Vyb Review: Prelaunch pump & dump pyramid scheme
Vyb fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.
In fact as I write this, all you can do on Vyb’s website is sign up or log in as an affiliate:
Some names we can attach to Vyb, through off-site marketing, include:
- Toni Morick – Chief Marketing Officer
- Aundray Russell – Director of Product Development, CEO and owner
- Ragan Lynch – Director of Administration, co-owner
- Megan Lynch – Vice President of Sales, co-owner
Up until late 2024, Aundray Russell was promoting various unregistered trading schemes under “Passive Pros” branding.
The various unregistered trading schemes Russell promotes appear to be engaged in securities and/or commodities fraud.
At time of publication Passive Pros’ website has since been disabled.
Ragan and Megan Lynch run a YouTube channel on which they too promote numerous pyramid schemes and/or unregistered trading opportunities:
- Tradera
- XtreamFX
- BFX Standard
- Automated Wealth Center (“zapz strategy”)
- Double Vision
- Nadex
As per the linked BehindMLM reviews, a number of MLM companies Ragan and Megan Lynch have promoted have engaged in securities and/or commodities fraud.
Why Vyb ownership is not disclosed on its website is unclear.
Of additional note is Vyb’s potential ties to Dubai:
Due to the proliferation of scams and failure to enforce securities fraud regulation, BehindMLM ranks Dubai as the MLM crime capital of the world.
BehindMLM’s guidelines for Dubai are:
- If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
- If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.
If you want to know specifically how this applies to Vyb, read on for a full review.
Vyb’s Products
Vyb has no retailable products or services.
Affiliates are only able to market Vyb affiliate membership itself.
Vyb’s Compensation Plan
Vyb affiliates pay $25 to join and then an undisclosed monthly fee for a matrix position.
Commissions are paid on recruitment of affiliates who do the same.
Vyb Affiliate Ranks
There are six affiliate ranks within Vyb’s compensation plan.
- Rookie
- Creator
- Promoter
- Influencer
- Legend
Note that Vyb does not provide rank qualification criteria.
Recruitment Commissions
Vyb affiliates earn $10 per affiliate they recruit.
Residual Commissions
Vyb pays residual commissions via a 3×10 matrix.
A 3×10 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix with three positions directly under them:
These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).
Levels three to ten of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment.
Residual commissions are paid as $5 per affiliate recruited into the matrix.
Note that Vyb caps residual commissions based on rank:
- Rookies can earn up to $1800 a month
- Cretator can earn up to $5000 a month
- Promoter can earn up to $16,000 a month
- Influencer can earn up to $49,000 a month
- ICON can earn up to $147,000 a month
- Legend can earn up to $442,000 a month
Matching Bonus
Vyb pays a Matching Bonus on commission earnings down two levels of recruitment:
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 100% match
- level 2 – 50% match
Fast Start Bonus
Vyb affiliates earn a Fast Start Bonus if the affiliates they recruit pay an extra “bundle fee” each month:
- level 1 – $40 a month
- level 2 – $20 a month
Details of “bundle fee” are not disclosed”.
Joining Vyb
Vyb affiliate membership is $25 and then an undisclosed monthly fee.
Vyb Conclusion
Vyb is a simple pyramid scheme being pumped during a prelaunch period.
Sitting at the top of Vyb’s pyramid scheme is co-owners Mega Lynch, Ragan Lynch and Aundray Russell. Leading with the Lynchs’ and Russell’s insiders from previous scams, everyone recruited into Vyb is placed under them.
Notably Vyb has led with income. Whatever products are going to be bundled with affiliate fees haven’t been disclosed at time of publication.
Not that it matters, as Megan Lynch explains;
So listen, it could be socks and toothpicks and if you’re making two to five, ten to twenty to thirty thousand a month, you wouldn’t care … so I need you to stop worrying about the product, we got it.
Products don’t matter in an MLM pyramid scheme. What you’re selling is income potential tied to recruitment.
I’ve made income, my team always makes income during prelaunches. We always make a lot of income, right (laughter)?
We always make a lot of income in the very beginning and then the structure isn’t quite right and the money falls.
The FTC has warned consumers that MLM companies without significant retail sales are illegal pyramid schemes.
Needless to say an MLM company prelaunching on commission hype tied to recruitment, is not going to generate significant retail sales activity (if any at all).
As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.
This will result in those at the bottom of Vyb not earning and eventually ceasing monthly fee payments.
This will see Vyb affiliates above them stop getting paid. Unless new suckers are quickly found, they too eventually stop paying fees.
Over time this trickles up Vyb’s compensation structure, inevitably resulting in a collapse.
Math guarantees when an MLM pyramid scheme collapses, the majority of participants lose money.
Spoebody tried to prospect me for this program a couple of days ago. It told him that since there were no “viable” products or services behind Vyb currently, then it could be defined as a “pyramid scheme”. Of course, he got all defensive.
I refuse to get into arguments with people and their choices.
Graham from Weshareabundance is pushing this scam hard!
