Ryan Conley’s latest scam is a shitcoin project attached to the TAG Protocol.

The TAG Protocol is in turn attached to TAGCoin. Users give money to Tag Protocol’s owners in exchange for hashtag rights.

These rights are tracked via NFTs.

When people mention the hashtags on social media, whoever owns the Tag Protocol hashtag NFT gets TAGCoin.

Tag Protocol generates TAGCoin on demand out of thin air.

If all that sounds incredibly stupid and pointless, it’s because… it is.

Anyway, here’s how NFT hashtags are working out for TAGCoin bagholders:

TAG Protocol launched in late November:

After promptly pumping and dumping, around mid December Tag Protocol began to pump because, *checks notes*, reasons.

TAG Protocol has yet to dump again but when whatever manipulation is currently going on is exhausted, will plonk back down.

TL:DR; TagCoin is your typical shitcoin pump and dump scheme.

This prompted the launch of

Ryan Conley is a TAGCoin/TAG Protocol bagholder. And he’s come up with TAGArmy to dump his bags onto unsuspecting investors.

Conley, introducing himself under the alias “Ryze”, credits himself and girlfriend Nayana Oliveira, as TAGArmy’s co-founders.

#TAGARMYcoin is launching right after the new year and I am honored to be the founder of this project with my girlfriend Nayana!

TAGArmy is pitched as a TAGArmyCoin pool.

Why does any of this need to exist?

This is going to be a #gamified experience where you will be rewarded for #socialmedia interactions as we aim as a team to attract the most influential members in #crypto, #celebrities, and government officials.

Huge bounties in access [sic] of $10,000 will be rewarded regularly to those who acquire the targeted members.

TAGArmy will be the messenger to bring forth #TAGsocial with the #UnitedNations leading into the #TAGmetaverse in the months ahead!

Members of TAGarmy who work up the ranks will have the opportunity to partake at the highest levels as we move into metaverse.

1% of all proceeds will be donated to the #YMCA through the United Nations.

To funnel money into Ryan Conley’s pockets.

Conley has been promoting and running Ponzi schemes for years.

BitClub Network was a crypto scam that surfaced in 2014.

The DOJ arrested BitClub Network’s owners in 2019, confirming it was a $722 million dollar Ponzi scheme.

The last Ponzi run BehindMLM tracked Conley in was TronCase.

Today Conley is promoting the various Tag* schemes, alongside Hyperverse (and who knows what else).

The MLM side of TAGArmy will see Conley pay 10% on funds invested by personally recruited affiliates (level 1).

Level 2, affiliates recruited by personally recruited affiliates, also pays 10%.

Other than that, that’s pretty much it.

You invest $3 or more, Conley takes your money and you’re left bagholding another worthless Tag* shitcoin.

TAG Protocol and TAGCoin have clearly run their course, and TAG Protocol will too soon enough.

TAGArmy and TAGArmyCoin is just an attempt to lure in new bagholders.

TAGCoin, TAG Protocol and TAGArmyCoin gets dumped on them, and we’re back to sorry for your loss.

There haven’t been any updates on TAGArmy or TAGArmyCoin since Conley’s December 24th announcement.

Supposedly there’s a website up at “tagarmy.nft”. I had to look up why that wasn’t working and it’s apparently an nFt DoMaIn.

The company selling them claims they work with modern browsers. When I punch “tagarmy.nft” into the address bar however nothing happens.

That’s enough crypto bro nonsense for me today. Rather than lose any more brain cells I’ll leave it there.