Tycoon69 bills itself as “the ICO network” and operates in the MLM cryptocurrency niche.

A corporate address for “Tycoon69” Switzerland is provided in the footer of the Tycoon69 website. The website however provides no information about who owns or runs the company.

That said, someone with possibly the worst possible haircut for an older gentleman I’ve ever seen features prominently in Tycoon69’s marketing videos.

Captain Bad Hair features in some other Tycoon69 marketing videos and I eventually identified him as Stefan Hostettler.

If Hostettler is an owner of Tycoon69 then he is a silent one. Beyond fronting Tycoon69’s marketing efforts, it is unclear whether Hostletter has an executive role within the company.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Tycoon69 Products

Tycoon69 has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Tycoon69 affiliate membership itself.

Tycoon69 affiliate membership provides access to an ebook library and personal coaching subscription.

The Tycoon69 Compensation Plan

Tycoon69 affiliates invest in MCV points:

  • Basic – invest €50 EUR and receive 104 MCV points
  • Bronze – invest €250 EUR and receive 336 MCV points
  • Silver – invest €500 EUR and receive 632 MCV points
  • Gold – invest €1000 EUR and receive 1207 MCV points
  • Platinum – invest €2948 EUR and receive 2948 MCV points
  • Diamond – invest €5000 EUR and receive 5907 MCV points
  • Professional – invest €10,000 EUR and receive 12,073 MCV points
  • Founder – invest €25,000 EUR and receive 30,132 MCV points
  • Investor I – invest €50,000 EUR and receive 64,191 MCV points
  • Investor II – invest €100,000 EUR and receive 128,382 MCV points

Investment in MCV points is made on the expectation of a passive return:

At the time of publication MCV points are not publicly tradeable and exist only within Tycoon69.

Commissions within Tycoon69 are paid when recruited affiliates also invest in MCV points.

Tycoon69 Affiliate Ranks

There are fifteen affiliate ranks within the Tycoon69 compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are follows:

  • Coin Trainee – sign up as a Tycoon69 affiliate and invest
  • Coin Team Builder – generate and maintain at least €1000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume
  • Coin Manager – generate and maintain at least €2500 EUR in monthly  downline investment volume
  • Coin Coordinator – generate and maintain at least €5000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume
  • Coin Expert – generate and maintain at least €10,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least two personally recruited Coin Managers
  • Coin Supervisor – generate and maintain at least €25,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least two personally recruited Coin Coordinators
  • Coin Officer – generate and maintain at least €50,000 EUR in downline investment volume and maintain at least two personally recruited Coin Experts
  • Coin Director – generate and maintain at least €100,000 EUR in downline investment volume and maintain at least two personally recruited Coin Supervisors
  • Coin Executive – generate and maintain at least €250,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least two personally recruited Coin Officers
  • Coin Master – generate and maintain at least €500,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least three personally recruited Coin Directors
  • Coin Vice President – generate and maintain at least €1,000,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least four Coin Officers in your downline (can be directly or indirectly recruited)
  • Coin President – generate and maintain at least €2,500,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least eight Coin Directors in your downline (can be directly or indirectly recruited)
  • Coin Chairman – generate and maintain at least €5,000,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least sixteen Coin Executives in your downline (can be directly or indirectly recruited)
  • Coin Baron – generate and maintain at least €10,000,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least thirty-two Coin Masters in your downline (can be directly or indirectly recruited)
  • Coin Tycoon – generate and maintain at least €25,000,000 EUR in monthly downline investment volume and maintain at least sixty-four Coin Vice Presidents in your downline (can be directly or indirectly recruited)

Residual Commissions

Tycoon69 pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Residual commissions are paid out as a percentage of MCV investment volume generated across the unilevel team as follows:

  • Coin Trainees earn 10% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • Coin Team Builders earn 10% on level 1 and 0.5% on level 2
  • Coin Managers earn 10% on level 1 and 1% on level 2
  • Coin Coordinators earn 10% on level 1, 1.5% on level 2 and 0.3% on level 3
  • Coin Experts earn 10% on level 1, 2% on level 2 and 0.6% on level 3
  • Coin Supervisors earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2 and 0.9% on level 3
  • Coin Officers earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2 and 1.2% on level 3
  • Coin Directors earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3 and 0.2% on level 4
  • Coin Executives earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3 and 0.4% on level 4
  • Coin Masters earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3, 0.6% on level 4 and 0.1% on level 5
  • Coin Vice Presidents earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3, 1% on level 4 and 0.2% on level 5
  • Coin Presidents earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3, 1% on level 4, 0.3% on level 5 and 0.1% on level 6
  • Coin Chairmans earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3, 1% on level 4, 0.5% on level 5 and 0.2% on level 6
  • Coin Barons earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3, 1% on level 4, 0.5% on level 5 and 0.3% on level 6
  • Coin Tycoons earn 10% on level 1, 2.5% on level 2, 1.5% on level 3, 1% on level 4, 0.5% on levels 5 and 6

Note that the Coin Tycoon rate is paid on all residual commissions.

