order! Part quote:
“January 2019?”
When will the secret be revealed where the exchange is located?
For this photo, the investigating prosecutors could be interested in the future!
For four weeks, life for the arrested Konstantin Ignatov is terrible. But Konstantin does not lose heart and does brilliant business in the US as well? With a little humor, it probably lives easier:
Funny is also this comment:
Less funny is this video:
In this video Krypto Brohi deals with the article of capital.bg with the title:
Wow! Today’s newsletter is even more exciting and interesting than the last!
Another car dealer that does not exist anymore:
OneCoin idiot Georgi Georgiev from Great Britain wants to buy a car. A van.
Strange. Why is Georgi Georgiev looking for a dealer on Facebook? I would look for DealShaker. A portal with 1,000,000 merchants and 10 million members! Criminal Ruja Ignatova and criminal Sebastian Greenwood announced this years ago. Here is the proof:
The current figures show the brutal reality.
– Old DealShaker: 97,826 registered businesses
– New DealShaker: 2,868 stores and 36,519 merchants
share-your-photo.com/8420e201aa + share-your-photo.com/6bc68dad5a
Please note: Anyone who once offered used toilet paper on DealShaker in their entire life had to register and was counted as a “registered business”. Most merchants displayed in the statistics are no longer active today. They once offered something, some were scammers or people who tried to sell something on DealShaker. But there are also merchants who are registered but have never sold anything. These too are of course included in the statistics.
Here’s an example: 500 coupons were available, but in 21 months not a single coupon was sold.
I’m really embarrassed, but I have to announce another SENSATION! For years the OneCoin Blockchain was searched in vain, but a member of the OneCoin cult has found the Blockchain!
Muhammad Akash asked:
Inspiring Nation responded spontaneously:
I have checked this immediately and can confirm that the website actually exists! Here is the proof:
Unfortunately, no photos of the blockchain are published on the website. I can understand that because Ruja has to protect herself from copying her precious Blockchain. But an auditor checks Ruja’s Blockchain every month. To see if the exorbitantly expensive machine is still healthy and fully capable!
Ruja has published the so-called “Audit Reports” in the past. Here is a link to download:
That these audit reports were forged can be recognized by the fact that the stamp and the signature are always absolutely identical. A typical copy and paste!
Konstantin should submit the last, current “Audit Report” to the American judicial authorities. Then he can celebrate Easter in his homeland again.
This tip is free as I am a socially minded person.
I don’t know if this is a good source, but found this minutes ago…
Looks legit at a glance (other sources).
I’ll be back in office in about an hour to confirm.
It’s a bit odd, because One Concept Pte. Ltd. shows up as an interior decoration company with seemingly no ties to OneCoin, but it has been on the Singapore watch list along with OneCoin. Is this perhaps a money laundering company?
The problem with the so-called “CoinSafe” is still not solved. Since May 2018, the OneCoin idiots have been complaining that their worthless OneCoins have disappeared.
And of course the OneCoin scammer Satendra Saini does not answer this question:
If that’s the Google search company you’re referring to, I don’t think that’s OneCoin’s One Concept Pte Ltd.
Not sure if that means two entities with the same name or offshore incorporation.
Your guess should be correct. Here is the imprint of oneconcept.com.sg:
Today I sent an email to this “company”. The result:
Wow, you can even recognize her royal ugliness in that picture, as it’s not that easy any more today, but I pray prosecutors will still be able to find her (can’t change your DNA or EGO though ;-])
OneCoin cheater Ayaan Sheikh from Pakistan panics.
On Facebook, he currently offers 16 worthless OneCoin accounts for sale:
The OneCoin scammer Harry K Tripp from Australia announces on Facebook:
Anyone who doubts or disagrees with this can not answer this nonsense:
Here is a photo of the notorious liar and cheater Harry K Tripp:
Many OneCoin idiots believe or hope they can buy a car on DealShaker. It does not surprise me therefore that always new offerers appear, which suggest that.
Yesterday I found this advertisement on NewDealShaker:
Clicking on the links again brought this disappointing result:
CEO of Carmanama GmbH is Alexander Rief:
I then asked Alexander Rief by email, why I can not see the page. This was his answer:
@ Alexander Rief
I wanted to become a member of your discussion group! When I search a store in the DealShaker, I use the search function!
This again is a typical misleading of consumers. But DealShaker is not about consumers, it’s about idiots.
They accept any crap and are completely uncritical. Because they hope to buy something for their worthless OneCoins.
Ezekeri Kaddu from Uganda dreams:
In November 2018, this idiot from Uganda was still raving about the Bulgarian miracle currency:
Anyone who has watched at school should know that every currency in the world is subject to fluctuations. Strange, very strange, that only the OneCoin only rises in price, but never falls. Obviously, only someone with an IQ of 200 or higher can understand this.
@Ezekeri Kaddu
I have to correct you. Nobody invested in OneCoin! You have bought worthless education packages for a lot of money. That’s all. Years ago Ruja explicitly forbade to speak of “investments”. Your tokens were a gift. A worthless gift. Did you finally understand that?
Under the title…
…the OneCoin scammer Peter Walsh again spreads rumors instead of facts!
This is only a partial quote. At the end of the commentary it is mentioned that this is a speculation.
Obviously, this nonsense originated in Vietnam and was translated into English. Then the author should not declare such scripts as “NEWS” of OneLife / OneCoin.
One of the worst scammers in the criminal network of Ruja and Konstantin, Muhammad Adeel, has made two of his lies on Facebook invisible. I wanted to read his answers, but they remain invisible.
Of course, Muhammad Adeel did not answer the question of Khan Gee at the bottom:
A description of the criminal activities of Muhammad Adeel follows.
I believe the biggest scammers of Onecoin are all into new scams allready doing the same allover.
The 3 Steink.brothers, Igor and his Dutch puppet gang such as his brother in law, Udo CD, the Islambrothers, Kari Megalomaniac, StaffanL, SimonL, AntonFed,KentKruus etc.
The list goes on and on it’s only waiting till the last leave the ship of which the last big one is JoseG.who started to clean up his profiles little by little. It’s not going to take anymore longer.
The OneCoin scammers from Austria currently remind:
The OneCoin scammer Peter Walsh has again published an extremely long comment on Facebook:
Again a lot of hot air, a lot of wishful thinking, but no facts! I had to split the comment into two screenshots:
share-your-photo.com/c1f4bdb125 +
What drugs does Peter Walsh take when he believes that there will be a OneCoin Exchange at some point in his life?
One of the biggest crooks in the criminal network of Ruja and Konstantin is known to be Muhammad Adeel. For two months, Muhammad Adeel has been operating on various platforms that do not contain his name. His Facebook account…
…is no longer attainable for me. Now Muhammad Adeel is lying and cheating on:
This new Facebook account is absolutely superfluous because it only shows what you can supposedly buy with OneCoins on DealShaker! Land, houses, cars, gold bars, jewelry, watches, etc.
Just as superfluous is Muhammad Adeel’s new YouTube channel where the same lies are spread:
There, the greasy OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel actually claims:
The phone number on this blog comes from Pakistan. An imprint is of course not available, as usual with swindlers. Only “Mr. Noman” is named. This “Mr. Noman” has run this blog in the past, which has since been deleted:
At instagram.com/bitcoinwaspastonecoinisfuture the fraudster Muhammad Adeel does not spread lies yet. There is yawning emptiness.
In this video with OneCoin scammers Muhammed Adeel and Nouman Rasheed, another Facebook account is mentioned:
This Facebook account does not exist anymore.
The other YouTube channel of Muhammad Adeel titled “CashLess Revolution” still exists.
PS: Since June 2017, a public Facebook group with the same name exists:
PPS: On Facebook there is another account of the OneCoin scammer Muhammad Adeel:
Even Denis Murdock is a mindless idiot! He could be a brother of Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”)!
Personal data in the attached screenshot.
Source: CryptoXpose in the forum by Igor Krnic.
Wasn’t Murdoch based in the US? Vietnam, lol.
This is the same rehash script we see every time a major scam admin is busted.
“How can the world’s most trusted admin have scammed anyone?”
“I met the guy, no way they did what they did!” etc. etc.
Konstantin will plead not guilty. The case will progress to trial. He’ll eventually have that “oh shit” moment and then plead guilty. That’s what’s happened with all the major MLM scam cases.
Unfortunately during all of that we’ll have to sit through years of false hopes from OneCoin investors.
Come on folks, you don’t understand what is going to happen on April 26.
All Jeffrey Lichtman has to do is show up and demand the judge drop all the charges. The US Attorneys will be cowering in fear at his presence and realize their “fake evidence” will not stand up in court, the Judge will agree with Jeffrey and drop all charges against Konstantin and declare OC is a legitimate company.
This is noting more than a witch hunt and hasn’t a prayer of succeeding to trial. Honest Injun, cough, cough.
Denis R Murdock has made a remarkable (criminal?) career!
Konstantin is only “Global Manager”, Murdock is PRESIDENT!
For the next fraud event in Osaka on 20 and 21 April 2019 Denis Murdock is also announced as a spokesman. There he is not a PRESIDENT but only a “Digital Marketing Consultant”.
Do not the OneCoin idiots in Osaka know that Konstantin personally promoted him to PRESIDENT?!?!
@Melanie, that “president” refers to DealShaker USA franchise which they tried to open. But it ended up Konstantin being arrested.
Murdock has an IQ of about 60. He’s currently the biggest OneCoin related name in USA. I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI/DOJ comes after him soon.
Pfft Murdock? #notmypresident
Didn’t Melanie say he was hiding out in Vietnam yesterday but?
Denis Murdock spent some time in Asia. There are numerous photos of this. In Asia he is celebrated as if he gives away real money every day. Here’s an example:
The 57 idiotic comments after this announcement can be seen here:
The owner of the Facebook account “The Future Of Digital Coins” is a notorious liar and cheater. One proof of many is his fraud portal w.w.w.FeelingBrilliant.com. The name of this cheater is not mentioned anywhere, not even on his YouTube channel. He will know why he keeps his name secret.
Denis Murdock in Bangkok. PRESIDENT, VIP or just an old, stupid man?
The “PRESIDENT” Denis Murdock and two of his fraudulent “MINISTERS” in Vietnam: Roberto Virgili (left) and Simon Le (right):
The guy behind the “The Future Of Digital Coins” and “FeelingBrilliant” website and Youtube channel, name is most likely Roger Payne.
His wife Rosemary Payne is brodcasting the webinars on her Facebook page which these clowns keep every tuesday evening, always talking about the same things and waiting for the exchange..
Here’s the Youtube channel for the webinars Roger Payne is hosting:
IMAs usully only use their first name in this webinar.
