The Shiny Ball Syndrome’s website presents a marketing video and signup form front and center.

No ownership or executive information is provided. Nor do any of the provided links suggest this information is provided.

If we click through to The Shiny Ball Syndrome’s “commission fees” link, we find references to “Paul Darby, Inc.”

BehindMLM first covered Paul Darby in 2013, as owner of the YouGetPaidFast gifting scheme. Back then Darby was launching various scams under Unimax Services branding.

After YouGetPaidFast collapsed, Darby continued promoting third-party scams to his victims.

Darby’s next MLM venture was Z System, launched in mid 2022. Z System was an email marketing tool attached to a pyramid scheme.

Darby’s YouTube channel reveals he stopped promoting Z System in late 2022. Other than that, Darby has used his YouTube channel to market various “new” marketing systems under various names.

The latest is some AI grift, through which Darby pitches a 2000% ROI in less than two months:

Marketing for The Shiny Ball Syndrome began about two months ago.

Read on for a full review of The Shiny Ball Syndrome’s MLM opportunity.

The Shiny Ball Syndrome’s Products

The Shiny Ball Syndrome has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market The Shiny Ball Syndrome affiliate membership itself.

The Shiny Ball Syndrome’s Compensation Plan

The Shiny Ball Syndrome affiliates pay $10. This qualifies them to earn commissions on recruited affiliates.

  • $4.80 is paid on each personally recruited affiliate
  • a 50% matching bonus is paid on earnings by personally recruited affiliates

Joining The Shiny Ball Syndrome

The Shiny Ball Syndrome affiliate membership is $10.

The Shiny Ball Syndrome Conclusion

The Shiny Ball pitches itself as a “$10 miracle that is the end of your money problems”.

The problem is behind this pitch, you have a simple $10 buy-in pyramid scheme.

There’s not a lot to The Shiny Ball Syndrome. Paul Darby seems to have discovered AI tools and created a bog-standard robodubbed avatar marketing video.

The video is slapped on top of an email capture form. Signing up costs $10, and these fees are used to pay commissions.

Nothing is marketed or sold to retail customers, which as advised by the FTC makes The Shiny Ball Syndrome a pyramid scheme.

SimilarWeb tracked ~153,000 visits to The Shiny Ball Syndrome’s website in September 2023. 51% of that traffic originated from the US, followed by 22% from Australia.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

This will prompt The Shiny Ball Syndrome to collapse, resulting in an inevitable loss for the majority of participants.