Alex Reinhardt trying to reboot collapsed Ponzi as Ultima
Serial Ponzi scammer Alex Reinhardt is trying to reboot his collapsed Ultima Ponzi scheme.
Reinhardt latest ruse sees him pitch a new Ultima “smart blockchain”.
That of course is just crypto jargon that doesn’t mean anything. In reality it’s just an excuse to restart Ultima, with the hope of continuing to defraud consumers.
Existing Ultima investors are bagholders. New investors will need to be recruited to offload those bags onto, and for that to happen Reinhardt has come up with his “new blockchain” pitch.
From August 2023, Ultima’s reboot is supposed to launch within six months. That’s now been pushed back to April 2024.
In late October, a new Ultima shitcoin was launched to furnish Reinhardt’s new Ponzi scheme. As with previous iterations of Reinhardt’s Ponzi scheme, wash trading is used to create an artificial coin price.
Since launch, the bots appear programmed between $9 to $11 million in trades a day (this might sound high but it’s just Reinhardt trading back and forth with himself).
The marketing pitch is Ultima’s new shitcoin will pump to $100,000 a coin.
New investment packages see Reinhardt hoping to fleece new investors out of €1100 to €110,000 euros.
As opposed to its manipulated exchange value that runs into the thousands, Ultima is being flogged to PlatinWorld bagholders for just 10 cents each.
“Daily rewards” are paid to Ultima investors, with tokens created out of thin air. The ruse for this is some “liquidity pool”…
…and “split” nonsense:
Attached to the Ultima investment scheme is of course another MLM compensation plan:
Alex Reinhardt began MLM crypto Ponzi scamming as an investor in SwissCoin (circa 2015-2016).
When that collapsed he got into running Ponzi scams himself, first with PlatinCoin in 2017.
PlatinCoin collapsed in late 2019. Reinhardt eventually rebooted as PlatinWorld in mid 2021.
PlatinWorld saw platincoin abandoned in favor of PlatinCoin Ultima (PLCU).
The PLCU iteration of Reinhardt’s Ponzi scheme collapsed in late 2022. This prompted a reboot of the PLCU iteration in January 2023.
As PLCU began to immediately collapse, PLCUC was launched to keep the scam going.
This effectively marks the collapse of Reinhardt’s MLM crypto Ponzi scamming, until he began promoting Ultima a few months ago.
For reference, Reinhardt pitched his last victims on the same “$100,000 a coin” promises as he’s doing with Ultima:
Here’s how PLCU is doing:
Things are even more silly with PLCUC:
With it being unlikely Reinhardt is going to lure a considerable amount of new investors in, expect the same ULTIMA trajectory once the wash trading bots are turned off.
PlatinWorld bagholders, gullible enough to invest in Reinhardt’s schemes again, should expect to lose even more money.
Believed to originally be from Germany, Reinhardt fled to Dubai in 2021. It is from Dubai, the MLM crime capital of the world, that Reinhardt runs his various MLM crypto Ponzi schemes.
Update 11th November 2023 – Alex Reinhardt has also launched Banqiro, a separate MLM crypto Ponzi scheme.
Update 26th November 2023 – Banqiro has collapsed.
Yeah and now he has Emil huremovic , Danish jahkura & Navid scamming for him!
These 3 are total cons. They screwed people in one coin They screwed us in Fintegri and WCI and now we are on the hook for ultima!!
The coin is just dropping in value it’s another pump and dump scam! Just like plcu ultima and all the other shit these guys belong behind bars or the end of a rope!
These guys know it’s a scam too they just can’t say no to the money.
A lot of mugshots from the Ultima Convention in Dubai
I’m shure we will see a lot of them in future scams.
Alex Reinhardt has already founded another shell company:
Tatiana Bunciuc is again named as director.