Some of the less known names and more or less regulars on Roger Payne’s tuesday evening webinars are:
Dave Holloway (UK)
Morten Bjørge (Norway, OneDealer Norway)
Mike Lamb (France)
Rebecca Kent (Vanuatu)
Damien Barnes (Australia)
Andrew Squillari (Australia)
Guy New (Australia, Ninja Property Solutions)
Bruce Evens (Australia)
Michael Yeo (Australia)
Allison Castellarin (Italy)
Nick Nile/Nyle ?
Many Thanks. I had already read the name Rosemary Payne, but ignored it. My mistake.
Do you need a new car? I found a fantastic offer for you. A Lamborgini (without “h”)!
Obviously a Spanish custom made only for OneCoin idiots?
Only 10% ONECOIN? In addition to the regular purchase price?
What else is interesting? Oh yes, as Konstantin is currently a political prisoner of the United States, Ruja will return to her desk in Sofia:
Why Urdu and Hindi? I do not understand these languages. Since Ruja also lived and cheated in Germany (Gußwerk Waltenhofen), I demand that she announce the opening of XcoinX in German as well!
PS: Excuse me! I can see now that the Spanish car dealer DB Custom Garage currently no longer offers cars. He allegedly sold three cars successfully. Now he is on holiday for a year and will sell three more cars next year? This is only possible with OneCoins, but not with real currencies. Should we also buy some educational packages?
Nine OneCoin fraudsters from Austria have founded a new group. Head of the gang is René Harb.
The other members are:
Manfred Klampfer – Gerald Perchtaler – Wolfgang Grein – Gerhard Hofer – Alfred Tschuggmall – Alexander Rief – Stephan Gruber – Stefan Wetzelberger
Igor Krnic again threatened to block members of his lie forum. We should remind Igor that he visited the arrested Konstantin Ignatov with some OneCoin scammers from Serbia and Croatia. He has not distanced himself from the scam with OneCoin / OneLife!
Here, eight scammers pose together:
Half a year later, this photo was taken. The same faces, only Konstantin Ignatov is missing:
Today’s newsletter is here. It does not contain NEWS, no, last week’s soup was just warmed up and is now served as “fresh”:
Good chance the likes of Flatrate, Trueadvocate etc are also in this picture.
Don’t understand why CryptoXpose lets himself be trolled for, eehm, 70 pages already. A Troll takes a diametrically opposed position to whomever he is trolling, even if that is not his true belief. It is just to annoy someone, make him spend time replying and gathering evidence, moving goalposts. In short, great success for Flathead.
Remember ye ol’ usenet truth: Don’t feed the trolls!
Just ignore them completely and you take their fun away.
What an ill-informed fantasy. The Onecoin gang of crooks takes in $3.7 billion and someone thinks that represents any more than a grain of sand on the 20 TRILLION dollar beach of the US economy?
Wow! I’m excited! A real “special price”, but only on DealShaker.
At the German manufacturer and supplier DEGUSSA, which really delivers real gold, the same gold bar (1 KG) costs only 37,097 euros.
That is a – very small – difference of 10,961 euros.
Who collects the difference sum? Duncan Arthur? Or Muhammad Adeel? Since this ad is shown on the YouTube channel of Muhammad Adeel, that would be obvious. Of course, the gold price varies, but not more than 10,000 euros within 14 days.
The story sold to “investors” is that the Onecoin will replace central banks. I’m sure that’s what is referred to here that the U.S. dollar will lose its value etc.
(BS nevertheless)
Yeah but it was 100% OneCoins so it doesn’t matter. We’ve heard it many times already that it doesn’t matter if the goods in Dealshaker cost more than they should by the official exchange rate of the OneCoin because everyone has gotten the coins for so cheap.
Also: the OneCoin blockchain simulator is now at block number 1,255,726.
50,000 coins per block means that 62,786,300,000 OneCoins have been “mined” so far.
Apply to this the company official coin price 29.85 EUR / ONE and you’ll have a “market cap” of 1,874,171,055,000 euros – 2,118,347,431,000 USD!
Not 3.7 billion – 2.1 THOUSAND billions!
(This is what the donkeys believe.)
Supplement to comment #289
GOLD STAR GERMANY is a typical fake shop. It exists since February 22, 2019, but has never delivered anything. I quote some comments from the page:
Questions in the shop will not be answered, eMails will not be answered. I will buy my gold bars in the future in this highly reputable shop! For excellent service, I like to pay 10,000 euros more.
Attention, watch out! Ruja needs your help!
Agreed? Ruja had a lot of criminal dreams and the buyers of her worthless education packages now have to make sure that Ruja’s dreams can be realized? Each IMA is urged to urgently acquire new merchants for the DealShaker. I read that every day on Facebook.
Quote from the video:
Keyword Canada:
The DealShaker Expo in Vancouver, Canada, in November 2018 was a complete failure.
The Facebook accounts DealShaker Canada and Canada DealSharker (with “r”) are as good as dead:
The operators of the Facebook account DealShaker Canada do not look like real Canadians. Their names are Hao Pham & Thuy Do. Obviously, they are from Malaysia, because it’s called a phone number from that country.
Unfortunately, further screenshots are not possible. Obviously, the photos were provided with a copy protection, which prevents the upload.
The bankrupt series scammer Geri Savini works with fake data. His contact details on Facebook:
His domain raum-architektur.at no longer exists. So no more emails will be sent:
But for a meeting with the crooks Konstantin Ignatov and Duncan Arthur, his money was obviously enough:
The contact details on raum-architektur.at were also incomplete and incorrect. As the seat of his bankrupt company Geri Savini gave Andorra, but the phone number comes from Switzerland. Here is a screenshot from January 2018:
Who would buy land, houses or apartments from this criminal guy? In Europe, he will no longer find any customers he can cheat. That’s probably why he fled to Paraguay.
Another scam Geri Savini also applies on Facebook:
Who or what is Digex.Market? Of course, a scam, too. Again supposedly a cryptocurrency, which is covered with 80% by gold:
Who now full of joyful expectation calls the fraud portal digex.at, learns what?
Fantastic! Also very funny: A domain at wix.com is free! Geri Savini has no money for a regular domain at a paid hoster. Where did he hide all the gold?
Complement to my comment #289:
On NewDealShaker is currently read:
Now that’s funny!
How come it is verboten to sell precious metals with the “Future of payments”? I mean – there shouldn’t be anything the OneCoins could not be used for, isn’t OneCoin supposed to be the global reserve currency of the future?
Will not DealShaker control who opens which store? Here is an alleged gold trader from HongKong:
After the arrest of Konstantin, I asked this merchant via e-mail if he would continue to supply gold.
Here is his answer:
New appointments for cheating events in Germany with the OneCoin fraudster Christian Schwanke:
His contact details (for the investigating prosecutors!):
His visage:
Here together with the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) from Vaduz in Liechtenstein:
On the website erfolgreichsein.jetzt by the OneCoin scammer Christian Schwanke one learns details. Interesting: One of the two fraud events on 4 May 2019 in Berlin is a “closed event”:
Could it be that “MISS ONELIFE” (right) is a fake by the oneCoin scammer Cristi Calina from Romania?
This was discovered by journalist Nickolay Stoyanov, who wrote excellent articles on the OneCoin scam on the portal capital.bg.
Which of these three top-ranked OneCoin scammers will actually be present at the scam event in Barcelona?
Simon Le will come, but I have legitimate doubts about Jose Gordo and Habib Zahid. Let’s wait and see!
So what happened with Miss Onelife?
There is a lavish website for it but no winner announced.
Ruja won?
I recognize a clear tactic of the OneCoin cheater Cristi Calina and Ernest Hadrian Böhm. With pretty women you can lure new victims into the OneCoin scam. And earn a lot of money.
In addition, this action distracts from the arrest of Konstantin. Notice the date!
Is there actually any indication what Konstantin’s legal strategy will be? Is it even certain that he will fight the charge(s) and not opt for a plea bargain / co-operation?
I think it’s strange that, as far as I can tell, neihter “the Company” nor Konstantin’s lawyer has issued out any statements disputing the culpability of Ignatovs or the veracity of the DoJ claims.
It might be due to uncertainty and lack of communication on what will Konstantin do. He might end up ratting everyone, inlcuding his family, to save his own arse.
Complement to my comment #283
Here’s the next proof that no one on DealShaker can buy a car and pay with OneCoins. Also no Lamborg(h)ini, with or without “h”.
The facts.
The contact form on dbcustomgarage.es/en/contact does not work. I have tried several times. The entire website contains bugs and looks very unprofessional.
Afterwards, I requested by email from DRAGAN MESELDZIJA, owner and CEO, how I can buy two cars from him and pay with OneCoin.
Here is his answer:
Little professional is also the link of this dubious car dealer in the NewDealShaker. The search for “dbcustomgarage” leads to no result. Does he not want to be found?
There will be no announcement until after his hearing on the 26th. The charge will be read against him, unless the DOJ adds charges to the initial charge he was arrested for, and then the Judge will ask how he pleads, guilty or not guilty.
If not guilty then the Judge will decide if the US has provided enough proof to justify a trial. If the Judge agrees, then a trial date will be set. Then if there is any plea deal to be made, this is when it will begin.
Otherwise he will go to trial if he does not plea deal or no deal can be reached.
I fully expect him to enter an initial plea of “not guilty.” Then it is anyone’s guess what happens next. Personally I think he is going to be charged with more crimes than just this one charge.
For what it’s worth, here’s my prediction:
Konstantin will plead not guilty. This will result in a barrage of “see, totally innocent!” rubbish from OneCoin investors – which we’ll probably have to endure for a few years.
Then at the eleventh hour Konstantin will take a plea deal and go to prison. That’s typically what happens (Zeek Rewards, TelexFree).
Unknowns are the scope of the DOJ’s investigation into OneCoin, subsequent indictments and apprehension of Ruja Ignatova. These factors could have a big impact on how this plays out (and over what period of time).
We also might see some interesting developments on the securities front. The SEC might judge filing its own case to be not worth the hassle, but we could see some cooperation between EU regulators.
That’d be a first, both in terms of the SEC working openly with foreign regulators (as far as MLM regulation goes), and EU regulators getting off their arses and working toward fund recovery.
Personally I’m more looking forward to information in filings over Konstantin’s not guilty plea.
Could Konstantin reduce his own punishment by revealing where his criminal sister Ruja is hiding?
Unless the DOJ was talking about someone else I think they know where she’s hiding (mentioned something about a country with no extradition agreement).
Here is a bank account in Korea called:
Published on the Facebook account Sobin Onelife Cambodia:
What this means in detail, I can not explain unfortunately.
No doubt that the official plea happens before the judge on 26th, but I suppose he or his representatives are not barred from commenting about the case before the hearing. (I remember a celebrity case where lawyers said before the hearing that plea deal is definately off the table but the defendant ended up taking plea deal after all.)
