ultimate-business-world-logoUltimate Business World claim to be based out of Estonia and operate in the digital currency MLM niche.

The company claims to be owned by Manhattan Securities, however no further information about this company is provided.

The Manhattan Securities website only displays the message: “Website is currently updating and will be online soon!” The domain itself was registered over a year ago.

A website frequently cited in the Ultimate Business World Terms and Conditions is that of Manhattan Funding, which today redirects to the Ultimate Business World website.

All three domains, Manhattan Securities, Manhattan Funding and Ultimate Business World have been registered privately.

paal-aschjem-chairman-ultimate-business-worldCredited as Chairman of Ultimate Business World on its website is Paal Aschjem (right).

Paal is renowned throughout his international network for his role as the founder and longtime Chairman of the Norwegian–Estonian Chamber of Commerce, the Chairman of the Foreign Investors Council in Estonia, International Vice President of Junior Chamber International and the president of JCI Association of Senators in Europe.

Paal has developed several major companies in Norway and Estonia during the last 20 years.

A flyer hosted on the Norwegian embassy for Estonia website recommends Aschjem as the person to speak to if you’re interested in ‘networking/events with Norwegian companies established in Estonia‘.

Possibly due to language barriers (Aschjem is originally from Norway but now resides in Estonia), I was unable to put together an MLM history.

Read on for a full review of the Ultimate Business World MLM opportunity.

The Ultimate Business World Product Line

Ultimate Business World has no retailable products or services.

Our Vision is to be among the top 10 used currencies in the world and to be positioned behind these major currencies including the USD.

Ultimate Business World’s currency is the UBW Coin.

UBW Coin has been given an artificial €1 EUR per coin starting value. Ultimate Business World state that when a new affiliate joins the company the price of a UBW Coin will go up €0.00002 EUR.

Ultimate Business World affiliates sign up and pay a fee to receive UBW Coins:

  • Starter (€60 EUR) – receive €60 EUR worth of UBW Coins
  • Business (€600 EUR) – receive €600 EUR worth of UBW Coins
  • Professional (€3000 EUR) – receive €1000 EUR worth of UBW Coins

Ultimate Business World affiliates can also purchase UBW Coins directly as follows:

  • €100 EUR purchases €100 EUR worth of UBW Coins
  • €200 EUR purchases €220 EUR worth of UBW Coins
  • €300 EUR purchases €400 EUR worth of UBW Coins
  • €500 EUR purchases €750 EUR worth of UBW Coins

UBW Coins will not be available for purchase by the general public until May, 2017.

The Ultimate Business World Compensation Plan

The Ultimate Business World compensation plan pays affiliates a ROI through UBW Coin direct investment and investment into Rental Income Units.

Affiliates are also paid to recruit new Ultimate Business World affiliates.

UBW Coin Investment

Ultimate Business World affiliates invest between €100 to €500 EUR directly into UBW Coins.

The value of the coins goes up as more affiliates sign up and invest, eventually allowing an affiliate who holds coins to cash out a ROI.

How much of a ROI is cashed out is determined by the rate of recruitment of Ultimate Business World affiliates.

Rental Income Unit Investment

Ultimate Business World affiliates can invest €600 EUR into a Rental Income Unit.

Ultimate Business World keep €120 EUR of “every sale” made within the company (presumably excluding Starter and €100 EUR investment into UBW Coin), which is used to pay Rental Income Unit holders a daily ROI.

Ultimate Business World guarantee a daily ROI of between €6 and €12 EUR.

After 12 months an affiliate must pay a 10% ROI fee (for the year) if they wish to retain their Income Unit Rental for another three years.

Recruitment Commissions

Recruitment commissions in Ultimate Business World are paid out via a 3×7 matrix compensation structure.

A 3×7 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:


These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting each of the first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Subsequent levels of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with a complete 3×7 matrix housing 3279 positions.

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of Ultimate Business World affiliates.

When a newly recruited affiliate is added to a matrix, a commission is paid out as follows:

  • €1 EUR per Stater affiliate recruited
  • €10 EUR per Business affiliate recruited
  • Professional commission not disclosed

Note that the matrix is also used to pay a residual commission on Rental Income Unit investment at a rate of €10 EUR per €600 EUR investment.

UBW Marketplace Commissions

Ultimate Business World affiliates are able to sign up merchants willing to accept UBW Coins as payment for goods and services.