That means higher ranked affiliates can earn the difference between their rank residual commission rate and lower ranked affiliates in their downline.

The difference continues to be paid out until eventually a Coin Tycoon ranked affiliate is found, who receives whatever is left of the six-level deep residual commission rate.

Powerline PowerBoost Commissions

Tycoon69’s Powerline is simply a recording of affiliates who join after you.

These affiliates can be recruited by you or other Tycoon69 affiliates.

Tycoon69 takes 5% of funds invested company-wide and places them into the Powerline.

Affiliates who invest at the Platinum and higher tiers are given positions in the Powerline as follows:

  • Platinum – 1 Powerline position
  • Diamond – 2 Powerline positions
  • Professional – 3 Powerline positions
  • Founder – 5 Powerline positions
  • Investor I – 10 Powerline positions
  • Investor II – 20 Powerline positions

Affiliates who invest in the lower tiers can get Powerline positions, however I believe they have to purchase them (no pricing is provided).

For every €250 EUR in downline investment volume (unilevel team, not the powerline), a Tycoon69 affiliate is able to withdraw €6.9 EUR through the Powerline.

The triggering of a €6.9 EUR Powerline available withdrawal amount is referred to as a “PowerBoost”.

Note that no more than 33.3% of each €250 EUR amount can be sourced from any one unilevel leg.

Note that while how much of the Powerline balance is available to you is based on where you are in the Powerline (5% of investment volume under your position).

Powerline withdrawals are capped based on how much a Tycoon69 affiliate has invested:

  • Basic affiliates are capped at three PowerBoosts withdrawals a day (€20.7 EUR)
  • Bronze affiliates are capped at fifteen PowerBoosts withdrawals a day (€103.50 EUR)
  • Silver affiliates are capped at fifty PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€345 EUR)
  • Gold affiliates are capped at eighty PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€552 EUR)
  • Platinum affiliates are capped at one hundred and twenty PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€828 EUR)
  • Diamond affiliates are capped at two hundred and twenty PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€1518 EUR)
  • Professional affiliates are capped at three hundred and fifty PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€2415 EUR)
  • Founder affiliates are capped at five hundred PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€3450 EUR)
  • Investor I affiliates are capped at seven hundred and fifty PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€5175 EUR)
  • Investor II affiliates are capped at one thousand PowerBoost withdrawals a day (€6900 EUR)

Powerline PowerShares

Tycoon69 take 5% of company-wide invested funds and place them into a PowerShares pool.

Each affiliate in the PowerLine receives their share allocation of the amount in the pool.

How many shares a Tycoon69 affiliate has is determined by how much they’ve invested:

  • Basic affiliates receive 1 PowerShare
  • Bronze affiliates receive 5 PowerShares
  • Silver affiliates receive 10 PowerShares
  • Gold affiliates receive 20 PowerShares
  • Platinum affiliates receive 50 PowerShares
  • Diamond affiliates receive 100 PowerShares
  • Professional affiliates receive 200 PowerShares
  • Founder affiliates receive 500 PowerShares
  • Investor I affiliates receive 1000 PowerShares
  • Investor II affiliates receive 2000 PowerShares

1 Million Dollar Contract

If a Tycoon69 affiliate generates $10,000 in downline investment by January 31st, 2019, and then goes on to generate at least $10,000,000 by the end of 2019, they will receive a $1 million dollar bonus.

Note that for some reason the 1 Million Dollar Contract is the only part of the Tycoon69 compensation plan that is not in euros.

Joining Tycoon69

Tycoon69 affiliate membership is tied to a €50 EUR to €100,000 EUR investment.

The more a Tycoon69 affiliate invests the higher their income potential via the Tycoon69 compensation plan.


Tycoon69 is your typical securities fraud come Ponzi scheme MLM cryptocurrency offering.