Oz’s speculation about what will happen makes sense but if Konstantin isn’t hesitating, why not signal his (at least initial) willingness to fight?
Now, many long weeks have gone past and nobody has thrown OneCoin investors the “see, completely innocent” bone in any clear form.
I don’t understand how this makes sense if they plan to continue the scam. The weeks long silence has created unnecessary suspicion and nervousness that “silence is acquiescence”.
He’s in prison. And criminal lawyers usually tell their clients to shutup.
This idiotic text could have come from the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”). In this case, the idiot comes from Korea and is called Nhoun Sopheak, who took over the crap from the notorious liar and cheater Satendra Saini:
Article in East London Advertiser.
Ex-council employees among those embroiled in alleged global scam:
From one scam to the next scam!
When will Frank Ricketts and the other criminal “top leader” in the OneCoin scam finally be arrested?
Interesting article with a lot of localized information for OneCoin investors in the UK.
My two primary takeaways were
Why are authorities in the UK/EU afraid of doing their jobs?
It seems all they do is file complaints away, maybe issue a public warning and that’s it.
Poland seems to have just opened the doors for victims of Onecoin to take legal action (if I’m reading this translation correctly):
SOURCE: szczecin.po.gov.pl/2019/04/informacja-o-mozliwosci-zglaszania-sie-osob-ktore-zostaly-pokrzywdzone-w-zwiazku-z-projektami-onelifeoneacademy-oraz-kryptowaluta-onecoin-prowadzonymi/#more-5372
Yeah, looks like they’re offering to go after OneCoin scammers on behalf of victims. They just need victims to speak up.
Swap my spartan living room for Konstantin’s cozy prison cell!
Source: nydailynews.com/news/money/bernard-madoff-new-home-metropolitan-correctional-center-prison-manhattan-article-1.371570
How many crooks, cheats, murderers, rapists and drug dealers have slept in these beds?
But it looks clean and tidy. We know: Konstantin has a lot of time to clean. 23 hours a day are enough. And as a tool he uses his toothbrush, which he cleans regularly in the toilet.
Again a OneCoin exchange! How many will be opened? It is getting boring and annoying.
I apologize, I have overlooked that another OneCoin Exchange will open in May!
I am completely confused and do not know what to believe. When does Ruja comment on this hot topic?
Six days and Konstantin will appear in court. Is it a public place anyone can go and watch? And film?
In Uganda, a radio station promotes OneCoin fraud. Always with it is the ominous “Bishop” Fred Ntabazi. A bishop should pray, not cheat!
The “bishop” and OneCoin fraudster Fred Ntabazi (right):
Another Facebook account of the fraudulent “bishop” Fred Ntabazi is “OneLight International Ministries“:
The OneCoin cheater and “bishop” Fred Ntabazi together with the now incarcerated Konstantin Ignatov:
Here is cited behindmlm.com, but the OneCoin scammer Muhammad Adeel does not respond!
Already knew? Konstantin is free again.
He was photographed on March 23, along with OneCoin scammers Johan Boiteux and Jean Laurent. He had to grow his beard in prison, of course there was no shaver or razor blades there:
Why does not the international press report anything about it? Important information should not be spread on Facebook!
It appears that beard is in fashion for all scammers who get arrested.
Dan Andersson in beard, arrested in Pakistan.
Duncan Arthur has put a pretty easter egg in the nest for the OneCoin idiots. Gorgeous! PayPal and New DealShaker – that’s over!
Is José Gordo the latest top “leader” to leave Onecoin?
He was supposed to be the big name at the Onecoin event in Lima Peru on April 20-21, but it seems like he didn’t show up.
I can also no longer see anything about Onecoin on his FB page.
@Patrik X
Some of us critics have noticed the same thing. But it could be Gordo is trying to keep lower profile because of the investigations.
He did release couple days ago a new video on his OneLife IMA Official YouTube channel, and the channel came back recently after showing no videos for a short while.
Gordo is rumored to control key OneLife bank accounts in South-America, Spain, UK, Greece and some other countries and directing the money to Panama.
Gordo may thus be one of the top Onecoin/OneLife people of interest for authorities. And he probably recognizes this.
Also several different sources tell that there’s practically a war between 2 biggest teams.
On one side is leaders like Jose Gordo, Mariana Lopez de Waard, Andy Cope, Dinos Bakalis, Mark Nishiyama.
On the other side is Habib Zahid, Simon Le, Muhammad Adeel, Cordel King James, Chinese&African leaders.
These 2 top level teams are according to information practically in war, accusing each others of many things including cross recruiting.
Of course to the outside everybody acts like one big happy family, but in reality it’s far from it. As less and less people join every month, the competition who still gets the diminishing MLM money is all the time getting harder.
Ruja has not been seen in public since October 2017. Is it just a coincidence that Jose Gordo founded a company in Panama on October 25, 2017? He is the director / president of MASTERMIND ENTERPRISES INC.
PayPal is indeed gone from New DealShaker. I just checked it.
This is the most “official” announcement I found so far – from Muhammed Adeel’s Telegram channel:
When trying to pay KYC with PayPal in NewDealShaker, this notice appears:
“The Paypal gateway is not enabled. If you want to make payment for KYC then please contact with Site admin.”
So it seems that the payment gateway on DealShaker was suddenly terminated by PayPal. Hard to believe they voluntarily chose to turn it off due to “limited usability” with less than a day of forewarning. In addition to yet another radical change to the terms of service (which is not updated to the official new DealShaker Terms of Service page as I write this). Well, they could have just said that Paypal went to maternity leave…
There was a DealShaker expo last weekend in Osaka, Japan. I wonder if they had any problems during the expo. Or that the termination is somehow related to it, for example that voluminous suspicious transactions made during the expo forced PayPal to react.
Duncan Arthur also knows that the OneCoin has no value. Anyone who wants to sell something on his DealShaker portal must pay with the currency EURO. Why does not he accept ONE?
Even within the OneCoin organization, every OneCoin scammer knows that the OneCoin has no real value. Proof: Tickets for fraud events held anywhere in the world must also be paid in euros.
New rules for OneLife IMA’s? Now it is obviously being demanded that the term “DealShaker” be required to distract from the fraud with OneLife?
Does anyone want to buy a car at onecars.eu? Unfortunately that is not possible! This car dealer from France (?) offers no more cars.
On NewDealShaker, this name is called: Juan Carlos Rivero Lopez. Is this man the CEO or owner? Obviously, because in the commercial register its role is stated as follows:
The “company” (OneCars OÜ) is not based in France, but in Tallinn (Estonia) and was founded with only 2,500 euros. At age 51, he should have a bigger fortune.
Juan Carlos Rivero-Lopez runs another website, also in French: digital-ebusiness.eu. Also on this page he calls an address in Tallinn (Estonia).
With a capital of 2,500 euros you can not operate a car trade. Probably also acts this ominous “dealer” only as a broker of cars, but not as a self-employed seller.
PS: The domain onecars.eu was registered on October 12, 2018 in France.
At the moment PayPal is back on NewDealShaker.
New DealShaker is now using Stripe as its payment gateway.
Is Stripe usability limited?
Why is linked to Singapore? The german language page of stripe.com can not be called:
Which cookies? I called the page for the first time today because I did not know it before.
Calculates stripe.com fees? I have been a PayPal customer for many years and have never had to pay any fees there.
As far as I understand receiving 3rd party payments is only supported in 32 countries via Stripe. This gets interesting.
So it looks like Stripe in marketplaces like DealShaker pays out to third party sellers only in these countries:
NewDealShaker’s biggest seller countries like China, Thailand, Vietnam, South-Korea are not supported pay out countries for sellers by Stripe.
How about Africa or South-America, not supported at all for receiving seller pay outs. How about Russia or Balkan countries, not supported.. So many countries even in Europe not supported for Stripe pay outs for sellers.
I wonder how DealShaker is gonna handle seller payouts for all the 164 or so countries not getting pay outs from Stripe.
OneCoin works in mysterious (and funny) ways. So it’s possible that they did indeed plan a payment gateway and Terms of Service change, but the way they implemented it is… um… galaxy brain soviet.
No sign about it Terms of Service page, though. It still talks about PayPal and weekly store packages. There was no hint about the DealShaker changes in this week’s newsletter either.
It seems that left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Might be due to those secret turf wars now that there is a power vacuum left by troubled Ignatov crime family.
Important news from Simon Le (Lê Simon Quốc-Hưng), the biggest OneCoin cheater from Vietnam:
Wonderful! If Konstantin personally claims that, it will of course be the truth. All doubts are completely unjustified.
Also interesting:
Vietnam is also lied to and cheated. Under a video with the known fraudsters Than OC (right) and Michael OC (left) I found this comment. Google translates it like this:
Does the criminal Ruja Ignatova again have a bank account?
No Melanie. How it works is, that you are asked to contact a regional IMA who has been appointed to handle money transfers.
The IMA provides you a bank account to which you make the payment.
Yes, I know Ruja’s dirty tactic with the 50 so-called “distributors” like Pascal-René Andre from Austria. On this topic fits what I have just discovered in Vietnam.
So, Đoàn Hữu Long lures Vietnamese into the OneCoin scam.
“From ridiculous 48,890 euros will be 13,538,049 euros”
OneCoin cheater Đoàn Hữu Long is one of 50 so-called “distributors” who collect money for Ruja and Konstantin because this “company” has no bank accounts. Here are his contact details:
Of course, this Vietnamese OneCoin cheater also has a face:
@Melanie, that gave me an idea, that we should create a list of these distributors. It would be very helpful for authorities.
To my knowledge there’s no such list anywhere yet.
Same thing here in Morocco the idiot cheater saying LEADER of ARAB Rajeb Said , in its videos promising good future of the company onelife,saying it’s a project of 10 years!!!
yes STUPID cheater, 10 years to collect money for MAFIA Ruja and Konstantin,,,, Besides, long time this Idiot was offline not responding in phone and in social media too…
others news said that the sleeping corruption Moroccan Investigators begain to move because a lots of innocents are victims of Rajeb said and his group of theives!!!
His FB…. facebook.com/said.rajeb0
Even the OneCoin idiots in Russia strongly believe that the project “ONE VILLAGE” will be realized by the scammer Igor Shusharin Petrovich:
Does the helicopter belong to it or do I have to buy the extra on Dealshaker?
By the way: As usual with most OneCoin scammers, the contact form does not work on the website tsn-onevillage.com/en/contacts/. And specific questions that are posted on Facebook, of course, never answered. Everything is just smoke and sound again. Much wind for nothing.
We will not find the most fraudulent sellers of GiftCodes. They act secretly under the radar of the investigating authorities. Even the OneCoin scammer Pascal-René Andre tries to blur his tracks on the Internet. But he will not succeed!