For each merchant signed up, the referring affiliate receives 0.5% of annual revenue generated by the merchant.

Affiliate Incentives

Based on monthly earnings, Ultimate Business World offer affiliates the following incentive bonuses:

  • earn €25,000 EUR a month and receive a “dream vacation” and €7500 “value prize”
  • earn €50,000 EUR a month and receive a €3000 EUR a month car bonus (recurring)
  • earn €100,000 EUR a month and receive a “luxury watch”, “luxury clothes and shoes” and a “€30,000 EUR value prize”
  • earn €200,000 EUR a month and receive a “€10,000 monthly prize” (recurring)
  • earn €500,000 EUR a month and receive a “€30,000 monthly prize” (recurring)
  • earn €1,000,000 EUR a month and receive a “luxury house”, “all inclusive VIP trip with family” and “VIP living with chauffeur”

Joining Ultimate Business World

Ultimate Business World affiliate membership is tied to the purchase of an affiliate package:

  • Starter – €60 EUR a year (automatically upgrades to Business Package once €600 EUR commissions have been made)
  • Business – €600 EUR ten year membership
  • Professional – €3000 EUR ten year membership


Despite sounding a lot like a cryptocurrency, Ultimate Business World insist UBW Coin is ‘not a crypto coin & not mined‘.

Rather, it’s ‘a digital currency with a real value and a limited amount of coins to be released‘.

Let’s take a step back and analyze this.

UBW Coin is obviously a point based system, with each point assigned an arbitrary value by Ultimate Business World.

The initial starting value of €1 EUR per coin is completely artificial and not based on any real value.

From there, the only trigger to increase the value of the points is via affiliate recruitment. UBW Coin state this is to “maintain a realistic coin value”.

The key word there is “maintain”. The arbitrary value Ultimate Business World assign their UBW Coins is not based on real supply and demand. It’s a mimicry designed to masquerade as real value.

Needless to say this is not how a legitimate digital or fiat currency works.

According to Ultimate Business World, ‘from December 1st 2016 it will be the market that will decide the price‘. Looking further ahead the plan appears to be to take UBW Coin public in May, 2017.

The problem is that until then, all you’ve got is speculative affiliates pumping money into the coin (which artificially increases its value).

The only reason affiliates are investing is the hope that UBW Coins will increase in value such that come May, 2017, they can cash out.

Why on Earth would the general public be interested in buying into a coin whose value has been pumped up by nothing but speculative investment? It makes no sense.

At the time of publication, the only source of revenue currently entering Ultimate Business World is affiliate investment.

This means any UBW Coin cash outs are funded by subsequent investment, making UBW Coins a vehicle for Ponzi fraud.

The whole Rental Income Unit component of the compensation plan takes this one step further, guaranteeing a daily ROI that is stated to be sourced from subsequent investment.

The matrix commissions paid out on affiliate package investment adds a pyramid layer to the scheme, as without constant recruitment Ultimate Business World will collapse.

In this sense Ultimate Business World is no different to any number of altcoin MLM opportunities functioning as Ponzi schemes. The only difference is they’re not pretending their point-generation script is a legitimate cryptocurrency.

Otherwise fraud is fraud, and Ultimate Business World do not provide any regulatory registrations for financial services or securities.

Instead, the company claims

during October / November 2016 UBW is planning to have its financial operating license in place giving the currency even more flexibility.

The Ultimate Business World domain was registered in April of this year. Until such a time as financial licenses are secured, Ultimate Business World is and has been committing financial fraud.

That’s not the foundation for a successful MLM opportunity that will stand the test of time.

More than likely Ultimate Business World investors who dump money into UBW Coins will only realize they’ve been scammed when they put in withdrawal requests.

These requests will be put off by artificial increases in UBW Coin’s value, with “fear of loss” coming into play (“If I get out now, I’ll lose out because the value continues to climb”).

An Ultimate Business World affiliate marketing presentation dated September 14th states:

Keep your coins and watch them grow in value !!!

What Ultimate Business World’s owners do in the meantime is accept real money for worthless points they’ve conned affiliates into believing are actually worth something.

Then watch management proclaim it’s not their fault there’s no demand for UBW Coins come May next year.

As an Ultimate Business World affiliate with potentially thousands invested, where does that leave you?


Any fees charged to your account are non-refundable.

Good luck with that.