After announcing a December 10th launch deadline that came and went, Hyperverse has delayed launch of its NFT Ponzi game until Q1 2022.

Rather than make the announcement themselves, owners Ryan Xu and Sam Lee had “community presenters” announce the delay.

Pitched as a “Global Presentation Launch” (of what we’re not sure), top HyperFund net-winners took to webinars on Monday.

For reference we have:

  • Keith Williams, London UK
  • Brenda Chunga, US
  • Goran Hemstrom, Melbourne Australia and the Netherlands
  • Kalpesh Patel, UK hiding out in Dubai
  • Tami Jackson, NJ US
  • Mick Mulcahy, Cork Ireland

Hyperverse was initially supposed to launch sometime between December 6th and 10th.

That has now been pushed back to “the first quarter of 2022”.

That went down like a ton of bricks, prompting HyperTech Compliance Officer Hope Hill (aka Ronae Jull), to issue a follow up announcement yesterday.

IT originally estimated that the full upgrade to HyperVerse would be completed by 10 December. Obviously that estimate was not met.

There are more than 1,000 IT professionals working round the clock to sort the glitch that seems to affect some people and not others.

Nothing is known about Hyperverse’s IT department. Let alone the 1000 “professionals” Jull claims are employed there.

Based on its website being a cheap off-the-shelf $79 template, it’s doubtful Hyperverse IT is anything more than a handful of outsourced devs.

How exactly Hyperverse’s NFT Ponzi game will play out remains to be seen. The company has only announced it’ll feature avatars and running around pewpew’ing planets.

Personally I wouldn’t expect anything above the usual cheap mobile gaming experience. That’s if anything launches at all.

With Hyperverse delayed, effectively the Ponzi scheme has had to fall back on its original HyperFund model.

The Hyperverse twist is nobody can withdraw. HyperTech disabled withdrawals in late November.

Transitioning MOF, the internally owned token HyperFund investors cash out through, saw its trading value plummet by 98.98%. From ~$2 in HyperFund, Hyperverse’s bungled launch has MOF sitting at $0.0035 (roughly a third of a cent).

This saw HyperTech scramble to disable MOF withdrawals. Investors fell back HDAO, another internally owned shit token, until HyperTech disabled HDAO withdrawals too.

That’s what actually happened. Here’s the fiction Jull from compliance put out:

Here’s what we know for those with failed withdrawals: it is not about a browser issue, it has nothing to do with rank, it has nothing to do with the size of withdrawals, and IT has not turned off withdrawals for certain members.

So what we do NOT know yet is what the exact glitch is (that’s the job of the IT team) or what it will take to sort it (again, the job of the IT team). If they had a clear estimate of when they believe they’ll have this done, they would tell us.

Those two things: figure out what the glitch is and fix it – is the total focus of the IT team right now.

So uh, “1,000 IT professionals working round the clock” can’t fix a week-long withdrawal “glitch”?

Have they tried just turning withdrawals back on?

Whereas rank-and-file Hyperverse investors are unable to withdraw, top earners don’t seem to be having any issues.

In another social media post made earlier today, Burton gushes over a gaudy selection of watches in Dubai:

HyperTech/Hyperverse owners Ryan Xu and Sam Lee haven’t been seen in public for months.

The pair are on the run from liquidators in Australia, seeking to recover $48.9 million AUD in Blockchain Global losses.

Website traffic analysis suggests the majority of Hyperverse victims are based in the US, followed by the UK and Canada.

While UK authorities have issued securities fraud warnings against HyperFund and Hyperverse, the US and Canada have yet to take action.