There is no information on the Diamond Banners website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The company’s website domain (“”) was registered on the 16th September 2012 and provides a virtual office address, based out of Arizona in the US.


The “administrative” and “technical” contact for the domain is listed as a “Mark Moebius”, operating out of Missouri.

Diamond Banners appears to be a division of Miljoinair (“”), which Moebius (photo right) describes as a “marketing, advertising and software development” on his LinkedIn profile, along with crediting himself as the owner of the company.


Update 6th November 2012 – Mark Moebius has been in contact and advises that Diamond Banners

is owned by Cliff Porter. I did help him set up the LLC, which and deliver the service of my company, MILJONAIR.

Apart from something called “Too Easy Two by Two”, which appears to be a $300 recruitment driven matrix opportunity, I was unable to find a MLM history for Porter. /end update


Update 10th October 2013 – Mark Moebius has been in contact again and advises that

Our company is not longer associated with Diamond Banners we ended out hosting contract 2/13.

/end update


Read on for a full review of the Diamond Banners MLM business opportunity.

The Diamond Banners Product Line

Diamond Banners has no retailable products or services. Members join the company and purchase a position in one of the four available matrices within the Diamond Banners compensation plan.

Bundled with each of these positions are a series of advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Diamond Banners website.

The Diamond Banners Compensation Plan

The Diamond Banners compensation plan revolves around a series of 2×2 matrices.

A 2×2 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix with two member positions directly under them and two member positions under each of these:

Once each of these member positions are filled, the affiliate at the top cycles out and earns a commission. Positions can either be filled by direct recruitment, indirect recruitment or members cycling out of existing matrices and re-entering the system.

There are 6 matrices in total within the Diamond Banners compensation plan, each with its own respective cycle payout:

  • Gold – $400
  • Diamond – $1200
  • Double Diamond – $2800
  • Triple Diamond – $6000
  • Blue Diamond – $10,000
  • Black Diamond – $16,000

Each matrix has a buy-in cost, meaning that the effective payouts are as follows:

  • Gold – $100 ($300 to enter Diamond)
  • Diamond – $500 ($700 to enter Double Diamond)
  • Double Diamond – $1300 ($1500 to enter Triple Diamond)
  • Triple Diamond – $2000 ($2500 to enter Blue Diamond (optional) and $1500 to re-enter Triple Diamond)
  • Blue Diamond – $3500 ($4000 to enter Black Diamond (optional) and $2500 to re-enter Blue Diamond)
  • Black Diamond –  $12,000 ($4000 to re-enter Black Diamond)

Note that the Blue and Black Diamond matrices are optional, with affiliates given the option of keeping the entry fee for the higher level matrix or paying it to “upgrade”.

Affiliates who don’t upgrade to the Blue and Black Diamond matrices remain at the Triple Diamond level, paying $1500 to re-enter it upon cycling and receiving a $4500 cycle commission.

Joining Diamond Banners

Membership to Diamond Banners equates to new affiliates buying a position in either the Gold ($100), Diamond ($300), Double Diamond ($700) or Triple Diamond ($1500) matrices.

This is a one-time fee, with cycle commissions paying for mandatory matrix re-entry.

Curiously, Diamond Banners state that Double Diamond and Triple Diamond positions can be paid via

direct deposit only. Credit cards cannot be used for these levels.

Diamond Banners places no restriction on the amount of positions an affiliate can purchase, but requires them ‘to choose a different username‘ (create a new account) for each position purchased.


With no retailable products or services and commissions paid out entirely on the purchase of matrix positions by affiliates, Diamond Banners is a money game / pyramid scheme hybrid.

The money game can be demonstrated by members “buying into” the compensation plan, with how much money they put into the scheme dictating what they get out (including re-entry fees deducted from cycle commissions).

These earnings are paid out of other member’s position fees, thus resulting in a money game played between Diamond Banners affiliates.

The pyramid scheme component is required in order to keep the matrices rolling over. Without new recruits (or existing members purchasing new positions), the lower level matrices don’t cycle and in turn feed the upper level matrices.

If the lower level matrices stall, so to do the upper level ones and nobody gets paid.

Naturally, this recruitment requirement poses a sustainability to Diamond Banners (as it does with all pyramid schemes) and ensures that sooner or later the company will stall and then collapse.