Tatiana Bunciuc is also a director of Platinum World LTD in St. Vincent and the Grenadines:
Alex Reinhardt or another scammer has chosen an unknown provider in Berlin for the domain registration of on March 11, 2023:
The new YouTube channel Ultima Business has existed since August 8, 2023 with 43 videos and 79 subscribers:
More details in this comment:
I want to let everyone know that PLCU launched at CMC at 100,000$ per coin. That’s what that guy was selling each coin at.
I warned people that it will crush. Everyone can now see platinCoin Ultima at 24$. A complete mlm ponzi failed scheme and scam.
So terrible. It’s sad to see how so many people have lost most in Alex Reinhardt scams from The first PlatinCoin of 2017.
And now he is dumping from platinCoin Ultima and platinCoin X to another scheme in relation.
When will this stop and when will he be arrested. Am sure he has made millions and millions of Euros but still a very free man.
Am one of the victims of platinCoin of 2017 and my family. This is a hectic and annoying scammer.
Shame upon him
Reinhardt never sold PLCU to anyone at $100,000. That’s what he cashed your money out at.
The model is simple: launch shitcoin, sell to dumbasses, wash trade with their money to pump, cash out. Change shitcoin name and repeat.
Serial ponzi promoter From SA is talking about this shyte project which will never take off. The koolaid drinkers from SA belive anything that pscammers tell them, even after being scammed numerous times.
Its all starts with herbal life or amway, then its all downhill from there, scam after scam, believing everytime that the current one is the main one, and that there is nothing else out there like this one.
“oh man you gotta come to one of out zoom meetings here is the link”, then will see how they explain it on the calls.
Unless you plug in , you will never know” How many times does this company have to change protocols before the morons figure out what is happening.
I request all govt to ban this guy in whole countries and get him in the jail soon.
Received some additional info via email:
Reinhardt registered “Banqiro GMBH” in Germany on in March 2023. Trademark applications in the EU were filed in January and February 2023.
Behind Reinhardt’s Ponzi schemes you have the German shell company “Alma GMBH”, which Reinhardt registered in 2013. His sister, Maria Reinhardt was added as a Director in 2018.
As of yet Banqiro hasn’t turned into anything. If it does I’ll be referencing this information and publishing a separate article.
So, Alex is rebooting (once again) Ultima, but in Colombia well-known scammer Efrain Diaz (with a history of crypto scams including ebot, ixinversors, and all previous Reinhardt’s “projects”) held a Zoom session with their investors to explain them “how capital migration from PlatinWorld to Life Miner is going to be done”
(Estafador Efraín Díaz, sabemos que googleas tu nombre)
Banqiro is already being promoted heavily in Germany. They launched a token sale on for their BNQ token.
Ties to Alex Reinhardt were never mentioned by the promoters. Even though it is public information:,+Berlin/Amtsgericht+Charlottenburg+%28Berlin%29+HRB+250715+B
The company Banqiro GmbH was founded on March 15, 2023 with its registered office in Berlin. Jürgen Mischke is named as the managing director:
The domain was registered by Banqiro GmbH on May 9, 2023:
The domain was also registered by Banqiro GmbH on May 9, 2023:
The website does not yet exist:
The domain was registered on January 6, 2023. The registrant was not named:
The website reports “COMING SOON” and is password protected:
The website exists, but I am missing an imprint or other contact details. Roshan Indran is Head of Marketing and Sales:
The YouTube channel BNQTech has existed since September 23, 2023 with 3 videos and 80 subscribers:
The newsletter mentions an address in Turkey:
Addition to comment #10.
Managing director Jürgen Mischke on XING:
Several companies are mentioned in Jürgen Mischke’s manager profile, including ALMA GmbH:
I didn’t realize Banqiro was already a thing. I’ll look into it.
South african promoters are convinced that this platform is special and that its been going for almost 7 yrs !!!!
They are busy positioning themselved for takeoff any day now. Busy promoting the plcuWeb Ultima cashback scam.
Total disregard for previously numerous failed schemes and somehow this new one is legit.
Addition to comment #11.