You know that Igor Krnic has removed in his “forum” the big banner for the “GiftCodeFactory” by Pascal-René Andre from Austria. Here is a screenshot from the recent past:
The question of why he made the deletion was not answered by Igor Krnic until today:
The serial fraudster Pascal-René Andre is now working on a dirty trick, because who calls the domain giftcodefactory.com, will be redirected to this website: giftcodeshop.eu.
Even on this scam portal you can buy “packages”, but they contain what today? Funny is the content of the so-called PLATINUM PACKAGE for 7,500 euros:
You will not find any terms and logos like OneCoin – OneLife – DealShaker – Tokens and so on throughout the entire website. But it will be really fun now.
We already know the imprint from the previous page giftcodefactory.com:
However, this ominous “company” Tessera from Georgia writes in their terms and conditions:
What do we learn from this? The mother tongue in Georgia is German!!!
But it is not the law of Germany, because the serial scammer Pascal-René Andre has his residence in Austria.
The visage of a sneaky rogue:
Central to the scam with OneCoin in Austria is the AFASM GmbH in Vienna. Also the domain giftcodeshop.eu is registered on this company:
Pascal-Rene André calls himself “GENERAL SALES MANAGER & MANAGEMENT TRAINER” in this company:
The AFASM GmbH operates still further web pages, which serve the fraud with OneCoin. Example: erfolgbefluegelt.com.
Also on this page are currently treacherous traces of OneCoin fraud eliminated:
Pablo Munoz is back!
Here he explains to OneCoin idiots worldwide why OneCoin is the best business opportunity of the century:
@Melanie from Germany
Wow what a rabbithole AFASM GmbH was. Lol
It took me here: theblockchain.trading
Some failed? Plastic waste mlm scam.
Sepco Industries Company Limited makes the technologies for them.
It took me here: orientum.io/plus
This ofc has its own reviews by Oz.
Again that site has the same “office adress”
And it took me here: EltronX LLC which gives alot of warnings on Google.
And now its all tied back again with: eltronxpay.com that AFASM GmbH has registred but not using.
I quote from a very long post, which was distributed on Facebook two days ago:
The source is the notorious liar and cheater Satendra Saini: satendrasaini.com/onecoin-price/
If you click on the link, you will experience a surprise:
Alternatively, Satendra Saini reports on his scam portal about how to make money with eBay. Fantastic! Can I pay now with ONE on eBay? Is eBay now more recommendable than DealShaker?
A new distributor? From Spain or from Bulgaria?
The website calls a phone number from Spain, but the terms of use states:
This address is not identical to that of onecoin.eu, the headquarters of the worldwide OneCoin scam.
Juan Carlos Rivero Lopez allegedly also sells real estate in France on the website onefrench-house.eu. Even the second sentence on this website contains a lie:
“40 years experience”? Juan Carlos Rivero Lopez is 51 years old. So he left school at the age of 11?
The domain onefrench-house.eu was registered on November 23, 2018. Also on this page Tallinn in Estonia is called as an address.
The offers on newdealshaker.com/store/OneFrench-House convince not. Who pays 973.375 euros for an apartment with 130 square meters, of which only one model exists? Also the other photos show only plans and models, no real houses or villas.
Also funny: who concludes a contract with this company submits to the law of Estonia:
Also strange: NewDealShaker mentions another name: CLAUDE CHASTAGNIERS.
In memory of!
When Denis Murdock of the United States calls the domain newdealshaker.com, he can only read this:
I personally tested it with the IP from Washington. But I can reach and call the older domain dealshaker.com with the same IP. In my eyes, that’s not logical.
Who lends me 27,530 euros very quickly?
New Zealand Intelligence report on Onecoin shared with Samoa. Samoa issues another warning.
Source: interest.co.nz/news/99380/central-bank-samoa-warns-hybrid-ponzi-pyramid-scheme-involving-cryptocurrency-onecoin
Love how a tiny island like Samoa can regulate Ponzi schemes, but NZ and AU be *crickets*.
btw, is it confirmed that Konsantin’s preliminary hearing was held today?
I’m not sure if it supposed to show here, but there is no “USA v. Ignatov” scheduled for this week;
Oz, see any updates on Pacer about Konstantin case?
I just woke up. Checked the docket and yes there’s an update. Putting an article together now.
Since January 30, 2019, the domain onelifemasterysummit.com exists. On this website I made an interesting discovery.
From 27 to 29 September 2019, an event will take place in Barcelona. The tickets cost between 150 and 1,200 euros.
Announced are five speakers. Two names are not known to me in connection with the OneCoin fraud:
The other three speakers are well known to us as evil OneCoin scammers in top ranks: Jose Gordo – Simon Le – Mariana Lopez de Waard
I am very surprised at how these three scammers are described. That they handle fraud with OneCoin / OneLife for years, is not mentioned in any word.
I’m also amazed that on the entire website…
…no terms or logos such as “OneCoin” – “OneLife” – “OneAcademy” – “DealShaker”, etc. are mentioned or shown. Only the abbreviation “ODT” is reminiscent of the “OneDreamTeam” of the fraudulent Steinkeller brothers, which has been taken over by Jose Gordo.
Are the OneCoin scammers mentioned here assuming that the criminal OneLife organization will no longer exist in September 2019?
The OMAR VILLALOBOS mentioned in my last comment is also a well-known OneCoin scammer. He operates in Latin America, Mexico etc.
The also mentioned by me GRANT CARDONE was already working for the OneCoin scam. Here with the relevant convicted criminal Tom McMurrain:
His YouTube channel contains 4,263 videos on a variety of topics, so he does not focus on cheating on OneCoin.
On its website cardonecapital.com GRANT CARDONE boasts among others:
With such sayings, he has managed to lure more than one million subscribers on YouTube.
Although Konstantin has been arrested, every week on Monday a boring and contentless newsletter was sent to the OneCoin believers. Not yesterday! Do not the cheats in Sofia have any new lies and fairy tales?
What’s up with Igor Krnic? I noticed that he has not written a single comment since April 13th. He allows such types as “flatrate”, “detroyer” and other members of his forum bad abuses, insults, etc.
His forum is no longer debated, but fought as if on a battlefield at the lowest level. Analogous one could argue also: OneCoin is without leadership, onecoin-debate.com also.
Incidentally, the OneCoin idiot, who calls himself “detroyer”, still dreams that someday the OneCoin exchange will be opened:
“Ruja and Konstantin”? Alright, I understand. Ruja Detroyer and Konstantin Detroyer will at some time in the future open something that looks like an exchange.
Jamal K. Ali Shah, self-proclaimed OneCoin’s top leader from Trinidad & Tobago, has deleted most of the comments on his Facebook account facebook.com/iamonelifeworld:
If a prosecutor should search for this OneCoin cheater, here are his contact details:
The Facebook account “I Am Onelife” was founded as a group and had at least 3,960 active members:
The brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) uploaded the last video to YouTube on April 18, 2019. In this video, he has announced that he will not report to a video until something important happens.
Allegedly, Denis Murdock now sells homes in the United States, payable at 70% in euros and 30% in ONE. I assume that this is a lie again, because at newdealshaker.com/dreambuilders Denis Murdock offers no products! His account on NewDealShaker contains only 16 photos with other OneCoin scammers.
Martin Mayer also mentions in this video that Simon Le from Vietnam spoke on April 12, 2019 about the exchange opening soon.
I have mentioned several times that Ruja should rename the OneCoin in ComingSoonCoin.
Complement to my comment #294
The bankrupt serial fraudster Geri Savini has uploaded a video of the idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) on YouTube on December 19, 2017. Since he forgot to disable the comment function under this video, critical comments could also be written there.
If the OneCoin scam was exciting in December 2017, what is it today?
Jose Gordo continues to erase his tracks to the OneCoin scam. A few days ago, this page was still available!
I archived Jose Gordo’s slideshare from Google cache, just for a memory.
No!!!!! One coin Top leader Konstantin Ignatov is arrested!!!!!
Absolutely typical of many OneCoin idiots worldwide. Also on Facebook appears more often the name Konstantin Ignatova.
Another idiot in a comment under this video refers to the self-proclaimed “Cryptoqueen” as Ruja ignotova:
Now I have a question. What does “fucking business” mean? In Germany we do not know this term.
Yesterday, the weekly newsletter arrived three days late. As always extremely informative and exciting:
I just quote a new lie:
Are there still idiots who want to pay 27,530 euros for Ruja’s so-called education package? Konstantin in prison, Ruja untraceable, and nobody knows who is continuing the fraud in Sofia right now. Any reputable company would publish who directs the company now.
Henrique Machado (“Blue Diamond”, GLG member) from Portugal appeals to the OneCoin idiots worldwide. Konstantin’s arrest is unimportant. The only important thing is that the OneCoin scam can be continued.
Serial fraudster Peter Walsh from UK writes today on Facebook:
Yesterday, however, this evil scammer named Peter Walsh has praised another scam:
What kind of a bad character does this person have? He has been lying and cheating for many years, but at the same time he acts as if he were warning against fraud.
I have already cited the notorious liar and cheater Satendra Saini, who predicted the price of OneCoin at 150 euros by the end of 2019. On his website satendrasaini.com this post no longer exists.
Now a similar nonsense is spread on Facebook, which should have its origin in Indonesia. I just quote the beginning of an even longer comment:
Does this daydreamer also know what the OneCoin will be worth in late 2020 if the OneCoin Exchange does not open?
If you want to read all the nonsense, you can do that here:
Does anyone know anything about Mehran Muslimi. In a Slovenian article an unnamed private detective says he is the man behind the scenes.
I haven’t heard the name before, but it seems he is connected to Unaico and Sitetalk. Any ideas?
Here is a short video with Mehran Muslimi:
A very interesting article appeared a few days ago about the also mentioned OneCoin scammer Andrej Bohinc:
If anyone wants to contact them about Muslimi, I am pretty sure the unnamed private detective in Slovenia is coming from this firm: detekta.si/cripto-coin/
Where both the journalist and the private detective got it wrong is about Andrej Bohinc being a major figure in OneCoin in Slovenia.
He was the weird guy at the entrance collecting the tickets together with his wife, while the brainwashing ceremonies in Slovenia were led by Goran Novaković (x SiteTalk), Rok Šincek and Andrej Novak.
I always thought that there must be someone above Ruja and Konstantin. Mafia, corrupt politicians and other scammers. I just never heard that name mentioned in connection with OC.
I wouldn’t call Andrej Bohinc a financial guru. At most he is a clown with followers in the MLM business. I don’t think any financial professionals give a crap about him.
Garden, I agree that the guys you mentioned are leaders in Slovenia. I am sure there is a few more.
Never heard about Muslimi or his alleged OneCoin connection.
But it’s possible that the former top SiteTalk goons are running things behind the scenes in OneCoin ever since the scams united.
See the message #127 in this thread in which I reference a not-meant-for-general-public video where OneCoin leader Tommi Vuorinen describes Jan-Eric Nyman as the person behind new DealShaker (not Duncan arthur, who might just be the mascot).
