DualAdCycles Review: $2 micro Ponzi cycler
There is no information on the DualAdCycles website indicating who owns or runs the business. The DualAdCycles website domain (“dualadcycles.com”) was registered on the 9th of January 2014, however the domain registration is set to private.
As always, if a MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The DualAdCycles Product Line
DualAdCycles has no retailable products or services. Instead, affiliates join the company and then invest in $2 “advertising packages”.
Bundled with each advertising package are a series of advertising credits that affiliates can use to display advertising on the DualAdCycles website.
The DualAdCycles Compensation Plan
The DualAdCycles compensation plan revolves around affiliate investing in $2 advertising package positions on the promise of a 200% ROI.
Dual Ad Cycles has 2 distinct but intertwined plans. A simple cycler and a daily plan that pays you 4% once a day for a total return of 200%.
Daily ROI
When an DualAdCycles affiliate invests in a $2 position, the company promises a ‘4% daily (ROI) for a total of 50 days‘ on half of the amount invested ($1).
This equates to a $2 ROI after 50 days.
DualAdCycles cycler is a straight-line queue that affiliate receive a position in when they invest with the company. $1 is put in the daily ROI scheme and the other is used to fund the cycler. Affiliates can also directly invest into the cycler for $1 a queue position.
The straight-line cycler is a queue of positions invested in. When an affiliate invests in a daily ROI position, the $1 spent is put towards the balance of the position at the top of the queue.
When this top position accrues a balance of 200% ($2), the position “cycles” and all positions in the queue move up a position. This process continues indefinitely, provided new positions are continually generated to accrue a balance for the top position.
Referral Commissions
DualAdCycles offers a 7% referral commission on all investments made by personally recruited affiliates.
Mandatory Repurchase
All affiliate commissions attract a 40% mandatory repurchase. This balance can only be used to re-invest back into DualAdCycles.
Joining DualAdCycles
There is no cost to become an affiliate at DualAdCycles, however affiliates cannot earn unless they invest a minimum of $2 into the scheme. Thus the defacto cost to join DualAdCycles is $2.
I’m not really sure why admins bother with micro Ponzi / cycler hybrids. He or she charges a 5% fee and no doubt has preloaded the cycler part of the scheme, but at $2 a position one would imagine it’s never really going to be worth it.
With no retailable products or services, 100% of revenue generated by affiliates and commissions paid out via a daily ROI and cycler queue system, DualAdCycles qualifies as a two-tier Ponzi scheme.
The daily ROI scheme is pretty straight-forward, affiliates invest $1 and the admin takes newly invested money and uses it to pay out existing investors a “guaranteed” 4% over 50 days.
The cycler also promises a 200% ROI, but is much more reliant on new positions to move the queue along, as there’s no 40 day buffer for the admin to cut and run.
As with all Ponzi schemes, once new investments slow down the cycler queue will stall and the admin will run out of money to keep paying 4% a day on each invested position.
A 40% mandatory repurchase and 5% withdrawal fee will keep some of the money trapped in the system, but sooner or later the inevitable Ponzi collapse is still going to happen.
Even though it seems like a waste, there are always going to be those gullible people who will fall prey to this type of scheme.
I just wish gullibility would just stop existing already.