Ah, I see the Lynch Twins, Toni Marek, Dray Russell, Javian Johnson are up to their old tricks. I’ve seen Courtney R Logan is also doubling down in this scheme.
but what is the actual product?
I’ve done 12 videos exposing Megan and Ragan Lynch and their Shady background, today with even had the credit card company that was taking the payment STOP any payments also claim in only a few payments went through which is interesting more to come…
90% of the information in this article is misleading, incorrect, and misinforming.
#1 Passive Pros website is not down.
#2 Passive Pros offers EA’s not unregulated trading scheme
#3 My comment on Justin Owen’s post was stating that people keep running to Ponzi schemes because they don’t want to build anything legit. Not saying I want to run a Ponzi scheme. Yet another misleading comment. Funny how you can find this comment and spin my words but not find and post comments where I’m clearly against Ponzi schemes and crypto scams.
#4 VYB does offer a suite of products that will be announced on Feb 1st yet more misleading information due to an uninformed author.
#5 Dubai is just a trip and has nothing to do with the business so mentioning how ponzis come from Dubai yet another misleading comment.
#6 I am not the CEO. Where are you getting your info? CHAT GPT? Lol
#7 I could go on and on. But to sum it up if you’re going to write an article at least do a better job of trying to get more accurate information and not post a bunch of misleading mumbo jumbo.
#8 I do agree that the prelaunch model we took is not the most ideal, and has attracted trolls like yourself and Danny de Hek. But at the very least thanks for the exposure. We are working to make sure that we provide our community with a solid legitimate product.
(Ozedit: derails removed)
Hey Oz! Thanks so much for writing this! I was just about to write an email to you about it since ENG Mike from Onpassive has joined this and it was brought to my attention!
I have been watching and reading Danny de Hek’s website and we share community members. It has been amazing to see everything
Megan and Ragan have been a part of in the past as well. They have a long history of scamming! It appears they attach to a scam (have started their own MLM in the past as well) then collect all the money and then move on to the next one and do it again!
Hopefully we can all keep an eye on this and Megan and Ragan and their future.
Also why did their parents name them Megan and Ragan? Poor girls LOL
Keep up the fabulous work reporting as always Oz!! Much respects!
Hi Aundray. Very brave of you to disable your FaceBook profile and come on here. Unfortunately for you I have receipts.
Before you disabled public access to your FaceBook profile, you were advertising Passive Pros as operating from “passivepros.com”.
Here is the advertised Passive Pros’ website at time of publication:
Feel free to provide evidence any of the schemes promoted through Passive Pros is registered with the CFTC and/or SEC.
Oh and here’s you promoting Passive Profits as a passive returns investment scheme built on “hands-free profits” through trading:
Can you provide evidence Passive Pros itself has registered with the SEC and CFTC?
Oh and here’s you promoting a Passive Pros bank:
Can you provide evidence Passive Pros has registered as a bank in the US and is adhering to all relevant US financial and banking laws and regulations?
This review doesn’t state you wanted to run a Ponzi scheme. Guilty conscience much?
Right. But since late 2024 you’ve been promoting the income side of Vyb, which lends itself both to the products not mattering (as confirmed by Lynch), and Vyb being a recruitment commission driven pyramid scheme. As stated in the review.
Can you confirm Vyb only has business operations in the US then? Asking for a (federal) friend.
From your business partner and Vyb co-owner Megan Lynch:
No please. Don’t let facts get in the way of your bullshit. By all means continue to deny reality. I can sit here calling you out on your blatant lies all day.
If that’s what you took away from the review, oh dear. Vyb is an illegal pyramid scheme. That’s the takeaway from this review for consumers doing their due-diligence into Vyb.
I don’t have patience for people who out themselves as lying scumbags, so consider yourself on a short leash.
(Ozedit: derails removed)
2: that was a typo the website is PassivePros.info not .com
3: yes promoting a Forex EA of one of our users taking advantage of the hands free options of the software. That they own and have complete control over their own settings.
4: Passive Pros Banking, partnership, I do not personally own a bank, and it is white label Fintech platform. Not an actual Bank. But does provide FDIC Banking. Ever heard of Rush Card or other company branding banking solutions?
5: There will be products announced don’t worry it’s coming. Lol
6: That’s a running Joke, pay attention to what she says afterwords.
7: is this what you call facts. Since when did opinions become facts. Let me find my dictionary. lol
(Ozedit: derails removed)
But carry on.
First and last warning: Butthurt and offtopic derails = spambin. This is a review on Vyb, a confirmed MLM pyramid scheme by way of having no retailable products or services.
Sure it was chief. And absolutely nothing to do with Google classifying Passive Pros’ website as “dangerous”.
That’s nice but has nothing to do with you and Passive Pros committing securities and commodities fraud.
Thank you for confirming Passive Pros is in fact not a bank and you are not above banking fraud and deceptive marketing practices.
As stated, doesn’t matter. Obvious pyramid scheme is obvious. You can’t retroactively undo FTC Act violations.