I don’t think that Nyman’s name either had been associated with OneCoin before that. Nyman resides in Spain, in the same South coast area (Malaga/Marbella) as Muslimi.
Nyman was very top figure in SiteTalk, even co-signed Financial report of Global Digital Services PLC with Frank Ricketts.(The most recent I can find from 2017: web.archive.org/web/20181225010748/http://gds-plc.com/downloads/GDS_LIMITED_Financial_Report%20 March_2017.pdf )
Frank Ricketts at some point was publicly at the very top in the OneCoin hierarchy. If I remember correctly, in his very last performance before disappering, Sebastian Greenwood named Ricketts as the new captain of OneCoin.
Will the planned scam event in Barcelona take place from 24 to 26 May? On the website onefrancophone.eu/evenements this is announced as an extraordinary event:
The website onestyleforlife.eu still sells tickets between 100 and 1,000 euros:
The speakers were Simon Le, Jose Gordo and Habib Zahid:
In September, another event should take place in Barcelona. See my comment #367.
My guess is that Grant Cardone isn’t aware that he’s scheduled to be onstage with professional thieves.
Going off memory here, but didn’t Cardone boot Tom McMurrain from his radio/video network for promoting OneCoin?
He’d have to be familiar with the company name.
In the spring of 2016, the following “sensation” was spread:
As we all know, that was an infamous lie!
So I was very surprised when I read what the serial cheater Peter Walsh wrote on Facebook on May 1st. There he links to a video that was released on August 2, 2018 on YouTube:
The OneCoin scammers like Peter Walsh are desperately searching the Internet for messages that may be positive or spreading lies and rumors. The very short video also contains only lies and rumors, but the 113 comments below are partly worth reading.
Jan-Eric Nyman is an MLM veteran in Sweden. He ran ACN in Sweden and Norway from around 2000 or so before SiteTalk. Why wouldn’t he pop up in the OneCoin world sooner or later?
In his video yesterday, the notorious liar and cheater Satendra Saini deals with a video by Stefan Persson entitled:
This video was already mentioned in the forum of Igor Krnic, so Satendra Saini discovered the topic.
Here the video in the original: youtube.com/watch?v=rt09YLdHNlw
Although Satendra Saini has taken another video, he boasts with this title:
PS: Does anyone know who this Stefan Persson is? I never read this name in the context of the OneCoin scam.
@Oz –
YES. Once he was made aware of McMurrain’s criminal record and 68 month stint in prison for ponzi fraud, his show, “The Coin Profit” was cancelled.
The Barcelona event, however, is a OneLife event with different scammers than were making headlines back then.
I called his office and left a message for his secretary one day or two prior to and without knowledge that Bullshit-For-Home and Nyuten would publish something on it.
Is it just me or is Ted Nyuten constantly hot/ cold, on again/ off again for Onecoin every other article?
I’m surprised Cardone’s camp appears to be quite about the matter, so far.
Thanks Melanie from Germany, i have read all 113 comments, pure fun!
If Nuyten reports too consistently on OneCoin he might lose that Igor money. Then who’s going to pay for his hair implants?
Islam brothers already on scam #3 since their Onecoin robberies?
Incredible! The pure madness! Ruja’s (nonexistent) blockchain was shown on TV a year ago!
I watched the 46-second video several times. First without glasses, then with glasses and then with a powerful magnifying glass. Obviously, I’m too old to recognize Ruja’s precious and valuable blockchain in this video:
If you want to know more details, you should ask the bankrupt series scammer Geri Savini, who put the video online. Of course he will never answer. Proof: The commentary by Wolfi Frei was not answered:
Where was this commercial for OneCoin fraud shown? On the screen I recognize the lettering “VIVI”. On the website vivi.tv the Japanese media group KODANSHA LTD. (kodansha.co.jp) named as owner. This group with 29 affiliated companies/organizations clearly advertises this way:
Only with news is no money earned in Japan. So obviously this was an ordered and paid advertisement.
I haven’t seen Stefan Persson around, but he seems to have written a proposition about some 10:1 split that would solve the problems and allow Onecoin to go public.
He claims to have gotten weak response from management and is pushing the idea in a FB group “Onecoin Onelife and Dealshaker Inspiration”. The reception is lukewarm…
I know the Facebook group Onecoin Onelife and Dealshaker Inspiration, but I can not reach them anymore (facebook.com/groups/1690284104328191):
If I search for the group on Facebook, it will not show me anymore:
You have been probably banned from the “Onecoin Onelife and Dealshaker Inspiration” group. But as it’s a public group, you can still read it. Just open the address in your browser Incognito/Private window.
There are a lot of people getting restless and angry in that group. And a few spewing out stuff like
Stefan Persson’s beef seems to be that the PowerPacks when sold diluted the coin by 90%. So his solution is that all coins except PowerPack coins should be split by 10:1. Powerpack coins would thus lose 90% in value.
That would bring down the total market cap of Onecoin by 90%, to what in his opinion would be a realistic number.
Anything that happens from here on in is simply rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic
It’s a scam, a fraud, a nonsense – as a viable cryptocurrency it exists only in the minds of those caught in its’ web.
Thank you for your very useful tip.
I did not know this variant yet. Would you like a kiss from me or 100 Euro?
Does anyone know this company? Google does not know them, but “Mr. Kay” can certainly explain that plausibly?
Isn’t this new info?
New advertisement from the OneCoin scammer Muhammad Adeel on Facebook, YouTube etc.
Only seven comments, but all are negative. An example:
Here is a concrete link:
Jose Gordo just announced that he will stop promoting OneCoin/OneLife.
link: t.co/Sjz2J4Ev4z
And now Bloomberg has also this story:
I think it’s a time for new BMLM article when Oz wakes up.
Class Action lawsuit against OneCoin and don’t forget Jose Gordo Black Diamond Master Distributor quitting.
If they were arrested in March and April it’s the first I’m hearing of it.
City of London Police really need to up their game in terms of communication.
Ah crap. Looks like it’s going to be a busy day for me.
Gordo seems to have cleaned his Facebook wall from everything One related. But it’s just a click away to see photos where he are tagged, for example standing next to Ruja.
Who is next one out, Lopez de Waard?
Yesterday evening, under the announcement of Jose Gordo, there were 112 comments. Now there are only 82 left.
I don’t know what’s really behind the Gordo’s announcement (his fraction lost inner turf war in OneCoin?, he is expecting Konstantin to co-operate with the Feds and snitch on him?, money stream finally ran dry even for the top pimps like him?, he just generally lost all hope in the scam due to ever-increasing troubles and incompetence?, all of the above? )
But despite message’s overall vagueness, it surely is an implicit exhortation for all the remaining IMAs to do the same — disassociate and stop promoting.
This is why the public nature of the announcement is interesting. He is basically soiling the nest while leaving it.
Can somebody who understand spanish translate what Jose Gordo is saying here.
Supposedly something regarding his OneCoin exit(?)
Two months have passed since the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov. Why did Jose Gordo wait so long? What information has caused him to stop promoting OneCoin fraud now? Does Jose Gordo know any facts that are not known to ordinary OneCoin IMA’s? We should not forget that Jose Gordo is Master Distributor. He is also a Black Diamond, GLG and IC member.
In this short video from April 12, 2019, the OneCoin asshole logo is still shown:
What scam will Jose Gordo train in the future?
Regarding Gordo, a message from “corporate” (from One Business facebook page):
Understandably, they didn’t like the public way he managed his departure. Suggesting inner tensions, it seems that he didn’t have working line of communication to “the corporate”(most likely: “iron lady”[Tommi Vuorinen’s description of] Veselina Valkova), or didn’t want to use it.
Public disassoiation could be part of his legal defense strategy.
Well Jose was yesterday with french top leader Julien Zerbini and there was a big logo ODT capital…
What stands out most when you listen to Jose Gordo his voice message is that he wants absolutely 100 % proof and documents that what they are doing with Onecoin and Onelife is legal to protect himself.
Shouldn’t that have been the basis at the start of his work in Onecoin to make sure what he was doing was not a lie ?
I see the same exist as the famous Igor, I didn’t know, I believed, they broke my trust, but I have found something better.
On his website byjosegordo.com, Jose Gordo still links to odtmasterysummit.com, where he will be announced as spokesman in September 2019 in Barcelona:
Also on his second Facebook account…
…his announcement was commented, but not very extensive.
His website onelifeima.com is still without content?
Google knows more:
The No-News-Letter from Monday. Lots of text, little content.
Considering every other individual associated with OneCoin has left with no public explanation, I concur.
If you look back, every single investor/executive that has left OneCoin has done so either without public comment or with some “I want to try new things” BS.
The only exception was Igor Alberts but even then he danced around it.
Here’s the translation of Jose Gordo’s message:
Nice article…
So it seems that the Gordo’s public announcement was indeed partly an attempt to mitigate legal exposures. Perhaps even to send a signal to SDNY that he is willing to co-operate if they happen to need another good snitch.
Gordo is pointing out (as I have done previously) how unbearable the situation is when “The Company” has not still issued out any official statement about the very damning allegations made against the company by arguably the world’s most authoritative prosecutor.
It appears he tried to milk it out several times but got stonewalled. It’s very stupid to continue ponzi pimping when “The Company” has not even bothered to indicate that they are willing to contest the allegations that are existential threat to the “project”.
And even if “The Company” is ready to put up a legal fight, they need guidance and information on what the ensuing legal limbo means for the members/company.
I think the uncertainty from lack of communication leads into a situation that all but ensures Snitch Olympics. A true life prisoner’s dilemma that plays in the hands of prosecutors.
Fantastic news from OneCoin scammer OneCoine OneLife (right):
I think Igor danced around and was attacking them (when he announced in his video he was leaving), because he needed to convince people as fast as possible to join his new Dagcoin scam, in which he succeeded largely.
If Jose doesn’t play snitch, that might become his next move. To ask for legal documents after scamming people for more than 4 Billion is a bit late I guess.
New video from OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel:
The series scammer Peter Walsh has again written a very long comment. As always, this infamous cheater attempts to positively portray OneCoin / OneLife. I just quote the beginning and the end of his comment:
It is true that OneCoin / OneLife is changing the lives of millions of people. Negatively changed, not positive!
Millions of people have lost a lot of money. Many people are in debt, borrowing from banks to buy worthless education packages. I hope that anyone who has supported this scam will be charged and convicted.
Published two hours ago by the OneCoin scammer OneCoine OneLife (right) on Facebook:
New video from OneCoin scammer Satendra Saini:
Has anyone heard about this planned event in London? Who should be the organizer?
The wait is finally over!
OneCoin cheater Cordel King Jayms is in solidarity with the arrested Konstantin Ignatov!
