Vyb website deleted, processor lost & co-owner meltdown
On January 26th BehindMLM published its Vyb review, identifying it as a recruitment-driven pyramid scheme.
Over the 48 hours since:
- Vyb co-owner and CEO Aundray Russell nuked his FaceBook account
- Vyb lost its payment processor
- Vyb’s website has been deleted and
- Vyb co-owner Megan Lynch held a “meltdown” webinar, leaning heavily into religious affinity fraud
Let’s discuss.
Aundray Russell nuked his FaceBook account within hours of BehindMLM publishing its Vyb review.
After blocking public access to incriminating evidence on his account, Russell appeared in BehindMLM’s comments section to blatantly lie about Vyb.
Moving on to Vyb’s former payment processor, Tyga Pay; While we didn’t mention Tyga Pay in our review we did note Vyb instructing affiliates on how to circumvent fraud safeguards:
Danny de Hek, who goes by the Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger on YouTube, reached out to Tyga Pay.
Tyga Pay informed de Hek
it’s against our T&C to use our platform for Pyramid Schemes / Matrix Programs.
TygaPay halted payment processing for Vyb while their “compliance team” further investigated Vyb.
On January 27th, co-owner Megan Lynch informed affiliates Vyb was moving towards only cryptocurrency.
- public recruitment marketing presentations were also suspended and
- Vyb’s commission payment date was pushed back to February 16th
- outstanding support tickets for Vyb payment issues are being deleted
Lynch claimed the issues were due to Vyb “getting ready to move to a bigger … Amazon server”. Toni Morick, Vyb’s Chief Marketing Officer, instructed affiliates with ongoing Vyb payment issues to contact their bank’s fraud department.
Earlier today Vyb’s “thevyb.io” website was deleted:
As at time of publication Vyb’s “myvyb.io” website is still online. The site claims over 30,000 members have signed up.
After Vyb’s primary website was deleted, Megan Lynch went online to have a public meltdown.
Lynch, who claims God told her to create Vyb, doesn’t address Vyb being a pyramid scheme as the root of its problems.
Instead Lynch takes on a religious affinity fraud angle, trotting out the common “us vs. the enemy” strawman.
When you’re doing something great … you’re always going to attract the enemy.
We’re making a few changes here and there but nobody can stop greatness, no matter how hard they try. No weapons formed against us shall prosper.
There is no “enemy” and there are no “weapons”. Vyb prelaunched with an illegal business model that defrauds consumers – and various service providers have taken action.
Lynch goes on to compare Vyb, an MLM pyramid scheme, to The Underground Railroad.
I haven’t done anything [to promote Vyb]. I picked up my cell phone and I texted everybody I knew … and we met underground, like The Underground Railroad.
Lynch has been promoting Vyb daily through webinars so I’m not sure how that equates to “doing nothing”.
Next in Lynch’s “I’ll say anything except address Vyb being a pyramid scheme” bag of excuses is AI.
Don’t worry about anything you see online. If you hear audio, it ain’t me. It’s AI. They love me so much they are AI’ing my voice because they already know what’s about to happen [on] February 17th.
BehindMLM isn’t aware of any instances of AI cloning of Lynch’s voice, or what it has to do with Vyb being a pyramid scheme.
Things only further deteriorate as Lynch continues;
I’m not taunting the enemy I just brought my pastor with me, right?
When you know you’re up against the enemy and you know that people are about to get free… I’m doing the presentation right now by the way.
When you know you’re about to be free, you know that God’s people, thirty-eight thousand of them are gonna turn into a hundred thousand of them, that turn into a million.
If one will chase a hundred and a hundred will chase a thousand, what do you think one million people are going to do?
Not sell products to retail customers and be legally compliant is my guess. I’m not going to even touch Lynch selling “God’s people” membership for $25.
And evidently math isn’t Lynch’s strong point. One million chase ten million, who chase one hundred million, who chase one billion people, who chase… more than the population of Earth?
Yeah, sounds like “God’s people” are screwed. But of course math doesn’t matter when the goal is to fleece as many people as possible from your position at the top of the Vyb pyramid scheme.
Thou shalt not steal.
Lynch goes on to claim MLM pyramid schemes are legal in the US.
Hey, we’re legal. We do the same thing that Amazon does. We market products, we just haven’t gotten to the products yet … we don’t want you to focus on the products right now.
Amazon is of course not an MLM company and Vyb has not marketed any products beyond promoter membership.
In true pyramid scheme fashion Vyb has led with income potential built around a recruitment-centric compensation plan: Vyb promoters pay $25 plus a matrix position fee, and get paid to recruit others who pay the same.
Are you going to be able to make a decision on whether or not you wanna lock your spot for $25, so you fall into the matrix, that we built for God’s people?
This is bigger than all of us, y’know.
