BitConnect @ BehindMLM

BitConnect’s John Bigatton criminally charged in Australia

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has filed criminal charges against John Louis Anthony Bigatton. Bigatton served as an Australian Director of the infamous BitConnect Ponzi scheme.

BitConnect scammer John Bigatton receives securities ban

John Bigatton, former Bitconnect Australian National Representative, is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). As part of ASIC’s investigation, Bigatton has been slapped with a seven year financial services ban.

BitConnect victim class-action dismissed by Judge

Following two years of mostly inaction, a Florida Judge has dismissed the BitConnect victim class-action lawsuit.

BitConnect class-action reduced to three defendants

The future of the BitConnect class-action is in question, following a reduction of defendants to just three.

More defendants dismissed from BitConnect class-action

The BitConnect class-action isn’t going to well, following dismissal of the second amended complaint and several defendants.

Class-action filing alleges BitConnect defendants on run from law

A Status Report filed in the BitConnect class-action alleges a number of defendants are hiding from the law.

US Court rules BitConnect was a securities offering

As part of the order dismissing claims against BitConnect class-action defendants Glenn Arcaro, Ryan Maasen and YouTube, a US court has definitively ruled that BitConnect was a securities offering.

Arcaro, Maasen & YouTube dismissed from BitConnect class-action

Claims against BitConnect class-action defendants Glenn Arcaro, Ryan Maasen and YouTube have been dismissed.

Trevon James facing $2 million BitConnect SEC clawback

Trevon James has uploaded a new video discussing his part in the ongoing SEC investigation into BitConnect. I’ve given up trying to ascertain whether James is parodying himself as a securities fraud suspect, so the following is reported “as is” with a straight face.

BitConnect web developer extradited from Abu Dhabi to India

A BitConnect web developer has been deported from Abu Dhabi at the behest of Indian authorities.