Roshan Indran (Head of Marketing and Sales) allegedly lives in Germany. On LinkedIn he mentions Mannheim, a city in Baden-Württemberg, and he is interested in job offers (CEO, sales specialist or sales manager):
Interesting is a video that the German serial fraudster Steven Wagner (OneCoin, EXWallet, etc.) uploaded to his YouTube channel on October 15, 2023:
Roshan Indran on the left:
PS: Since the video is 47 minutes long, I haven’t watched it yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Roshan Indran mentions another city on Facebook (Roshan NetWork) – Frankfurt am Main in Hesse – and his website, which is not yet ready and only links to Telegram:
Roshan Indran has been promoting Banqiro intensively on Facebook since September 2023.
The Instagram account roshan_network has existed since July 2017 with 252 posts and 1,457 followers:
On October 8, 2023, Roshan Indran wrote there:
In the past, Roshan Indran cheated with his website, which no longer exists. Among other things, he advertised USI-Tech there:
I also found ads for Plus Token App and on the old website.
His former YouTube channel no longer exists either:
Thanks. You have much more deep insights I didn’t know.
This is great research. Keep it up.
Ultima is just another fly by night hype.
Danish Jakhura and Emil Huremovic preached “empowerment, loyalty & integrity yet I haven’t seen them do one of these they ditched all of steadfast ways!!
They screwed us in World cryptocurrency international and Fintegri. I lost my entire savings because of these scammers…
They are not good people at all. Talk a good game but are only your friend to get your money!
Someone needs to bring this to the Dubai police and authorities! They won’t let this fly and the jail sentence will be long!
Addition to comment #19.
Roshan Indran launched his project SocialSwap (Decentralized Exchange on Tron Blockchain) in March 2021. The domain was registered in St. Kitts and Nevis on February 8, 2021. Here is just an excerpt:
The website naturally lacks an imprint or relevant contact details.
Roshan Indran is also very active on YouTube. His channel contains 606 videos and he has 2,250 subscribers.
In his first video on March 23, 2021, he appeared together with his business partner Dennis Koray (left), who has been known to me as a notorious fraudster for around 20 years.
In the former German forum there were regular warnings about Dennis Koray. It is known that he has fled Germany in the past and has lived and cheated in other countries such as Australia.
In the video mentioned above, Roshan Indran and Dennis Koray, who still operate together on YouTube, dreamed of more than 100,000 members… 😀
Roshan Indran has 2,473 followers on Instagram with his second account
PS: I have already mentioned Siki and Dennis Koray in an earlier comment:
Closed down and everybody get the money back +5%
All I see is an email from a serial Ponzi scammer. No evidence the laws of mathematics were defied and all Banqiro investors received back 105% of what they invested.
Even at face value, given how much Reinhardt has stolen over the years and how much of non-starter Banqiro was, can’t have been much to pay out.
All trading has stopped on Coinsbit. Zero Volume which means no one can sell I believe it has rug pulled.
CMC is still showing wash trading going strong on ULTIMA. Few mill used to pump Ultima back up to ~7K.
Alex Reinhardt entices with a new offer. Short video from March 1, 2024.
Can someone explain to me how this is supposed to work?
Alex Reinhardt’s YouTube channel ULTIMA has 42,400 subscribers, but this video has only had 1,378 views with a paltry 37 likes in four weeks.
Important article from February 22, 2022.
Alex Reinhardt had commissioned the notorious law firm Schulenberg & Schenk ( in Hamburg to file a lawsuit against BTC-ECHO.
The same lawyers who had attested to the OneCoin fraudsters and founders Ruja Ignatova and Sebastian Greenwood that OneCoin was a legal business.
Good to see when defended against, Ponzi scammers lose out in German courts.
Too bad German courts also protect scammers when they target hosting companies.
Sorry, I gave the wrong date. It should read February 22, 2024.
Schulenberg is an amoral piece of shit who would run his own mother over for a Euro. He should have been charged along with Frank Ricketts.
I’m not surprised these clowns found each other.
I totally agree with Oz, who wrote on August 21, 2023:
The linked video is no longer public, but a “private video”.