I sat through the whole thing as part of my research into this article. At no point does Megan claim or imply her Vyb ownership and CEO statements are a joke.
This review is 100% accurate as at time of publication. Best of luck with the scamming Aundray.
I don’t need to lie about never owning PassivePros.com you research everything else. Research that. Like I said it was typo.
A private domain registration that was last updated in October 2024 (around the time Google started warning about it?), is not evidence of anything.
What we do have evidence of is you promoting Passive Pros through a website domain that has since been disabled, as stated in the review.
Hi Aundray,
I always find it fascinating when individuals like yourself attempt to defend their operations with vague rebuttals and a lot of deflection. But here’s the thing—if you truly believe that 90% of the information in the article is incorrect, why not take this as an opportunity to set the record straight?
I’m officially inviting you to join me for a live interview on my show. Think about it: this is your golden opportunity to showcase the legitimacy of what you’re doing and explain how your business operates. You could be the spokesperson for VYB and demonstrate to the world how people like me and others exposing your practices are just “misinformed.” I even promise to give you the questions ahead of time—no surprises—so you can come prepared.
Let’s address some of your points:
Passive Pros Website: You claim it’s still live and operational but provided an incorrect URL in your initial rebuttal. Mistakes like this don’t instill confidence in the “clarity” you’re advocating for.
EA Products and Banking Claims: You state that Passive Pros offers an EA system, but your explanation only raises more questions. How is this different from unregulated trading schemes? If it’s legitimate, why not provide full transparency? As for your “white label banking solution,” how is it FDIC-insured? Saying it provides banking functionality but isn’t a bank is like saying a cardboard cutout is a person.
Dubai Connections: You say it’s just a trip, but surely you’re aware of Dubai’s reputation in MLM circles. It’s often tied to Ponzi schemes, so even mentioning Dubai raises eyebrows.
Products Announced on Feb 1st: Isn’t it convenient that products are “coming soon”? Why wasn’t this suite of products available before people started paying $25 to “lock their spot” in your matrix? Relying on future promises is a classic red flag for schemes like this.
“Opinions vs. Facts”: You dismiss the article as opinionated misinformation, but your responses seem more like spin than clarification. If you believe the facts are wrong, why not come on the show and provide evidence to back up your claims?
I offered the same opportunity to Megan Lynch, but she declined. Instead, I had to feed all the nonsense she’s been spouting into AI and interview a simulated version of her. Would you prefer I do the same for you? Or will you step up and answer real questions live?
This is your chance to go beyond vague comments and actually explain to the public how your model isn’t just another recruitment-based scheme designed to collapse once recruitment dries up. You’ve accused me and others of being trolls, but wouldn’t the best way to silence critics be to transparently explain your business in a public forum?
So, Aundray, here’s the challenge: be a man, step into the spotlight, and let’s have an honest conversation. Let’s see if you can defend VYB in a way that doesn’t rely on buzzwords, deflection, or promises of “it’s coming soon.”
You know where to find me. Let me know if you have the courage to back up your words. I’ll even let Megan or Ragan connect us, or better yet, maybe that six-year-old future CEO you’ve got working in the company. Cheers, and I look forward to your reply—or your silence. Either way, the truth will come out.
Best regards,
Danny de Hek
The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger
P.S. If you think we’re just trolls looking for exposure, remember this: transparency only scares those with something to hide. Don’t just talk—prove us wrong.
Danny I’m not about to read that book. (Ozedit: Cool, bye.)
If you’re not going to read and address what’s directed at you, you don’t get to comment. This isn’t the place for “I’m going to ignore everybody else because I’m the main character” waffle sermons.
Oh Aundray, I see reading isn’t your strong suit—ironic for someone trying to convince people they’re running a legitimate business.
Here’s a fun fact: I’m dyslexic. I have the reading level of a nine-year-old, yet somehow, I manage to research, expose scams, and write coherent responses. Meanwhile, you’re out here refusing to read a few paragraphs because it’s too much effort.
Maybe instead of running from words (and accountability), you should invest some time into reading about how pyramid schemes collapse, why regulators shut down scams like yours, and how real businesses operate. I might struggle with reading, but at least I’m not struggling with integrity.
If you ever find the courage to actually read and respond with something intelligent, let me know. But for now, your inability to engage in a meaningful discussion speaks volumes—louder than any ‘business opportunity’ you’re trying to sell.
I see Dray puts as much effort into his responses as he does on his business ventures. Explains a lot. How eye-opening.
Good job, Dray!
Yea its a scam Dehik video points it out. OH BY THE WAY domain registered on Creation Date: 2024-12-28T19:12:00.00Z for anyone whom feels that I don’t know what I am talking about I did the who is domain look up .
i will follow up on dehiks report by showing the world the developer view of this VYB SITE.
ALSO NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE who claims to be an owner or of executive of a company does a live stream with such poor quality that meks look like their streaming from a 3rd world country on dialup internet. beerly 780p quality.