Read more here:
Funny is also this call to donate money to the scammers. Cordel King Jayms and Esther James also accept BitCoins!
The cheater on the right is already arrested. When will the scammer be arrested on the left?
The “Exchange platform weekly summary” seems almost like a joke. It’s impossible to distill any sense of meaning or progress out of the obscurantist and contextless word salad. Something like that would count as “a update in the process” only in world of Franz Kafka’s novels.
For example, these sentences mean absolutely nothing, I don’t think they are even well formed English senteces:
The next week’s update is going to be something like:
Encountered some difficulties stabilizing the hash rates of blockcain KYC section needed for the Cental Bank AML audit. Progress made in implementing The Blockchain 2.0 Merkle trees to DealShaker API vis-a-vis the Exhange escrow Compliance and Control review.
Successfully filled a lottery ticket with nonce numbers to raise operational funds for the IT team. Increased tolarance times in legal review approval assessment.
Now specific authorities regards allowance of provision of services in the state as now all your bases are belong to us.
OneCoin critic Petteri Järvinen from Finland writes in his blog, among others:
Below this post is a very interesting comment that exposes the core of OneCoin fraud:
(*) Meant is the OneCoin scammer Tommi Vuorinen from Finland:
OneCoin cheater Ayaan Sheikh from Pakistan is again trying to sell 93,713.73 worthless OneCoins:
RE: comment #435
The idiot scammer “King Jaymes” and his wife Esther have pulled in some $7000 on 4 transactions into that bitcoin wallet.
The morons have sent it directly to their Exchange account, so it appears, as the recipient address which they sent it to has received massive volumes.
Blockchain address history:
SEE OUTGOING ADDRESS RECIPIENT: blockchain.com/btc/address/16Bdh5reYUx2eywbZSeU2jfCrhy9Hddkgq
Perhaps @Otto or another techy can clarify or confirm my assumptions a bit more concisely?
This seems to indicate King Jaymes is holding crypto, most likely on Binance (judging by the large amount of BTC which has gone through the recipient wallet attached to the outgoing addresses for his $7K).
The implication is that an Authority can now subpoenas his account and see how much stolen money he’s HODL’ing there(!!!)
I need sometime who looks at and can interpret this with more authority than myself though.
The OneCoin idiots Vikki and Andrew Cotton from UK also firmly believe that OneCoin has a working blockchain:
@Melanie, it would be nice to know in which groups those posts are if someone would like to reply there.
The next attempt to make OneCoin more attractive – this time in Canada. OneCoin scammer OneCoine OneLife writes on Facebook:
Why are only the first names (Johnny and Shelly) called? Is this common in Canada? I only buy from dealers who give their full name!
“150 m²?” Madness! Walmart will tremble in front of this new competitor!
“194 members?” Probably they all live in Vancouver and will only shop at ONEMART?
One mart? Google the location and laugh.
I live 20 minutes drive from that location lol…will have to see if it in fact does open but by looking at what was there most recently its funny as hell… know this area well..odd location
That’s some inventive use of the English language from the Cotton couple.
“We are member know !!!
All hater don’t know nothing ok understand”
On March 11, 2019, the OneCoin idiot Jack.Candid wrote in the forum of Igor Krnic:
OneCoin scammer Victor Stavrev writes on Facebook:
Poor Konstantin! I have always believed that the United States is a democratic constitutional state. Am I wrong?
Three more comments from OneCoin scammer Victor Stavrev:
Really funny:
The notorious liar and cheater Mihail Petrovic comments on this photo as follows:
I only recognize cheaters in this photo, not future diamonds! I am not surprised, because crime is widespread in the countries of the Balkans (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, etc.). This not only applies to the inhabitants, but also to the politicians of these countries. Left to right:
Dusan Torbica – Rajko Vuković – unknown – Smiljana Simic – Branislav Ćurčić
Visually, Mihail Petrovic looks like a serious businessman, but he is a conscienceless cheater!
In this photo taken from the headquarters of the OneCoin scam in Sofia, Mihail Petrovic is no longer reputable:
Left to right: Mihail Petrovic – Nikola Adzija – Marinko Paric – Damir Topic – Zoran Stupar
The German MLM magazine netcoo.com wrote on December 28, 2015:
Left to right: Staffan Liback – Mihail Petrovic – Aaron Steinkeller
Typical brainwashing by OneCoin scammers like OneCoine OneLife:
The bankrupt series scammer Geri Savini has changed his first name!
He is currently called Mach Savini at
In Germany, Austria and Switzerland “Mach” is not a regular first name! If fraudsters have to change their own name so that they are no longer recognized by the search engines, they are at an end. GAME OVER!
Serial fraudster Peter Walsh is currently writing on Facebook:
There is no bad news for OneCoin! Ruja has always promised:
In addition to other nonsense Peter Walsh also writes:
Serial cheater Peter Walsh speaks of “investments” in OneCoin. That is forbidden! Ruja and Konstantin allegedly sell only worthless educational packages that consist of plagiarism. I do not comment on the rest of the crap, because each of our readers can recognize the lies themselves.
Hello, Melanie.
You don’t comment the nonsense Peter Walsh, let me write it more clearly:
the guy got shit in his brain!
A OneCoin cheater who calls himself One Business writes:
Bella Bella from Nigeria commented that quite soberly and without any enthusiasm:
A week ago Bella Bella was still dreaming:
On his website one-united-team.com the OneCoin scammer One Business does not advertise the OneCoin fraud, but writes:
Now we know something more. The OneCoin scammer with the pseudonym “One Business” is called Nikko and speaks Swedish. Since his website does not contain an imprint, his other data remain secret. Why?
Of course, Nikko from Sweden also has a face. Here it is:
here he is: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100019950180417
One of the most retarded Onecoin scammer I have talked to.
He is Naijko Paasman on FB. A “Swedish” serial scammer.
Thanks for the hint. On March 13, 2019, after the arrest of Konstantin, this cheater Naijko Paasman has updated his profile photo.
It can be seen that he is in solidarity with the fraudster Konstantin Ignatov and not ashamed to be present in a photo with him together:
facebook.com/profile.php?id=100019950180417 = Naijko Paasman
facebook.com/Onedistrib = One Business
Three OneCoin scammers are looking for 70 idiots willing to pay $ 100 for a DEALSHAKER MASTERMIND on May 18:
– KING JAYMS (Blue Diamond, proud GLG member)
– IMTIAZ MOHAMMED (DealShaker specialist)
– ERIC ALVAREZ (DealShaker bazaar co-ordinator)
Venue: Cunupia, a small town in Trinidad and Tobago.
Since March 26, 2019 the Facebook account facebook.com/Onecoin-Buy-and-Sell-304248396912108/ exists. Who operates the account is not known. The anonymous owner writes:
Does anyone want to buy worthless OneCoins there? No of course not. Everyone wants to sell their coin scrap, as this section shows:
Which lies does OneCoin scammer Julien Zerbini (“Blue Diamond”) spread in this video? Unfortunately, I do not understand the French language.
Елена Землянская (Elena Zemlyanskaya) quotes OneCoin cheater Raul Pazos Medina (“Diamond”):
Does anyone know the “Paradise Magazine” mentioned here?
The OneCoin cheats Raul Pazos Medina, Quini Amores and Mauricio Echeverry Blair start on 18 May, a new scam event in Cuenca (Ecuador):
Even if someone believes in a fraud, it remains a fraud! Believers should go to church and not cheat people.
Today already puked?
Author of these lines is the OneCoin scammer Raul Pazos Medina.
How can one still publicly expose such a meaningless nonsense like Raul Pazos Medina?
If he led such a ruined life BEFORE OneLive/OneCoin, which he could only change through these scams, the question arises how his life will look AFTER OneCoin/Onelife in the future. When everyone he cheated on will finally notice it!
Dear God, let it rain brain for him!
360°? It means he did a turn… and now he’s facing again the same direction. So… does it mean he is again in the same misery?
Here’s somebody who failed high school mass.
A 360 degree turn would bring you back to where you started.
Hmnn, maybe he didn’t get it wrong after all
is that what’s known as circular logic?
Supplement to comment #459
There is a video on the topic from RS Academy on YouTube. This cheater, who hides behind the pseudonym RS Academy, probably also runs the Facebook account.
Only mindless idiots believe that an “exchange” will find buyers in the future. There will only be tons of sellers and the price of the ONE would drop to a few cents. Of course, the scammers in Sofia know that too, and have therefore repeatedly postponed the opening up of an exchange.
The cheater is called Rana Sohaib. This explains his initials “RS”. So he does not act anonymously as I wrote above. I apologize.
That is interesting.
Muhammad Asif Khan asks on Facebook:
Asad Kibreya Onelife answered:
This discussion took place seven weeks ago, after the arrest of Konstantin. After all, Asad Kibreya is “Blue Diamond & GLG Inner Circle Member”, but can not answer the simplest questions?
A 2-minute video of OneCoin cheater Asad Kibreya Onelife. The OneCoin idiots even mispronounce the name of one of their “leaders”:
The OneCoin cheater and idiot Dan Chiriac from Romania knows the truth! A week ago he wrote on Facebook:
Extract from the weekly report on the alleged opening of the exchange, which has been published today:
Muhammad Zaki Khalil, a serial fraudster (OneCoin, Skyway Capital) from Indonesia, wrote on Facebook six hours ago:
I do not believe that God will bless a worldwide fraud.
In another comment, Muhammad Zaki Khalil links to this video by OneCoin cheater Nikko Paasman from Sweden. The picture quality is catastrophic. Coincidence or intention?
Here is the complete text as published on mahalvan.com/index.php/2019/05/18/breaking-news-exchange-update-onecoin-onelife/:
Since no name is mentioned, nobody can check whether it is really an official statement.
Supplement to comment #472
The complete “report” without specifying a source, even the OneCoin or OneLife logo is missing. In addition, no date is mentioned. Who produces this crap?
Download and save recommended?
This crap has been published on many Facebook accounts for four days, for example here:
Could someone please try to explain what this is even supposed to mean? To me it sounds like something a Nigerian prince would say in an email.
@Melanie from Germany
Were the image clear and the hash legible, we would be able to search Block Explorers and Perhaps identify the alleged blockchain from which the alleged transaction took place.
Assuming the possibility that the hash were legitimate, we could then trace the Merkle roots back to the Guh-ness-iss Block and identify the platform used (*Ethereum*) and the timestamp of the first transaction, thereby proving the date the cover-up was initiated.
Crypto media would publish the story, which would spread like wildfire, and the scammers goose would be once again fully cooked.
Next to Simon Le, the native Vietnamese Thanh OC (“Blue Diamond”) is one of the worst scammers in South-East Asia and Australia. In his latest video he spread the following lie:
And what is actually shown in this video? Nothing to do with buying a car! The OneCoin cheater Thanh OC sits in a taxi with a companion and spreads his infamous lies, as we are used to from him.