The MCV points affiliates invest in is nothing more than an ethereum-based ERC-20 token.

ERC-20 tokens can be set up in about five minutes and are a dime a dozen.

Tycoon69’s marketing pitch is that affiliate investors will be able to convert MCV points into BCB4U, a cryptocurrency that doesn’t exist yet.

BCB4U is of course marketed via typical MLM cryptocurrency bullshit claims;

One MCV token equates to four BCB4U coins.

The BCB4U coin generation date will be determined by the BCB4U bank management after the bank license has been granted.

The BCB4U coin becomes the internal bank currency and loyalty coin for all internal and external banking services

Investors and clients can choose from a variety of services such as Debit – Credit Cards – Crypto Loans – Crypto Asset Management – Online Payments – Cashback & Loyalty.

Thing is though, along with BCB4U, none of Tycoon69’s promises actually exist yet.

The ICO income will be used to establish or buy banks in the EU, Africa and branches in Asia (USA to be established following an independent raisin of capital).

“Give us your money, and then we’ll (insert typical MLM cryptocurrency bullshit promises here)”.

Oh and note the exclusion of the US above. There’s a good reason for that. And by “good” I mean only good for the scammers running Tycoon69.

At the time of publication Alexa pegs German (33%), Russia (11%), Latvia (7%), the Netherlands (5%) and Israel (5%) as the top five sources of traffic to the Tycoon69 website.

Tycoon69 provides no indication that they are registered to offer securities in any of those countries, or indeed anywhere in the world.

This means that prima facie, Tycoon69 is operating illegally in every country it is promoted in.

If Tycoon69 were to solicit investment in the US, they’d likely be hit with a securities fraud cease and desist.

If they got big enough that’d turn into a full-blown SEC investigation. Not withstanding Tycoon69’s marketing of BCB4U as a banking alternative guaranteed to attract the attention of financial regulators.

What all of this translates to is frozen money before Tycoon69’s owners have had a chance to squirrel it away.

And that’s not to say that all of this won’t happen anyway outside of the US, just that the rest of the world is notoriously slow to react to cryptocurrency scams.

By only scamming people outside of the US, Tycoon69’s owners all but guarantee they’ll have more than enough time to hide funds by the time the scheme collapses.

Speaking of owners, MCV has its own website up, on which Egon Putzi, Gerald Schreiner and Gerald Deutschbauer are cited as founders.

I’d bet the house on these three being the owners of Tycoon69 itself.

Including Stefan Hostettler, here’s how each of Tycoon69’s owners fit within the MLM industry;

  • Stefan Hostettler – was promoting Dubli (now Ominto) up until two years ago
  • Egon Putzi – doesn’t appear to have an MLM history up until MCV ICO announcement in March 2018
  • Gerald Schreiner – also doesn’t appear have an MLM history, presented on MCV website as having a fintech background
  • Gerald Deutschbauer – shares Hostettler’s love of terrible hairstyles, not much out there outside of the MCV ICO (might be a language-barrier issue)

The good news, if you can call it that, is that Tycoon69’s business model has been used to scam enough people that it is entirely predictable.

Most of the money made in Tycoon69 is through recruitment of investors (pyramid scheme).

Initially BCB4U will trade on an internal exchange, which is straight Ponzi fraud (existing investors withdrawing newly invested funds).

Tycoon69 will set the internal value of BCB4U and withdrawals will continue until a collapse is imminent (withdrawals exceed the rate of new investment).

When that tipping point is reached, internal exchange BCB4U withdrawals will be delayed and/or suspended.

BCB4U’s public listing on an exchange will then be announced, and eventually happen on some dodgy exchange.

After it’s listed BCB4U’s value will briefly pump, followed by a prompt dump.

The reason for this is top investors who didn’t bleed the internal exchange dry convince others to hold their BCB4U balances.

This is the usual “what if BCB4U was worth eleventy bajillion dollars?!?” marketing hype.

Meanwhile these same investors quietly cash out their BCB4U balances, inevitably driving the price down.

Something something panic, something something BCB4U’s trading value approaches zero and finally, something something sorry for your loss.

What isn’t paid out in commissions is kept by Tycoon69’s owners, who by this stage will have disappeared.

You already know how this is going to end. Stop falling for the same MLM cryptocurrency scam garbage.


Update 2nd July 2020 – As of June 19th, Tycoon69 has ceased operating in Switzerland.

The FMA has initiated bankruptcy proceedings against the company.