The CloudFi Ponzi scheme has collapsed.

CloudFi’s collapsed was preceded by withdrawal restrictions, with withdrawals now going unpaid as of last Sunday.

CloudFi signalled its collapse by limiting withdrawals to Sunday. This change was announced on August 11th.

Last Sunday CloudFi allowed affiliates to put in withdrawal requests. As of Thursday August 17th, none of those withdrawal requests have been paid.

CloudFi abandoned its Telegram group after the August 11th withdrawal restriction announcement. The company also burned through multiple website domains, starting off with “”, then “” and finally “”.

It should be noted that days before restricting withdrawals, CloudFi received a securities refrain and desist order from California’s DFPI on August 9th.

The DFPI identified CloudFi as a fraudulent investment scheme and cited Canadian national Jan Gregory as CEO.

Two other Ponzi schemes in an accompanying DFPI press-release, Vortic United and CoinMarketBull, have also collapsed.

Starting with Maxpread Technologies, Gregory is believed to be working with Russians operating out of Turkey and Dubai to defraud consumers.

The majority of investors in all of Jan Gregory’s Ponzi schemes are believed to be US residents.

Total victim numbers and how much they’ve collectively lost remains unknown.