The Chinese Kāng yǔ writes:
Only 1 Euro per ONE? Who offers less?
Since the arrest of Konstantin, many OneCoin idiots are “ill”. Not physically, no, only in their heads. But that’s only the beginning, it gets much worse.
Ali Muhammad from Italia (?), another OneCoin idiot, writes:
Ali Muhammad is obviously cured of the illness called OneCoin, because he has almost deleted the entire contents of his Facebook account facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004032030190.
By the way, Ali Muhammad is already a millionaire! A proud but poor OneCoin millionaire:
When asked how many OneCoins it contains, he answers:
Unfortunately, Ali Muhammad has also deleted all photos except for this one here, where he is not recognizable:
On Facebook there is a second account for Muhammad Ali, in which advertising for the OneCoin scam is made:
I assume that both accounts belong to the same idiot, although “Muhammad” and “Ali” are very common names. The name could also be wrong or incomplete.
In Italy is still continue recruitment by blue diamond Miatton and his team. I hope the authority stop all this.
Supplement to comment #479
And the OneCoin scammer Thanh OC continues to lie:
To say that “The Swedish police came to the conclusion found that no charges of wrong-doing could be proved” does not mean a lot.
Sweden is unfortunately a haven for ponzis, the police does not have the knowledge or manpower to investigate something like this with ties to all over the world. They would probably struggle with establishing that Onecoin is a ponzi.
If there is a clear verdict in the US, the picture may change and they can re-open the investigation.
What is not mentioned is that the Swedish tax authority has classed OneCoin as a ponzi and not a crypto currency.
A ponzi is considered a game, meaning that gains are taxable but losses are not deductible. A crypto currency is taxed otherwise, it’s possible to deduct a loss partially against income tax.
Another new scam event in Vietnam:
The current member statistics show that the OneCoin scammers in Vietnam find almost as many victims as in India, although Vietnam has much fewer inhabitants.
India: 1,339,180,000 inhabitants (estimate 2017)
Vietnam: 95,415,000 inhabitants (estimate 2017)
I’m just reading that the problems with the CoinSafe still exist.
The problem has existed for a year and is still not resolved!
In the weekly news from OneCoin, always the same shit
But New: coinproperties.eu (ENG not Working)
Peter Kravel, no longer cars, this time properties regristry with a senseless name/adress:
– Wonderweel, another week,
– OFCs, same conversion ate than in 2017 (silly)
– Here is the list of promotional tokens which every educational package will provide the user after the decrease is implemented:
@Prinz Bernhard
The notorious liar and cheater Petar Kralev (“Doctor DealShaker Kralev”) from Bulgaria, who allegedly sold hundreds of new cars but never delivered them, now offers:
Could it be that we have heard these names before?
If you want to buy something from the notorious cheater Petar Kralev you have to pay a reservation fee first. Here’s an example: 50% in ONE, but 1,500 euros in cash. Only for a garage! If the purchase is not completed, the fee will not be refunded.
Strange is also that Petar Kralev presents his dubious offers in the old DealShaker, although the sale begins today. Obviously, the new DealShaker still has more flaws than a dog fleas.
For a flat in object “Veselina” the notorious liar and cheater Petar Kralev from Bulgaria demands a reservation fee of 167.50 ONE and 5,000 euros additionally.
Dubios sounds to me as Google translates the last paragraph in the terms and conditions:
I quote the greasy OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel (“Black Diamond, GLG and IC member”):
So the infamous OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel begins his promotional video with the title:
It was uploaded to YouTube 10 days after the arrest of Konstantin.
So that it will not be forgotten, I’ll repeat point 6. Muhammad Adeel claims:
That is absolutely correct. Here’s just one of hundreds of other proofs:
Video with the OneCoin scammer Julien Zerbini on Facebook:
The video has been online for only nine hours, but there are already more than 1,300 comments. Why?
It speaks volumes about their utter desperation that they are now promoting Kravel’s projects in the official “no-newsletter” given his awful track-record.
I think he has bad standing even among the OneCoin community, for the “investors” never got a single car he supposedly “sold”. That’s why Kravel’s name isn’t explicitly mentioned anywhere.
But he seems to have a role as a semi-official partner of “the corporate”/Ignatov crime family in creating dubious fake deals to prop up the package sales.
btw. For me, the Eurid WHOIS search shows only a blurred picture.(Could be due to my customized browser setup, which I tried to tinker but to no avail).
If it’s working for rest of you, could you post what it gives for “onelifecorp.eu” domain. (The domain was mentioned in DoJ files).
The Who is from onelifecorp.eu
This name is found here:
facebook.com/gery.bacheva (Sofia)
But Google knows little only of this person.
Registrant Organisation is One Network Services (ONS).
Registrant name is Gery Bacheva.
Since when is the city of Maastricht in Bulgaria? Google claims that Maastricht is a city in the Netherlands. Did Google make a mistake?
Supplement to comment #489
I think we should know the seller of the apartments in Rio. His name is Pablo DaSilva Fajardo and he works closely with the OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel.
The apartments, which are offered by Pablo DaSilva Fajardo and Muhammad Adeel, cost 250,000 euros and can allegedly be paid 100% with ONE. The thing has only one catch: First, the two fraudsters collect 20,000 euros in cash, so a real currency, with which you can buy something.
Valentina Caraja offers her coin scrap on Facebook:
Valentina Caraja also writes:
I can confirm that. Anyone caught in a scam like OneCoin no longer knows what freedom means. The sweet dreams of infinite wealth are nightmares today, tormenting the OneCoin idiots every night.
Does anything new come up when you search onecoin.eu and onelife.eu?
Gery Becheva is a new name – hard to know if she is really involved. Like a proper criminal organization, OneCoin has history of using front persons to hide the true masterminds and beneficiaries behind the scam.
According to Bulgarian business registry, the current manager of the One Network Services Ltd(ONS) is Angel Rumenov Boyadzhiyski (Ангел Руменов Бояджийски); he/she is also a manager in Business Edge Solutions Ltd which is sole capital owner of ONS ; he/she is also the current manager and sole capital owner of Artefix Europe Ltd which is sole capital owner Business Edge Solutions. This person is very central to the Bulgarian side of current criminal infrastructure, but like his/her predecessor Kristiyan TSvetanov Manolov, he might be one of the young puppets (referenced in Bulgarian media) used by Ignatov crime family.
If you searched onelifecorp.eu, you probably also found these new names who are really working for the criminals:
Gary Gilford seems to be associated with Ravenr Capital Limited, another familiar name.
Lots of stuff about Ravenr in this old BMLM post comment section:
Current status of today:
The last balance sheet was published in May 2018.
This message is pretty interesting from the comment section of:
A separate DealShaker for the OneCoin idiots in Ukraine? Does Duncan Arthur know that exists?
The domain registration mentions Elena Apalkova as operator of the platform.
@Melanie, according to my source this is a landing page for people in the Ukraine to see the merchants and their deals with the page where their offering is made on DealShaker.
But with all the hoopla over if Duncan is in or out and if the new DealShaker is no longer is still as clear as mud. After all this is from the company that Ruja proudly proclaimed was the most transparent company ever.
OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel has apparently deleted one of his numerous Facebook accounts.
The link next to this photo will only be shown in gray, not in blue. This is a clear proof that the link no longer works because the account no longer exists.
Was Muhammad Adeel really in India in May? He is pictured on the poster in the background, but the men in the foreground are just idiotic Indians who still believe they are getting rich with OneCoin.
What does greasy OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel tell in this video, starting at 7:40?
Both these Muhammad Adeel FB pages still work atm.
Excuse this stupid question, but what timezone is the timetag, pls?
Melanie… you are not right.
His account is active. But perhaps he blocked you so you cannot access his FB pages and links to his account are greyed for you. But not for others.
@Mr. Czech
Thank you, the puzzle is solved. I still can call his account facebook.com/TeamsAdeel, not the other one. Obviously he does not love me anymore and blocked me there. Why? What have I done wrong?
Just a guess on my part Melanie from Germany but maybe because you called him a OneCoin cheater but also a greasy OneCoin cheater. Or he felt jilted because he wasn’t feeling the love from you anymore.
Mind you this is just a guess on my part. I could be wrong.
So stupid, gullible and greedy people are still lured into the OneCoin scam!
What is suggested here? Anyone who transfers 48,890 euros to the fraudsters in Sofia will become a twelve-fold millionaire.
New scam event in Buenos Aires on June 1, 2019 with Jose Adan Martinez, Gustavo Amuchastegui, Gabriela Blasco and Dante Frank. Ticket prices are extremely low for future OneCoin millionaires
and must be paid in dollars.
You must be mistaken, the OneLifeEvents website does no show any upcoming events.
(The state of this scam is hilarious.)
Already knew?
This writes the well-known and bankrupt serial fraudster Geri Savini. Again, he does not name his name, but runs a YouTube channel called “ONECOIN LAND SANTA MARIA PARAGUAY“.
If someone writes a critical comment, threatens Geri Savini with a lawsuit:
Here is the next mistake?
Again and again try OneCoin scammers like Romana Yurchak from Ukraine with old photos of Ruja Ignatova to give the impression that Ruja still occurs in public. Of course this picture was not taken on February 23, 2019:
Who knows the cheater next to Ruja? Romana Yurchak does not mention his name.
What Romana Yurchak dreams day and night is impressively documented on Facebook:
These are probably the AurumGoldCoins of Romana Yurchak, who guards Ruja in an unknown vault (w.w.w.goldvault.co) in Dubai. This explains why Ruja is no longer seen in public.
Another mistake!
NOBODY calls Taiwan “Formosa” except history books. Formosa is a name from the colonialism era (named by Portuguese explorers) and usually associated with the island’s occupation by Japan from 1895 to end of WW2.
@K. Chang
You must be wrong!
Here is the proof in bold letters:
If you do not agree with that, you should complain to the scammer next to Ruja Ignatova, who posted the poster on his Facebook account:
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission warns:
I must admit that I am a sheltered, naive American. But, shouldn’t Australia have warned it’s citizens a couple years ago. Kinda late to the party, aren’t they?
Yeah, ASIC are pretty shit. They’re 15 years behind the rest of the regulatory world.
I know Australia is seen as a western country, but from an MLM regulatory standpoint its either on par with or behind third world Asian/African countries.
The German OneCoin scammers are still active. New fraud event on 11 June 2019 in Neutraubling, a small town near Regensburg. A ticket for the closed event costs 50 Euro.
New fraud event in Bali (Indonesia) with Dr. Putra on June 1, 2019.
That is interesting. Dr. Putra is looking for investors, not buyers of so-called education packages. When does the “legal department” of the fraudsters in Sofia block the account of Dr. Putra?
Are there any updates on the Konstantin case? Wasn’t it previously scheduled to the end of May?