No weapons formed against us shall prosper, right? I’m standing on that. I’m standing on, like, you can try to cause all the confusion you want but listen; February 17th this boat is going in to the promised land, with or without people, right?
We’ll let ’em on though, but I do want you guys to understand the enemy is hard at work right now.
There’s people who are like, “don’t join them” – that’s the enemy. It’s the enemy hard at work.
If you’re not familiar with the concept of affinity fraud, it comes in many different variants. Lynch is utilizing religious affinity fraud.
Fraudsters who carry out affinity scams frequently are (or pretend to be) members of the group they are trying to defraud.
The group could be a religious group, such as a particular denomination or church, or an ethnic group or immigrant community.
It could be a racial minority. It could be members of a particular workforce — even members of the military have been targets of these frauds.
Fraudsters target any group they think they can convince to trust them with the group members’ hard-earned savings.
Many affinity frauds are Ponzi or pyramid schemes.
Vyb, at least from what has been publicly disclosed thus far isn’t a Ponzi scheme. But with everything tied to recruitment, is certainly a pyramid scheme.
Pursuant to Lynch utilizing religious affinity fraud to market Vyb is her bringing on Pastor Carlos.
Lynch, who claims he’s “new in her faith”, states she hadn’t spoken to Carlos “in years” prior to deciding to launch a pyramid scheme. Nonetheless, Carlos purportedly called her out of the blue wanting to “pray on [the] business”.
And it didn’t freak me out right? It didn’t because I felt it in my spirit.
Carlos, in his capacity as a pastor, goes on to lie about the reality of pyramid schemes.
See Megan one thing you have to understand is that a lot of people see you as doing something is designed to hurt people. But you’re not here to hurt people you’re here to help people.
And so a lot of people don’t understand your heart or your mission and your purpose behind this work. Behind this ministry.
Stealing money from people through a pyramid scheme isn’t helping them. Simple math guarantees the majority of participants in pyramid scheme will lose money – and no amount of praying or selling yourself out to fraud changes that.
Let’s be clear, the intent in a pyramid scheme is to misappropriate as much money as possible. Vyb led with income potential in its marketing because there’s nothing else to the business.
Vyb’s “product” is selling people who are religiously inclined on financial freedom tied to “the promised land”, for no other reason than Megan Lynch and her Vyb co-founders getting a cut from everybody that signs up.
And with no regard whatsoever for the majority of Vyb participants who inhabit the bottom of the pyramid when recruitment math guarantees Vyb inevitable collapses.
Calling Vyb, an MLM pyramid scheme, a ministry? Good grief.
Carlos, who doesn’t disclose whether he has a vested financial interest in Vyb, goes on to compare Lynch to Jesus.
[Megan is] well-equipped to be able to take this thing to the next level. She’s dealt with the regulators, dealt with companies that failed, dealt with people that were problematic, and so God has built her and prepared her for such a time as this.
The rest of Carlos’ ranting can be summed up as rubber-stamping pyramid fraud in the name of God. Carlos urges webinar participants to “get on in” Vybe, because “God has called them to do it”.
Pending any further updates, we’ll keep you posted.
Update 29th January 2025 – Vyb’s primary website is back online.
Also she keeps calling danny de hek racist when she bring up race on the call and i believe this audio clip along with small clip be posted everywhere showing her true colors.
Website was down to report to webhost… dreamhost claims they spoke to client and they cant do anything but are willing complly with law enforcement if subpoena is sent to them, guess it time for wack a mole…
processor will stop payments and that why looking change their payments at which point send same email to new processor til they run out of them and ask for crypto direct which be dump cause then trace every dollar in out of her account.
You rock OZ!
The latest trend in MLM is to have no products at all, no payment processor, not even a website!
Fantasy and a crypto wallet is all what is needed to defraud people.
A couple Onpassive OFounders have joined this scheme (ENG Mike and Dr Benny to be exact). This past week, Bill Must from the Onpassive scam released a video discussing how OFounders shouldn’t look for “shiny new objects” that ask for “$25 to buy in!” and it seemed he was directing this towards VYB.
Megan better ensure her securities were registered because otherwise the SEC might come knocking like they did with Ash Mufareh.
Right now, she is selling a spot on the pyramid and no products. Distributors make commissions off recruitment not the sale of products. There are no products, allegedly being announced February 2nd in a secret webinar (odd to do this secretly if these products are to be sold to the public). Megan seems to not understand the difference between a MLM and a pyramid scheme, based on her latest presentation on Zoom. Without a website or payment processor, this scam cannot continue.
Hopefully they get reported until they give up. It’s just a shame many people will lose out on $25 in the process. Keep an eye on this woman, something tells me she’ll move on to another scam.
Think a bit why it’s only $25! The answere is, that nobody run to court for this little bit. So it’s a nearly riskless fraud for Ash.