Flash4People provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the business.

Even if they did though, the credibility of the provided information would be suspect.

At the footer of the Flash4People website are three totally legit testimonials from Jason Doe, Jane Doe and John Doe.

Attached to Flash4People is the OZT token, which provides us some insight into who’s behind the company.

OZT was offered as an ICO through FlashMoni in early 2018.

FlashMoni and Flash4People are part of FlashGroup, which was founded by Serge Maurice Lobreau.

Prior to his current cryptocurrency ventures, Serge Lobreau was a prominent promoter of the Get Easy Ponzi scheme in France.

If you want to read more on Lobreau, here’s an interesting expose by what appears to be a FlashMoni victim.

According to the Flash4People website, the 2018 OZT ICO raised $72 million.

Whether that’s true or not, who knows. What we do know though is that OZT is and remains completely useless.

After ICO OZT flopped and followed the familiar “sorry for your loss” cryptocurrency trajectory.

This prompted Lobreau to abandon OZT and launch OZTG.

The transition to OZTG coincided with the hiring of Mru Patel as CEO of FlashMoni on or around December 2018.

In a May 18th FlashMoni investor update, Patel (right) advised;

For all the contributors who participate in our ICO in 2018, the swap of their ERC20 tokens into OZTG Coin.

Prior to joining FlashMoni, Patel spent years trying to establish himself as a marketing mentor.

At some point he got involved in cryptocurrency, which culminated in the launch of ePropertyWealth.

ePropertyWealth was an attempt to combine cryptocurrency with real estate investment.

ePropertyWealth held an ePW token ICO in mid 2018, which flopped hard. Sound familiar?

Call me cynical but it appears OZTG is just picking up where ePW left off. Minus the real estate angle of course.

Here is where I’d typically break and move onto the product section of a review (Flash4People has none).

On June 3rd however, FlashMoni announced a “termination of pre-agreement” with Flash4People.

Wrote Serge Lobreau in the announcement;

It is with great regret I have to inform you that our collaboration with Flash4People has been terminated for numerous reasons.

On or around June 5th Flash4People put out its own announcement.

Our supplier, flashgroup, who did not bring in time the desired transparency on its technologies and services.

We, the leaders of flash4people and leaders present in Dubai, decided to break this contractual relationship on Sunday June 02, 2019 at 15h30 Dubai time.

Flash4People’s communication was signed off on by Fabrice Kerherve and Patrick and Sandra Collin, who are identified by affiliates as co-founders of the company.

Kerherve and the Collins left French MLM company Natura4Ever back in March.

Social media posts from the trio suggest Flash4People is mostly made up of former Natura4Ever affiliates.

So where to from here?

As it stands, both FlashMoni and Flash4People appear intent on launching spinoff MLM opportunities.

In the FlashMoni termination notice, Lobreau wrote;

We are still convinced that the networking model way of selling our products and services is still the best form of marketing.

Similarly, Flash4People wrote (auto-translated from French);

The coming weeks will allow us to select a new blockchain and its cryptocurrency responding to the public transparency requirements validated by the crypto community.

The concept does not change (services and rewards), the pre-development phase can continue, while waiting for the launch of the proven, transparent and secure support.

FlashMoni is going to launch a new opportunity to promote their OZTG altcoin.

Flash4People is going to attach its existing “no product” pyramid compensation plan to some other altcoin.

The problem is neither company is or will be operating legally.

Neither FlashMoni or Flash4People have provided any evidence of having registered themselves with France’s securities regulator, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

On the business model side of things FlashMoni is your typical crypto scam. Launch an ICO, collect a bunch of money and then stall with usability ideas.

Flash4People was setting FlashMoni to be a Ponzi pyramid hybrid.

Invest in OZTG because moon, eventually cash out subsequently invested funds and get paid to recruit new investors along the way.

Attaching this model to another altcoin (new or existing), is postponing an MLM opportunity that will inevitably launch as a Ponzi scheme.

FlashMoni coming up with a new MLM compensation plan based on OZTG investment, is the same.

And so from one planned Ponzi scheme we now have two potential Ponzi schemes.

It should be obvious by now that none of these people have any idea about cryptocurrency.

Lobreau and Patel can’t even keep FlashMoni’s website SSL certificate current, yet they’re out here pretending to be blockchain tech gurus.

FlashMoni and Flash4People launched to separate you from your money. Namely by wooing you with cliched promises of crypto riches.

Be it now or some future MLM opportunity launch, don’t fall for it.


Update 2nd July 2019 – Serge Lobreau recently got in contact to protest our reporting of his involvement in the GetEasy Ponzi scheme.

Lobreau maintains he is a “victim” who personally invested 384,000 EUR into GetEasy “AND LOST MONEY LIKE EVERYONE!!!”

When I asked Lobreau for proof he personally invested 384,000 EUR into GetEasy, he failed to provide any.

For those unfamiliar with GetEasy, it was an MLM Ponzi scheme that collapsed in 2015. Arrests of GetEasy’s owners and management commenced in 2016.

Despite collapsing five and a half years ago, Lobreau demanded I show him proof of his promotion of GetEasy.

Knowing full well Lobreau had had plenty of time to scrub the internet of any such material, I begun researching anyway.

What I turned up was during his involvement in GetEasy, Serge Maurice Lobreau went by Serge Mpiana Lobreau.

Whether Lobreau changed his name to distance himself from GetEasy is unclear.

In his recent emails to me Lobreau is going by “Serge Piana-Lobreau”, so I’m not sure if he’s changed his name again.

In any event, this lead to a blog post by a French speaking GetEasy victim.

As above the post names Lobreau among a group of Get Easy leaders.

I’ve also highlighted the date of publication, February 13th, 2015.

GetEasy collapsed in early 2015, around the time this post was written.

I’m pointing this out because Lobreau dismissed the linked expose in our article tying him to GetEasy (quoted below), stating it was written by a “fired employee”.

Serge MPiana Lobreau has a dubious past life with involvement in Ponzi schemes dressed as MLM – in “GetEasy”.

He was among the network leaders in France where he was pocketing hundreds of thousands of euros a month while many thousands of people were losing their savings.

This other blog post is dated well before Flash Moni and is clearly written by a GetEasy victim. One of the people Lobreau and other Get Easy net-winners stole money from.

Why would Lobreau be counted as a GetEasy leader if, as he claims, all he did was invest 384,000 EUR of his own money into GetEasy and lose it when the scheme collapsed?

He obviously didn’t. This is nothing more than your typical smoke and mirrors from a Ponzi scammer.

Another website I came across suggests Lobreau primarily fleeced Portugal investors in his FlashMoni OZT ICO scheme.

A screenshot on the website purportedly shows just one of Lobreau’s FlashMoni bank accounts, holding over thirteen million euros.

To this day funds invested into FlashMoni’s OZT ICO remain unaccounted for.


Update 16th July 2019 – Flash4People has been rebooted as a second launch of Mainston.