@Michael, everybody is waiting for the update. Monday was a federal holiday, so it also delayed things.
The USA vs Ignatov docket saw updates during the past days, there was one yesterday and the most recent says: “Docket last updated: 05/29/2019 1:18 AM EDT”. (pacermonitor.com/public/case/27734375/USA_v_Ignatov)
But I don’t have access to the service and don’t uderstand what the updates could mean. They are probably insignificant since Oz informed us today that there are no updates on the case, and I believe he knows his stuff.
Not till today (just checked the docket this morning).
Nothing has been filed since the continuance filing a few weeks back.
Special offer on eBay with 10,600 euros discount! Get it fast!
This has just been posted on onecoin-debate.com:
Not disputing but I just checked the case docket again and there’s no updates.
If someone knows Konstantin pleaded not guilty they’d know what he was charged with (he has to plead not guilty to the charges).
Anyway if no source is named, chances are it’s a YouTube video from someone with an Indian accent. Same guys were crapping about Ignatov being released back in April.
11 minutes unbearable gibberish. Here is a short summary.
1. Facebook launches its own coin.
2. Facebook is expected to be a shareholder at OneCoin.
3. Facebook could use the blockchain of OneCoin.
4. Ruja knows the wife of Mark Zuckerberg. When they meet, they will not talk about how to raise children.
Although the mindless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) from Vaduz in Liechtenstein confirms that he has no information at all, he still believes in the visions of Ruja!
Also eBay advertises the fraud with OneCoin on behindmlm.com!
@Oz please check this page. Recently 4 docs – #81 till #83 – have been added related to the US v.
Ignatov docket.
They have mixed this with the US v. Scott docket, but these docs seem to contain relevant info about Konstantin’s case.
Got it.
They changed the case number again and closed the previous case number on the 28th. There’s like three separate case numbers for Konstantin’s case now (2 closed, this latest one open).
I hope they don’t keep changing the case numbers or this is going to be a pain to keep track of (first time I’ve seen it).
Need to have a quick shower then I’ll get into the superseding indictment.
What is the current Konstantin’s case number?
The current case number (which is actually an old 2017 case number) is 1:2017cr00630. The previous case number was closed on May 28th.
The original case number was for his arrest in California so this current 2017 case is the third number now.
New news, fairy tales or lies? Nobody knows the source of the weekly reports. Copy from facebook.com/groups/iamonelife
This is funny!
One year ago, OneCoin scammer Mark Nishiyama (“Blue Diamond” & GLG Inner Circle member) from Japan warned on YouTube:
When will Mark Nishiyama warn against fraud with OneCoin / OneLife? Is he waiting until Konstantin has been convicted? Or does he wait until Ruja sits in a prison cell?
Bankrupt serial scammers like Geri Savini and Martin Feniuk are trying to financially restructure themselves with the OneCoin scam.
Although OneCoin is banned in Germany, the OneCoin scammer Martin Feniuk from Ulm in Germany held a business presentation in Jever!
If someone still wants to puke today, he should watch this video:
Left bankrupt OneCoin cheater Martin Feniuk, right brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”).
Another sensation again?
No, of course, that’s also a primitive and stupid lie of the OneCoin scammers. The video shows the date April 11, 2016. At that time it was temporarily possible to try to sell the worthless OneCoins. Without success!
Who is the organizer of this scam event in Barcelona next weekend?
Where this meeting is to take place is not mentioned. Fake news or real?
The serial scammer Peter Walsh has left an idiotic comment on Facebook:
@ Peter Walsh
I have to correct you!
1. Bitcoin is a true cryptocurrency. OneCoin is a pseudo-cryptocurrency without any value. Both currencies are similar to fire and water.
2. Bitcoin will not exist in the near future. Did you forget what Ruja promised?
In a video of May 28, 2019, the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) literally says:
He also mentions “Arthur Duncan” several times because he still has not realized that this man is actually named Duncan Arthur! He also says that “Arthur Duncan” was a department manager and he’s just a puppet in the whole game…
Dear God, throw several kilograms of brain from the sky directly over Vaduz in Liechtenstein!
And this idiot offers this crap on DealShaker:
If this seminar is just as “professional” as the videos of Martin Mayer, you should use the 7,500 euros to heat your own home.
@Melanie from Germany
The Idiot MaMa also says there is proofen a Blockchain, and onecoin will Work together with Facebook and oc will be the Facebookcoin that is anounced…wow this Guy must be on crack …haha!
Also yesterday’s newsletter contained no real news. Of course, the only topic that interests the OneCoin idiots worldwide, the exchange, is not mentioned at all.
Supplement to comment # 528
Of course, the OneCoin idiot with the strange name “crystalreligion” could not sell his worthless coins on eBay. With this excuse he has canceled the sale:
Sometimes the advertising shown by Google fits the topic!
Supplement to comment # 531
On the German portal welt.de this article appeared today:
Read only for subscribers who have paid.
Can Konstantin leave his prison cell on the weekend and continue to cheat at his desk in Sofia?
Actually I think that’s Ruja’s new look. The eyes gave her away.
Message from OneCoin cheater Jose Gordo, who recently stated that he could no longer promote the OneCoin scam!
How old is this video with the scammers Ruja Ignatova and Cristi Calina from Romania, which has now been re-uploaded to Facebook?
Addition to comment #90
I urgently need a new car and wanted to buy a new Tesla, Model S, for my valuable OneCoins, which was offered on onecars.eu for 7,793 ONE. The offer is not cheap, but I don’t have to pay any additional euros. A 100% ONE offer.
When I called up the website onecars.eu a few minutes ago, I was badly disappointed! I can’t buy a Tesla, but the domain onecars.eu! The offer has been valid since December 5, 2019. A price is not mentioned.
On December 3, 2018, the ONE POWER TEAM (Jean Luc Beille and Pierre Andre Golbain) from France published the following video.
PS: The domain onelifemarseille.com shown in the video is also no longer online and can be bought for $ 377.
Konstantin Ignatov in February 2019 in Paraguay. He announces his visit to America in this very short video. He was arrested a month later. I doubt he’s still grinning the way he did in the video today.
For comparison, a photo of him while in custody in the United States:
How does Konstantin Ignatov feel today, two years after his arrest?
Three days before his arrest on March 6, 2019, a fraudster from Indonesia uploaded this video with Konstantin:
Since the video is copy-protected, I cut out Konstantin.
The OneCoin fraud has been massively advertised on the YouTube channel VIPGlobal.One since June 2017. The contact details only contain a WhatsApp number.
A visual comparison of the criminal Ruja Ignatova.
1. Ruja during a business presentation in Sofia on April 4, 2015. Quite fat and without any jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, etc. Ordinary clothes and unkempt hair.
share-your-photo.com/2675e5b73d + share-your-photo.com/4e52a632dc
2. Ruja during a business presentation in Dubai in May 2015. The huge ball gown doesn’t hide her figure perfectly either. In addition, the disproportionately large, red earrings don’t really match the yellow dress.
I quote Anjali from a post on BehindMLM:
share-your-photo.com/0073cb55dc + share-your-photo.com/e7f1d6f191
Who paid the ball gown, earrings and rent for the hall in Dubai? Stupid people who believed in the lies of Ruja and Karl Sebastian Greenwood.
Apparently, a Bulgarian TV station also reported on the OneCoin scam.
(Hello Bulgaria)
Addition to comment # 56 and following.
OneCoin fraud continues in Uganda as well. One of the leading figures is John Kabalebe Mwambusya (GNLG, DFH). He also spreads his lies on the Ugandan TV station COINCast TV:
Do Ugandan farmers need a cryptocurrency?
In 2019, the gross domestic product per capita in Uganda was estimated to be around 916 US dollars. 80% of the Ugandan population work in agriculture.
Sometimes the scammer John Mwambusya is a guest in webinars by OneCoin preacher Cordel KingJayms James from Trinidad and Tobago:
In October 2018 Konstantin Ignatov traveled to Uganda to lure new people into the OneCoin scam. Of course, John Mwambusya was there and posted a video of the scam event:
14 more videos of this Ugandan scammer on this channel:
In the current newsletter, the Ugandan fraudster John Kabalebe Mwambusya is presented as a benefactor:
Addition to comment #502
Elena Apalkova’s dealsukraine.com portal no longer exists:
Elena Apalkova and her team from Ukraine:
Olga Narevach – Yurii Sulyma – Alexandr Olifer – Dmitrii Topolnitskiy
Olga Narevach organized the fraud event on May 23, 2021 in Lviv (Ukraine) with Luca Miatton (Italy) and Cristi Calina (Romania):
More details about Olga Narevach here:
Addition to comments # 354 and 356
What happened now? All advertising for OneCoin has been removed from the Austrian fraud portal afasm.at. In addition, all the photos of the fraudsters like Pascal-René Andre and CEO Michael Nikolaus Labaj. Here are two old photos from the website:
Of course, the old scam portals giftcodefactory.com and giftcodeshop.eu are no longer available today:
Our reader Dummis asked several questions about this in Igor Krnic‘s former forum onecoin-debate.com:
In a video from January 2, 2020, Pascal-René Andre talks about taxes, but he doesn’t name a company. Do fraudsters from Austria actually pay taxes?
youtube.com/watch?v=Mxat1W7JSsQ (German)
youtube.com/watch?v=qvsuICs0xGo (English)
does anyone have any idea of how many prmoters of scam MLMs actually pay taxes? That would really get the attention of the authorities!
Addition to comments #260 and 485
OneCoin scammers in Sofia are reheating an old, bad-tasting soup. In the past the soup was called CoinSafe, now it’s called CashSafe:
We remember that many OneCoin IMA’s complained that their coins disappeared in the former CoinSafe. An example:
HoneyBadger wrote on August 23, 2018 about “Coinsafe Account” in the forum onecoin-debate.com of Igor Krnic:
PS: I am currently unable to upload screenshots to share-your-photo.com because my antivirus is blocking the site. Is there a free alternative?
As a reminder.
On January 3, 2022, the OneCoin scammers wrote in their newsletter:
IMGUR is popular.
With CashSafe, the name is certainly misleading if it’s the same old coin investment scheme.
Anyway, who wants to park onecoins to get more onecoins over 18 months they still can’t cash out.
Sounds like a great way to get investors to shut up for 18 months though (“oh look, numbers on a screen whee!”).
@Oz, thank you very much, but share-your-photo.com is working again without virus warning.
Addition to comments #564 and 565
The problems with the so-called CoinSafe were never solved effectively and permanently. Mani Raj Rai from India wrote three months ago:
Top Indian scammer Satendra Kumar Saini’s banal response was:
Two top OneCoin scammers in one picture. Satendra Kumar Saini (front) and Cristi Calina (Romania) in the background:
Older screenshots about CoinSafe from my archive: