HyperNation securities fraud warning from QC, Canada
HyperNation has received a securities fraud warning from Quebec’s Autorite des Marches Financiers.
As per the AMF’s May 24th investor warning;
HyperNation is not registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) and is not authorized to solicit investors in Québec.
This is the equivalent of a securities fraud warning in other jurisdictions.
HyperNation emerged as one of two spinoffs following Hyperverse’s collapse in early 2022.
HyperNation launched as an NFT Ponzi grift, fronted by dorks dancing around in masks.
Earlier this month HyperNation announced it was rebooting as Satoshi AI. Satoshi AI sees the HyperNation Ponzi swap out its NFT marketing grift for AI.
HyperNation’s collapsed HNT token has also been replaced with SAT token.
At time of publication HyperNation’s website was still accessible. HyperNation’s social media profiles however were abandoned back in February.