PLC Group AG in Zug (Switzerland), founded by Alex Reinhardt in December 2016, has been in liquidation since November 2023.
The members of the Board of Directors were Alex Reinhardt and Orlando Vecellio, who was appointed as liquidator.
A list of Alex Reinhardt‘s websites, which is certainly not yet complete. More than 20 websites or registered domains for the same scam. Not every website is always accessible or redirects to another site. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
There are also numerous accounts on Facebook, Instagram, etc., some of which are no longer updated.
More details in the following comments.
For his new websites and, German serial Ponzi scammer Alex Reinhardt has set up yet another shell company, this time in Poland.
The domain was registered on January 6, 2021 and updated on January 6, 2024.
The website had 127,800 visitors in February 2024, but no one from Poland. The list of countries is topped by Italy with 25.80%. It is followed by Sweden with 17.48%, Germany with 14.84%, Ukraine with 6.24% and Portugal with 4.79%.
The domain was registered on February 13, 2023 and updated on November 13, 2023.
The imprint on is identical to that of
The visitor statistics for show 80,200 visitors in February 2024, led by Germany with 22.18%.
The Ultima crypto token, associated with Alex Reinhardt, is indeed part of a broader controversy that has been identified as a Ponzi scheme by various sources.
Reinhardt, who has a history with previous dubious crypto ventures like PlatinCoin and SwissCoin, has been involved in launching multiple iterations of his investment schemes under different names like PLC Ultima and PlatinWorld.
These operations have been frequently described as Ponzi schemes, where returns for earlier investors are paid from the contributions of newer participants rather than legitimate business activities.
Several warnings have been issued against participating in these ventures, including a fraud warning from Mongolia’s Financial Regulatory Commission specifically naming PLC Ultima as part of a Ponzi scheme.
Reports suggest that PLC Ultima and its associated tokens display classic Ponzi characteristics, such as requiring participants to recruit new members to generate returns, and the unsustainable promise of high returns over short periods.
Moreover, there have been instances of withdrawals being disabled, which is a common red flag in Ponzi schemes, signaling that the scheme may be collapsing and unable to fulfill its financial obligations to participants.
This pattern of behavior across Reinhardt’s associated projects suggests a consistent strategy to reboot failing schemes under new names to continue attracting investment without a sound financial basis.
It is advisable to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough independent research before investing in such ventures, as the risk of losing money is high.
Addition to comment #34.
The list of websites is not yet complete, I am constantly finding new ones.
The website, on which Alex Reinhardt reports extensively on his alleged “business successes”, has existed again since May 2020. Two examples.
Of course, his website contains no legal notice or contact details, as he does not want to be contacted by his defrauded victims. Anyone looking for him in Germany will probably find him in Berlin.
His personal website currently has 5,000 visitors per month, most of whom (24.84%) live in the United States. They are followed by Chile with 16.83%, Sweden with 13.38%, Germany with 13.20% and Portugal with 12.01%.
About 5,000 visitors per month is not much, but how is it possible that Alex Reinhardt allegedly has 5 million followers on Instagram? (For comparison: the notorious serial cheater Josip Heit has “only” 524,000 followers on Instagram.)
This figure must be a fake! This also applies to the likes that he supposedly receives for each of his posts, because there are always more than 40,000 since December 2023.
Do any of our readers think these figures are realistic?
The Instagram account alex_reinhardt_official has existed since November 2018 and because Alex Reinhardt grew up in Russia, many of his posts are bilingual – English and Russian. But that doesn’t explain the unrealistically high number of likes for his pervasive lies on Instagram.
We should not forget that Alex Reinhardt’s company PLC Group AG has been in liquidation since November 2023 – see comment #33.
Everyone who has coins from Platinworld swaps them for Smartcoins in Ultima Business.
People got back 105% of their investment in a previous project that didn’t work out. In Ultima Business, you don’t buy anything, so how can you be scammed?
The system today is completely decentralized. No one can access members’ money on their smart wallets.
You need to reassess your claims. Alex leaves no one behind. The market is responsible for the payouts. Nothing is paid to the company; it goes directly to the blockchain.
Ultima is accredited by Certik. It is listed in the top 300 on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko out of over 2,000,000 different cryptocurrencies. If anyone thinks you can meet the requirements of Certik, CMC, and CoinGecko without having everything in order, they probably need to do deeper due diligence.
Swapping one collapsed Ponzi coin for 105% of another worthless Ponzi coin isn’t getting your investment back.
Whether you’re too stupid to realize you’ve been scammed is neither here nor there. Although I suspect you’re probably a net-winner trying to gaslight your victims into thinking they didn’t get scammed.
No it isn’t. What’s left of Ultima is and always has been owned and operated by Alex Reinhardt.
Nobody paid anything to “the blockchain” or “the market”. Anything invested into the various Ultima Ponzis was stolen by Reinhardt and top promoters.
Getting listed on CMC or CoinGecko = meaningless.
Certik isn’t a financial regulator. For the purpose of MLM due-diligence a Certik audit = also meaningless.
Stop making excuses for fraud.
Well, you talk much, but have obviously no idea how it works today.
Certik is a blockchain security firm that (Ozedit: snip, see below)
How Ultima works today is the same as it’s worked since PlatinCoin.
Dumbfucks give Alex Reinhardt their money –> sorry for your loss.
is not a financial regulator. With respect to MLM due-diligence and regulatory compliance, anything Certik does or doesn’t do is irrelevant.
Stop making excuses for fraud.
Do your dd You prove you don’t have an idea of how it is working today. Same as Platin coin.
But it is up to you to be transparent or try to be a smart guy. Good luck with your investments!
Due-diligence done. Ultima is still a Ponzi scheme.
Best of luck with the “Battle Bulls” scamming (lololol).
Yesterday, this video with serial fraudster Alex Reinhardt was uploaded to YT.
I’ll quote just one sentence from the video:
Dunno why Reinhardt bothers. ULTIMA is still ~38% down from its initial Ponzi pump.
And it’s all bullshit wash trading manipulation anyway.
Reinhardt’s previous Ponzi coin PLCU plummeted from its bullshit value of ~19,000 to a few hundred after he turned off the wash trading bot(s). And PLCU is still sitting at ~$200 even though nobody can cash out.
Alex Reinhardt’s YT channel ULTIMA has 43,200 subscribers. 90% or more of these subscribers will believe his lies. The video already has 69 likes.
Oz wrote:
The “SMART Blockchain” is the topic of this video, which was uploaded today on the ULTIMA channel by Alex Reinhardt.
So… Ponzi staking on Reinhardt’s “smart blockchain” is the same as Ponzi staking on any other blockchain?
Reinhardt’s really cultivated a group of some of the dumbest people on the planet hey.
There must be a way to clamp those criminals of the so call Platin World like those Hypervrse. Currently there is Class Actionand the legal proceeding Against Sam Lee.
There’s no class-action against Sam Lee. He’s been indicted and US regulators have filed civil fraud charges.
If you want to take legal action against Reinhardt go see a lawyer.
Bunch of lazy Ponzi victims sitting around asking why nobody does anything = nothing happens.
Unfortunately, all the negative articles do not seem to be able to stop this SCAM. The operators just keep on going.
Many former ONECOIN leaders are back at ULTIMA, such as Danish J., Emil H., Navid T. etc.
There is currently a lot of advertising from Africa, especially Nairobi/Kenya …. which is very reminiscent of Onecoin & Uganda. Very sad !
Seems there is a warning from the FCA. At least the logo looks similar.
Looks like opportunistic scammers rather than anything to do with Reinhardt. Elcheapo website that took five seconds to put together with a separate Ponzi.
Hell there probably isn’t even a Ponzi attached, it’s just deposit your money and bye. Guessing FCA took notice due to the logo included on the website (likely after a victim complained).